How to start a relationship by dating a stranger

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Start A Relationship From Dating A Stranger
Video: Start A Relationship From Dating A Stranger


Asking a stranger on a date is a great way to find a romantic partner, but getting serious with someone you barely knows can be tricky! It can be difficult to know if a person is interested in general, let alone if they are ready for a potential relationship. To turn a casual acquaintance into a real relationship, read the person's cues, communicate openly, and spend more time with them.


Part 1 of 3: Get the First Date

  1. 1 Smile and make eye contact. If you see someone you would like to meet, smile and look that person in the eye. If he smiles back, then most likely he doesn't mind starting a conversation with you. If he ignores you or frowns, then you are not interesting to him. Leave him alone and look for someone else.
  2. 2 Ask questions. To get to know a person better, ask him questions. At first, ask something friendly and casual. Don't immediately wonder if the other person is alone or looking for a relationship. Ask if he has lived in the area for a long time, if he likes the music in the background, or if he goes to the same school as you.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the signals it gives. If a person answers all questions in monosyllables (yes or no), avoids eye contact, or is distracted by something else, then he is not interested in communicating with you, and you should leave him alone. Don't take it personally - he may already be dating someone, or he may just have had a bad day. If he asks questions himself, responds with enthusiasm to your words and maintains eye contact, he probably likes you!
  4. 4 Show your interest. If the conversation goes smoothly, start showing romantic interest. Don't be too insistent - now is not the time to be frank or lavish compliments. Better to start with subtle hints, such as complimenting a person's hairstyle or suggesting a meeting in the near future.
  5. 5 Call or email him the next day. If you immediately get in touch, you will seem desperate, and if you disappear for a few days, then the person may lose interest in you. Wait out the night and then call or text him.
    • Give the person the opportunity to respond by referring to a previous conversation. For example, if the first time you met you were talking about great music in a club, say you heard that the same DJ will be performing on the big stage soon.
    • If you don't get a response within a day or so, try again. Do not be angry or offended. If the answer doesn't come, leave the person alone.
  6. 6 Ask him out on a date. Ask directly if the other person wants to go on a date with you. Be as specific as possible. Instead of saying, “Would you like to go somewhere?” Suggest going to the movies on Saturday night.
    • If he says he’s busy and doesn’t offer any alternative, he may not be interested. Don't put pressure on him.
  7. 7 Be nice and friendly on dates. Don't go overboard trying to be romantic - you barely know the person.Be friendly on the date while continuing to show interest as you did when you first met. Ask questions and listen to the answers. Be blunt if you want to see this person again. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Klare Heston, LCSW

    Licensed Social Worker Claire Heston is a licensed independent clinical social worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. She has experience in educational counseling and clinical supervision, and received her Master's degree in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also completed a two-year continuing education course at the Cleveland Institute of Gestalt Therapy and is certified in family therapy, supervision, mediation, and trauma therapy.

    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed social worker

    If you met a person on the Internet, use the information you already know on the first date. Psychologist Claire Haston advises: “You can connect and build communication on what you already know about the person from conversations on the Internet. Let him know that you are pleased to meet him in person. You can also compliment his appearance (provided you are sincere). "

Part 2 of 3: Get to know the person better

  1. 1 Ask the other person about his life. Once you're on a date with a stranger, take some time to find out who he is. You should not strike up a relationship with a person, not knowing what he earns for a living, where he comes from or with whom he lives. First, find out the basic facts about his life.
  2. 2 Maintain constant contact. If after meeting a person you disappear for a few days, he may think that you have lost interest in him. Write to him, call or meet with him at least two or three times a week.
    • You don't have to have long, heartfelt conversations every time. Just post a funny photo or ask how his day went to show that you are still interested in him.
  3. 3 Choose different places to date. Don't just have dinner at a restaurant every once in a while. Set up different dates to get an idea of ​​what the person likes and how they act in different circumstances. Avoid places where communication is difficult, such as concerts with loud music or movie theaters.
    • Hiking, board games, or tasting a new meal together are all great dating ideas designed for people just getting to know each other.
    • Be sure to ask what the person would like to do!
  4. 4 Find out about his past relationship. A relationship history can tell a lot about a person. If he has had several long-term, stable relationships, that's a good sign. If he has never met anyone seriously, was involved in a tumultuous relationship, or is still in love with someone, it might be worth the wait before moving on to the next level.
    • Don't question the person about their past. Start by mentioning your own past and having a casual conversation, but pay attention to the other person's reaction. If he picks up the topic, he is probably interested in talking about it.
  5. 5 Listen carefully. To get to know a person, it is important to listen a lot. Show the other person that you care about their words - maintain eye contact, ask relevant questions, and also refer to what has already been said when it's your turn to speak.
    • For example, if he says he dreamed of becoming an artist as a child, suggest going to a gallery exhibition on your next date.
  6. 6 Look for common interests and views. Not every date turns into a long-term relationship. Make sure you have enough in common with the person you are interested in to maintain a relationship. You don't have to like the same movies or desserts, but a successful relationship is much easier to build with a partner with a similar outlook and lifestyle.
  7. 7 Pay attention to warning signs. The first time after meeting everything in a person may seem amazing. However, rushing into a relationship with a stranger may end up with a partner who will not respect you or even abuse you. Before making a long-term commitment, look for warning signs of abuse and other unhealthy behaviors.
    • If you caught a person lying, felt unsafe around him, noticed that he is rude, shows violence to someone or is angry with you for nothing, do not meet with him again!
    • Too active an offensive is one of the main warning signs. Be very careful with a new acquaintance who will immediately start nudging you into a relationship, declaring his love for you, or constantly getting in touch with you.

Part 3 of 3: Build a relationship

  1. 1 Tell the person that you really like him. When communicating your feelings, in any case, do not be too assertive. Do not tell the person that you love him or that you are made for each other if you are just starting to get to know each other - this can scare him away. Better mark something that you like about his appearance, character and interests.
    • Try saying, “I had a great time with you. I feel a connection between us, and just being close to you is already cool! "
  2. 2 Get to know each other's friends. To do this, you can organize some casual meetings at a local bar, restaurant or mall. Ask your partner's friends how they met him, and encourage your friends to interact with him too.
  3. 3 Take part in his life. If this person has hobbies or activities that they are passionate about, show interest in them. For example, if he loves football, offer to go to a match together. If he has a tough job or a busy study schedule, be involved in helping him relieve stress and relax.
  4. 4 Discuss long-term goals to get an idea of ​​what the person is looking for in a relationship. It is not necessary to arrange a global discussion - you can casually mention your plans for the future, and then ask about your partner's plans. If you go roughly in one direction, the chances of building a serious relationship are very high.
    • If you have any specific plans for the future, be sure to let the person know. For example, if you are planning to move to the other end of the country, then it is important to mention this.
  5. 5 Offer to start a relationship. Tell the person that you care about him and that you want to have a real, serious relationship with him. Ask how he feels about you.
    • You don't have to make a big, dramatic statement. Try saying something like, “I've been walking around so happy since we met and I'm starting to get attached to you. How do you feel about starting a relationship? "
  6. 6 Keep getting to know your partner. Don't stop trying once you get into a relationship. Remember that this person is still relatively new to you, so it will take time for you to get to know him better. Chat with him and listen to what he has to say.


  • Not all meetings and dates turn into relationships. If the person does not want this, do not press on him. Switch to someone else who is interested.