How to detoxify your kidneys naturally

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally
Video: 7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally


In this noisy and stressful life, our body is exposed to many toxins. Delicious but unhealthy foods in the form of fast foods, stimulants like caffeinated drinks and parties are the things that people must approach in order to keep up with the pace of social development. But then who really has to bear the burden of flushing these toxins out of the system? A pair of pea-shaped organs located in the abdominal cavity will do this. They work non-stop, 24/7 to filter out harmful toxins. When the amount of toxins is so much that the poor little kidneys cannot handle it, kidney function slows down, making you more susceptible to kidney stones, infections, cysts, tumors and eventually shutdown. This article will guide you on how to detoxify your kidneys.


Part 1 of 3: Purifying your diet

  1. Drink a lot of water. The most important step to regular kidney detox is to drink plenty of clean, natural water. Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day (and more if sweating or being an athlete) helps to clear away accumulated toxins. A sign of the toxin being filtered out is clear urine without a strong odor. Dark yellow urine means too thick. Passing clear urine is a sign of a clean filtration system. Drinks such as cola, coffee and carbonated water are not good alternatives to natural water.
    • Different teas and juices are recommended for kidney detox. However, medically, only pure water has been shown to be effective in helping the kidneys. It is true that different teas and juices can contain beneficial substances such as vitamins and minerals. Even so, they also contain high levels of caffeine or sugar, which can also be harmful to the kidneys. Remember that filtered water is still good.

  2. Increase fruit intake. Potassium-rich vegetables and fruits help in the detoxification of kidneys. Citrus fruits like oranges, cantaloupe, grapes, bananas, kiwis, apricots and plums are all rich in potassium. Milk and yogurt are also good sources of potassium.
    • Including these fruits in your daily diet will help maintain blood electrolyte levels, thereby keeping kidney function at optimal levels. Drinking one cup of grape juice every day in the morning or evening helps to clear away excess uric acid build up - a byproduct of dialysis.
    • Need to supplement foods rich in potassium one way balance. Too much potassium can lead to a condition called hyperkalemia, which can cause cardiac arrest and death. People with kidney problems like kidney failure cannot get too much potassium. A healthy person is allowed to get up to 4.7 grams of potassium per day.

  3. Don't forget the berries. Berries like cranberries aid in kidney detox. Cranberries contain the nutrient quinine that converts itself into hippuric acid through a chain of metabolic activity in the liver. Hippuric acid removes excess uric acid and urea that accumulates in the kidneys. One cup full of cranberries is enough to cleanse the kidneys each day.
    • Scientific research proves that cranberry is also very useful in treating as well as preventing urinary tract infections thanks to its antibacterial properties.
  4. Incorporate more barley in your diet. Barley is another great grain that is used to detoxify and prevent uncontrolled kidney damage from diabetes. Note that barley does not cure, but only aids other methods of maintaining optimal kidney function. Barley is a whole grain and substituting barley flour in place of refined flour is one way to include barley in your diet.
    • Another way to fortify barley is to soak a handful of barley in water and leave it on overnight. Drink barley water in the morning after waking up. This helps to filter out the toxins that build up in the kidneys and helps them recover. Regular barley consumption also helps maintain creatinine levels or lower levels to normal in diabetics.
  5. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and chocolate. Although scientists still argue about this, the things you should avoid include alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, nuts, and processed foods. While these foods are not recommended to avoid kidney damage, they may cause negative reactions in the body. Whether or not you detoxify your kidneys, it's a good idea to limit your intake of these foods.
    • However, be aware that studies have not come up with any conclusive evidence to support the recommendation to avoid these foods for kidney protection. So far, there is no definitive conclusion on this topic.
  6. Avoid protein. The only foods that have been shown to harm kidneys are foods high in protein. Sound strange, right? Turns out, protein foods are bad for the kidneys because the digestion and metabolism of them produces the highest amount of byproducts. This byproduct is called creatinine and is the main reason that creatinine levels are measured in patients with kidney problems. Elevated creatinine levels are definitely a problem in the filtration and elimination function of the kidneys. Therefore, to lower your creatinine content, you should eat less protein.
    • Adults with kidney problems such as chronic kidney failure are advised to limit their daily protein intake to just 0.8 g per kg of body weight. This is recommended in the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes (KDOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines and Recommendations for Clinical Practice for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (KDOQI) Quality Initiative). So adult men weighing about 60 kg get only 48 grams of protein per day. This is about 1 slice of pork cutlet and 1 slice of cheese.
    • Talk to your doctor about this in advance. Protein is a very important part of the diet and should not be avoided by most of us.

