How to go forward in love

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
You Have To Move Forward | Steven Furtick
Video: You Have To Move Forward | Steven Furtick


When you meet someone you like or really like, you will start to have a crush. You will smile every time you think about them and pay more attention to how you dress. You will also begin to wonder if you should reach out with that person or not, of course this should go smoothly. The more love you give to the person, the more stressful you will be and the more you will be afraid you will do something wrong or wrong. Proactively moving forward in love at first can be quite difficult, but it can be done by either man or woman.


Part 1 of 2: Laying the foundations

  1. Watch for body language cues. There was a saying: an action is stronger than a thousand words. Indeed, in everyday communication, we only use 7% of our words to communicate with each other, while 55% is through body language.Before making any moves, pay attention to body language cues, such as gazes (passionately) and facial expressions (cheerful, excited) to see if you have any. chances of getting positive responses or not.
    • Females are likely to show off certain body features, such as neck or wrists, and play with hair. She may touch or lean in close to you, or she may turn toward you with both hands comfortably released.
    • Men are likely to give clearer and bolder cues, including wrapping their arms around the back of your seats, staring deeply, sitting or leaning close against you.

  2. Communicate with body language. Remember, you need to output and receive the correct signal. Body language can tell someone you have a crush on them.
    • A smile is a clear signal that someone has feelings for you. Also, don't forget to smile at your ex to show your love.
    • You may notice that you are imitating when you unconsciously repeat the other person's gestures and gestures. When someone smiles at you, you'll usually smile back. Imitation is also a way of flirting. Notice if your actions and the person's frequency are on the same frequency. If the person imitates you, that's great, otherwise copy her to build connection.

  3. Fun chat. In addition to action, chat is also a great flirting way to learn about and take your relationship even further. To listen and communicate well you need confidence, which is one of a person's most attractive traits. While men are often shaken by the other's actions, women tend to prefer words that are volatile and meaningful. Even so, both men and women will have feelings for someone who knows how to talk. Here are some tips for creating a good conversation:

  4. Ask interesting questions. When you are talking to your ex, don't ask about the weather or questions that can be easily answered with one word (and then keep silent and don't know what else to say).
    • Open questions about new events, personal information, and common interests will keep the conversation on track.
    • Some of the questions were: "Have you read any books lately? Have you been interested in movies lately? Which place do you like most in your city / town / village?" can help the conversation grow further.
    • Additional questions like: "Which character do you like the most in that book? How do you feel about the ending of that movie? Why do you like that place like that?" It will show that you are listening and interested in the person's response.
  5. Be honest and straightforward. Sweet words and jokes can make conversation happier, but you also need to be honest. Being honest doesn't mean telling every detail of your private life in a conversation, but being clear and straightforward about your ideal partner, your outlook on life, etc. This will help you show your credibility and your knowledge, and help the person better understand who you are and freely share their views.
  6. Always be positive. Talking in a positive way will help you maintain a cheerful tone, an attractive look and a radiant facial expression. The negativity will make you seem wary, and that can be a downside. Try to use positive and humorous expressions even when talking about negative things. Honesty and sharing are essential, but in the early stages you should keep the conversation light and fun.
  7. Create a romantic atmosphere. Plan a romantic date somewhere private and intimate. Instead of going to a movie or having dinner outside, you can cook at home or invite your significant other over for a drink. The key is to create a safe, comfortable, yet natural and romantic atmosphere.
  8. Keeps the air naturally. If the romantic mood doesn't work for you or the person, you can try other more natural ways.
    • Give the person your phone number. You can do this skillfully, like recommending a movie or book you love, then say: "Let me give you your phone number, tell me how you feel. when finished watching! ".
    • Send messages on social networks. You can comment on a photo on Instagram, send a message via Facebook or Twitter. You can also use the person's social media updates to naturally chat and find out about dating opportunities.

