How to Show Love to a Girl

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!
Video: How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!


If you love a girl, it's important to let her know. But if you're too shy or too shy to express it, don't worry. There are many different ways you can show Let a girl know how much you care for her, through your actions, words, and gestures, until you have the courage to confess. Here are some great tips for showing a girl that you love her.


Method 1 of 2: Through Romantic Gestures

  1. Give her flowers. It sounds pretty clichéd, but a bouquet of beautiful roses is one of the best ways to say "I love you". However, you should put in a bit of effort - not just choose any bouquet of flowers on sale in the supermarket. Ask a friend or relative about her favorite flower and deliver it to her home in a special way.
    • For a more romantic look, you can include a small emotional card. Just a couple of short and sweet sentences like "beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman" or a little longer like a poem or song.
    • If you don't have a lot of money, don't worry. You don't have to buy the most expensive items, imported flowers are sold everywhere. In fact, a red rose or a freshly picked wild flower is much more romantic than a bundled bouquet of flowers.

  2. Cook her favorite dinner. You can show a girl that you love her by spending time and effort doing something that makes her feel good, like cooking a dinner she loves. If you've known her for a while, you probably already know a lot about her interests. Don't prepare something too complicated if you have never tried it before.Make dinner romantic by presenting beautiful dining tables, lighting candles and preparing melodious music.
    • You can let her know in advance what you are preparing and tell her to dress her nicely for dinner or completely surprise her - make sure she gets home on time and make sure she's just go home alone!
    • Don't worry if you're not good at cooking, your heart is what matters. However, if you are concerned that what you cook won't be able to eat it, you can try practicing it first by cooking it for your family or friends.
    • If you can't afford to take her to a restaurant and don't know how to cook, offer to cook with her! Couples who do everyday things together will feel happier and longer together. Try opening the guide and cooking together.

  3. Write love letters for her. A love letter is one of the most romantic ways to show a girl that you love her, something she will cherish for the rest of her life. This is a great option if you're having trouble expressing your feelings with words - all you need is a pen and let your heart speak. You can either hand her the letter in person or post it to surprise her.
    • If you have trouble getting started, get inspired by the wonderful lines of Shakespeare, Lord Byron or Emily Dickinson, or you can find famous romantic quotes to include in your letter. .
    • You can give her sweet notes via email or text, but handwritten romantic classic style is still the best option.
    • In addition, you can become more creative by turning your emotions into songs or poems. You can sing it to her in person or record it and send it to her if you're embarrassed. Things will get even better if you know how to play instruments!

  4. Take her out. Think about a few ideas and your plans for a romantic night out. You can go the classic way of taking her to dinner or watching a movie, or you can recreate your first date or take her to where you first met. The time and effort you put into planning a special dinner will tell her it all and she will understand how you feel for her.
    • Try to think of her hobbies instead of your own - for example, don't take her to bowling if you learn that she loves ice skating.
    • Try to come up with some creative ideas based on her interests. If she is an extrovert, take her on a hiking or outdoor sport. If she likes fun stuff, take her to the amusement park or game area. If she is interested in music or drama, buy tickets to a band or play.
  5. Compliment her. Here's a pretty easy way. If you truly love her, you won't have a hard time figuring out 101 things you like about her and complimenting her on them. You can compliment her on her looks: whether it's something she's so proud of, like her sleek long hair or gorgeous brown eyes, or something she doesn't feel as confident about herself as sugar. curved or unnatural smile. However, don't just focus on complimenting her on how she looks, but also compliment her on good personality traits or things she's good at.
    • For example, you could tell her that you love her warm heart and how she helps people, or compliment her on doing a great job at a recent sporting event or a homework. specific.
    • Compliment always comes from the heart. If you tell her something that is not true, she may think that the compliment is fake and everything will backfire. Be honest and sincere.
  6. Surprise her. Surprise is one of the great ways for a girl to see that you are always thinking about her and that you are willing to do anything to make her happy. You don't have to make a great plan or buy her a puppy or anything else (although these can come in handy in certain cases!). You can surprise her by going to her house and carrying a box of ice cream or her favorite DVD when she's just going through a tiring day or leaving a message in her purse or under her pillow. she lets her find it when she most didn't expect it.
    • Some girls don't like surprises, so if you're unsure of what you're up to, try to silently observe her feelings or give her a few clever suggestions before you do. is about to do something too crazy.
    • This step will only help if it's a nice surprise - not a surprise visit to her house with a tattoo of her face on her arm or the announcement that you're about to move. other. These types of surprises often do not yield good results.
  7. Tell her you love her. Of course, of course. If you truly love her, the easiest and most straightforward way to let her know is to tell her. You don't have to sing and dance or hang a banner that says "I love you" on the plane, you just need to multiply the moment when the two are having a good time together and say those three short words, one way. seriously and honestly
    • If the phrase "I love you" sounds a bit serious and intense, try something with the same meaning like, "I think I have already fallen for you" or something else. a little cheesy like "you completely stole my heart". She will understand.
    • If it's your first time saying something like that, don't get too discouraged if she doesn't respond right away. She may need some time to receive the information she just received. Remember, "I love you" is not a question that needs an answer.
    • On the contrary, she may feel extremely happy when you finally have the courage to say your true feelings and immediately respond to the words she has been waiting for. . You will never know until you try!

