Ways to Marketing Real Estate

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Real Estate Marketing Strategy - 5 Rules for Exponential Growth
Video: The Best Real Estate Marketing Strategy - 5 Rules for Exponential Growth


Real Estate Marketing needs to be carried out continuously and non-stop. Marketing in business is similar to your daily "eating and training". Like you just don't eat an apple or go to the gym once and expect to lose 5 pounds, have muscles and energy? Likewise, you can't just do the marketing once and expect some great results. No matter how great you are in the sales business, success comes only if at the same time, you also know how to market products effectively.


Method 1 of 4: Build a strategy

  1. Understand the customer. Clients are at the heart of your real estate business and so, to be able to meet their needs, you need to have a clear understanding of who they are and what drives them. Giving a feeling of "caring and close" to customers can be one of the most influential factors of the real estate business.
    • Ask yourself important questions about the types of customers who will be spending your money. Are they rich or poor? Educated or not? Old or young? Single, family or retired? Male or female? Business or individual? Buyer or seller? This will influence the language used in your marketing - which can have a huge impact on your buying decisions or customer reviews of your business. Do they want a "bargain" deal or a "very luxury" item?
    • Establish the psychological image of the customer you want to serve and apply it when building your marketing campaign.Make sure the message is directed towards this audience rather than a generic group. Make a real effort to connect with your ideal customers.
    • Consider what segments of the market you might be in. If you offer real estate services for both home and business purposes, you will likely need to market them individually. Other examples of segmentation are age and income.
    • Remember that business is always about serving others. Here, the only person paying you is the customer. The more you focus on serving them, the more likely you will be to achieve success.

  2. Real estate review. The marketing strategy for offices, retail spaces and homes is completely different. It is important to focus on the intended use of each property in order to predict the wishes of the customer.
    • Clients of low-density neighborhoods are those who often look for single-family homes. Maybe they have children and pets and are more interested in quiet, peaceful neighborhoods near schools or more private, remote areas.
    • Crowded residential client groups are those who want to live in a building with other people, such as an apartment, a luxury apartment, or a high-rise building. Convenience, living space and amenities are often appreciated and thus, highlighting these aspects can help you attract more of this audience.
    • Commercial buildings include retail and office space. Because it will be someone's place of business and business, words like "busy", "convenient transportation" and "outstanding" can help your real estate become more attractive to them. .
    • Industrial real estate can become more appealing when the convenience of transportation is highlighted, with space for factories and warehouses.

  3. Compare residential and commercial real estate. The only major concern with commercial real estate is profitability. It involves the sale, lease and use of real estate for the maximum return on an investment. More likely it was a decision of the whole board or board of directors instead of just a single individual.
    • Residential real estate, by contrast, is often a personal and emotional buying decision. Some residential real estate investors can buy to "sell back" or get rich by buying a house or a double apartment (for two households) for lease. However, in this segment, most of the buyers are individuals or families who are looking for a place of their own.
    • If you want to buy, sell or lease commercial real estate as an agent, you need to be able to find a place to rent for someone in need and make a profit for the owner or the lessor and the investor.

  4. Conduct a SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths - Strengths, Weaknesses - Weaknesses, Opportunities - Opportunities and Threats - Threats. Although SWOT analysis was originally designed to aid competitive strategy planning, it can also be used for marketing. SWOT analysis should be the first step in your marketing plan. It can help you better understand your own business, thereby improving your ability to identify the ideal customer. The goal here is to turn a weakness into an advantage and turn risk into opportunity.
    • Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors of the company. For example, a great strategic location is a strong point and a weakness can be a lack of capital investment.
    • Opportunities and Threats are external factors affecting your company. For example, relentlessly moving into your area is an opportunity and the emergence of new competitors is a risk.
    • Once you know your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can create a matrix to assist in establishing a strategy based on the correlation of many factors. For example, you can build a strategy based on balancing existing strengths and opportunities.
  5. Set Goals and mission planning. Most likely your goal will be related to income, where the general strategy is to sell / rent lots of real estate and / or earn lots of commissions. To achieve these goals, you need to have a plan for what you want to do and how long you want to perform. First, make a list of tasks to complete in order to launch a successful marketing campaign and predict a reasonable completion time. Next, put them on the schedule. Take responsibility for those milestones.
    • For both short and long term missions. That is, you may want to contact, ask for advertising prices for different newspapers on weekends, complete ads, publish newspapers within two months, and prepare new holiday ads to be released every month. in the next four months.
    • Spend plenty of time developing.
  6. Be neat and orderly. Keep everything in a binder. Or, if you're used to electronic data, make sure all of your files and folders are date-specific and clearly named. Don't just leave a bunch of messy, nameless documents scattered all over your computer.
    • Record everything. Even if there are countless ideas, it won't be of much use if they never leave your head. Writing down is a good start in completing the strategy.
    • Get a notebook or notebook, a whiteboard from the stationery store, or even take notes on your phone.

