How to Get Rid of Bad Mood Quickly

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Out of a Bad Mood - Anytime, Anywhere
Video: How to Get Out of a Bad Mood - Anytime, Anywhere


Bad moods will make it difficult for you and the people around you to deal with it. While it's okay to have mixed emotions and not feel completely happy all the time, it's okay to try to put an end to your bad moods quickly. The best way to improve mood is different for everyone, but following a few different suggested methods can help you determine what works best for you!


Method 1 of 4: Improve mood

  1. Do what you love. It sounds rather vague, but this is partly because everyone has a different taste. In theory, doing the things you love, you can improve your mood by reducing stress and stopping yourself from thinking about unhappy feelings. You know your interests better than anyone else, so think about what makes you happy and allow yourself to do them.

  2. Meditate or do another mental activity (like praying). Having a spiritual life often makes people happier. Meditating or praying will help you separate yourself from your current environment and lift you up.
    • To meditate, sit comfortably in a quiet place. Take a slow, deep breath. Focus on your breathing and clear all thoughts from your mind. Try to imagine your bad mood slowly leaving your body with every exhale.

  3. Read books or watch your favorite TV show. Many studies have shown that indirect experiences through others (which happens while reading or watching famous people on TV shows) can make you happier.

  4. Look for activities that are pleasant distractions. Many people report feeling happier after going shopping, doing chores, or distracting themselves from the source of a bad mood. The benefit of a pleasant distraction is that it gives you the time you need to stay away from your troubling environment and feel like you are spending time with yourself.
  5. Make yourself laugh. Laughter changes the chemicals in the body.It will replace other emotions like depression or anger. Methods that can help you laugh include:
    • Chat with a funny friend
    • Watch a comedy or a short clip from a TV show
    • Remember the fun experiences in life
    • Read satirical stories or funny articles or comics
  6. Do exercise. Moderate exercise is strongly linked to improved mood. Most people feel this when exercising for 5 minutes. There are quite a few different types of exercise, and any activity that boosts your heart rate and causes your body to release endorphins will improve your mood. However, consider doing the following activities to drastically increase your positive emotions:
    • Yoga: Yoga is a combination of physical activity and mindfulness, so it will bring the benefits of exercise and meditation. If you can't go to the yoga studio, you can watch a yoga instructor video online.
    • Aerobic activity: Aerobic activity like jogging, jogging, swimming, dancing, or taking a fitness class can help boost heart rate and improve mood.
  7. Allow yourself to experience bad moods. This means don't force yourself to get rid of it, otherwise you will most likely fail. Our performance at work (or our best abilities) will vary at different times in our lives. For example, your performance when you feel energized and when you are upset are completely different. So, don't compare like "That day, I completed a complicated job extremely effectively and now I can't do such simple task". However, you can always do as much as you can as your current mood (or state of mind) allows. For example; If your current mood allows you to get 20% performance under the best conditions, you should act on the same level without forcing yourself to perform better. You will then notice that although you don't need to make the effort, your present mental state (bad mood) naturally dissipates as your performance progresses.
  8. Dance to music you like. Dancing gives you some benefit from exercise and activates your brain's pleasure center. Pull up your office curtains, use headphones (or not) and dance to the music you love!
  9. Healthy eating. Diet is closely related to mood and is not limited to feelings of anger when hungry (quite common). A nutritious diet with whole foods will help you feel healthier and happier.
    • Add whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein to your diet. Consuming healthy fats will also keep you full for longer.
    • Avoid fat-free and processed foods. They often lack essential nutrients and can make you feel unsatisfied.
    • Anti-inflammatory foods and those containing Omega-3 fatty acids can help improve mood. Some specific foods of this type include green leafy vegetables, avocados, asparagus, walnuts, dark chocolate, and green tea.
  10. Eat quality dark chocolate. The feeling of enjoying chocolate can ease stress, and the antioxidant properties of dark chocolate can actually make you feel better! You should try to consume only a small amount (about 30g per day); bite into small pieces of chocolate to enjoy this wonderful feeling for longer!
  11. Smile. Everyone knows that people smile when they're happy, but did you know that smiling can actually make you happier? Acting as if you're happy through a good posture and having a bright smile on your lips will help improve your mood; Your thoughts and feelings will react to the act of smiling. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Immerse yourself in society

