How to Understand the Meaning of the Relationship

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU
Video: Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU


Humans are social animals. Almost everyone wants to have a close relationship with others. Relationships take a lot of effort and time to communicate, but sometimes it can still be difficult to understand what the other person thinks. This article will help you see where you are in a romantic relationship with another person. You will also understand different types of relationships as well as signs of a healthy relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Definition of what a romantic relationship is

  1. Decide when to talk. If you spend a lot of time with someone and think that you have feelings for them but are not sure if they feel the same way, then it's time to talk to “define a relationship”. That would be the landmark talk about whether you two are only in a friendship or above the friendship level — and if it's above the friendship level, what exactly is it.
    • It is difficult to know where you are in a relationship unless you say it. Talking about relationship definition is to express your feelings and to raise the "just you" relationship to the "dating" level or officially "a couple".
    • Maybe it's time to talk about defining a relationship if you're considering dating that person or for a physical relationship (or already having sex).

  2. Have a private conversation with the person. Talking about your relationship status is not something you can text back and forth or talk about in groups.It's best to talk seriously between the two of you so you can gauge the other person's reaction.
    • Sometimes writing a letter is another way, such as being shy or afraid of confusing the other person. In such situations, express your feelings by hand mail instead of typing or texting. This will help you express your emotions in your own way while still editing the words before sending the message.

  3. Express your feelings. Let the other person know what you think of them and ask them what they think of you. Not necessarily require a commitment. Simply ask your ex about your time together, and if they care about you above the friendship level.
    • Avoid being too flirtatious or trying to be more romantic than necessary when expressing your feelings for the other person for the first time. Although it would be cute in the movie, if you declare your eternal love when the other person's feelings for you are only friendship, they will be confused. Sincerity is good, but a little restraint if you think you have feelings for that person.
    • Try saying something like: "I really like the times we are together. If other than me, do you notice someone else? I think my feelings for you are not just friendship. What about you? "

  4. Give the person time to think. If he / she doesn't recognize your feelings for them, relationship defining conversation may surprise your ex. Give them time to process information and consider their feelings instead of forcing them to say what they are feeling right away.
    • In some situations, such as if you've ever made an affectionate gesture to the person, it shouldn't be a problem asking what they are up to if the relationship continues. But if it was just friendship, it would take them more time to understand the problem.

Part 2 of 3: Recognizing a healthy relationship

  1. Find out what the other person wants. In relationships, people need to know what they want to avoid feelings of exploitation or lack of interest.
    • If you are dating someone, it is important that you both agree on things like meeting frequency, chatting or texting, how close you are, and whether you're dating. another one.
    • In a marriage and co-worker relationship, it is important to understand each person's roles and responsibilities to avoid feelings of anger or confusion.
  2. Communicate effectively and openly. A relationship can only improve if communication is improved. Unfortunately, most people do not learn to communicate effectively in adulthood, so it is difficult to conduct critical or critical discussions without doing their best to learn the basics of effective communication.
    • In a relationship, you need to handle conflicts and disagreements from the point of view that you are from the same group. Instead of seeing disagreement as an opportunity for you to prove yourself right or win, think of it as a challenge to reach a mutually beneficial solution.
    • Don't keep negative thoughts for too long without sharing them with your partner. If not, you will feel upset. If you are angry or frustrated about the relationship, think about why you felt that way and talk about it with your partner. Let them know how you feel about it and what will help you get over it.
  3. Balance your needs with your ex. We are often taught to live for others, altruism is seen as a virtue. However, you shouldn't sacrifice your needs or your happiness for others so that you will end up feeling exhausted and frustrated.
    • Make time for yourself when you need it. Go out at night with your friends or spend the night reading alone if you want.
    • Don't be afraid to share your needs with your ex.
  4. Watch for signs of instability. Relationships should make you feel confident and happy because you know the other person. However, sometimes the relationship becomes a burden and affects your mind. If your relationship has been unsettled, it's time to end the bond or seek advice. Watch out for the following warning signs in any relationship:
    • One has more power or control over the other, and requires the other to do what they say or want. This includes preventing the other person from spending time with others, how they spend it, or how they show intimacy.
    • One person (or both) is emotionally manipulative and tries to force the other to respond by creating feelings of guilt, pity, or jealousy.
    • One person only gives and the other accepts only. For example, someone would expect you to give up plans because they don't want to be tied down, or close to you without making a promise.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding the different types of relationships

