Ways to Change Your Life Within A Few Hours

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Betty White’s 3 Secrets for a Longer and Happier Life
Video: Betty White’s 3 Secrets for a Longer and Happier Life


Whether you are fed up with the things you have to do or you want to change yourself, get started right away so you can enjoy a better and more rewarding life. Sometimes what you need to do is act instead of dreaming without trying to do anything to achieve them. It can be difficult to completely change things in just a few hours, but at least you can get into the process of change. Some of the things you can do include brainstorming, setting goals, and making small steps toward your goals. Keep reading this article to learn more about how to change your life in just a few hours.


Part 1 of 3: Planning

  1. Think about your long-term goals. What is your long term goal? Think about what you will be like in 10 years. Do you want to own a house? Do you want to run the company you are working for? Do you want to get married and have children? Think about whether you are on the right track to your long-term goals. If not, you will need to work on identifying a few things that you need to change.

  2. Determine what you want to change. Sometimes, change is such a big and terrifying process that you don't even want to think about it. But right now, you can do something about it. Brainstorm and write answers to the following questions as quickly as possible. You don't have to pay attention to grammar, spelling, or punctuation, you just need to write them down.
    • What's going on pretty well in your life? Make a list of some of the positives in your current life. To change, you need to be aware of the things you like and dislike so that you don't have to end up destroying all the positive things in your life. You can also list a few of your strengths that you can rely on during the change process.
    • What would you like to change in your life? Do you like your job? Is your married life happy? Write down the parts of your life that are really making you feel unhappy.
    • Pick the 3 to 5 things you want to change the most. Again, quickly write about them without thinking too hard, listing the steps you can take to make the change. Don't overdo it - you'll have plenty of time to adjust later.

  3. Reread everything you have written. You have just created a brief personal map of your change process. Over time, you can adjust your maps and now you can defeat the feeling of "things are too hard to change" and turn them into concrete steps. Reread everything you have written to keep them in mind and get started on making these goals.
  4. Break the big goal on your list down into a smaller one. Big goals such as "becoming a millionaire" will be a great long-term goal, but it won't give you specific suggestions for what you can do about it. To reach your goals, you need to break your main goal down into smaller, more realistic goals. For example, you could break down your goal of becoming a millionaire into more manageable chunks such as "creating a savings account" or "asking for a raise." They will help you get closer to your main goal and make it easier to manage.
    • Change your regular statement into a more positive one. For example, instead of generalizing something like "find your passion", write in a more specific way you can do it. For example, you could write that "go to a career counselor" or "take an aptitude test".
    • Transform big plans into small things to do. For example, instead of writing "looking for a job" break it down into small steps such as "updating your resume", "creating a LinkedIn account", "finding a new company" or "writing a letter. resignation".
  5. Doing work can help you move closer to your goals. After you've reviewed the list, identify a task that you can easily complete within the next 48 hours and do it. In 48 hours, complete as many small tasks as possible to motivate yourself to change. Here are a few examples:
    • To end an unhappy relationship: Chat with your partner, find a new place to live, pack up your things, or ask a friend to help you move.
    • Get stronger: Remove junk food from the cupboard, go to the gym, chat with your supporter, or buy a new pair of sneakers.
    • To move to another location: Find an apartment in a new place, post your current home or apartment sale, remove items you do not want to bring to a new place, or give you a call friends and relatives.

