Ways to Practice nude in the family

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Practice Nudity in Your Family 3 Method
Video: How to Practice Nudity in Your Family 3 Method


Family nudity is a difficult subject to talk about because of cultural values, but it doesn't mean it's unhealthy. In fact, it is normal to watch nude for children to develop a healthy image of their body and have the right mindset in adult dating. However, it is important that you perform family nude safely. To achieve this, you have to teach your child the rules and limits of being nude, and tackle potential problems.


Method 1 of 3: Educate young children about nudity

  1. Let young children know that nudity is natural and doesn't involve sex. Depending on the culture in which you live, you might think about sex when you think about nude. However, that is your most natural state. When you are naked in front of your children, act like it's natural and normal. Encourage them to accept nudity as a normal part of being human rather than sexual activity.
    • Being nude doesn't have to arouse a sexual desire. Separate sex and nudity in family life so that nudity can be practiced in a healthy way.

    Warning: It's best to practice family nudity when your kids are young. If your children are relatively old, you should only be nude when they are away, unless they are comfortable with it.

  2. Practice sex-safe nudity as soon as a child is young. One of the biggest challenges with family nudity is dealing with gender differences. Children tend to ask lots of questions, and some people will be upset with your decision. You should teach young children how to safely nude for men and women from birth or as soon as possible. Tell them about the differences in the body of the sexes, and what behavior is safe and appropriate.
    • Answer any questions your child asks about different family members' bodies, like genitals and body hair. You could say, “I have more feathers than you because I am an adult. Tomorrow the baby will also have feathers "or" I have a penis and my sister has a vagina, so the two are different at that point ".
    • Explain which points are touched and what are not. You can say, “Anyone should not touch your child in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Nor can anyone touch my lower place. ”
    • There is nothing wrong with a child seeing their parents naked if that is the normal way of seeing them and they are comfortable.

  3. Model a healthy body while naked. One of the greatest benefits of being nude in the family is building a healthy body image in the eyes of your children. When you are naked in front of them, act like you're comfortable and proud of your body. In addition, avoid criticizing your body while your children are present.
    • Instead of saying, "I wish my stomach was smaller," say, "I'm happy that this body brought you to this world."

  4. Avoid displaying your sexuality when your family is together. While a sexual instinct is normal and healthy, you should only do it in private. Otherwise, your child will have difficulty understanding what to do and what not to do. If you feel excited, cover it with your hands and make an excuse to move away. Likewise, don't touch your spouse's sensitive points in the presence of the children.
    • For example, don't squeeze your wife's breasts or touch her in the presence of her children. This will make them think that they can do it too because you are setting the same example.
  5. Explain that there are different cultural practices about nudity. Each culture has its own values ​​when it comes to nudity. For example, European culture is more open about nude in the family and in public, while other cultures are more strict. There is nothing wrong with people having different cultural values, or doubts about the cultural values ​​where you live. However, talk to them so they know the difference between how they live and what their friends think.
    • You might say, “In our family, we like to live close to nature and respect our bodies, which means we find it normal to be nude next to our family members. Some of your friends may think this is not OK because they have different family values ​​from ours ”.

Method 2 of 3: Set limits and rules

  1. Always keep your body clean and hygienic when naked. When naked, you need to pay more attention to the hygiene of the family. People in the household may unintentionally get stools, vaginal discharge, or menstrual blood on furniture or floors. Your family must shower regularly and everyone in the house must clean after using the toilet. Also, consider lining up a towel when sitting on a chair or furniture.
    • Using a wet towel after going to the toilet can help you clean your genitals and anus.
  2. Let each family member decide for themselves what makes them feel good. You want the whole family to be nude because you think this is beneficial. However, your family members may not think so. Let your spouse, children and other members decide for themselves what they feel comfortable doing. Then, discuss this issue together to understand and respect each other's needs.
    • For example, your spouse may agree to wear underwear instead of being completely nude. Similarly, your children find that they only want to be naked when there are no members of the opposite sex around.
  3. Please respect the line other members have set towards being nude. Once you know each person's needs, discuss the boundaries that you want to set in the family. Later, you will re-examine these boundaries as your child grows to make sure their feelings are still taken care of.
    • For example, if your kids say you don't want you naked in front of them, then get dressed when you are with them. Similarly, your child may not want to bathe with the other members, that's fine too.
  4. Make a rule about the right time to get naked. While there's nothing wrong with being naked, it's not suitable in all situations. Adults in the home can easily tell when to get dressed, but young children may not know when and where to be nude. Talk to them about the need to get dressed in public spaces and set rules. Here are some rules to consider:
    • You can get naked at home and in remote areas.
    • Dressed when guests come home.
    • Must wear clothes when going to school or work.
    • Must wear clothes in all public places.

