Ways to gain weight and gain muscle

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Gain Weight And Build Muscle | THENX
Video: How To Gain Weight And Build Muscle | THENX


In order to achieve your goal of both gaining weight and gaining muscle, you may need to change your diet and exercise style. Knowing how to make healthy food choices and exercising the right way can help you gain weight safely and build more muscle. Certainly, no one wants to gain weight in an unhealthy way and use unhealthy foods to support weight gain. So you have to know how to combine calories and exercise to help you gain weight safely and at the same time build muscle.


Part 1 of 4: Setting goals

  1. Talk to your doctor. Before you start a new exercise regimen or change your diet completely, you need to talk to your doctor about your own health condition.
    • Tell your doctor why you want to gain weight and muscle, and what lifestyle changes you want to make.
    • Ask your doctor about a safe weight gain you can increase in accordance with your age and gender. Too much weight gain can cause your body to become overweight.

  2. Set realistic goals. Everyone's body is different. Think and set realistic, long-term goals for yourself.
    • Objectives must be specific, measurable, and measurable. Don't set general goals like "gaining weight" or "gaining muscle." Try to set your goals as detailed as possible. If the goal is too vague or the goal is too narrow, it is very difficult to achieve.
    • Also set a time frame for your long-term goals. For example, I want to gain 10 pounds in 3 months.
    • After you set your long-term goals, break your long-term goals down into short-term goals.And setting weekly goals like that keeps you on track.

  3. Track implementation progress. Whenever you set a goal, you need to keep track of your progress. This will motivate you to fulfill your goals and through the monitoring process you can see the results of your implementation.
    • Keep track of many different measurements. You can track your weight, body fat percentage or measurements of rings.
    • Monitoring your progress will help you evaluate whether your diet and exercise program are working or not. For example, if you don't meet your weight goals, you may need to change your calorie intake or calories burned through exercise. About every 2 weeks you should evaluate or re-measure to get an accurate view of the program you are working on.

  4. Find friends to work with. Find a partner to work on your plan with. Lifestyle changes like this can be quite difficult, so you need to find someone to talk to to help you motivate and stick to your plan.
    • Inform your friends, family, coach or nutritionist, and colleagues of your goals to have you track your weekly progress.
    • Responsible. Make adjustments yourself if necessary. Although your companions can help you, you yourself play the most important role.

Part 2 of 4: Eat to gain weight and gain muscle

  1. Talk to a registered dietitian. A registered dietitian will guide you through the right diet and foods to help you build muscle and gain weight.
    • Consult with your doctor or find a registered dietitian in your area. There are many weight gainers and / or sports nutritionists.
    • Talk to a registered dietitian about your goal and give them guidance on how to achieve it. You can ask an expert about your meal plan, tips on how to cook, and your total calorie goal to follow.
  2. Increase calorie intake. To gain weight, you'll need to increase your overall calorie intake. Increase calorie intake to about 250-500 calories / day to gain weight. With these calories, you can gain about 0.2-0.5 kg / week.
    • If your weight gains faster than this, or you use unhealthy foods to gain weight, those are all considered unhealthy weight gain methods.
  3. Choose foods high in calories. It can be quite difficult to increase your total daily calorie count because you need to eat more and choose high calorie foods. If you can't get your daily calorie goals, try adding healthier, more calorie-dense foods.
    • Try: fatty dairy foods, olive oil, butter, nuts and peanut butter.
    • Add olive oil or thin slices of butter to your food after cooking. Add butter to salad or eat with eggs in the morning. Mix the peanut butter into the protein shake or use the peanut butter as an afternoon snack.
    • Avoid sugary junk food to increase your calorie intake. Cookies, candies, donuts, etc. can help you gain weight, but this is not a healthy way to gain weight.
  4. Consume enough protein. If you are trying to gain weight and build muscle, you must consume enough protein to reach your goals. Lean protein (and green vegetables) is the main food in the daily diet.
    • Experts recommend consuming 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight.
    • However, according to some studies this level may not be enough - especially if your goal is to build lean muscle. Thus, you can consume about 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight. But never exceed this level.
    • A typical protein serving is about 74-112g. That way to reach the minimum goal, each meal and snack should have one serving of that lean protein, and keeping this in mind you're more likely to consume a little more than the minimum goal. your.
    • Focus on both lean protein and moderate fat protein. Try to consume foods like: poultry, eggs, low-fat or full-fat milk, slightly lean beef, pork, seafood, or beans.
    • Avoid high-fat, fried foods, or processed protein. Foods like fried, processed meat, or fast foods are not healthy options and should not be used to gain weight.
  5. Eat healthy, starchy foods right before and after your workout. Studies show that taking energy from complex carbohydrates after exercise can help minimize muscle breakdown and may help increase muscle mass in the long term.
    • Eat a pre-workout snack for 30-60 minutes. This will provide enough energy to your muscles during a workout, and make it easier to recover from the workout.
    • Post-workout carbs are: fruits, mashed potatoes, whole grain breads, dried fruit or yogurt.
    • Also, eat healthy carbs at meals and snacks. Whole grains, fruits, beans and starchy vegetables are excellent sources of many essential nutrients. Your daily diet must include this kind of food.
  6. Eat fruits and vegetables. While it is possible to focus on foods high in protein and calories to help achieve your goals, you should still consume enough fruits and vegetables each day.
    • Every day should consume about 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables. That way, each of your meals or snacks should include fruit or vegetables.
    • One serving of fruit is 1/2 cup of chopped fruit or a small piece. One serving of vegetables is one cup, or two cups of green vegetables.
  7. Consider protein supplements. You can drink protein shake during the day to help you meet your daily protein goals and build muscle faster.
    • You can combine protein shake at any time of the day. However, according to many studies have shown that if you drink 20g of protein shakes before exercising to increase fitness, will promote protein synthesis.
    • You can also use protein drinks to help increase your overall calorie intake. You can mix protein with high-fat milk, add in fruit, peanut butter, or even add to avocado to help increase calories.
  8. Keep a food diary. Food diary can be a helpful activity when you're trying to gain weight. Through your journal, you can see exactly what you are eating and how they affect your weight.
    • Be honest about the amount of food you consume and record it. Buy food scales and measuring cups to help you align the correct amount of food. These tools are very useful for you to determine the amount of food.
    • At first, it can be difficult to achieve your goals, especially if the changes are too big. Use a food journal, or buy a separate diary, to keep track of your diet.
    • Check your food diary if you have not gained weight, lost weight, or gained weight too quickly. If necessary, you should change your eating plan.

