Ways to Save Fuel

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Driving Hacks To Save Money On Gas
Video: 5 Driving Hacks To Save Money On Gas


There are many ways to save on fuel costs, but the most effective way is to reduce the amount of fuel you use. When you need to use your car to move somewhere, you can do a few tricks to help you cut down on the amount of fuel your car consumes.


Part 1 of 3: Adjusting the Driving Method

  1. Drive at a moderate speed. This is the most effective and easiest way to increase fuel efficiency. The most fuel-consuming speeds are when you accelerate the car. For most vehicles, this is around 80 km / h.
    • In fact, every time you drive at speeds exceeding 80 km / h, you are spending about 5000 VND for 3.5 liters of gasoline. Fuel economy decreases as you accelerate.
    • In addition, you also need to pay attention to traffic lights. If you drive faster than necessary, you'll have to stop and restart when you encounter a traffic light - and this isn't good for gas mileage.

  2. Avoid tailoring and avoid braking frequently. You can save fuel by avoiding tailing the vehicle ahead. In this case, you will have to frequently press the accelerator to regain speed and then adjust the distance between your vehicle and the car in front by braking, and a vicious circle will form. . The act of increasing and decreasing the speed regularly will consume more fuel than driving steadily and keeping a safe distance.
    • Braking your car repeatedly will waste energy, converting it into a useless source of thermal energy and significantly reducing the life of your car's brakes. In the future, almost every type of car will likely be equipped with a system where the energy when you brake the car will be converted into a renewable energy source, for the time being, maybe the car your vehicle is not equipped with this technology unless the vehicle you are using is a hybrid technology vehicle.

  3. Accelerate slowly. Every time you press the gas to accelerate after stopping the car, you are burning more fuel and increasing the likelihood of tire wear. By accelerating slowly, you use only the amount of fuel it needs to get your car to run.
    • In short, you need to limit your use of the brake pedal and gas pedal as much as possible. This will help you minimize your fuel usage.

  4. Drive carefully and use one lane. Fuel consumption will increase when you slow down the vehicle and then accelerate again. Maintaining a regular speed will minimize your fuel use. Sudden acceleration and deceleration will increase the vehicle's fuel consumption.
    • You should also not change lanes. The reasons are quite the same - when you change to another lane, you continuously accelerate and slow down. Relax and use only one lane.
  5. Avoid turning sideways. If possible, limit the turn to another lane. Stopping and waiting at an intersection to cross a busy lane will cause the engine to stagnate, causing fuel consumption. The same effect occurs when you speed up again to turn.
  6. Use overide control and cruise control when driving on a highway. Another way to prevent you from using the accelerator and brake pedals is through the highway speed control and cruise control. The speed control system will keep the engine speed low in your vehicle, increasing the longevity of the engine.
    • The cruise control system helps your car run at a stable speed, limiting pumping too much gas or not pumping enough gas for the car. However, this system is only useful for long-haul driving - shouldn't be used on the street, it won't make a difference to you.
  7. Use gearbox wisely. Gears up when driving at slow speeds and vice versa will consume a lot of fuel. Use the gearbox carefully and depending on the desired speed. This measure will minimize the pressure on the engine. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Adjusting Habits

  1. Drive until your fuel tank is nearly empty. This measure simply follows the scientific principle: a lighter car consumes less gas. What can you do to reduce the weight of your car? Do not fill with gasoline. So when your gas tank has 1/3 remaining and you intend to refuel, wait a few more days. You can use 1/3 of that gasoline a little longer than the previous amount of gasoline.
    • In addition, gas prices usually increase on weekends, starting Thursday afternoon. So if you need to go somewhere on Saturday, you'd better refuel now. Consider the moment when gas goes down to find out if it's worth refueling right now.
  2. Avoid excessive idle driving. If you run idle for more than 1 minute, you should turn off the engine to save gas. Also, a newly purchased car doesn't need to be "heated" in cold weather - just a few seconds should be enough.
    • Whenever you are waiting for someone, turn off the idle mode. Drive away or park? Parking. You can still use the radio without having to start the car!
  3. Turn the gas hose back down when you are finished refueling. The gas hose is connected to conventional piping. When you turn off the lines, a lot of gas will remain in the pipeline. To get the remaining 100 ml of gasoline, turn the gas hose upside down and shake it gently before you remove the hose from the tank.
    • Lift the pipe a little higher so that you can get the remaining gas. Gravity causes the fuel to stay in the lowest position, so lift the pipes up so that this gas can flow into your fuel tank.
  4. Avoid lowering car windows at high speeds, or using air-conditioning. The best cooling method at high speed driving depends on the type of car you are. Lowering the windows will create resistance, and using the air conditioner will cause the engine to increase performance. However, you can lower your windows while driving on the street.
  5. Park in a shady spot. This is also a principle of science! The cooler the car, the less fuel it evaporates from the tank. Because so is similar to "throwing money into the sea".
    • In addition, this will also prevent your butt from getting burned when in contact with the car. This method is very useful for your vehicle as well as for yourself. It's so hard to touch the steering wheel of the car without getting your hands burned!
  6. Avoid traffic and bad weather. It will be difficult to save fuel when traffic is congested and during peak hours or when it is raining, wind or high pressure. Rain, wind blowing in the opposite direction and high pressure will create wind resistance and you will have to use more fuel to be able to move.
    • However, a down-direction wind (the wind coming from behind you) may help. Which direction is the wind blowing?
    • Rush hours will not cause your vehicle to burn a lot of fuel. You stop and start your car, run it, change lanes, and you will probably use nearly every habit that is bad for fuel efficiency.
  7. Turn off all electronics and climate control equipment before turn off the engine. Of course, when we turn off the engine, every other device turns off, but when we start the car, how about? If you turn everything off, when you start the car, you will save fuel when the car has to restart all the equipment. You can then turn on each device individually, which will make it easier for your car to handle.
  8. Minimize vehicle use by planning ahead. Try to schedule errands and appointments in advance.Getting all the chores done at the same time will also help increase your free time. You can plan your trip for specific dates to avoid bad traffic and to avoid paying higher gas costs next week.
    • For example, buy non-perishable necessities (including pet food, hygiene products, dry food, and canned vegetables, etc.) at the same time so you don't have to use the vehicle a lot. times when to buy certain items.