Method 2 of 4: Use traditional marketing techniques

  1. Using MLS - real estate listing service. “MLS” is a brokerage term used for a multi-source property listing service. This is a service that provides vast amounts of information and professional affiliations that can bring immense value in your marketing. Each MLS is a local organization that is run by the set of brokers there. You will need to conduct some searches to identify the MLS in your target area.
    • Many online sites offer local real estate listing services, but they are often incomplete. Try more than one website to find the best MLS.
    • These services generally do not serve non-agent subjects, such as in the FSBO real estate transaction (self-listing).
    • Usually each MLS has a separate listing fee.
  2. Send mail directly to potential customers. Using direct mail is one way to send a message to a large number of potential customers. As mailing becomes less popular, each letter will stand out a little more. It also helps the message get delivered right to your target audience.
    • Use high-gloss paper.
    • Spend some time designing your package. Use colorful images and include photos of the locations that you want to spark interest in your customers.
    • Try to provide useful things, such as modeling house information or the best time of year to move / work - don't just focus on self-marketing.
    • If it is targeted to many people, consider purchasing a license for mass mailing from the Post Office. This way, instead of stamping each parcel, you can send a large amount at a time for less than the cost of sending it individually. In general, the minimum for discount for bulk mailing is between 300 and 500 parcels.
  3. Phone marketing. This has become and is becoming a means of conveying success messages to companies. It can be as simple as calling old customers or conducting calls to potential customers in bulk through the call center. Be careful when calling potential customers because this can be seen as a very powerful marketing method.
    • Find out how satisfied your old customers are after moving to a new place.
    • Calling existing customers, information about new real estate listing.
    • Contact listed properties for sale by owner.
    • In the US, automatic or pre-recorded calls are prohibited in most cases by the Federal Trade Commission. If you get the prior consent of your client, you may be allowed to do so.However, in general, you should still avoid using this method and instead, "directly" make calls to show care for them.
  4. Use newspapers and magazines. For many real estate agents, advertising in newspapers or magazines can be an effective way of marketing services. Many units offer color ads next to black and white with different prices for land managers.
    • Advertisements in newspapers or magazines. Advertising in a newspaper or magazine that is read frequently by the target market can be an effective marketing strategy.
    • The advantage of a newspaper at the national level, such as Nguoi Lao Dong, is its large readership. However, it is a very distributed approach. There may not be many potential customers in your area there.
    • Try to advertise in local or regional newspapers and magazines. They target a specific area and are likely to bring in more customers in the region.
    • Write a column about housing and real estate in your area for your local newspaper or magazine to build awareness in your community.
    • Write press releases related to your premium properties or differentiated marketing campaigns.
  5. Create newsletter. You can promote your business through newsletters sent to customers by mail, email or on your website.
    • Newsletters with information specially designed for homeowners or customers who trade in the near future can help you stay in touch and referred to the right audience.
    • Be sure to include interesting real estate content and advice that will encourage customers to continue reading the news long after the transaction is completed.
  6. Post ads in phone book. Listing and advertising in the commercial section of phone directories in the target area remains valuable marketing for some industries. However, telephone directories are becoming less popular, as some places no longer need instructions from phone companies.
  7. Advertising on the board, the sea. Advertising space on billboards and signs can be very cost effective if designed and presented properly. The bottom line here is to place ads in a high-traffic area where more people will see them and rotate the ads regularly to maintain customer interest.
    • Some high-tech billboards even allow to run video ads on large boards at a more expensive price point.
    • If posting pictures of yourself in an ad, use a professional portrait shot.
    • Hire a professional photographer to take pictures of your real estate.
    • Invest in hiring graphic design to improve advertising quality.
  8. Advertise on radio or TV. Advertising on radio or TV can help you reach a large audience / audience. If the problem is capital, find ways to market on public radio or television stations.
    • Collect customer feedback about your experience using your agency's services.
    • Take customers to their new property.
    • Build a good introduction. They are short advertisements or introductions, perfect for radio or television. The idea here is to be able to present everything that needs to be said in a very short amount of time, just enough or less time as an elevator goes up. Focus and practice presenting a good advertisement. It will also be useful in face-to-face conversations.
  9. Please introduce from customers available. If you have customers who are satisfied with your service, ask them to help you get more customers. This is called winning referrals. Most customers who are happy with the service will be happy to tell people about you, but usually they don't think about it unless you give them a certain reason or encouragement.
    • Most real estate transactions are made through referrals and word of mouth.
    • If they seek to reward or credit customers who bring you new customers, they will do so more often and enthusiastically. It can be a cash bonus, gift card or gift basket.
    • Don't forget to market this referral program. For this type of marketing to be successful, the existing customers must be made known about it. This can be done through a direct exchange, signing an agreement or over the network.
  10. Send gifts to important customers. Send cards or small gifts to important customers at the right times. You can also use this occasion to remind them of the referral program.
    • Birthdays and holidays are great times to get in touch with old and current customers.
    • Gift cards, even if it's just coffee or other small gifts, can do a lot in relationship building.
    • Housewarming gifts are a great way to complete home deals.
  11. Build a network. Chamber of Commerce, service organizations and other groups and organizations are a great way to connect with potential customers and other business owners. Join as many groups as possible that fit your goals.
    • The key here is to be active in the organizations in which you join. Exists only as an ineffective member such as actively participating in the activities of the organization. Attend meetings and events, and communicate with people as much as possible.
    • Don't forget to look for a mutually beneficial relationship. People will send more customers when you return your favor.
    • Make sure you are not blatantly promoting your real estate business at all. You should contribute certain value to these organizations while sharing business information and expertise where appropriate.
    • Sponsor the event. A good way to gain a foothold in such an organization is to sponsor in some way. Events such as festivals, dinners, competitions or auctions provide the opportunity to build strong bonds with the organization.
  12. Attend broker meeting. If you're in commercial real estate, attending brokers' gatherings is a great way to market products for sale or rent. These meetings are usually sponsored by a local business or organization. They are also a great place to build your network. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Apply electronic marketing techniques