Part 2 of 3: Explore alternative medicinal ingredients

  1. Try dandelion. Dandelion is an herb that is used as a food additive in many dishes such as salads, salad dressings, tea, coffee and chocolate. Dandelion is rich in potassium and acts as a diuretic, meaning it helps flush out excess water in the body. Therefore, dandelion is very helpful in increasing urine output.
    • Used as a poison, you can use 10-15 drops of dandelion essence soaked in alcohol 3 times a day to detoxify the kidneys and can be used safely for up to 6 months.
  2. Try the Uva-Urisi or the bear mulberry tree. This is an excellent natural ingredient to help detoxify the kidneys. This plant helps restore inflammation and damage in kidney tissue caused by infection or kidney stones. The bear mulberry tree contains a glycoside called arbutin that has anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in treating urinary tract infections.
    • Furthermore, the mulberry tree also acts as a muscle relaxant, helping to reduce swelling in the urinary tract or muscles. It neutralizes the acid in the urine, thereby improving the burning pain caused by the infection.
    • Bear mulberry as a supplement is relatively safe, but should be used with caution in patients taking antipsychotics such as Lithium. Uva-Ursi can affect the way the body gets rid of Lithium and can increase the amount of lithium in the blood causing toxicity or even death. Therefore, people with copper diseases should be careful when using Uva-Ursi for kidney detox.
  3. Consider using tribulus. This is an ingredient in Traditional Indian Medicine that improves kidney health and is beneficial for people with recurrent urinary tract infections and recurrent kidney stones. Tribulus helps maintain urine flow, cools and soothes the lining of the urinary tract, thereby helping to relieve pain. Besides, tribulus also has antibiotic properties and reduces bladder inflammation.
    • A capsule of tribulus can be taken 1-2 times per day to maintain kidney function.
  4. Try using European coriander. This is a long-standing ingredient known for its ability to remove kidney stones. In homeopathy, this herb-infused alcohol, called Berberis Vulgaris, alleviates the colic due to kidney stones in many patients and reduces the risk of surgery. However, the size of the kidney stone must be smaller than the urethral diameter, otherwise, the large stone can damage the urethral epithelium when it is passed out.
    • You can mix 10-15 drops of medicinal alcohol with a little water and drink 3 times a day to remove kidney stones within a few weeks.
  5. Always talk to your doctor before using any alternative medicine. This detox is not for people in poor health. It is also not a balanced diet, it is not permanent and must be done properly. Furthermore, some of the additional ingredients may not be good for you. To do this most effectively, you need to talk to a healthcare professional.
    • Certain medications such as blood pressure or diabetes medications can interfere with this diet and harm the kidneys. Therefore, when taking certain medicines, you need to be cautious. For example, high blood pressure drugs such as ACE inhibitors (trade names such as Ramipril, Lisinopril, Benazepril, ...) increase the amount of potassium in the blood. Combined with a potassium-rich diet, this can significantly increase blood potassium levels, which in turn can be fatal. Patients with abnormally high levels of creatinine should not be on a high-protein diet.
    • Thus, the benefits of a kidney detox program are maximized in healthy individuals with a history of recurrent urinary tract infection or recurrent kidney stones.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with a serious case

  1. Seek medical treatment for serious kidney problems. The natural detox method can be effective in promoting the health and healing of mild kidney damage. However, the condition may be more serious and the natural detox cannot be used, such as kidney stones, infections, tumors or cysts. In particularly severe cases, kidney failure can cause kidney failure and shut down your body. So, you need to proactively tackle the problem early.

  2. Diagnose a kidney infection. Common symptoms of kidney infection include fever and chills; fatigue, confusion and loss of appetite; back pain or hip pain (location of the kidneys); bloody, cloudy, or foul-smelling urine; frequent urination and pain when urinating. See your doctor if you notice these signs and if you are concerned that you have a kidney infection. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the above symptoms associated with bloody urine, nausea, or vomiting.
    • Serious kidney infections can cause life-threatening complications. So you shouldn't be underestimated.

  3. Know the symptoms of kidney stones. 1 in 20 people will develop kidney stones at some point in their lives, so it's never superfluous to educate yourself about the risks. See your doctor as soon as possible or go to the emergency room if you have any of the following symptoms:
    • Severe pain in the hip and back, below the ribs. The pain can spread to the lower abdomen and groin. The pain can vary from one to another to another.
    • Pain during urination; a need to urinate more frequently and more than usual; urinating.
    • Pink, red, or brown urine; opaque or foul-smelling.
    • Nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.

  4. Understand the limitations of natural treatments. This natural kidney detox can be an aid to another kidney recovery program and a great way to maintain general health. However, serious kidney problems require surgery, prescription medications or even dialysis. If you are trying to detox with the aim of treating kidney pain or more serious problems, make sure to consult your doctor before you go on extreme diets or using ingredients. additional. advertisement


  • There are only two things for sure when it comes to kidney detox: avoid protein-rich foods and drink plenty of fluids.