Ways to Build Muscle

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build Muscle, According to Science
Video: How to Build Muscle, According to Science


Are you looking for a more effective way to burn calories and gain muscle? Of course, muscles will not grow on their own and calories will not self-destruct while you sleep (any bodybuilder will tell you so), if you wish to improve your muscle mass. Please be patient and follow the steps below.


Part 1 of 3: Diet

  1. Increase calorie intake. Suppose you currently put 2,000 calories in your body every day, so you need to increase that to 2,500 calories or more per day.

  2. Get enough protein for the body to build muscle. Approximately 1-1.8 g of protein is required per kilogram of body mass. Assuming your weight is 82 kg, then the minimum amount of protein you need per day should be around 81-146 g.
  3. Drink enough water. The body needs a lot of water for optimal muscle growth. Here is a small recipe to help you find out how much water you need each day: Body mass (unit: kg) X 9 = Amount of water needed (unit: liters).

  4. Eat continuously. Instead of eating two or three main meals a day as we used to do, eat five or six small meals a day.
    • To maintain a high protein intake, choose one or two of your protein intake meals. Consider the following example, or search the internet for delicious, protein-rich foods:
    • 230 ml whey
    • 1 banana
    • 1 tbsp peanut butter
    • 2 scoops of protein powder

  5. Eat a lot of fat. Yes, fat not only makes food more delicious, it is also good for your body, as long as you get enough and get the right type of fat! Saturated fat, the type of fat you'll find in butter, chips, and bacon, should be limited to less than 20 g. That's bad news. The good news, the healthy and essential fat is unsaturated fat. Fat is essential for the transport of vitamins A, D, E, and K, for improved eyesight, and for healthy skin. The amount of monounsaturated and chain fats needed for your exercise and general health will be between 50-70 g depending on the number of calories you consume in a day.
    • Monounsaturated fats are found in olive, canola, and sesame oils; avocado; and in legumes such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios.
    • Chain of unsaturated fats are found in corn, cotton, and safflower oil; sunflower seeds and oil; flaxseed and flaxseed oil; soybeans and soybean oil.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are the best fats for circulatory system health, vision enhancement and brain development in children. This fat is easily found in omega-3 rich foods. Good sources of omega-3 are cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines.
    • To calculate the exact amount of fat per day, you need to base it on the total calories absorbed for that day, up to 0.001 for trans fats; 0.008 for saturated fats; and 0.03 for healthy fats. For example, for a 2,500 calorie serving, the limit for trans fat is less than 3 g, saturated fat is less than 20 g, and more than 75 g for monounsaturated and chain fats.
  6. Supplement vitamins. Along with a well-balanced diet, you need to include a variety of vitamins in each of your meals, this is a way to ensure your body has enough nutrients and minerals to stay healthy. There are many options to choose from, based on your age, gender, location and diet. Please choose a suitable option for yourself. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Workout guide