  1. Spend time communicating with friends. Meeting friends is a great way to improve your mood when you feel like you are losing connection with them. You can go to lunch, have coffee, go to the movies, or have dinner with friends. If you do not have the budget to go out, you can go for a walk with your friends or go to a nearby park, sit on the swing and chat with each other.
  2. Call your friends. Maybe your bad mood is caused by feeling isolated. Being alone and communicating with others through your computer screen can make you feel lonely. Talking on the phone with other people (especially with a funny friend!) Will improve your mood quickly.
  3. Video chat (video chat) with friends or family. If you can't meet someone in person, you can video chat with someone who makes you happy. Video will make you feel as though you are actually meeting the person, and will help you focus on the conversation rather than texting.
  4. Take part in team sports. Try to find a volleyball team or find out if your company has a soccer team. Taking part in a team sport improves your mood as it gives you the opportunity to interact with others while getting exercise.
  5. Make a plan to socialize on a regular basis. A plan to meet with your friends on a regular basis can help you get rid of your bad mood. Try incorporating a meaningful, recurring social communication plan into your schedule. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Habitat change

  1. Go for a walk outside. Going for a walk outdoors can help improve your mood quickly. It provides an opportunity for you to exit your current environment, and this will "stimulate" a new state in your senses. It gives you some time to exercise and this should help you improve your mood. In addition, being in nature has also been shown to improve mood.
    • Once you step out of the house, focus on nature: pay attention to animals, insects, or flowers you don't normally keep an eye on. Observe other people's interactions with nature. Watch the water ripple and ripple. You will completely forget any of your bad feelings before you realize it.
  2. Stop using social media. Recent research has shown that mood over social media is contagious. Your friends' negative status lines will affect your mood more than you think. Additionally, comparing your own life to someone else's life thoughts based on their posts will negatively impact your self-esteem.
  3. Brightness change. If you are sitting under a fluorescent light, turn off the lights and work in dim light for a while. If the environment around you is quite dark, you can turn on a bright light. The changing brightness helps to change the environment, which in turn improves your mood.
    • If you can, turn to natural light. Open the curtains, or better yet, open the windows and enjoy the fresh air.
  4. Listening to music. The type of music you choose depends on your preferences. Some people feel more comfortable listening to music that matches their feelings (e.g. sad music when they are sad, strong music when they are angry, etc.) and then adjust to happier music. when their moods improved. Others find that listening to uplifting music when they are sad improves their mood. You can try both methods to determine the one that works best for you. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Solve potential problems

  1. Identify your reasons for sadness. Evaluate yourself to determine why you are feeling unhappy. Finding the source of your mood will give you the opportunity to address the problem. Sometimes your answers will help you to quickly correct the situation (such as feeling hungry or lonely), but you may also find the bigger cause behind your mood. can't "do it quickly".
    • If you become aware that the cause of your unhappiness is related to a big problem that you are not able to deal with, your therapist will help you to process your emotions and make changes. long-term in view of your life.
  2. Complete a few tasks on your to-do list. Many people feel that their mood gets worse when they are stuck with a long list of tasks to do at work or in daily life. Getting a few things done, even if they're just one small aspect of the list, will make you happier. Review the list and find out if you can quickly complete a task or two. Crossing them off the list will make you feel better and motivate you to deal with bigger tasks.
  3. Express gratitude and positivity. Look back at your day or week and think (or best of all, write down) the good things that happened to you. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life and getting truly grateful for the gifts of nature will make you happier. advertisement


  • Count the goodness you have. Perhaps you have so many wonderful things in life that you feel grateful for.
  • Take a shower or soak in the tub. Adjust the temperature of the hot or cold water to your liking, but you should only see this as a means of temporary relief.
  • Think about something funny! Humor can improve your mood.
  • Take a nap during the day. When you are tired, you can become irritable.
  • Pets have been scientifically shown to help people feel better about themselves. You should cuddle a dog or cat.
  • Thinking about a bright future.
  • Cats can help you to improve your mood quickly. Just look a cat in the eye and you will feel very relaxed and happy.