Ways to gain fat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Healthy Foods That Will Make You Gain Weight Fast | The Foodie
Video: Healthy Foods That Will Make You Gain Weight Fast | The Foodie


Most diets and health advice focus on weight loss, not weight gain. Therefore, it may be difficult to find information on how to properly gain weight. Whether you want to gain weight for health reasons or prepare for a role in a new movie, you can gain balance in safe, healthy ways instead of avoiding exercise and eating unhealthy foods. By following the right method, you can both gain weight and stay healthy.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing to gain fat

  1. Go to the doctor. Before making any changes in diet or physical changes, you need to see your doctor for a general assessment. If you have a medical condition, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, your doctor may advise against gaining weight. Always seriously listen to your doctor's advice before making any changes.
    • Certain medical conditions will require you to gain weight.Thyroid problems, digestive problems, diabetes, and cancer can lead to severe weight loss and endanger health. Being underweight can lead to many health risks such as weakened immune systems, anemia, hair loss and decreased bone density.
    • Too much physical activity can make you underweight. If you are an athlete, gaining weight can be good for you because it will increase your energy levels and exercise for longer.

  2. Set goals. You need to have a clear plan when you want to gain weight. How much weight do you want to gain? In how long? Answering these questions and making a plan will help you gain weight more effectively.
    • Begin by determining how much weight you want to gain. You can either set personal goals or talk to your doctor and dietitian. Either way, you need to come up with a specific number before you start gaining weight.
    • Remember, the basic way to gain weight is to tolerate more calories than you burn. When making a plan, you need to determine how much to eat each day to compensate for the calories you burn. There are many ways to help calculate calories burned per day. For example, you can find and try an online tool.
    • You can read articles about how to set goals so that they are consistent and easy to persist in pursuing them.

  3. Start slowly. Suddenly eating high-calorie foods can endanger your heart, blood pressure, digestion, and other body systems. You should slowly help your body adapt to the increased caloric intake. Start to increase 300 calories per day for about a week, then increase to 600 calories, ... This way helps your body not to be shocked when you start the weight gain regimen.
    • Divide the weight gain process into several stages. Determine how much weight you want to gain each week or month. This way, you can help your body gain weight slowly instead of gaining too fast.
    • Similar to losing weight, you need to gradually gain weight. Gaining between 0.25 and 0.5 kg per week is moderately healthy (done by increasing your intake by 250-500 calories per day).

  4. Make the menu. To gain weight, you need to eat more. Focus on foods rich in nutrients and calories instead of unhealthy foods. There are many foods that can help you gain weight and get all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
    • Make a menu of more than 3 meals per day. Increase the number of meals to more than 5 meals per day, which may include snacks throughout the day.
    • Make sure the meal is nutritionally balanced. Each meal should contain enough carbohydrates, protein, and unsaturated fats. These are the 3 most helpful nutrients for weight gain.
    • Eating more often and adding healthy foods to your diet can be a bit expensive. Therefore, you need to have a new spending plan on a new diet.

  5. Make a plan for resistance training. Besides fat gain, muscle gain can also help with weight gain. Resistance training will help pull in all of the nutrients you put in to build muscle. Muscle gain will ensure you can maintain strength and overall health while gaining fat. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Eat the right foods

  1. Eat foods rich in unsaturated fats. Of course you need fat to increase your body weight, but not all fat is the same. Saturated and trans fats help with weight gain but also increase cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, unsaturated fats will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and boost the immune system. Make sure each meal has a source of unsaturated fats.
    • When you gain weight, you need to focus on these "good fats" for healthy fat gain and still getting all the essential nutrients your body needs.
    • Nuts, peanut butter, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, and avocados are all rich in unsaturated fats and calories, and provide you with essential nutrients. Include these foods in meals or snacks throughout the day.