Method 3 of 3: Solve potential problems

  1. Educate about different body features in a positive way. Children often notice different points on the body. They may ask about different genitals, different amounts of hair and body fat. Answer their questions about each family member's body. Maintain a positive attitude and help them learn more about the human body.
    • For example, they may ask, "Why don't you have a penis?" Answer, "Some people are born with a penis, while others have a vagina."
    • Young children may also ask something like, "Why is a mother's womb so soft?" Say, “Some people have a soft belly, but some have a hard belly. Both are beautiful".
  2. Help your baby learn to answer questions about being naked. While being nude is the right choice for your family, some people will wonder. That means your child will begin to get questions about this as they get older. Talk to your children about how to answer these questions. This will help them explain your family values ​​so that others can understand.
    • For example, a friend asked, "Isn't it wrong to be nude in front of your parents?" Your child will reply, “In my family it is natural, nothing is strange. My family members don't even notice that I'm naked.
  3. Calmly discuss with your children if they exhibit sexual behavior. It is perfectly okay for children to explore their bodies, so don't worry if they start fumbling with themselves. However, it is important that you discuss what is done and should not be done. Calmly and seriously tell your baby not to touch your genitals in front of other people. Also, explain that they should not touch others in a sexual manner.
    • You could say something like, “I saw you clawing your penis earlier. Sure you can touch your body, but you can only do so when you're alone ”.
    • Don't be angry or judgmental as this may lead young children to think that sexual instincts are wrong.

    Advice: It's best to bring your baby to the doctor if he is consistently sexually active. While it is normal for children to explore their bodies, sometimes they engage in this behavior because they have seen inappropriate scenes.

  4. Educating young children about touch is appropriate and inappropriate. Being naked helps young children feel comfortable about their bodies, which is great! However, they also need to know that adults or other friends are not allowed to touch private places. Teach your child the names of the body parts. Then, explain that the places cannot be touched by other people, and should let you know if that happens.
    • You might say, “My body is mine, so it is not okay to touch it. If someone touches that part of me, I must tell me immediately so I can protect you ”.

    Advice: Explain that sometimes you or a doctor need to touch their private places to see a doctor. However, this kind of touch never happened in a sneaky way. Say, “Sometimes a parent or doctor needs to touch that area of ​​the child. If this happens, let me or a trusted adult know what happened. Good touch never happens in secret. ”

  5. Never let young children see pornographic material. Although you can be nude in the family, that doesn't mean your kids can see others naked. Under no circumstances should your children see pornography. This can make it difficult for them to understand what is natural and unnatural, and lead to inappropriate sexual behavior at a young age. Keep these pictures in a safe, secret place if you have them.
    • For example, looking at pornography might cause your child to strike a balance between domestic nudity and erotic nudity.


  • Family nudity is not harmful for children as long as the boundaries of each member are respected. In fact, this can help children develop a positive attitude about the body, and as an adult will have healthy thoughts in the relationship between men and women.
  • Your baby will start to feel more apprehensive when they reach puberty. At this point they may want more cover, so let them decide for themselves.


  • Be cautious when discussing family nudity with others because they do not understand your values. They may not understand that your family's nudity is natural and not sexually related.
  • It may be difficult for your children to accept family nudity when they reach school age because it is not so common. Talk to young children and respect their point of view when talking about nudity.