How to Flirt via Messages

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Flirt Via TEXT Message | 10 Texting Tips
Video: How To Flirt Via TEXT Message | 10 Texting Tips


In today's information technology age, you spend more time texting with your crush than you are hanging out with her or him. This means that you can not only flirt with the person during the meeting, but you can also be through texting. If you want to flirt via text, you have to know how to say it in a sentence or two in a way that is fun, witty and charming. See the following tutorial on how to flirt via text.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Flirty Start

  1. Be creative. It's hard to be yourself when texting, so the person you want to flirt with will be impressed if you can still show who you are. When you text that special person on the phone, you should come up with something that other people can't say but you can. That will spark interest in the person and make them want to respond to you right away.
    • Make the person laugh. Start with something funny about something you two saw recently, or mention an old story.
    • Observe wisely. Your ex will definitely respond to what you say. So take the opportunity to flirt with your crush with your own humor.
    • Be yourself. Say what no one except you can say.

  2. Ask an open-ended question. When an open-ended question is received, the ex may not be able to give you a brief yes or no answer. Asking this way gives the person the feeling that you don't just want to text, but you want to prolong the conversation and care what he or she thinks, this is a great way to impress and flirt with the person. Here are a few things to keep in mind when asking questions:
    • Brief question. Just ask the person what happened during the day or the week, like how his friend's birthday party was or if his trip was fun.
    • Ask open-ended questions. Don't ask questions with a simple "yes" or "okay" answer. Give the person the opportunity to express her thoughts and ask you other questions.
    • Don't ask "too" open. Absolutely not ask philosophical questions that he does not know how to answer. They will be overwhelmed by your text and may not want to continue talking.
    • Don't be a tedious messenger. You will rarely get a reply if you ask questions like "How's it going?" or "How are you?". Be yourself, even when you ask questions.
    • Be a caring person. If you know the person had something important the day before, send in a text to show you care.

  3. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar. This may sound silly and irrelevant, but when you go to see the person you will also be dressed up and brushed your hair neatly. So when sending messages, you should also make sure to use the correct punctuation and remember to write the complete sentence.
    • If you send sloppy, unknown messages, you don't seem interested in that person, so you won't take the time to read them again.
    • You don't have to write perfectly. Just swipe your message once before sending it.

  4. Don't be too heavy. Be skillful in starting texting, you don't have to overdo it to let the person know that you are struggling to write a message. Feel free to send messages at the right time and don't think about it. You don't have to spend more than a minute deciding what is the best text to send to your crush.
    • Make sure you're not always texting first. If you are always the one taking the initiative, it means that the person is not too excited to talk to you. Calm down sometimes and wait for your ex to speak first
    • Don't try too hard to be funny. If your ex notices that you spend hours writing the perfect opening sentence, it won't make any sense.
    • Keep in mind that flirting with text isn't much different from flirting in person. Just relax and relax if you want to successfully flirt.