Method 2 of 2: Through manners

  1. Please be nice. Show her that you love her by always being nice to her, no matter where you are or with whom. It doesn't matter whether you are the best guy in the world when it's only two people or if you treat her well in front of your friends. You need to be the Good Guy all the time.
    • Treating her well includes listening to her, always respecting her opinion (even if you don't agree), praising her, never making her feel bad about herself. and do good things for her without her asking for it.
    • The "girls often like bad boys" philosophy is purely relative, girls like to be with people who treat them well, especially in bonded relationships.
  2. Be truth. Honesty is extremely important in love. If you are dishonest, she may not be able to trust you, and this is completely bad for your relationship. You should tell the truth, whether that's why you didn't call her the night before or admit that you're the one who broke her favorite cup. She might feel angry then, but in the long run she will appreciate your honesty.
    • You should also be honest about how you feel about her. If you love her but haven't told her about it yet, get up your courage and confess. With regards to affection, being honest is always the most effective way.
    • Solve difficulties, entanglement together, do not hide in your heart. That way, she will learn that you trust her. The two of you will become closer and your relationship will be stronger.
  3. Be considerate. Careful actions and words are a great way for a girl to know you love her. That will let her know that you are listening to her and be deeply interested in her feelings and thoughts.Sometimes it can be things that come to you naturally, sometimes you need to work hard to show that you care. You can do this by learning more about her interests and dislikes and suppressing selfish thoughts to put her before yourself.
    • Some examples of how you can show yourself as a thoughtful person include: knowing how much coffee she likes (sugar, ice cream, etc.) and bringing her a cup in the morning or noon. ; give her the option of which movie to go to see, even if it's a movie that you're not interested in at all; be interested in her comments about a book she wants to read or the CD she wants to listen to and buy it for her. You should also try to remember important dates or anniversaries, such as her birthday, the first date of a date, and show her by giving her a small cake or card. to love.
    • Being considerate also means being mindful of how your actions will affect her. For example, if you plan to go out all night with your friends and can't reach her, let her know and tell her that you'll call her the next morning. That way she won't worry about where you are. Or if you have a lot of female friends, avoid flirting or having close contact with them while she's there as this will make her feel insecure.
  4. Please cuddle. Cuddling is a great and natural way to show your affection for a girl. Cuddling includes holding her hand, hugging her a lot, and calling her intimate names like "darling", "my love" or something only the two of you know. You don't have to be afraid to show these cuddles when it's just the two of you, you can show it in public or with friends by sitting next to her with your arms around her waist or over her shoulders. . Let the world know that you are proud to be with her and that she will understand your feelings.
    • Sometimes, you should try to be proactive. Take her hand while walking down the street or surprise her with a hug from behind. Small things like that can make a girl feel special.
    • Be careful when doing things she will not feel comfortable with. She may not like you to be with her all the time when she is with friends or family, as this may embarrass her. Take care of her feelings and make sure you know where the limits are.
  5. Elegant flowers. Prove that grace is never superfluous by treating your girl (and any other woman in your life) politely. Open the door for her, when going to eat so she can order first, give her your jacket if she feels cold and wait until she is safely inside when she takes her home. In short, try to make her feel safe and respected without being snobbish. Let her know that you are always behind her and that you will always be with her when she needs it.
    • Understand that being graceful doesn't mean you should do everything for her all the time or assume that she can't handle it on her own, as it will make her feel disrespected. Let her know you love the way she does things herself without asking anyone but you sometimes prefer Help her out.
    • Being chivalrous is not treating her like a doll in a glass case, but giving her the attention she deserves.
  6. Please support. Try to show support and encouragement to the girl you love as much as possible. This means encouraging her dreams and goals and not dismissing or making fun of her because they are impractical or stupid. You should do all you can to her or just be with her whenever she needs it. She will appreciate it more than you think.
    • You can support her in a variety of ways, whether it's going to see the play she's supporting, listening to her practice the presentation she's supposed to give at school or work, or simply giving her. a shoulder to lean on when she needs it.
  7. Stay with her. You can really let a girl know you love her by being with her when she needs you the most. Whether she is arguing with her best friend, failing to achieve her expected exam results, or grieving over someone close to her has passed away, your duty is to be with her and for her. She knows you love her no matter what. Being with her in good times is fine, but the way to challenge your love is by being with her during tough times. Be with her whenever she needs it and she will have absolutely no doubts about your feelings for her.
    • You can help someone in a variety of ways, simply giving them a shoulder to cry, making them feel more confident by reminding them of how great they are. or make them forget their troubles by doing something interesting with them. Try to understand the situation to find out what she needs most at the moment.
    • You can also let her know you love her by letting her be with you when friend need. Don't let her get out of the way or leave her alone when you have a hard time, let her in and share your feelings with her. She will learn that you trust and rely on her and you both will find that you are a lot stronger together.


  • Every girl is different, so act on her personality traits. If you are truly in love with her, you should be clear about what she likes and appreciates. Ask her about her hobbies and get to know her so you can adjust your feelings accordingly. Not every girl likes flowers or goes to the movies, so pay attention to the things she likes and become one of them.


  • Whatever you do, don't be afraid to show a girl that you love her. If she doesn't know or realize how much you care for her, you risk losing her forever. Do your best and don't mind the results. You don't want to regret losing her just because you don't have the courage to confess your feelings to her.
  • If you truly love a girl, do your best for her. Ask her about the things that make her comfortable and loyal to her. If you give her reason to worry or even hide anything, it can and will push her away from you.