  1. Set up a website. The website is the perfect vehicle for listing real estate listings with all potential customers. Sometimes, your identified customers are not local and it can be difficult to market them traditionally. Today, almost every real estate business needs a website in its marketing efforts. Some customers even expect that every legitimate business is online.
    • Make sure you optimize your website in online search. Improving SEO strategy can increase the attention of your business. Take the time to make adjustments to ensure that the language used on the site matches what users use to search the internet.
    • Consider a pay-per-click advertising campaign. If your business is conducted on a website or at least, the website is closely related to shaping your business, consider using a pay-per-click advertising campaign to drive your business. many target customers.
    • Develop goals for both the keywords you want to use and the types of customers that will deliver the best results. You'll use this information later, when setting up your marketing campaign.
    • Include a social follow button on your website. This is how people can easily boost your social media presence. Make sure these buttons are prominently positioned on all pages.
    • Provide free tools or services on the website. By providing useful resources to your customers, you build trust in them.You can add a property search engine based on criteria, calculate EMI (monthly installments), estimate a home's value, and select a suitable area on the page. You can also provide a free "chat" consulting service to answer all real estate questions of potential customers.
  2. Take advantage of the network / social media. With the popularity of social media networks these days, they can play an extremely important role in marketing your business. Several ways are used to market a small business through social media.
    • On social media, focus on customer benefits instead of real estate features. In other words, don't focus on real estate having certain amenities. Instead, your focus is on meeting the needs of buyers, sellers or renters.
    • Use the social media tools your customers use. This could include a social networking site, a blog or a micro-blog site, such as:
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • Instagram
      • Pinterest
    • Take advantage of different types of content, from text and images to recordings and videos. Your customers will often pay more attention to your online presence if there are countless ways they can interact. You can even post a video of a trip to your property.
    • Stay active on social media. Having an account is not enough. You must be online to get the attention of your customers. Schedule new content on a regular basis, at least once a week.
    • Invite friends, family, co-workers and former clients to like or follow your social media page so they can read and share your posted messages. When designing content, make sure the people want to share and "like" them.
  3. Start an email campaign. "Email blast", the technique in which a message is sent to a large number of subscribers at the same time, is a very popular technique. Don't forget to collect email addresses of your customers and potential customers. Be careful not to send too much, otherwise your email may be marked as spam.
    • While it turns out that e-marketing in this way has a small impact, research shows that it actually works in real estate.
    • Encourage customers to share your content by adding a share button in an email.
    • Set up email subscription form on the website.
    • Use the name of the subscriber and other information from your interactions to make the email feel intimate. This is more difficult when sending large amounts of emails at once.
  4. General data management. Common data management application that allows linking of pages and online accounts together and then at the same time or on the same schedule, posting content on multiple online platforms. It can play a key role in managing your uncontrollable volume of online material.
    • Share other people's real estate content. Thanks to that, you can build professional links quickly. More likely someone else will support your social media metrics when you do the same to them yourself.
    • Post content in as many places as possible. As a result, exposing countless ways to reach you for potential customers. Visitors to your blog may not be able to visit your Facebook page, and as a result, general data management can increase your chances of your customers seeing your content.

