Ways to Find First Love

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Couples Married for 0-65 Years Answer: When Did You Know You Were In Love? | Brides
Video: Couples Married for 0-65 Years Answer: When Did You Know You Were In Love? | Brides


It can be quite stressful to flirt with a girl the first time, but don't worry too much. Although not experienced, but in return, you can impress her with charm, intelligence and make her feel special. Once you have a crush on a girl, all you need to do is show care, fall in love with her, and start a happy, meaningful relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Attracting attention

  1. Don't worry about inexperienced love. If you have never had a girlfriend, you may feel a bit stressed or insecure about this.Maybe you feel like everyone around is seasoned with experience, only you are the only person in this field. However, in reality, everyone always feels that you are not experienced enough, so you should not because you do not have experience, just follow the girl that makes your heart skip a beat.
    • If you feel a lack of confidence, you can ask a friend who is more experienced in dating than a military master. Love is not really scary as you think.
    • Remember that even guys who have been dating for many years still feel vague or confused; Love is the result of ceaseless nurturing and nurturing and there will be no miracles that can help you "naturally have".
    • Don't lie or spread the news that you have had a girlfriend before, it will only make you feel more confident.

  2. Find the right audience. If you have never had a girlfriend, you will probably be anxious to find a lover as soon as possible, but in reality, if you patiently wait for the girl of your life to show up, it is better to rush into love. people I don't really like. Find a girl that suits you, makes you feel interesting and really want to find out. You won't be able to immediately determine your feelings, but if you are around her every time it feels special, it may be the person you are looking for.
    • While you should wait for someone you really like to show up, don't be too fussy enough to date only when you feel that someone really is your soulmate.
    • Don't worry too much about looks. Of course everyone wants to have a pretty girlfriend, but don't ask her to be like a beauty queen or supermodel. Be a little more realistic and open up to girls who wear glasses, a little chubby, have acne, tall or short, personality like boys, tattoos, piercing, hair coloring, etc. Girls like that are the ones you meet in real life, not someone coming out of a TV or a magazine. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will ask the man to be standard, if you are not sure you can be more standard than most other men, you should lower your requirements to them a little.
    • Find people with similar interests. If you enjoy sports, join a sports team or attend local sporting events. If you like music, you can go to concerts, play for a band. If you love books, look into your library or bookstore. You can also use the internet to find people who share your interests.

  3. Makes me stand out in her eyes. Being outstanding doesn't mean you need to shout out loud or hug your guitar at the gate but just be proud of what makes you different, whether it's your love of science fiction or your soccer skills. great. Dedicate yourself to the things you love and let her see you show off your talents. What you do and the happiness you have when you pursue your passion instead of blending in with the crowd will impress her.
    • Don't hesitate to show who you really are, whether it's a little naive or naive. You don't have to act like a macho or try to cool her face to get her attention.

  4. Talk to her. Don't be shy, open up, introduce yourself, and start a simple, fun conversation. Don't immediately ask her a thousand questions about yourself, you need to keep a light and simple conversation on familiar topics such as studies, plans for the weekend, a movie you both have. watch or band you love. The most important thing is to make eye contact and pay attention to what she says.
    • Don't talk too much. Just ask, smile, make her smile, and end the conversation.
    • You can start talking to her with just a few minutes left, such as recess. You will be relieved from the less stress you know you are not trying to lengthen the conversation.
  5. Makes her eager. If you want attention, you need to build a great conversation and leave while having a good conversation. By doing that, she will be eager to talk to you again because she feels that you still have a lot of interesting things not to share. If you try to drag on a conversation even though both of you don't know what to say, you will make her feel like there's nothing to say to you next time.
    • This does not mean that you will leave suddenly. Please say that you are happy to talk to her and look forward to having a chance to talk to her more.
    • You also don't need to tell her that you have to go now because it's late for your aunt's birthday party. It will be more interesting to turn out a little mysterious.
  6. Sincere compliments. When you start talking to the girl you like, give her a subtle, simple compliment to show her interest and build affection. If you notice that she has just cut her hair or is wearing a new dress, say that you like the hairstyle or that the dress is so skillful not to embarrass her too much. If she's wearing a unique jewelry and you even think it's homemade then you can compliment her and ask where she bought it. If you notice a beautiful drawing in a notebook she has with you, praise her artistic talent and start a conversation on the subject.
    • Don't say anything about her looks, otherwise she may be shy or misunderstood. However, it doesn't matter if you just say simple things like "You have a poison sweater".
  7. Impress with confidence. If you want to be noticed by a girl, you need to show that you are a man who is confident and happy to be himself. This can be a challenge when you do not have any experience in love, but slowly you will do it. Do not lose your trust because of inexperience, try to think of yourself as an interesting, intelligent, charitable and knowledgeable person.
    • Stand up straight, make eye contact with her, and talk about all the things you love about life to show her that you're confident and worth getting to know. Pretend you're confident until you're really confident.
    • Building your confidence takes time, but you can try to overcome your shortcomings and learn to accept the unchanging things about yourself little by little.
    • Another way to be more confident is to spend time with people who really make you feel proud of yourself. If your friends are always trying to defame you, then maybe it's time to find new friends who understand and support you more.

