Ways to Self Hypnosis

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Best Self-Hypnosis Techniques | Hypnosis
Video: 6 Best Self-Hypnosis Techniques | Hypnosis


Self-hypnosis is a naturally occurring mental state and is defined as a state of high concentration of the brain. Through self-hypnosis, you can change your thinking patterns, let go of bad habits, control yourself, and also help relax and reduce stress in everyday life. This state is similar to meditation and helps you become a more complete person.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing Hypnosis

  1. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Discomfort caused by clothing, such as the back of a tight waistband that interferes with blood circulation, can make it very difficult to achieve a deep mental state. So see that as a reason to wear loose-fitting clothing (wear when exercising), and it's important not to let anything bother you when focusing.
    • Make sure the room temperature is right. Have a blanket or a sweater ready if it feels a bit cold, sometimes feeling warm can make you feel much more comfortable.

  2. Find a quiet room and sit in a comfortable chair. You can also sit on the couch or bed. There are some people who prefer to lie down, but if you are the type that easily sleeps, you should sit to avoid oversleeping. Whether you sit or lie down, remember: don't cross your legs or any other body part, as it will make you feel uncomfortable after a short while.

  3. Surely I haven't been bothered for at least half an hour. Self-hypnosis cannot happen if the process is interrupted by a ringing phone, by a pet or by a small child. Turn off the phone (and the notifications), lock the door and isolate yourself. This is your "time".
    • How long the hypnosis period is up to you. Most people like to be in a state of samadhi (we try to avoid using the word because it has a negative nuance) for about 15 to 20 minutes, but you also have to spend time before and after. into that state.

  4. Determine your hypnosis goal. Is your goal to relax, improve yourself, or train your brain? If you want to practice hypnosis for a larger purpose (like to lose weight, quit smoking, etc.), write them down on paper. You can practice hypnosis to reduce stress, but you can certainly use it to improve many other areas of your life. Thanks to self-hypnosis, many people get what they want, such as changing their thinking or just to create a motivation to live more positively. Here are some goals you can try:
    • If you want to get rid of a bad habit, it's best to choose the specific one. For example, you might think something like, "I want to stop smoking because it doesn't appeal to it."
    • If you want to think more positively, aim for things like "I can do whatever I pay attention to. I can control everything and I have the power".
    • If you want to achieve a specific goal, for example weight loss, tell yourself something like, "I have healthy eating habits and I am losing weight. The clothes will fit. and I feel more confident ".
      • There are sentences that you need to memorize when practicing hypnosis. In general, it's up to you to choose which one to say, but many people find it very effective because it creates a higher determination.