  1. Understand that your relationships are different. In life, we will meet many different people and will build complex personal relationships with them. There are many types of relationships like friendship, co-worker, love, and family affection.
    • Always remember that relationships are personal and different, just like everyone in the relationship. Expectations in relationships are also different. Sometimes these expectations are clarified during the conversation, sometimes there are implicit principles that form after a period of time together.
  2. Learn about friendship types. Friendship is pure, meaning there is no sexual element. This kind of relationship responds to the need to live in a community by people like us and you feel valued, safe, and valued.
    • Some relationships are mere "acquaintances", including people you happen to meet in the lobby, smiling and polite greetings. These relationships help you feel connected to the outside world, but often they're not the kind of person you want to hang out with. Expectation in this type of relationship is just courtesy.
    • Some relationships are common friends. You might come across them by chance (for example, because you're in the same class) and talk to each other out of interests or from the same class. You can chat with these people on general topics, but you don't know much about themselves.
    • Best friends are people you trust and stay with if you had a choice. With these people, you feel like you are yourself, and you don't have to worry about impressing them. It will take a lot of work to maintain a friendship at a level because you owe each other care and time as part of that friendship.
    • A core friend is a close friend who demonstrates loyalty, loyalty, and trustworthiness; it is the relationship that has overcame the test of time. They are people who understand you. Not everyone has or wants to have such a friend, it doesn't matter.
  3. Seeing the need for good friendship. Friends can be friends who hang out at good times, they can also be people you go to when having trouble or give advice when needed. Real friends are an important part of life because they help you better understand yourself, help you make the right choices, and help you connect with others.
    • Your true friend will tell each other the truth and remember the other person's biggest concerns. You can tell who you're not really with if they lie to please you or cheat you, or if they undermine your efforts or don't care about your success.
    • Sometimes it takes a lot of work to maintain a friendship. Try to take the time to call or visit you every week to find out what their lives are like and let them know you care.
  4. Understand that a relationship can be complicated. Like friendship, relationships range from ordinary to intimate, depending on mutual understanding and dedication to the person (in other words, your expectations for together).
    • Some people like to date regularly and spend time with many people, maybe even spending the night with different partners. This allows you to find the other person's favorites, giving you the opportunity to increase communication and develop other relationship skills without the pressure of having to tie.
    • Others like to be emotionally attached and conscientious to just one person. After all, most people want to find someone they can stick with for a long time or get married.
  5. Learn about co-worker relationships. Colleagues are people you meet every day but don't have to be close. This relationship can be very important to your success. If you build good relationships with colleagues or classmates, you can show them you're their teammates.
    • Try to be respectful and kind to everyone in the workplace, even if they're not the kind of people you want to engage with in life. Colleagues with a variety of life experiences will benefit you at work, so find out their strengths.
    • Sometimes a co-worker relationship encroaches on friendship or affection, which often causes confusion (and in the case of a relationship, it can violate workplace rules). So, remember to take your work seriously and treat everyone equally.
  6. Get used to a relationship. Whether you're on a dating or married level, this kind of relationship can be complicated and confusing.
    • Relationships create opportunities for people to open up to others and to bond closely with each other. Your ex will see your good and your bad, and will love you no matter what. Communication is key to maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.
    • Deep relationships can cause suffering from misunderstandings, feelings of hurt, and disappointment. Choose carefully who you want to spend your heart with, but you also need to be willing to take risks in the love game. If not, you may miss out on a great relationship.
  7. Build a quality relationship. Deepness and sincerity are the most important. Having a few good, strong, and enjoyable relationships is better than focusing on too many people who just want to find you randomly. advertisement