How to make more sperm

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
5 tips to ensure healthy sperm - Jesse Mills, MD | UCLA Health Newsroom
Video: 5 tips to ensure healthy sperm - Jesse Mills, MD | UCLA Health Newsroom


Are you ready to have children, but worried about your sperm count being too low? Semen is almost certainly fertile, containing more than 15 million sperm per milliliter. This number drops when the testicles are overheated, when you are stressed and when a sexually transmitted disease affects sperm production. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase the sperm count.


Part 1 of 3: Changing habits

  1. Keep the testicles cool. The reason the testicles are out of the body is because they need to be in a cooler space than other internal organs. As the testicle temperature rises, the sperm count decreases. There are several ways to make sure the testicles don't overheat:
    • Do not wear pants or tight jeans.
    • Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear instead of tight-fitting underwear.
    • Sleep without your underwear to cool your testicles.
    • Avoid hot tubs and saunas.

  2. Wear jockstrap underwear when playing sports. Obviously most men know that a blow to the testicles will cause terrible pain and killing sperm.
  3. Massage your body with herbal essential oils. Massage along with regular exercise will improve blood circulation and blood circulation. Good blood circulation also means healthier sperm.

  4. Reduce stress. Stress can impair sexual function, leading to decreased sperm production. If you work more than 12 hours every day and never get a chance to rest, that could be the cause of your sperm count. Practice relaxation techniques throughout the day to induce relaxation. Stay mentally and physically healthy with regular yoga and meditation, jogging or swimming.
    • Stress hormones prevent Leydig cells from being responsible for regulating testosterone production. When the body gets too stressed, sperm can stop producing completely.
    • Make sure you get enough sleep each night. Fatigue can lead to stress and reduced sperm production.

  5. Give up smoking. Smoking causes the sperm count to decrease, the sperm to move more slowly, and to deform themselves. According to one study, men who smoke have sperm counts less than 22% of non-smokers. Cannabis also has a similar effect on sperm. Reducing your use of both substances is a good idea to increase your sperm count.
  6. Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol affects liver function, and in that it spikes estrogen levels (Yes, men have estrogen too). Since testosterone is directly related to health and sperm count, this condition is clearly not good. Just drinking 2 glasses of beer (5% alcohol) per day has a lasting effect on sperm count.
  7. Reduce the number of ejaculations. Frequent ejaculation can reduce sperm count. Your body produces millions of sperm per day, but if you already have few sperms then consider storing them longer between ejaculations. If you have sex or masturbate every day, reducing your frequency can increase your sperm count.
  8. Beware of toxins. Chemical exposure can affect sperm size, mobility, and count. Currently, avoiding exposure to toxins is an increasingly difficult problem, but it is really essential for general health and sperm health in particular. Do the following to reduce your exposure to toxins:
    • If you are dealing with chemicals all day, protect your skin with long sleeves and gloves, and always wear a face mask and goggles.
    • Use natural cleaning solutions instead of chemicals.
    • Do not use insecticides or herbicides indoors or in the yard.
  9. Be cautious with medications. Some drugs can reduce sperm count and even cause permanent infertility. If sperm production is a major concern, then you should ask your doctor what medications may affect sperm count. Also, carefully read the labels on over-the-counter medications.

Part 2 of 3: Improving diet and exercise

  1. Exercise regularly. Finding the right exercise regimen is not easy in this modern world, but rest assured that exercise can increase sperm count. Exercise increases testosterone levels, which positively affects sperm production. Combine exercises and weight lifting, but avoid working out with the same muscle group from day to day. Taking time for muscles to rest and rebuild is a way to increase testosterone levels.
    • Don't exercise too much! Excessive exercise leads to an adrenal steroid hormone production that can cause testosterone deficiency. So whether you want to increase your muscle mass or your sperm count, do not exercise excessively.
    • Do not use anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids can help you gain muscle mass, but they shrink the testicles and make you infertile. If you want to get pregnant, you must stay away from this substance.
  2. Eat healthy foods. A diet low in fat, high in protein, green vegetables and whole grains is great for your sperm and health.
    • Eat more fish, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
    • Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin are also considered beneficial for the sperm.
    • Avoid soy-based foods and high-fructose corn syrup. Soy foods have mild effects on estrogen levels. Although they are good for women, they are not good for the spermatozoa. High fructose corn syrup causes insulin resistance, reducing fertility. Men who drink one liter of Coca-Cola a day have 30% less sperm than those who don't.
  3. Weight loss. Losing weight will help you fight a decrease in sperm count. Scientists do not understand why obesity is correlated with this condition, but a recent French study found that obese men had a 42% higher risk of decreased sperm count than those of the same age who were not obese. enlarged. In the same study, it was found that obese men increased the risk of having no sperm in their semen by 81%.
    • There are a number of different theories for this problem. Some conjecture fat tissue converts testosterone into estrogen; others believe that too much thigh muscle makes the testicles too hot.
  4. Use functional foods. Supplements made from natural herbs to help the body produce more semen. The researchers found that men who consumed 5mg of folic acid and 66mg zinc sulfate per day for 26 weeks had a 75% increase in sperm count. Zinc sulfate and folic acid are important for DNA formation.
    • Vitamin C and selenium are also good supplements for increasing sperm count.
  5. Use herbs and homeopathy. They help you to improve the sperm count. Homeopathic ingredients include:
    • Passion fruit can restore male sexual function and increase sperm count in men with low sperm count from smoking marijuana, etc.
    • Zincum Metallicum: This ingredient increases the amount of elemental zinc and helps to improve semen quality and sperm count.
    • Damiana, Yohinbinum: These two ingredients have been scientifically studied for their ability to positively affect male sexual function and decreased libido.
    • Herbs such as Ipomoea digitata, Emblica officinalis, Chlorophytum arundinaceum, Argyreia speciosa, Mucuna pruriens, Withania somnifera, Tinospora cordifolia, Tribulus terrestris, Sida cordifolia and Asparagus racemosus have been used as natural aphrodisiacs. They increase testosterone levels and also correct erectile dysfunction. Herbs like withania somnifera also act as natural anti-anxiety medications. It reduces physical and psychological stress and is beneficial for men with reduced sperm count caused by stress.

Part 3 of 3: Finding medical treatment

  1. Get tested and treated for sexually transmitted diseases. Some sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring and interfere with sperm passage. Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases periodically, if you do, you need to find treatment. Usually you will be prescribed a course of antibiotics to treat the infection.
  2. Determine if you have varicose veins. This is swelling of the blood vessels that lead away from the testicle, leading to an increase in testicle temperature and a decrease in sperm count. See a doctor to determine if this is the cause of infertility. If that is the case, then a surgical procedure might solve the problem.
  3. Hormone and drug treatment. It is likely that the low sperm count is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Hormone replacement therapy and medications can alter hormone levels and increase sperm count. Talk to your doctor to evaluate the appropriateness of this option.
    • Hormone replacement therapy and medication usually require at least 3 months of treatment to see results.