Part 2 of 3: Entering Hypnosis

  1. Close your eyes and release your emotions from anxiety, tension, or frustration. In the beginning you will find it very difficult to let go of these thoughts because they keep appearing. If so, don't try to force yourself to push them away, but look at the thoughts indifferently, then slowly let it go away. Refer to How to meditate for instructions for this step.
    • Or you can focus your gaze on a certain spot on the wall. It could be the corner of the ceiling, a stain or anywhere you like. Take a look at that point and focus on your eyelids, telling yourself that the lids are getting heavier. Eventually close your eyes when you don't have the strength to open your eyelids.
  2. Notice the tension in your body. Starting with your toes, imagine the tension in your muscles fading and disappearing completely. Imagine that each part of your body is relaxing in order, starting with your toes and pulling slowly upwards over your body. Imagine that those parts are getting lighter and lighter when the tension is gone.
    • Relax your toes, then your feet. Continue to your calves, thighs, hips, abdomen and to the rest of the body, until you release the rest, including your face and head. Use visualization to think of things that make you feel relieved, soothing, such as water (visualizing water splashing on your feet and ankles, dissipating fatigue).
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply. As you exhale, you visualize fatigue and negative feelings leaving with a dark cloud, and as you inhale, you imagine a bright, energetic aura pouring in.
    • At this point, you should visualize something you enjoy. For example, you might think of a lemon sliced ​​in half, lemon juice slowly running down your fingers, then reaching to your mouth to taste. How was your reaction? What does it taste and feel like? You continue to visualize more meaningful images, like bills, disappearing in the wind. Imagine dissolving excess fat, generally as detailed as possible, and keep an eye on your five senses.
  4. Appreciate the extreme relaxation you are experiencing. Imagine you are standing on a ladder of 10 steps, from the fifth step down starting to sink in water. You visualize every detail of that picture, from top to bottom, and tell yourself that you are going downstairs, and count down 10 or less with each step. Think of each number and imagine that with each step you will get closer and closer to the bottom. With each step you will drift further and further into a state of deep serenity.
    • Feel every step as you go downstairs. Once you reach step five, imagine the freshness of the water below, telling yourself you are stepping down into an oasis of freshness and cleanliness. While walking down the remaining five steps, you begin to feel your body slowly sinking into the water. Now you should feel a bit cold, your heart rate increases a little, pay attention to that but let all these fears slowly drift down the water.
  5. Feel the drift. At the lowest point you will not be able to feel anything clearly, just find yourself drifting freely, even like you are spinning.If you can't feel this, try again but more slowly to try to grasp what's going on. Once you have reached this state you should continue to work on your problems and determine what you need at that point.
    • Now that you start to mention what you are doing, speak in a low voice in the present and future tense, as if you were reading from a page.
    • Start to picture three boxes under the water, you have to swim to their place. Once you reach the boxes, slowly open them, open them one by one, and whisper to yourself what's going on when you open the box. For example, “When I opened the box I felt a light envelop me and it seemed I was getting along with it. This light is new belief and I will never fail again because it has merged with me.
    • You should avoid saying sentences with negative connotations, such as "I don't want to be tired and upset anymore", instead say, "I'm becoming calmer and more serene." There are also other statements such as: "I am strong and supple", "I am successful and optimistic", and if you are in pain say "My back starts to feel good". (See warnings about pain.)
  6. Repeat these statements as many times as you want. Feel free to walk in the water, visualize yourself upside down boxes and see the treasures in it (in the form of confidence, money, etc.), or simply relax the whole muscle. can. Look for places where water is cool, hot, or full of wildlife. You should let your imagination run free.
  7. Prepare to exit hypnosis. After each step you feel the water level gradually shallow, until you reach the fifth step. Once you are completely out of the water and on the sixth step, you will begin to feel heavy as if a weight is on your chest. You simply wait there until this feeling is over, repeatedly repeating the statements mentioned above.
    • Once you have stopped feeling the weight, continue to step up, visualize each step by its count, and remember to feel the steps at the same time. Concentrate on stepping up the remaining stairs.
      • Remember that you do not have to imagine the water 100% as stated. If you can imagine a more interesting scenario then use it. There's no need to be better, as long as it works with friend is to be.

  8. Once at the top, wait a few seconds before opening your eyes. Maybe you want to imagine yourself opening up to the outside world. Open slowly and it looks like light is spilling through the entrance, that light makes your eyes naturally open. If necessary, count down 10 or less, tell yourself that your eyes are open after finishing.
    • Get up slowly, then whisper "Wake up, wake up", or maybe say a sentence you are used to to wake someone up. Then your mind has been brought back to a state of alertness, back to reality.

Part 3 of 3: Enhancing Experience

  1. It's true. There is no self-hypnosis or mantras in real life if you don't believe it. For this phenomenon to happen you must believe in yourself and your actions. Why not? If you do believe it, it could work for you.
    • If the first time does not succeed, do not rush to dismiss it but persevere. There are a few things you need to spend time practicing to master. Every few days you practice to experiment with that feeling, then you will be surprised.
    • Think openly. You have to believe in the possibility of hypnosis for it to become a reality. Any suspicion slows down your progress.

