Ways to get smarter

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week
Video: 10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week


Do you wish you were smarter? Do you want people to think you are better? The second wish seems simpler than the first, but whether you really want to improve your mental faculties or just want to reap the benefits with a smart look, here are hints about the steps. specifically to help you achieve your goals.


Method 1 of 2: Develop meaningful intelligence

  1. Willing to learn for a lifetime. It is often thought that intelligence is readily available and cannot be improved through effort. However, present-day evidence shows that this is not the case; Although an unintelligent person can never become a genius, it seems that anyone has the ability to raise intelligence to a certain extent.However, the process is not as simple as learning some new vocabulary. It takes time and effort to learn how to handle the world around you in a deeper and more thoughtful way.

  2. Passionate pursuit. People often learn best when they are passionate about the topic they are learning. When you are fascinated about something, you will be eager to dig deeper; Such focused and continuous research can help improve your brainpower. Truly intelligent people are deeply knowledgeable about a few subjects instead of everything they know through loudspeaker. Was Albert Einstein genius in all branches of physics, anthropology, linguistics, geology, animal behavior and literary criticism? Of course not. A person "can do anything" is usually not adept at anything; If you work hard to learn a little at all, you probably won't know anything at all!

  3. Challenge yourself. If you don't fight, you won't be able to push yourself to rise. Learning is not torture that makes people suffer. Learning should be a reward you won't get without your hard work. Urge yourself to master new ideas and enter unfamiliar areas of knowledge.

  4. Think about your way of thinking. This concept is called "metacognition", and smart people are usually very good at it. Metacognition allows you to understand what you learn and apply to different contexts. For example, if you find that you are most effective in studying on your own, don't study in groups when preparing for your graduation exam.
  5. Take care of your body. Sometimes people forget that the brain is just like any other organ in the body. Just as your skin gets healthier when you take a bath and your lungs healthier when you're not smoking, your well-cared brain functions better than it does without care. You may be surprised to learn that information processing is much more efficient if you get enough sleep, exercise properly, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
  6. Learn a foreign language. This activity will force the brain to switch to new ways of building semantics, improving both conscious and intuitive understanding of language systems. More use of your thinking about the language will also benefit you in improving your native language, and the process of learning new words will help you improve your memory.
  7. Learn to play an instrument. This activity will train the brain regions used in cognitive processing and provide you with new ways of receiving and communicating information. It also helps you improve memory and reduce stress, key factors that hinder brain development.
  8. Read news. While keeping an eye on current events may not directly enhance mental prowess, a truly intelligent and curious person will want to understand the world in which he or she lives. New ideas are often built on existing ideas, so it is wise to know as much as possible about the problems the world is facing and the ways in which people are working. decided. Remember, every source of information has some bias; you need to be sure to find a variety of sources of information, and never accept what is absolutely right just because it is published in the newspaper.
  9. Reduce your dependence on technology. In this day and age, easy access to information makes our lives much more comfortable, but it can also make us worse off. The neural trails in the brains of the Millennials are probably far behind their parents' for tasks like reading maps, for example. That's because most young people today depend too much on GPS navigation devices, while the older generation has to take out maps if they get lost. Likewise, when people cannot remember the meaning of a word, people often Google immediately rather than sit down and focus on recalling it. Instead of reinforcing their ability to memorize information, they can get information easily without thinking. Try to rely less on your phone and use your brain more.
  10. Keep an open mind. Don't dismiss new ideas because they are scary, confusing, or threaten your familiar way of thinking about the world - the natural hesitancy when people want to hold both opposing views at the same time is called "Cognitive conflict". Be more open about changing your mindset. The ability to admit when you make a mistake is a manifestation of a great mind.
  11. Don't be afraid that others think you are stupid. Curiosity is not synonymous with ignorance; Really smart people ask questions, because wise people know they can't know everything. When you start learning a new skill, it is natural that you won't be able to excel right away. If you spend enough time practicing one thing and you're still poor, at some point you will start doing well. Accept gaps in your knowledge as gateways to discovery and growth. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Show off smarter

  1. Use words with difficult semantics. Choosing a few new words doesn't require you to be very talented, but a few impressive words and accurate grammar expressions will make you seem smarter. Download the language learning apps or use the learning cards. Identify some grammatical errors that you often make and correct. You can even find a few literary citations of profound significance to include in your conversations for even more fun. Remember that impressive words will only really impress if used correctly - You won't get any extra points when saying the word "populist" without understanding its meaning or knowing the correct pronunciation.
  2. Humble and discreet. Just like the case where someone who says he's not racist will make people suspect that he's a racist, if you keep trying to be smart, people will start. incredulous. Instead, if you are quiet and humble, people may infer that you have deep thoughts. A good chance of doing this is when someone makes a stupid comment in a group conversation. If you jump into "back fix" and make fun of the person, chances are you will become petty instead of smart. Let them do it for you - just be quiet for a few seconds, wait for the comment to settle down, and as soon as you feel the mood start to flutter, move on with the conversation. This gives the impression to everyone that you don't know how to react to the silly comment, so you decide to let go to keep the other person from being embarrassed.
  3. Appears with poise. People often assume that people who are well-dressed and speak fluently are probably smarter than people who are always messy and chattering. Maybe you should also need to wear glasses. It sounds silly, but when you want people to think you are smart, "four eyes" is better than two eyes.
  4. Abbreviation middle name. This may sound silly as well, but there is evidence that by writing your name as Phan T. T. Huong instead of Phan Thi Thanh Huong, you will seem smarter in the eyes of others. If you want to take advantage of this effect, just add another letter in front of your name; Yes, because this seems to work. advertisement