Part 2 of 3: Motivating Yourself

  1. Write your goal in a place that's easy to see. Writing goals in a place that you can see them, like on the refrigerator or turning them into your desktop, can help you focus on them. By reminding yourself of your goals each day, you will be able to make choices that will help you move closer to achieving your goals.
  2. Make a commitment that you will keep working until you reach your goal. It's important that you commit to the goal of accomplishing a goal when you've just set it up and re-commit whenever you have trouble. This will help you stay focused and keep working on your goal.
    • For example, you could contract yourself to accept specific tasks (every day or week) to achieve your goals.
  3. Journal or blog to keep track of your progress. Writing about your journey can be a great way to motivate yourself. Journaling can help you privately categorize your thoughts about the new situation, while blogging allows people to share their journeys with you. Decide which method makes you more comfortable and start writing today.
    • You can use the journal to keep track of your thoughts and feelings about the change you are trying to make, you can make a list of the things you want to do each day, or just write down. about all your thoughts.
  4. Visualize accomplishing your goals. Imagination is a powerful tool to help keep you motivated to make the change you want. Take 10 minutes each day to think about how you would feel when you achieved your goal. Imagine what it will look like, how people will react, and about your feelings.
  5. Optimistic. Staying positive can help you accomplish your goals as it will keep you happy. The happier you are, the more likely you will feel like you are able to achieve your goal. Remind yourself to try to focus on the positives over the negatives. If you find yourself or those around you getting too strict, consider making a change.
    • Give yourself encouragement to make you smile in the situations you least expect. Quotes such as "You are great!" or "Let's keep going!" can help motivate you when you need it.
    • Spend time with people who help you feel better doing the things that make you happy. Take a walk around the mall with a close friend or go to the movies with a special person.
  6. Reward yourself. You can also keep yourself motivated by creating rewards for yourself. Doing something as simple as rewarding yourself with a new outfit after losing about 5 pounds can make a huge difference in motivating yourself to stick to your goals. Make sure you choose healthy rewards and that you can afford them. When you accomplish a goal, remember to reward yourself right away. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with Change

  1. Clean the living environment. Nothing can help clear your mind more than remove the procrastination agent. Ask yourself if you really need stacks of papers, DVDs you've never seen, or clothes you've never worn. Cleaning up for more space can also help remove some anxiety from your mind.
    • Start with your desk, bedroom, bag, distracting digital device or other messy issue. Proceed to clean at a corner of the room or a shelf, or settle 1 stack of papers.
    • Forming solutions to prevent the mess from recurring. For example, you could spend 20 minutes a day cleaning up your house or apartment.
  2. Take good care of yourself. Taking good care of yourself is the move that goes hand in hand with any successful transition. This is how you tell yourself, "I'm really important and I'm taking the time to take care of the important things." It is also a way for you to feel more confident in a new situation. Remember to make sure you eat and get enough rest, and exercise regularly to feel better.
    • Possesses great looks. When was the last time you had a haircut or manicures or pedicures? Do you need to buy new clothes? Part of forming a new person may include changing your appearance. Investing in your good looks is about investing in yourself.
    • Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. When you feel anxious about making changes in your life, you may be tempted to withdraw indoors and engage in emotional eating. Instead, take care of yourself. Take a 30-minute walk every day and eat healthy foods.
    • Get a health check. When was the last time you had a dental or physical exam? Your body will probably need some adjustments in order to adjust to the new situation. You don't want to have a health problem that you don't know well.
  3. Find support. Support is essential when you are trying to make big changes in your life. You can count on the support of friends and family in the transition. Join a support group or talk to a therapist if the changes make you feel anxious or depressed.
    • If you think it's appropriate to share your change and feel comfortable with it, you can consider posting your intentions on Facebook or another social networking site you use frequently. Informing people of your intentions can be a great way to gain support and invite people to ask about you.
  4. Have patience. Yes, you may have taken some pretty big steps to change your life in a matter of hours, but it will take some time to really get used to it. Don't go back to where you were or where you were just because you feel scared or unsure of your decision. Allow yourself 6 months to 1 year to adjust to your new environment. advertisement


  • Make sure you have the funds to make the change you want. For example, don't quit if you don't have any savings to support your life, especially if a lot of people are dependent on your income.


  • Think about how change can affect your family and friends before you start. While it can be great to take a risk and take control of your own life, you should make sure that someone you love won't get hurt or hurt in the process.