How to enjoy alone time

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to enjoy being alone 🌸
Video: how to enjoy being alone 🌸


If you're reading this, you are probably bored and no one is around right now. Whether you are craving a lover or missing family or friends, these tips can help you cope when you are alone. Don't forget that while humans are social creatures, that doesn't stop us from having great times when we are alone.


Part 1 of 6: Learn to value time alone

  1. Learn to accept when you are alone. The moments of sitting alone are an opportunity for you to reflect on things more thoroughly. In today's world, as people increasingly focus on speed and competition, the tranquility of being alone is precious and worthy of being cherished.

  2. Happy. Optimistic about life in the present. Happiness often comes from within, no matter what situation you are in. Don't make an excuse that you're alone so you don't enjoy life; let's make things better.
  3. Do everything you would normally share with loved ones or friends. Sometimes what you miss is not your crush or your friends, but rather the activities and hobbies you normally do with them. Go out and date yourself. For example, if you often go out to dinner with them and watch a movie, then go to the movies yourself or to a lovely restaurant. Don't hold yourself back. advertisement

Part 2 of 6: Creative activities

  1. Writing. Composing a few short stories. Writing not only helps your imagination soar but also gives you a sense of happiness. As a result, you will be more optimistic. You can also compose a few poems.
  2. Reading books. Lone time is a good opportunity to choose something to read. Not only interesting and pleasant, this activity is also a way for you to learn and improve yourself.
    • Consider taking the time to read classics like "Moby Dick," (also known as "The Whale"), "A Christmas Carol," (Love Christmas), "Romeo and Juliet," (Romeo and Juliet), "The Martian Chronicles," "(Martian)," Great Expectations, "(Great Expectations) or" Tales of Mystery and Imagination "(roughly translated: Tales of mysteries and fantasy statue).
    • You can also choose the explorer genre: The great works of the sci-fi genre: "Stranger In a Strange Land," (The Stranger in a Strange Land) "Fahrenheit 451," (451 degrees F) and the series "Dune" (Land of Sand). Horror genre: "Salem's Lot," (Salem's Town) "The Stand," and "Dracula" (Count Dracula). Fantasy: "Lord of the Rings," "The Lord of the Rings", "Chronicles of Narnia," (The Chronicles of Narnia) and "Harry Potter." Or the usual fictional genre: "East of Eden," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "(Killing a Mockingbird) or" A Farewell to Arms ".
    • Poetic works are also very good.Nothing makes you look more stylish when someone exclaims, "Oh my God, are you really in that poem?". Famous poetic works: "The Tale of Kieu" by Nguyen Du, love poems by poets Xuan Dieu, The Lu, Han Mac Tu, foreign poems translated into Vietnamese such as "Don Juan" ”By Byron translated by Thái Bá Tân, or Pushkin's poem by Thuy Toan. Wonderful!
    • You might also get a chance to get to know some playwrights like Edward Albee, David Mamet, Neil Simon and Tennessee Williams. Each playwright has an interesting perspective and their characters often have unexpectedly changing lives.

  3. Listening to music. If you are a fan of music, this is an opportunity for you to enjoy your music alone by listening to your favorite music or songs that recall memories or events.
    • Nature's sounds like thunder, rain, birds chirping, running water and the like will help clear your mind. They are very helpful in relaxing and reducing stress, so you will feel happier and more relaxed when you are alone.
  4. Singing. If you don't like singing, try dancing! It can be beneficial to focus on one activity. Research has shown that exercising or dancing helps relieve bad moods. Furthermore, if you think that you are not good at singing or dancing, then it is a mistake, because it's not like you are performing for anyone, you are only doing this for yourself. Then feel free to sing and dance!
  5. Painting. Drawing is a fun and effective activity to try in your spare time. You don't have to be a Picasso painter to draw what you like. Drawing time will help you relax, express your emotions and relieve stress. At last you can see the results when you are satisfied with your work! advertisement

Part 3 of 6: Learning opportunities

  1. Learn something new. Learning is the most important part of being alone. It helps to dispel your sad mood, and you can also have topics to talk about when there is a social opportunity. Learning is also much more effective when you don't have to take on responsibilities like taking care of your family or please your partner.
    • Learning doesn't have to be through books (though it's a great source of knowledge). You can learn everything through practice. Enrolling in classes is fun and rewarding in social life - you'll meet new friends in classes. If you don't like meeting many people, the internet is a great place to learn almost anything in the world (This is what this site is doing!)
  2. Consider studying fields that you have never explored. You can try:
    • Indoor activities, learning a new foreign language, drawing pictures, doing yoga, learning math, science, art sensory skills, learning to play a musical instrument like the piano or flute.
    • Outdoor activities: gardening, fencing, playing tennis, golf.
    • You can also combine activities both indoors and outdoors such as photography or drawing.