  2. Check on entity. If you need proof you're in a trance, there are things you can do! Anything that can be seen or felt on the body is under control, so try these ideas:
    • Interlock your fingers. Stay like this during the hypnosis process, tell yourself that they are glued together, almost like being enveloped by glue. Then take your fingers apart, if you can't do it, that's… proof!
    • Think of an arm getting heavier. You don't need to wake up to pick a specific arm, let your brain do it. Imagine holding a book in your hand, putting your hand down and trying to raise your hand. Can you do it?
  3. Imagine situations. Whatever your goal is to be confident, it could be to lose weight, improve negative thinking or whatever. Visualize yourself in the situation and respond to a thought or a desired condition. If you want to lose weight, imagine yourself slipping your legs into slim jeans easily, looking in the mirror and smiling at that fit body. The dazzle of natural hormones alone is worth a try!
    • Many people use hypnosis to fix personal problems like shyness. You do not have to deal directly with it, but reach out through other relevant things. Simply imagine yourself walking around in this world with your head held high, smiling and looking directly at everyone else, this is the first step towards becoming an extrovert.

  4. Use support tools. Some people like to listen to music when they enter hypnosis. Currently on the Internet there are dozens of songs for hypnosis. If a certain image helps you, be prepared at hand for convenience when needed, such as water waves or tropical rainforest.
    • Stopwatch is also very useful. Some people find it difficult to get out of hypnosis and often forget about time. If you don't want to be hypnotized accidentally for long hours use a stopwatch, but remember to set a calming alarm.

  5. Use hypnosis to improve yourself. Find a target to focus on in hypnosis. For example, you might think of the type of person you want to be. Hypnosis is a very deep meditative state, but it is better than meditation in that it is possible to use hypnosis to achieve greater and better goals. Many people find that after hypnosis they have a more positive mindset and a more purposeful life. So you should take advantage of this!
    • There is nothing wrong with using hypnosis. Whether your goal is to get rid of bad habits, improve focus at work, or change your way of thinking, you can use hypnosis to perfect them. Getting rid of all the stressors in your life is an integral part of your striving to be the person you want to be, and hypnosis can help. The more you practice, the easier and more natural that state will come.


  • If you are a person who has difficulty sleeping, after counting to the number one (that is, taking the last step), let your mind relax and keep your eyes closed, then you will go to sleep. easier.
  • Have your ideas and expressions ready for yourself before you lie down, otherwise the hypnosis may be interrupted.
  • Some find that visualizing peaceful natural scenes is enough to relax before starting to count. For example, you can imagine yourself walking in a forest, smelling plants and wind, or visualizing yourself walking along the beach, feeling fine sand under your feet, cool water. splashing in the ankle and the sound of the waves crashing.
  • To make it easier for you to jot down your pre-hypnosis ideas, a list of tasks visible with your eyes is easier to memorize than carefully organizing each thought in your mind.
  • Another way to relax your muscles is to tighten them for about ten seconds before releasing them, so you can not only imagine but feel the tension disappear.
  • For those of you who like to meditate but can't sit still for long, use this hypnosis as it is a form of meditation, but add some time between counting down and up the stairs.
  • Don't force yourself to think about hypnosis, it will come to you more easily, this is also a very good way to fall asleep.
  • If you have trouble, find a hypnotherapist, or buy audio tapes to assist with hypnosis. Once you've been through hypnosis once or twice, you will have a better understanding of the mental state you are aiming for.
  • Don't hypnotize yourself while driving a vehicle or operating machinery.
  • You don't have to worry about getting stuck in hypnosis because it's a very natural phenomenon, and you still "slip" out and on every day.
  • No one can hypnotize you if you don't want to, and you can't hypnotize yourself if you don't really want it.


  • Be careful when standing up if you were lying down before, because standing up too quickly can cause your blood pressure to drop, making you dizzy or unconscious. (This has nothing to do with hypnosis, which is a drop in blood pressure caused by standing.)
  • Hypnosis doesn't always have an immediate effect, you may need to practice it regularly (for example, daily exercise for a month or more) to see its benefits. You need to "train" yourself with perseverance.

What you need

  • A comfortable place to sit or lie down, with soft lighting and the right temperature.
  • Quiet and undisturbed environment for at least half an hour.