Part 2 of 2: Going forward

  1. Ask the person on a date. The fact that you want to reach out with your crush doesn't have to be as obvious as embarrassing questions like, "Do you want to go on a date with me?" If you are enjoying pizza together, invite your crush to your favorite restaurant on Friday. If your ex enjoys watching movies, say that you can go with him / her. When you know your partner's interests, you need to subtly come up with a specific plan. For example, instead of leaving the message “yes, let's go to the cinema tomorrow”, say: “This Thursday, at 7 pm, Maleficent 2 will have an early screening at CGV; Would you like to go see it together? "
  2. Chat after dating. After going out to dinner or watching a movie, send a text to let your crush know you're happy. This will show that you want to continue spending time with them in the future.
    • Mention a few specific details about a date, such as a joke or a meal you two had together. This will help you both share more.
  3. Boldly open a date. Sometimes frank is the best approach. If your ex is also interested in you, don't hesitate to ask.
    • Don't be pretentious. You can speak directly but still need to keep humility. Being too proud may scare the other person.
  4. Invite the person to go out with the group. If you're still shy, invite him / her to hang out with a group of friends. You can go out to dinner, sing, watch sports or attend a party. This way, the two of you will have the opportunity to walk together and chat without feeling too pressured.
  5. Only make physical contact when the other person agrees. You don't have to ask verbally but you can rely on the cues of the actions to see if the person is ready to go further. Each person will emit different signals, but if the person uses body language, such as touching your face or elsewhere on your body, it usually means that you can go further. Pay attention to the opponent's reaction and then adjust your actions accordingly.
    • Whether it is going to be verbal or making physical contact requires voluntary two sides. It doesn't matter what the person said or did before, the willingness will come at the right time.
    • You both need to be alert to make your decisions, especially when first having close contact.

    Connell Barrett

    Marriage and Love Specialist Connell Barrett is a love advisor, founder and executive coach of Dating Transformation, an emotional consulting firm he founded in 2017 and headquartered. New York city. Connell advises clients on the X.R.B Dating System: Authentication, Clarity, and Expression. He is also a dating coach with the dating app The League. His work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Oprah Magazine, and Today.

    Connell Barrett
    Specialist in Marriage and Love

    Start with small actions and then work your way up. Before you move forward, try sitting close to or touching the person's shoulder while you talk. If your ex turns on a green light for those actions, you can go further.

  6. Starting with the kiss. Just like when you ask for a date, you need to rely on your feelings to know when you can kiss your partner your first time! Relax, be confident, but don't be too pushy; Make eye contact with the person, bend down and pause for a moment as the two of them face face to face before moving forward to see the person is ready for the first kiss. From the kiss, you can slowly get closer to the person.
  7. Slowly closer contact. So you guys started kissing, but you want more. Then move on gradually to make sure the person wants it too. Light touches and close proximity will not only make your intentions clear, but will also help you see if your crush is interested or not.
    • Remember, you need to be slow enough for the person to refuse. Be together in a fun, consensual, safe, and comfortable way. If the other person is not ready to go as far as you want, respect their decision.
    • Remember to use protection. It sounds silly, but if you are going to go out with that person, always carry a condom (regardless of man or woman, women should carry one!). In addition to enjoying good times together, you need to be safe and comfortable for you both, so don't forget about protection.


  • There is much debate over whether a man or a woman should be the one to take the initiative. Each sex has a different way of expressing their will to each other, so it is impossible to say who should be the one to take the initiative. The tips in this article are applicable to both sexes.
  • Whenever the person says stop or slow down, you need to do exactly that. Remember that doesn't mean no.
  • Make sure both of you are alert enough to make a decision, avoiding drugs or alcohol, before getting together.
  • Remember to always start slowly and listen to your partner's needs.
  • Don't tell anyone you don't trust.
  • Have fun but don't forget to protect yourself!
  • If the other person does not like it, maintain a friendly relationship.
  • Try to be confident, sometimes you can step out of your comfort zone, but if you feel stress over because it's the first time, you can slowly, things don't have to start at the bud kiss.