  2. Eat whole grains or whole grains high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates act as energy sources for the body. If you don't burn the energy, it will be stored in the form of fat and help with weight gain. After fat, carbohydrates are an important contributor to weight gain, so you need to include more carbohydrates in your diet.
    • Focus on consuming whole grains instead of the carbohydrates found in white grains. The white cereals have been bleached and processed so they lose most of their essential nutrients. On the other hand, whole grains provide adequate carbohydrates, along with fiber, essential vitamins and minerals.
    • Replace white grains with whole grain breads, pasta, and brown rice. Increase carbohydrates in your diet to aid weight gain.

  3. Use whole-fat dairy products. Milk is an important part of your diet because it contains calcium and vitamins. Most dairy products are low-fat, so look for whole-fat products to increase your calorie and fat intake. Drink whole milk (full cream) and eat cheese and yogurt from whole milk.
    • Replace soft drinks (vitamin free and has no nutritional value) with a cup of whole milk to increase fat intake and nourish the body.
    • Keep in mind that whole milk is high in saturated fat. However, there is some evidence that whole dairy products can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  4. Incorporate meat into your diet scientifically. Protein and meat fats are essential to help you gain weight. However, be careful when consuming red meat. Research concludes that consuming too much red meat can lead to heart disease and many types of cancer. You should only eat 3-5 servings of red meat per week to stay healthy. For the rest, you should eat poultry for protein and unsaturated fats.
  5. Add more calorie-rich ingredients to your dishes. You can eat as many dishes as you normally would, but incorporate a few ingredients to help you gain weight. Some healthy and effective options include:
    • Add hard-boiled eggs to salads.
    • Add cheese to sandwiches, eggs and salads.
    • Add sauces and gravies to meat dishes.

Part 3 of 3: The secret to fat gain

  1. Avoid refined and processed sugars. Wanting to gain fat doesn't mean you have to eat unhealthy foods throughout the day. Instead, focus on high-calorie, high-fat foods that provide vitamins and nutrients. Processed sugar has no nutritional value and can lead to diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, hormonal problems and other health problems.
    • Cut back on sweets as much as possible. Sweets, cakes, cookies and other desserts are mostly high in sugar.
    • Cut back on or avoid soft drinks. A can of soft drink contains more sugar than regular desserts.
  2. Eat before bed. When you sleep, your body needs fewer calories. The food you eat before bed tends to be stored as fat. You can take advantage of this by eating a lot before bed, combining it with resistance training, or going to bed right after lunch.
  3. Avoid drinking water 30 minutes before eating. Water will fill your stomach and make you full soon. To avoid this, you should avoid drinking water about 30 minutes before eating. This will make your stomach empty and you can finish your meal.
  4. Practice the right way. Wanting to gain weight doesn't mean you don't need to exercise. In fact, stopping exercising and becoming passive can be very harmful to your health.
    • Improper weight lifting can affect weight gain goals. Endurance exercise boosts metabolism and burns more calories. So, after the workout, you should recharge your calories to stop calorie burning and continue to gain weight.
    • Stretch your muscles often. Lack of activity will cause muscles to tighten and reduce flexibility. Therefore, you should stretch your arms, legs, hips and back muscles every day to help your body stay supple and functioning properly.
  5. Use protein shakes to gain weight. In addition to eating a lot, you can increase your body weight with protein shakes and powder. There are many protein products that help you gain weight and gain muscle when combined with resistance exercise. Remember to use the product according to the instructions.
    • Whey protein powder is a popular product that you can add to a wide variety of drinks. You can blend fruit, yogurt and mix with a few tablespoons of protein powder.
    • There are many drinks and protein bars to choose from. Drink protein bars and drinks as snacks throughout the day to add extra calories.
    • Read the product label carefully when buying. Many products contain added sugar that is harmful to health. Choose products that contain less added sugar.


  • Continue to see your doctor regularly. Fat gain is a big change for your body, so it's important to see your doctor regularly to ensure healthy fat gain.
  • Fat gain is only beneficial for people who are underweight.
  • You cannot gain fat in a single area of ​​the body. Weight will increase steadily throughout the body. If you want to increase your bust, butt, or hip size, know that your whole body size will increase too.