Method 4 of 4: Use a non-traditional approach

  1. Advertise in strange places. Putting your brand in an unexpected place is a quick way to stand out yourself. Thanks to that, people remember more about your company. Unusual locations can help your brand stand out from your regional competitors.
    • Marketing on transport. There are many ways to advertise in a car, including advertising stickers, decals, car covers and the like.
    • Post ads in the cinema. Theaters often run ads before they start entering movies. Large screens are a great way to show off the beauty of your real estate.
    • Write heavenly messages. Many places have companies that provide sky writing services. Take a look at the sky in your area. Make sure to schedule a standard time and write your message where most people will see it.
    • Free sticker distribution. The idea behind is that some people will stick them up in random places, scattering logos and company names for you.
  2. Learn the companies that are at the forefront. Look at what competitors and industry insiders are doing to market their business. They may work for you as well.
    • Build a strong brand. Research shows that people tend to remember real estate companies with a brand represented by an attractive logo.
    • Develop your message. The big company tweaks its marketing strategy to maintain its advantage. This can also be beneficial to you. Building "popular saying" associated with a strong brand, saying that contains corporate value, can help you. Who never heard the saying "If you like, move"?
    • Set yourself a good marketing budget. Nothing can ruin your marketing efforts like a lack of capital. Marketing is a significant part of the big business budget.
    • Look at your competitors' online presence in your region and learn their success strategies.
  3. Guerrilla marketing. This is a marketing method that has been popular recently, using surprise and / or irregular interactions to promote products. Based on viral and word of mouth marketing, it's useful for small businesses on a limited budget when it essentially distributes the message of their product for free. This type of marketing can be seen as a "sharp" or "attention seeking" marketing, often more attractive to young people. Guerrilla marketing is quite diverse.
    • Viral marketing is based on the perception that users like to share interesting content. With building amazing or amazing website content and having users on different sites share them, the idea is that web traffic can reach the limit, leading to an explosion. great in marketing.
    • Smart Marketing is a strategy where you hit on a competitor-sponsored event, such as being at another agency's model house to select their customers. This can be seen as a very offensive way.
    • Packaging Tissue is a form of guerrilla marketing in which paper towels or other convenience goods are labeled with a company's promotional message. At this point, marketing is seen as long-term because it will continue to convey the message when the product is fully used. Products labeled with your logo, such as candles, tissue boxes or lipstick can accomplish this goal.


  • Consider taking some entrepreneurship, business, real estate and marketing courses from reputable organizations. They are worth the investment.
  • Your local library is a valuable resource for books and periodicals that can help you market your real estate business.


  • Despite a wealth of advertising for real estate sales, be selective. Find out about the owner of anything before you buy it. Countless people promise wealth but only a few can provide truly useful information.
  • Some marketing investments will not pay off. Sometimes, they even lose money. Expect that, but don't worry too much. You will learn from failure and improve your marketing strategy to keep evolving.