How to Create a Fairy Garden

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY Fairy Garden | How to Make Fairy Garden
Video: DIY Fairy Garden | How to Make Fairy Garden


Thinking how magical the fairies may be dwelling in your garden. Surely you can create a magical garden by planting flowers and making fairy houses. Follow these steps to have your own beautiful fairy garden.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Fairy Garden

  1. Choose place. If you already have a garden, think about whether you want to turn the whole garden into a fairy garden. Maybe you want to keep a section for a normal garden (perhaps to let the fairies have their own space?) You can separate a pavement stone, gravel, wood, or a small fence. suitable as the boundary for your fairy garden.

  2. Planting flowers in the garden. Try to create a vegetation cover by planting mulch, medium and high-altitude flowers. You will have a beautiful garden with many floors by planting flowers of different heights. Be sure to choose plants that will do well in the environment where you live. For example, if you live in the desert, it's best to avoid tropical jungle plants. You can ask the bonsai garden staff to find out which flowers are the best in your area.
    • Plant ground cover plants such as moss. The moss feels smooth (perfect rest for fairies), covering the patchy spots and sandy soil in the gaps between the flowers. You can also choose to grow creeping phlox, a plant with low, soft and fern-shaped foliage and lovely flowers that bloom from late spring to early summer. Don't forget herbaceous plants. Thyme, which grows close to the ground, is very fragrant and can even spice up your kitchen.
    • Plant some flowers with colorful colors. Fairies (and humans) are often captivated by bright and playful flowers. You try to plant rosewood, save ly, linh lan, pang-xi, small bell flower, baby flower and wild chrysanthemum. If these flowers are fragrant, then nothing better.
    • Look for miniature plant nurseries, flowers, plants, grass, and plant cover.
    • Make trellis for climbing plants. Floral trusses can be made of wood or metal painted and interwoven. The vines will crawl onto the truss and form a wall of leaves. Learn about sweet autumn clematis; Unlike other clematis species, this plant has bright white tiny flowers with a rich aroma. You can buy flat truss, a walkway truss or a porch truss.

  3. Attract birds to the garden. Fairy loves birds. The best way to seduce birds into your garden is to hang up your feeder. You can hang the trough from a tree or hang it from a stake. Know that each bird likes different types of troughs and foods. You can attract hummingbirds with a red sugar-water feeder.
    • Nesting birds. You can make your own bird house or buy it in a store.
    • Make a bird bath in your fairytale garden. Both birds and fairies will enjoy this extra water.

  4. Attract animals to the garden. Fairies love animals, but keep in mind that animals may enjoy eating the flowers you just planted. To avoid this, give them food (let them forget the flowers). The easiest plants to grow in a garden that attract animals are the berries. Plant a few berry bushes, so that your animals, fairies and your whole family can enjoy these fruits as well.
    • To attract butterflies to your garden, plant flowers such as chrysanthemums, veranda, lavender, mallow, goldenrod and zinnia.

Method 2 of 3: Create Scenes for Fairy

  1. Make a home for yourself. Fairy, like any other creature, needs a place to hide and rest. You can buy a fairy house in a garden store or make your own.
    • Make a fairy house from natural materials. Find four sturdy rods and plug them into the ground so that they are not tilted. Cover the bark around to make the wall. Place two stones in front of the house, leaving a space between the two stones to form the door. Use large leaves or place another piece of bark on the roof. Those are just suggestions; you are free to create your own fairy house; very interesting!
  2. Add the wind chimes. Tien needs music; Wind chimes are the perfect way to create a delightful sound in your garden without worrying about your neighbors. You can hang wind chimes on tree branches or on stakes in the garden. You can also make your own wind chime.
  3. Add the water element to the garden. As noted above, a bird bath is a great way to add water to your garden. You can also install a fountain, build a small lake or a waterfall yourself. These waters will attract birds, animals and fairies to your backyard.
  4. Place sweets in the garden. Fairy loves sweets, such as candy. Choose a small pot or bowl to put the candy in. Be sure to peel the candy so that the animals who want to eat do not have to fight the candy wrapper. Place the bowl of candy in a hidden spot in the garden.
    • Rock Candy is a great option. Transparent candies add a magical touch, highlighting the common theme of the fairy garden. These candies are easy to make and you can also create a variety of colors. Very cute!
    • Remember to avoid using chocolate in the garden. Chocolate is often smudged and can be toxic to animals, including dogs.

Method 3 of 3: Create a Fairy Garden in Pots

  1. Choose the type of pot you plan to use. For a more natural look, you can use a natural colored flower pot, or you can make your own from hypertufa material. Make sure the pot has drainage holes (holes in the bottom of the pot to allow excess water to drain).
  2. Fill the pot with soil. You can choose the soil type depending on the type of tree you want to grow in your fairytale garden.
  3. Use the stick to "sketch" out the shape of the garden. Take a stick on the ground where you want to plant plants or place items such as benches or fairy beds.
  4. Choose a "tree" for your fairy garden. This tree could be a plant like a poplar or a herbaceous plant like a sage, as it looks like a woody plant. Remove soil so that the roots, when buried, are about 2.5 cm below the ground. Take off the loose roots and spread evenly down the hole. Pat the soil around the plant so that it covers all the roots.
    • The herbaceous plants that look like woody plants are boxwood, dwarf cypress, juniper, spruce, and plants such as thyme, rosemary and lavender. If you want to look really special, you can use a bonsai tree. Look at the nurseries and bonsai to choose a tree to use as a "fairy tree".

  5. Decorate the garden. Is there a better way to attract a fairy than to make your garden look comfortable? Set up tiny houses, benches, cute tables and chairs - any little thing you like! You can also put stones in the seats.
    • Create beautiful objects using natural materials like bark, old bird's nest, etc.
    • Take a clay bowl to hold water. Remove the soil so that when the bowl is buried, the mouth is level with the ground. Place the bowl and pat it flat around the bowl. Fill the bowl with water. To create a sparkle, place some glass beads on the bottom of the bowl, then pour water into the bowl. Be sure to clean the dishes regularly to eliminate microbial growth.


  • Consult bonsai gardens to inquire about suitable plants and trees in your area. This is very important when you buy trees online.
  • Alpine House Gardens specializes in providing miniature trees: woody plants, shrubs, flowers and mulch plants. The trees are beyond your imagination.