Part 2 of 3: Maintain attention

  1. Find out about herself. Showing her that you really want to get to know her more is one of the most effective ways for her to continue to pay attention to you. Don't let her think you're just talking because she's pretty or because you're looking for a lover. Take time to find out by asking questions about her interests, experiences, and thoughts. You can ask her about things like:
    • Interests
    • Pet
    • Your favorite band, movie, TV show, or actor
    • Her friends
    • The places she loves
    • Plan for the day off
  2. Show interest. In order to keep your partner's attention, you will need to show concern without overwhelming her. To build love, you need to make the event a special person in your eyes. Try to be more considerate of her than any other girlfriend and spend more time with her when possible. Smile and make eye contact when you meet to let her know that she is special to you.
    • If she's clearly having a bad day, come over and ask her what's wrong. Let her see that you don't just come around when she's happy.
    • When you're in a group or alone with her, you can flirt a bit. Play with, gently nudge your arm or shoulder, and tease her in a friendly way. Make her smile and feel interested without being too obvious.
  3. Don't be too concerned. Try to strike a balance between expressing your feelings without overwhelming her. You don't need to be around all the time, make phone calls all day, or stay within her line of sight, making her bored and wanting to keep her distance.Be around just enough for her to feel interested, curious and excited at the same time.
    • If you are in a group, you might care for her a bit more, but that doesn't mean you are just paying attention to her. Talking to other girls will help you show that you're not too clumsy, and open up and socialize with your friends.
    • If you have her phone number, don't always call or text first. Sometimes it's better to let her take the initiative.
  4. Help. If you want her to pay more attention to you, show that you're willing to work hard. You need to take the initiative to help, maybe help her with her school work, fix her bike or help copy her homework when she is sick and can't go to school. She definitely feels cared when someone tries to make her smile and make her life easier.
    • You can help her bring books to school if they are too heavy. However, make sure she agrees to this help.
    • You can help as long as you can, as long as you are sure you are not being used. You need to get her to see you as a potential boyfriend, not a petty name.
  5. Show that her views are important to you. Don't treat her like a portable vase. Show that you really care about who she is and what she thinks. You can ask her for her opinion on some current news, a group discussion in class or a book you've read or a movie you've seen. Showing interest in her thoughts will make you even more attractive in her eyes.
    • If you need advice, whether it's just what you should wear to attend the school dance or something bigger, like how you should confront a friend's misconduct, look for come to her to let her know that her opinion is truly valued.
    • Don't chatter on topics like politics or music without pausing to ask her what she thinks.
  6. Find general topics. Another way to bond with a girl is to find common ground so that the two of you can share more. As you get acquainted, you will find yourself and her more in common than you might think, such as two friends who both love Son Tung or learn to cook. As long as you have one or two things in common with her, you can build affection from it. However, if you don't have a lot of common interests, don't worry; you can always build common interests with her as you get acquainted.
    • Don't rush to find something in common. As you get to know her more, you will naturally find out about your mutual interests.
    • You and her may not be interested in many things, but may be compatible in other areas, such as having similar thoughts and personalities.

Part 3 of 3: Confession

  1. Spend a lot of time with her. When you start to spend more love for that girl, naturally the two of you will want to be together more. If you don't have many opportunities to be around, find ways to see her more, such as going to class together, sitting close to each other for coffee, or going to the mall or play area. after-school entertainment. Try to see her as much as possible to have more time to get to know each other and determine if she is really the girl you are looking for.
    • No one knows exactly how much time you need before you can say anything. If you want to confess to her after a few weeks of getting to know each other, as long as you both have time to get to know each other.
    • Don't go out on a date with her for a few months without saying anything, otherwise you will go straight to the friendship destination and it will be very difficult to upgrade your love from there.
  2. Find a good time and place to invite her out. If you are ready to reach out to her and want to confess your love, then you need to prepare a little thoughtfully to increase your chances of success. Find a quiet, romantic place that won't be disturbed, and make sure she's having a good time, and in no rush. Ask her if she's free and find a good time to speak up.
    • If you've never really been with her before, invite her to a private place, but don't make her feel isolated.
    • Before you make an appointment, pay attention to how she feels. Make sure she's happy, ready, and stress-free.
  3. Express one's feelings. Don't be shy, and after greeting and talking for a while, you can ask her to be your girlfriend as honest and straightforward as possible. You can say something as simple as “I love spending time with you and want to get to know you better. Will you be my girlfriend? ". The earlier you speak, the less stressful you will be.
    • Get a little closer, look her in the eye and ask. Confidence will help you impress.
    • You can praise her a bit before you ask her, but don't overdo it to avoid making her feel unnatural.
  4. Respond politely. If she agrees then great! You can celebrate, you can give her a hug, and show her how happy you are. However, if the answer is that she just wants to be friends, don't be rude or negative. Instead, be polite, respectful, maintain your confidence, and show that you're fine with it. Doing so will leave a good impression on her and you can be proud of yourself for your greatness.
    • If she agrees, don't hesitate to show your happiness; You don't have to pretend to be calm when you really like her.
    • If she says no, don't offend or hurt her. Respect your partner's choices and understand that emotions cannot be forced.
  5. Try to build a meaningful relationship. If the two of you have agreed to date, take your time and really work to get to know each other. You can build feelings by trying new things together, such as cooking together, learning to dive, and regularly spending time sharing common interests. The most important thing is to always show her how important she is to you.
    • Don't ever think that she is your girlfriend without even trying. Always find ways to keep her romantic, praise her, and treat her as a special gift.
    • Never shrink back because you think you are inexperienced in a relationship. You don't have to worry about it, all you need to do is cherish the present moment and enjoy every minute with your girlfriend.


  • Exercise and eat healthy. These two will help you increase your confidence and charm.
  • Look for work if you are unemployed. The man who works hard is capable and responsible.
  • Learn how to talk with women.
  • Just being friends or just being in the "friends zone" is not necessarily a bad thing. You will learn more about women from these relationships.
  • Always carry some mint. In romantic situations, don't let the lack of fresh breath make the person disappointed.
  • If you have a disability such as autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), let her know. That way, she will understand if you act a little out of the ordinary. Let her know your weird habits and why you do so to avoid misunderstanding her.
  • Sleep well! Lack of sleep will make you less handsome.