Method 2 of 3: Get the Person's Attention

  1. Tease that person. Text teasing is the best way to flirt with your crush. Make a little fun to tease the person and let him or her do the same to you. This won't make yourself feel too serious and it also shows that you want to take the time to talk to the person.
    • Keep it simple. You can make fun of your crush for watching a silly movie or when he or she spends too much time playing music.
    • Let the person know you're just joking. Make it clear that you just want you both to be happy, not offending.
    • If you have a funny nickname for that person, use it when texting.
    • Send a wink emoji to let the person know you're just joking.
  2. Show that you care for your ex. If you want to flirt through text, find ways to show concern for the person, by asking about their life or by asking them how they feel.
    • If the person is sick, ask if he or she feels better.
    • Occasionally call out the person's name. It will surprise and excite the person.
    • Ask your ex for a new movie or restaurant. Maybe you will have the opportunity to explore these new things with that person.
    • Praise the person. Find a skillful way to let your ex know you looked great the night before, or that you like his new hairstyle.
  3. Let's be naughty a little bit. You can find clever ways to seduce the person through texting. But don't ask, "What are you wearing?" will make people think that you are having dark thoughts. Here are a few suggestions to try:
    • Naturally speaking, you have just finished bathing.
    • Be open. Say, "I've always been thinking about the dress you wore the day before."
    • Tell the person, "I just made a cake but not eating it alone." Inviting your significant other over to eat with you will help you make further progress.
  4. Don't be too rushed. Remember that you have to be calm when texting, so that you don't have to be the one constantly sending hundreds of questions or asking questions with tons of question marks. If you get too excited while texting that person, you will put yourself in a dead end.
    • Make sure you and the person have the same number of messages. If you send the person five texts and get only one response, you have a problem.
    • Symbols should be used for flirting, but don't overdo it.Same for exclamation marks and question marks.
    • Do not reply as soon as you receive the message. Just calm down and wait a few minutes, or hours and then reply if the message does not need to be answered immediately. In the event that the person takes a day to reply to your message, never respond immediately as you will make yourself seem very miserable.
  5. Don't use texting to create a real relationship. No relationship has ever been formed and broken through text messages. When you text your ex, keep in mind that this is only a way to flirt, to make a plan and to help the relationship improve, but not as a way to build a relationship or to really get to know someone. there.
    • Remember to think simple. Flirting is about having fun and being funny, not falling for an in-depth discussion.
    • If you really like the person, spend more time talking to them face to face rather than texting back and forth.

Method 3 of 3: End Texting Decisively

  1. Know how to stop at the right time. You don't want to be the speaker forever after texting for hours and having nothing left to say. For example, when you approach a new person at a bar, you should just speak enough to amuse the person and then say you have to go so as not to turn an interesting conversation into a disaster. The same goes for texting.
    • If you're the one who talks the most while texting, stop.
    • If you send long messages but only receive a short reply with only one word, then stop texting.
    • If you find it difficult for both of you to find the subject of your conversation, now is the time to end texting.
    • If you sense that you're the one taking the initiative all the time and the person isn't in the slightest rush to respond, then it's time to stop - that's best.
  2. Leave a reminder open. Regardless of whether you stopped texting because you're busy or when you're both about to meet, text something to make the person think about you. Don't just say "Bye!" In short, the person won't think about you when he finishes texting.
    • If you are going to see each other, don't be afraid to say that you look forward to seeing that person.
    • If you have to go, let your ex know where you are going and what to do. This will show your ex that you have an enjoyable life besides texting and will also ignite her curiosity when you have stopped texting.
    • Leave an open ending so you can continue talking next time. Tell the person you expect to talk about any topic next time.
  3. Use text to invite the person out. If texting goes well and your flirting intensifies, take the opportunity to take your relationship a step further and use texting to make an appointment with your crush.
    • Don't make things burdensome. While you are talking, just ask, "Do you want us to continue chatting while we eat something together?"
    • If you've texted the person many times, you can say, “I love texting you, but I still prefer meeting in person to chat. Or should we meet? "
    • Comfortable please. Instead of asking your ex about a date, invite them out for a drink or a party with you and your friends.


  • Don't say what you wouldn't say in person. Being too open about texting will make you feel awkward to see you.
  • Talking funny makes the person laugh and makes conversation more interesting.
  • Don't always be the first to text. Let the person text in advance from time to time because otherwise he or she will feel bothered.
  • Check your spelling and grammar. Don't let the person misunderstand what you mean and misconduct, or don't understand what you mean.
  • Don't try to get someone to like you through text messages.
  • Don't text flirting messages while you're on a date, because you don't know who will read them.
  • Use the rule of answering for 1-6 minutes. Don't reply to messages immediately.
  • Surely you know what you are doing. Be careful what you post. Be aware of your limits. Trust the person you are texting with.
  • Don't use too many smileys and other similar ones, it will get weird if you use them too much.
  • Don't be afraid to let your ex know how you feel, it might be weird, but since you can't see each other's face, it's not hard to say anything.
  • Don't send long messages, as it makes you seem unhappy when you talk to the person.