Part 4 of 6: Time to Meditate

  1. Think. Ponder life and its deeper meanings, examine the inside, consider things.
    • Above all, meditation is one of the most important personal development methods you can do. Think about what drives you it is you. What do you believe in? Why? Do you feel something is wrong with you? What do you implicitly believe (or accept something as a loyalty)?
  2. Start reading philosophy. This is a great way to improve your thinking and reasoning skills. It will provide you with topics that expand and train your brain to help you understand your vision of reality. Remember that you don't have to believe what others believe if you don't like it.
    • Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche, Descartes, Aristotle, Kant, Rand, Marx
  3. Do not analyze too closely about things that are irrelevant to you. It is easy to deduce other people's experiences, feelings and perspectives and make judgments based solely on your innocent perception. This can quickly turn into a frustratingly negative activity. Understand that you don't have all the facts, and that doesn't matter. advertisement

Part 5 of 6: Find connections with others

  1. Pet. Human life always needs feelings; without love, you run the risk of becoming harsh and disgusted with the world around you. Pets are an endless source of love and affection.
    • With a pet, you will also have a target to talk to. No, talking to a pet isn't weird at all, otherwise. Just be aware that your pet doesn't talk back (except for some talking birds). If you see them talking, then you may need to seek expert help.
    • If you are a detached and independent person, perhaps an aquarium fish, guinea pig or bird's nest are great options. If you enjoy interacting a bit but don't care much, try a cat. If you want to spend a lot of time interacting with your pet, a dog is for you.
    • Finding a pet does not mean bringing a dog or cat home right away. Often times, if you are not prepared for such responsibility, the pet experience will be terrible for both you and your pet. Don't assume small animals like rabbits or birds won't need much care - rabbits need daily human contact and hours of running, not to mention cleaning. You should research the animals you want to keep as pets, then search for them at animal rescue stations. There are hundreds of animals waiting for a home! Some rescue stations will allow you to "sponsor" a pet, meaning that your pet has a chance to get out of a lock and befriend you without a long term commitment.
  2. Join an online community. Don't just limit your activity online to gaming. You can join forums or chat rooms to meet new people. Choose whatever interests you and find people like you. advertisement

Part 6 of 6: Staying busy

  1. Do exercise. Now is the time to find the figure you've always wanted. Instead of just devouring harmful foods and watching TV all night, do some push-ups or crunches.
    • Rediscover the fun in simple exercises. Cycling around the neighborhood will be less strenuous and also more fun.
    • Persistence. The exercise process requires willpower and diligence. Make a workout schedule and stick to it. Take it easy at first, and you will know your limits. You can also go to the gym and make new friends there.
  2. Go outside. You are only seeing a small corner in this vast world. Forget everyone and just enjoy the things life has to offer. People will be curious to know and will come to you. Then you have no choice but to have friends!
  3. Interested in activities. Participate in charity activities; You will feel good about yourself and also have work to do in your spare time. advertisement


  • Go for a walk and get some fresh air - the morning sun will energize you, and the evening air will help you relax and relieve stress.
  • Don't let other people (especially married friends and co-workers) influence or pressure you to feel guilty or deprived about your singleness / loneliness. Of course, single life is not for everyone, but not everyone needs to get married or live together. This depends on each person's taste. Enjoy your freedom and choices about living alone.
  • Being single and alone doesn't mean you can be arbitrary during your time, don't care about your health or leave your home cluttered. Try to live orderly, eat right meals and keep your home tidy. This way, you will feel better about being independent and organized.
  • Remember that life also comes from time to time and is constantly changing. So, even if you crave to live with the person you love, something must come. Be patient and let life run its course, as everyone has a different story and path, and what's happening in the present isn't bound to happen in the future.


  • Be careful before you give your heart to someone; Single life can be more comfortable than having a guy or girl demanding to be around all day. So you should be careful with your choice; the price you pay can be peace and free life.
  • Think of living alone as temporary, and you'll always meet new people.
  • Not forgetting others in your life is important - staying in touch with others and continuing to expand on social media. For extroverts, enjoying time alone can be challenging.
  • Some people may be addicted to online communities, especially in online games like World of Warcraft. You need to learn to balance your new interests and other things that are both important and interesting in life. If you find that you are starting to be addicted to an online community or online game, stop now and reassess your situation.
  • If you always feel bored, you are probably human tedious. Maybe you have nothing to say at parties or gatherings, or you feel shy about contributing to other social situations, so you feel very lonely. By finding ways to make yourself interesting, you will also find more interesting things. However, you should be careful when making a change that doesn't suit your personality. Being honest with yourself and with your personality is still more important.
  • Too much philosophical reflection can lead to depression; but not always. Do not you believe it? See what Aristotle did.
  • Be cautious when talking to strangers online. You have heard it all the time, but when you are sad, lonely, depressed or depressed, you will be more vulnerable and often obey others. It's fine to talk, but you should just stop there.
  • Be careful lest you become addicted to feeling alone, because in the end, true happiness comes only when it's shared.