Part 3 of 4: Exercise to promote weight gain and muscle gain

  1. Find a coach. With your doctor's approval, you can find a personal trainer. A trainer can guide you through exercises to help you achieve your weight and fitness goals.
    • With your knowledge, qualifications and experience, a fitness professional can help you reach your fitness goals.
    • Talk to your target trainer and ask him to help you build muscle. You can even ask a trainer to help you with your weekly exercise schedule.
    • You can ask a trainer at your local gym or find an outside coach for advice.
  2. Practice each main muscle memory. To gain muscle mass, you will need to train each muscle group separately.
    • Exercising all the muscles is very important, you must work out the middle, lower body, upper body, arms and chest.
    • You can choose to exercise for about three to four days. Every day you will train each of the major muscle groups. Ideally, you should arrange your exercise and rest days alternately.
    • You can also do strength training every day, if you choose to work out separate muscle groups for each day of the week. Make sure you don't work out the same muscle group for two days in a row.
  3. Must have days off. Although regular exercise is essential to increase muscle mass, it is equally important to schedule 1-2 days off each week.
    • Most of the growth and muscle building process actually occurs during rest periods between workouts.
    • If you want to rest regularly, don't work out one muscle group for two days in a row. For example, do not exercise arms and thorax in the second and third. Try your arms and chest on Monday and then do your legs on Tuesday.
  4. Track your training progress. Use a workout log to keep track of the exercise you are working on. This can help motivate you and help you understand what you do during the week.
    • Track your training progress to make sure you gain weight during your workout. Plus, the workout log helps you keep track of what day you've been exercising. This is important because you need to plan your day off.
    • In addition to tracking your daily or weekly exercise progress, you should also keep track of how long you have been exercising and how much longer you will reach your long-term goals.

Part 4 of 4: Incorporate specific exercises to strengthen muscles

  1. Work out with weights for your mid-body. There are a few studies that suggest that using heavy weights in this exercise can help maximize muscle mass and clarify the muscles in the midsection.
    • The abdominal muscles are the muscles used in most everyday activities. Since it is used so often, you need to increase the amount of weight you exercise to help increase muscle mass.
    • There is no exact rule on the number of ab exercises, or whether you should exercise a lot or just a few reps. However, it's best to exercise until your muscles get tired.
    • Make sure you do slow, controlled movements while exercising your abs.
    • Don't forget to breathe evenly!
  2. Exercise the upper body. To gain muscle mass for your upper body, you should also do a variety of exercises for the muscles in your chest and arms. For this type of exercise, you should use heavier weights and less number of exercises:]]
    • Overhead press
    • Lie on a steep bench push the Incline bench press
    • Dips and pull-ups
    • Bicep curls
  3. Do exercises for your lower body. To increase the muscle mass of your lower body, you should first do each exercise individually, followed by a heavier exercise. Combine some of these exercises with moderate weight and intensity:
    • Seated leg curl
    • Leg stone (Leg extension)
    • Lags (Lunges)
    • Dumbbell Step-Up
    • Barbell squat
  4. Practice slowly. Whenever starting a new exercise or fitness workout plan, the most important thing is to do it slowly.
    • Even if you are encouraged to start exercising with high weights at first, it's better to just choose lower weights like when exercising for strength and build.
    • In the beginning, you may need more frequent days off. This will give your muscles proper rest and recovery time.
    • Plan to work out for about two weeks, and during this time you will gradually increase your weight. After this stage, you will need to use heavyweight weights to gain muscle and weight. You can increase resting time more or last longer, but you will need to start training with heavy weights to gain lean muscle mass.