  1. A nutritious diet is essential for your body to develop its full potential, but your potentials are released only when you begin exercising, ripping apart your old muscles and advancing. Onions build new, stiffer, and stronger muscles.
  2. Starting up. Before starting any exercise, whether it's jumping rope or lifting 135 kg weights, it is important to start lightly first to warm up the muscles that need to be exercised. Warm-ups not only stimulate interest in exercise, but also help you avoid injury.
    • Absolutely not stretch when the muscles are cold. Research has shown that pre-workout stretching, contrary to what most people think, not only does not help you avoid injury, but also makes your later workout less effective. Stretching moves are best when it comes to exercises.
  3. Practice less but practice hard. Exercising multiple beats for one exercise will only help you increase endurance, but it has no value in muscle development or muscle strength. Instead, do about 3-8 reps per muscle group, and 6-12 when doing regular exercises. If you don't feel exhausted at the last beat, increase the weight.
    • Only practice about 45 minutes a day.
    • Change your exercise routine after 4-6 weeks. Because as the body adapts to a certain type of pressure, its muscle-building efficiency decreases. Limiting this will require you to change, by lifting the weights and changing the exercises. Try working out a week with raised weights, doing 2 to 4 reps with the heaviest weight you can lift in the same posture.
  4. Workouts for all muscle groups. You only get the effect when you train your whole body. The more groups get trained, the more hormones are produced (including epinephrine and norepinephrine), both of which take turns stimulating muscle growth both while you are exercising and during your workout. rested.
    • Exercise balance among muscle groups, for example, do 3 sets of shoulder muscles after 5 sets of chest pushes. These ways will encourage exercise, development and flexibility in balance among muscle groups
    • Combination exercises such as thigh load exercises, dead-lift, chest push, cable pulling, and rafting will mobilize many muscle groups at once.
    • You can work out the whole body on the same day or one muscle group every day, for example today you do the upper body, tomorrow you do the lower body.
    • Don't be in a hurry. Longtime bodybuilders often build their workout routines based on a technique called maximum liftThat is, lifting a terrible weight in a short time. This method has many significant benefits, but beginners should not follow this method, due to the high rate of injury. This is a method that is only recommended for athletes who have practiced for a long time.
  5. Limit resistance exercises. While resistance training (cardio) is very effective for burning fat, it can also burn both glycogels and amino acids, limiting muscle growth. If you can't get rid of cardio from your workout plan, do a short sprint: run hard for the first minute, then take two minutes for a slow walk. Do not repeat this exercise for more than half an hour, but should do it 3 times a week. If you do other sports, eat more calories to make up for your intake.
  6. Rested. Your body needs time to repair and repair (reconstruct) its muscles, to do this, you need 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. Limit drinks containing caffeine and alcohol for a deep sleep.
    • Along with getting enough sleep, you must not force your body to exercise too hard. Reality has shown thinking Practice as much as possible is a mistake. When your training hits the threshold OverwhelmeYou will lose the ability pump (Oxygen-rich blood is stored in the muscles that cannot be pushed out), resulting in muscle loss - the complete opposite of what you originally intended for training.Here are some signs that you are overtraining:
      • Extremely tired
      • Exhausted
      • Loss of appetite
      • Insomnia
      • Attenuate
      • Reduce libido
      • Severe muscle pain
      • Easy to suffer muscle injury
    • To avoid overtraining, you need to schedule and set goals for yourself. Here is an example to help you figure out how to break down your workout so that you have plenty of opportunities to do so devastated muscles, which still have plenty of time to rest, are even more effective than before:
      • Day 1: Exercise chest and arm muscles first, then do 30 minutes of intense cardio.
      • Day 2: Exercise leg muscles, triceps and abs, then do 30 minutes high intensity cardio.
      • Day 3: Exercise shoulder and back muscles, then do 30 minutes of intense cardio.
      • Day 4: Exercise chest muscles, forearm muscles and abdominal muscles.
      • Day 5 - Day 7: rest.
  7. Reduce anxiety and stress. Whether it's the pressure from work, home, or the feeling of being overly excited, you need to eliminate or minimize it. Not only is worrying unhealthy, it also causes the hormone cortisol to increase, causing fat storage and muscle burning. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Specialized exercises

