How to organize a surprise birthday party

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SURPRISE PARTY + planning process
Video: SURPRISE PARTY + planning process


Having a surprise birthday party sounds simple enough, but for the party to be great you have to have a little bit of planning. You need to set up a few basic details about the type of birthday party you want to have and note what the special guest of the party likes. Once you've outlined the details of the party, keep it a secret but you need to reveal enough information to the guests. To bring the main character to the party, you should assign a chaperone and give them some ideas so they can bring the main character to the surprise without revealing the secret.


Part 1 of 3: Arranging the basics

  1. Choose a party theme. Think about what the protagonist likes and make it the theme of the party. If you're celebrating a baby's birthday party, the topic might be your baby's favorite toy or story. For an older person, choose a topic based on their interests or interests. For example, a birthday party could take the theme of a person's favorite movie. You can guide the guests to dress up like characters in the movie.
    • Remember that you also need to prepare food, decorations, and activities around the theme. Thus, if you want to hold a Hawaiian-style party, you should choose the location is the beach or tropical decoration. Serve cocktails with tropical flavors and distributing garlands to the guests.

  2. Choose the party location. You can hold a party almost anywhere. Select a location with enough space for all guests. If you're planning a big surprise party, you'll probably need to rent a hall. But if the party is only attended by about a dozen people, you can easily book a seat at a cozy restaurant.
    • For example, you can have the party at the protagonist's house, at your own place, at a restaurant, at a park, or anywhere you think they didn't expect.
    • If you plan to rent a party venue, learn about the sound system there and ask about their regulations on food and décor.

  3. Select the date and time of the party. While it is possible to make the main character's birthday true, you can even surprise them even more by having the party a day or two in advance. You need to choose a date and time that is convenient for the majority of the party, and of course the main character is not bothered.
    • Try asking the main character if you want to hang out with you on the day you plan to party. If they say they have other plans, you will have to change the time of the party.
    • Avoid having a surprise birthday party after the person's birthday or they may think you forgot their big day.

  4. Prepare food and drink. Usually, birthday parties serve meals. If you are making a birthday party for young children, you can choose the usual dishes for birthday parties (juices, cookies, cupcakes). If it's an adult birthday party, you should serve dishes that are easy to prepare and easy to eat. If you don't want to waste time cooking, consider ordering food or making it at a restaurant.
    • Choose the right food for the time of the party. For example, if you're planning to surprise someone for a birthday party right after work during your workday, prepare a complete meal. But if the party takes place on weekend afternoons, you can serve drinks and snacks.
  5. List of guests. Decide the number of guests attending the party and take note of the main character's personality. If they aren't very extroverted, they may enjoy a small surprise party with family and close friends. If they are the person who likes to have fun and talk, you can invite more people to the party.
    • Ask someone else to help you plan and create a surprise, especially if that person is also interested in the idea of ​​the party.
  6. Invite guests to the party. Once you have a guest list, create a social networking event page or call to invite them to attend. Avoid sending paper invitations so that the main character won't come across the invitation and find out. Be sure to make it clear to your guests that this is a surprise party.
    • Think about asking guests to bring gifts or a donation of food or drinks.

Part 2 of 3: Make a surprise for the party

  1. Decorate the party at the main character's residence. If you're planning to celebrate someone's birthday at their place, you'll have to wait when they're out of town and go fast.Choose decorations that are easily attachable and make sure they don't see them before entering the party room. Avoid decorations near windows that they can see when entering.
    • If you don't have much time, decorate the main party room first and switch to other rooms if you have time.
  2. Decorate the party in another location. If the place for the surprise birthday party is not the person's home, it's easy to decorate it in advance. You can decorate the party's theme, your main character's favorite colors, or the usual birthday decorations like balloons and colored ribbons. Don't forget that the entrance to the party room should not reveal a surprise, so avoid hanging banners or balloons at the entrance.
    • Ask some of the guests at the party to help you put in decorations before the other guests arrive.
  3. Let the guests know about the details of the party. When guests accept a party invitation, call them or leave details on a social networking site that the main character cannot read. To keep it a secret, let your guests know where to park, where to place gifts or food on arrival at the party, dress or dress codes and the exact time required to be present (usually before the moment of creation 30 minutes' surprise).
    • Avoid revealing the party details to too many people or to those who are not in the party, as this increases the risk of the main cause being heard.
  4. Choose an "escort". Find someone to accompany the main character while you plan and prepare the party. Choose someone the protagonist feels comfortable with (such as a wife, husband, or close friend). This person has the task of distracting and leading the important person of the party before the moment creates the surprise.
    • Tell your chaperone that you can contact them if you need to delay a little longer or need to bring the main character right to the party.
  5. Create a fake event to "cheat ly Sơn". The easiest way to distract the protagonist is to host another event they know. For example, you might ask your chaperone to invite them out for dinner or an activity. The protagonist wouldn't be much doubtful if they were ready for an exciting run.
    • If you're planning to have a party at home, ask your chaperone to invite the protagonist to go shopping, go to the movies or go hiking, and make it interesting that they don't want to go home early.
    • Make sure the main character will dress appropriately. For example, if it's a costume party, get the person dressed for the same activity to match the surprise birthday party.
  6. Review your to-do checklist before the party starts. In order not to miss every detail of the party, make a checklist. List things to do, when to prepare food, install a sound system, etc. You can use the checklist to assign tasks to party guests.
    • For example, ask someone to turn on the lights and music when the protagonist walks in. You can also ask people to watch out when the main character appears.
  7. Tell the guests what to do when the moment is critical. Instruct those invited to the party what to do so that no one will accidentally lose the surprise. You can have everyone jump up and say, "Surprised!" or hide party guests in each room for the protagonist to enter and in turn find relatives and friends. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Bring the main character to the party

  1. Ask the protagonist to help plan a surprise birthday party for another person. If you really want to distract the main character, ask them to plan someone's birthday. This is great if you don't have time to direct their attention away from the party. You can make an appointment to meet them in an unadorned room. When it's time to surprise, lead them into the party room.
    • For example, if the party is at your home, you could decorate the main rooms and make an appointment to meet the person back at the house. When everything is ready, you can lead them into the party room.

  2. Tell the protagonist that you forgot something. If you're having fun with the main character as a chaperone, you'll have to take that person to the surprise birthday party when it's time. You might say that you "left" something important at home and had to go back to get it.
    • This trick only works if the party is in your house or the protagonist's house.

  3. Ask the main character to join you on a chore. If you're planning a party somewhere (like a restaurant or a park), make an appointment with the main character. After you talk a few questions, ask if they're willing to go with you some miscellaneous work, and lead them to the party.
    • For example, you could go out for coffee together. After a while, ask, “A few days ago I left my coat at the restaurant down the street. Can you come over with me? "
  4. Inform the party organizer in advance. If you are playing the chaperone role, text the host of the party 10 minutes before bringing in the main character. If you are afraid of revealing the secret, you can ask the host to cut off a "guard" at the entrance to alert other party guests that the main character is coming.
    • Prior notice is especially important if you plan to release a balloon, toss a confetti or shoot glitter. You don't want to spoil the surprise by surprising another guest who is not your special guest.