How to Create a Vision Board

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The vision board is a frame containing many pictures and pictures showing your dreams, your goals and the things that make you happy. The board is also known as a dream board, treasure map or vision map. The vision board is an effective tool to help users set goals and motivate them to strive constantly to achieve their dreams.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

  1. Reflect on your personal goals. Most people have some general, vague idea about what they want to achieve in life or their goals and what makes them happy. However, when asked about the concept of the good life, we find it difficult to give specific answers. Having a great idea to keep us on the right track and without regretting the past is to take time to define goals and aspirations as detailed as possible, followed by a plan of concrete steps to take. goal reached. To perform this important task, we can create a vision table.

  2. Ponder the big question. Before creating the vision board, take a moment to think about some of the following frequently asked questions:
    • In your opinion, what is the good life?
    • What makes life so valuable and worth living?
    • Before closing your eyes and rolling your hands, what do you hope you have fulfilled?

  3. Concretize the big question. To help you answer these questions (which can be quite tricky!), Concretize them:
    • What subject do you want to study?
    • What hobbies or activities did you quit but now want to continue or raise your level?
    • What is your career goal? What steps must be taken from now until you get the job you dream of? (Example: Do you need a special degree or apply for an internship?)
    • What do you want to do with your partner? Don't just think about marrying, long-term love or having a baby. Imagine in more detail what type of person you want to be with, how you two spend time together, etc.
    • Who do you want to be in everyone's eyes? Example: Do you want to be the next great novelist of humanity? Or do you want to lead a charity that has a positive influence on the lives of others?

  4. Choose your theme. After you have completed the steps above, now is the time to base your judgment on what you just discovered to decide what the focus of the vision board is. Don't force yourself to cram all your dreams into one board. Create as many vision boards as you want, each focusing on a different topic.
    • You may decide to create a table that focuses on a particular goal. Example: If you want to earn enough money for your dream trip next year, try designing a vision board in the style of Nha Trang coastal city.
    • You can also create a broader themed view table. Maybe after going through a series of images, you simply decided to become a kinder, more generous person. You can design this themed vision board. Also, add photos of some inspirational mirrors to the vision board.

Part 2 of 3: Creating a vision board

  1. Choose a table style. Once you've selected your theme, you need to decide on the style of your board. Almost everyone creates vision boards using cardboard, staples, or anything else that can be hung or wall mounted. If the vision board is placed in an eye-catching spot, you can watch and meditate on the content on the board at regular intervals.
    • However, it is not necessary to use this type of table. You can create electronic vision boards. Design your own website or blog using a social network like Pinterest, or even create a directory of your own inspirational photo files and quotes.
    • Choose the table style that feels most comfortable and makes you really want to see and update regularly.

  2. Collect inspirational photos. Now is the time to search for motivational photos that match your chosen theme. The Internet, magazines and photos are of course great sources of search, but don't forget to pay attention to some of the most unique types of postcards that inspire, newspaper clippings, labels, etc.
    • When looking for photos, choose carefully and make sure to carefully examine every detail in the image.
    • Example: If your goal is to get into your dream university, choose a photo of the campus, but be sure to look for a photo taken at your favorite time of the year or where students are joining. Something that you hope you will experience later on when entering the school.

  3. Collect inspirational quotes. You want the vision panel to create a visual effect and to have lots of attractive photos to capture the attention of the viewer. Still, don't forget to add more inspirational sayings or maxims to the board.
    • Proverbs are positive statements expressed in words or words that you can repeat over and over, like mantras. Of course, you can write your own maxim by consulting an online sample or visiting a local bookstore for inspiration.
    • You should see your aspirations with the positive lens. Suppose your goal is to be the first violinist selected for the symphony, but in the past you have struggled to practice every day even though you write your year-end resolutions every year. Don't write: "I won't quit practicing after just a month like in previous years." This negative-tinged writing makes the flaws even more apparent.
    • Try writing "I want my home to always be filled with joyful music". This sentence is many times more positive than the old one and makes the practice more desirable, instead of forceful.
  4. Gather everything together to create a vision board. Once you've selected your inspirational photo and quote, it's time to organize your creativity. Check out the many different patterns — you can find plenty of fun vision boards designed by others online, but don't assume you have to decorate them exactly the same way.
    • Consider choosing a background color for the board. Choose colors carefully based on the nature and content of the theme. Example: If you want to wind up so you can accomplish a difficult goal like exercise (push your chest with weights equal to your body weight), you should choose hot colors like red. .
    • On the other hand, if you are taking the time to cultivate your peace of mind, choose gentle colors like light blue.
    • Try pasting your picture in the center of the vision panel, surrounded by an inspirational photo and quote.
    • Once you have chosen the right design and arrangement, use glue or staples to attach paper decorations to the vision board (that is for real boards, if you plan to make electronic boards, you need to save image file again!).

Part 3 of 3: Using the vision board

  1. Place the board where you can see it every day. The purpose of the board is to create a to-do reminder device that fits snugly in the eye, helping you stay focused and motivated. Do not keep the vision board in the cabinet!
    • You can consider the vision board as your own inspiration. In this case, you do not need to hang the board in the living room. Likewise, you do not need to use the electronic board openly. Most websites and / or blogs allow users to set privacy, in addition you can use the ability to restrict the view of your content.
    • It is important that you use the board regularly, do not place it out of sight.
  2. See the board regularly. Promise yourself that you'll see — see the truth, not glance — the vision board at least once a day. Be determined to spend at least five minutes researching the content and focusing on the visual part of the board.
    • Don't just silently read inspirational sayings and maxims, read them over and over aloud. It is one thing to tell yourself “I will become a professional designer, but to say it boldly is another. If you don't believe in yourself, who will believe you?
  3. Do not misinterpret the use of the vision board. Creating a vision board is a great way to find inspiration, identify, shape your dreams, and help yourself focus and keep motivated. However, if you came to this article just because you heard rumors that creating a "right" vision board and thinking "right" can make all dreams come true — think again.
    • There isn't any scientific evidence that dreams come true because you create boards and believe you succeed in achieving your goals.
    • Don't give up on your dream when you haven't started yet, but understand that life's road is tough. Sometimes, we just can't get everything we want no matter how hard we try. If you think you will definitely get results by creating a vision board and on the right track, but then things go wrong, you will be disappointed or blaming yourself. This can easily lead to depression or low self-esteem.
  4. Use a dream board to visualize the progress of your goal, not just hard at the results. The dream board helps you see the key to defining your goals. However, you should know that the scientific community is still debating the role of visual means in formulating strategies for achieving goals. Some recent research has shown that someone who spends more time visualizing and imagining does not succeed as expected when the time is ripe.
    • For example: Students who are advised to think about how great it feels to do well on a test often have worse results than they might imagine in the beginning of the learning process or not visualizing at all.
    • Lessons from this story or other similar studies: It is good to have a clear goal and to spend time visualizing your future when you achieve your dream, but if you take a steady step down the path. I have chosen the spirit to be even more refreshing and cheerful.
    • Example: It's nothing wrong with dreaming about your best moment when you finish first in a marathon. However, you can hardly really complete the arduous race if you only imagine the moment of the coronation.
    • Instead of visualization, spend time focusing on the practice process. Make sure that in addition to moments of success, the vision board contains inspirational photos and sayings related to practice. And of course, don't forget to put your shoes on and go to the training ground!