  1. Do a lot of chest push. Chest push is the most effective pectoral development exercise among all the chest muscles.
    • Push-up. You can combine push-ups with chest exercises or do separate push-ups. Keep your hands parallel to your shoulders as you descend. The more closed your hands are, the more manipulation your back muscles have to use.
    • For homework chest pushYou should start off with weights you can easily lift. If you are a beginner, you should start lifting weights at 2 kg or 4.5 kg on each side. Arms shoulder width apart, slowly lower the bar until it reaches your chest; Use your full strength to push the dumbbells up until you feel your arms are completely straightened. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps each, increase weight after each set.
    • Push your chest on a ramp. The sloping exercise chair is tilted 40 degrees from the normal chair. Practice 3 sets, 8 times each. When doing a steep chair, lift the weights slightly, as steep benches will make lifting weights more difficult than usual.
  2. Train your hand muscles with exercises for the muscles. Dip exercises are great for the triceps, a group of muscles located underneath the forearm muscles. Since your back muscles have to be really strong, you can push your chest with great mass.
    • Do these poses dip as follows, spread and legs crossed in front of the bench, hands on the bench, shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your elbows, lower your body until your butt is almost touching the floor. Hand lift the body back up to the original position, repeat 3 sets, 20 times each.
    • To change, you can do the exercise chest dip Using a dipper, grasp the two bars firmly, pull both legs up so that your feet don't touch the ground, lower your body so that your knees are almost touching the ground. Raise your body until your arms are fully extended.
    • Exercise bring the dumbbells close to the forehead. Lie on a flat floor or on a gym chair. Fold your elbows so that the bar is a few inches from your forehead. Slowly stretch your elbows to bring the bar back to the starting position. Always keep your elbows together. Perform 3 sets, 8 times each.
    • Exercise Lift the dumbbells over your head with your shoulder. Grasp the dumbbell and carefully lift it over your head so that your forearms, holding the dumbbell firmly, are behind your head. Stretch your arms and lift the dumbbells over your head, be careful that the dumbbells don't hit your head. Keep your elbows together. Perform 3 sets x 8 times.
  3. Focus on your forearms with hand exercises. Hand training with flex dumbbells is the most effective strength-strengthening exercise for the fore-arm muscles. Like other exercises, the weight gain needs to be raised evenly
    • Practice hand bending lift dumbbells. Sit on a training chair with dumbbells in hand, placed between your thighs. Hold the dumbbells in the elbows for support, and roll the hands to lift the dumbbells up to the upper chest muscles. Switch hands, perform each side 3 sets x 8 times.
    • Exercise hand bending lift the barbell. Stand up straight, both hands holding the barbell. Straighten arms and lower the dumbbells to thighs Using only arm muscles, bend your hands and lift the weight toward your chest. Repeat 3 sets x 8 times.
    • Exercise pull up. Jump up on the crossbar, the bar is usually a little higher than you. Legs up, hanging from the beam. Arms outstretched as chest width, palms facing body, only use arm muscles to lift body until chin touches bar. Do 8 reps x 2 sets.
  4. Work out the quadriceps and hind thigh muscles. Weightlifting squats are designed to train the leg muscles. Here are three different weightlifting exercises that train three different muscles in your legs.
    • Exercise thigh shoulder Basic with barbell. Raise the bar with moderate weights, and adjust the bar below shoulder height. The weight should be heavy enough to challenge muscle strength, but not too heavy. If you are new, you should start with barbells first. Bring the bar over your head, and place the bar on your shoulder blades. Lower knees slightly. Lift the dumbbells up from the original position and then lower the body back to the original position. Your feet should be wider than shoulder width apart.
      • Slowly lower the center of gravity of your body by lowering your knees. Maintain the bar on your hips.
      • Slightly bend your back to keep the body shaft perpendicular to the floor.
      • Lower your butt as far as you can, putting pressure on your leg muscles.
      • Take a deep breath, use only hips and legs, not back muscles to lift the bar back to starting position. Perform 3 sets x 10 times.
    • Exercise squat first. The dumbbell stand is slightly below shoulder height, the bar is on the front shoulder. Hands folded, hands crossed and grabbed the barbell, lowering your body. Keep your back and hips straight with the bar. Lift up, repeat 3 sets x 10 reps.
    • Exercise Belgian-style dumbbells. Hands hold a barbell in front of his chest. Stand with your back on the exercise chair, rest your right foot on the exercise chair. Lower your left leg down like a squatting position until your right knee is almost on the floor. Extend left leg, raise torso. Do 3 reps x 8 reps.
  5. Work out the abs with exercises using the abdominal muscles and the muscles around the abdomen. The abdominal muscle is the muscle area just above your stomach, 6 pack in shape. There are many exercises for abdominal muscles. Here are some helpful exercises.
    • Exercise abdomen skewers. Lie on the mattress in a position with both hands behind your head, hands not clasped together. Squeeze your thighs so your feet are on the ground. Just lean a little of your back on the ground, then curl up so that your shoulders are a few inches from the ground (don't pull the entire upper body up). Don't use inertia to pull people up; All movements need to be slow and steady, do this exercise 3 sets, 20 times each.
      • For oblique crunches, lift shoulders off the ground and roll sideways. Switch sides after each beat up.
    • Train the abdominal muscles and the muscles around the abdomen using movements Plank. Lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your body on your arms and toes so that your body is parallel to the ground. Straighten and stay in this position for as long as possible.


  • Go to practice with friends or listen to music during exercise to help keep you from being distracted.
  • Eat more barley, low-fat proteins, peanut butter and flax for a hormone boost. Do not skip meals or eat through the speaker, it's best to eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 main meals.
  • The more you lift, the more muscle you build.
  • One recipe for muscle growth: increase weight and decrease the number of reps per set.
  • Weight training, circulatory system, strength are the best ways to build muscle.
  • Most professional bodybuilders have very limited endurance training (cardio) instead, they practice a lot to muscle gain (building muscle) and mechanical stroke (squeeze fat)
  • Correct posture is very important, heavy lifting won't do any good if your posture is wrong. There are many guys doing the wrong posture of the back and arm muscles. Practicing the wrong posture not only causes pain, but also sometimes makes the muscle group not promote in the exercise.
  • If you want to have a bodybuilding athlete-like body, training your chest and forearms is paramount.
  • The ability to gain muscle also depends on genetic factors.There are some people whose genomes cause their muscle mass to increase very quickly while others have to go through a lot of diet and exercise to achieve their desired muscle mass.


  • If you are new to bodybuilding, start with light weights, because if you try to lift large amounts, you can damage your own muscles.
  • In order to gain as much muscle as possible, you must adjust your metabolism so that your weight is not altered. You may need to increase your calcium intake to conserve body mass.
  • Do not imitate or distract other trainers when they are working with a different weight than you, as there is a possibility that these people are training on a heavy lifting program, lifting less, or vice versa. Muscle building is not about how much more you lift than someone else, but on how many challenges you create for yourself.