Part 3 of 3: Tailoring Your Car

  1. Reduce vehicle weight. Remove unnecessary weight of your car or truck, such as golf clubs or unnecessary tools and materials. Reducing the weight of the rear trunk of the truck also helps to reduce fuel consumption by reducing drag. If the rear trunk of the car is not reduced in weight, an air cushion is formed at the rear of the cockpit to create resistance to prevent air circulation.
    • But if you need to carry something, put them in the trunk, don't put them in the rack on your hood. When you place objects on top of the hood, you create additional drag that will slow down the car and make it harder to accelerate.
  2. Replace the air filter. A dirty air filter will take away the power and efficiency of an engine and will use more fuel than a clean filter. So change the air filter if you have been using the old one for quite a while. This only takes a few minutes - in fact, you can also change the filter manually.
    • In spare parts for cars, air filters are quite cheap. In Vietnam, most air filters will cost between 200,000 VND.
  3. Tires should always be slightly stretched. The car has enough air to help you travel further with just one tank of gas. You should bring a tire tension tester and check the tire pressure. Tires usually lose a small amount of air after using them for a while, so don't worry if one or more tires appear to be weak.
    • Check the tire pressure regularly when the outdoor temperature changes. Hot tires will have a high amount of pressure due to the expansion of air - but if you reduce the amount in the tire to get the right amount of pressure, when cooled, the pressure becomes quite low under thermal conditions. It's colder, so you'll need to pump more air into your tires when it's cold. Insufficient tires and excessively inflated tires increase rolling resistance and thus reduce the number of kilometers you can travel with 1 liter of gas and cause tire wear due to excessive friction.
    • If you need to change tires, choose to buy radial tires. Radial tires have low rolling resistance to help maintain vehicle aerodynamics.
  4. Regularly maintain the vehicle according to the manufacturer's recommendations to optimize the vehicle's fuel use. You need to replace the spark plugs and wires at the right time, and replace the exciters when they no longer work as well (such as internal fault). The better the engine works, the more energy it can generate without using a lot of fuel.
  5. Using synthetic lubricants to save fuel. Plus, less oil replacement will save you the time you have to take your car to the maintenance shop as well as reduce the amount of oil you release into the environment.
    • When you go to the shop to have your car serviced, consult a mechanic about which lubricants are good for your car and help you save fuel. He will probably provide you with a bottle or two of oil for the maintenance of the car.
  6. Pay attention to the parameters of the tires. Before changing your tires to modern thick tires, think again. The wider the tire, the higher the rolling resistance and the greater the amount of fuel consumed. advertisement


  • Be careful in choosing which number of fuel (octane) you use. The fuel types are different and different engines can react differently to each type of gasoline.
  • Track your vehicle's fuel consumption so you can quickly determine if the vehicle needs adjustment or other services. Using three or four fuel tanks in a row due to high fuel consumption could be an indication that the vehicle needs maintenance.
  • Wear weather-appropriate clothing - this will make you feel more comfortable while driving, and you won't need to rely on the car's air-conditioning system or lower your windows too much because These actions will waste fuel.
  • Join the online auto community to consult other members about fuel efficiency and learn how to self-adjust conventional cars to improve fuel consumption ( mpg).
  • Walk or use a bike if possible.


  • Should not tailoring other cars to save fuel (this technique is called "wind-taking technique" in racing). While this can help to reduce wind resistance by letting other vehicles remove the drag for you, it is illegal and quite dangerous.
  • Maintain your vehicle regularly and carefully read the User's Guide that comes with your car purchase. Periodic oil changes can be expensive, but in the long run it will save you fuel and reduce engine wear.
  • People often use both pedals (brake pedals and gas pedals) "unconsciously" rather than for overly accelerating or braking reasons.