How to quit bad habits

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer
Video: A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer


Everyone has a bad habit and we have to deal with it. It can be nail biting or knuckles, some people interfere with others' words. All of these habits are bad and need to be abandoned. Don't be afraid though, as the following article will show you how to get rid of them.


Part 1 of 3: Adjusting the way of thinking

  1. Take full responsibility for your actions. You are the one doing the action and no one is responsible for you. After drinking a lot of alcohol but still deciding to drive it is a decision your. Sometimes it is more practical than taking a bus or taking a taxi, but it is still your decision. Like it or not, you have to accept responsibility for this action at some point.
    • When you realize that you have to take full responsibility for your actions, you may feel scared or even dumbfounded at first. You begin to realize that each of your actions has consequences, and they are much different from the consequences you thought before when performing the action. That thought was terrifying.
    • But in the end, self-responsibility comes power for you. You are the one to decide your own destiny, in principle no one can force you to do anything. In addition, being responsible for your actions also brings freedom. You begin to understand why bad habit can become an invisible chain and severing it free you.

  2. Consider the consequences and benefits of the habit carefully. Make a simple list of the good / bad things that a habit brings. You have to be honest and strict with yourself, you can certainly do it. Here is a list of the pros / cons of smoking:
    • Good mark:
      • Nicotine feels calm and energetic
      • Temporarily release stress
      • Create social opportunities in society
      • Feeling stylish
    • Bad point:
      • Lots of bad health problems
      • Addiction is very fast
      • Costly
      • If abused, life expectancy is shortened for many years

  3. Start comparing immediate benefits with long-term consequences. Usually we practice bad habits based on the argument that short-term benefits are disproportionately valuable with long-term negative effects. That's because we can't see those long-term effects - they are too far into the future, difficult to discern and sometimes uncertain about their likelihood. While the immediate benefits are easier to see and feel.
    • For example, you often skip breakfast to lose weight, so try to persuade yourself to continue to skip eating. In the short term you may lose a few pounds and feel better in body, but in the long run those weights will return (because you're on a bad diet), and the germ of eating disorder catch on. head from there.

  4. Don't give up many bad habits at once. You often find a greater motivation to try to get rid of all the bad habits at once - that's good! But you have to avoid impulsive sex, which means giving up one habit at a time. Trying to break many bad habits at once can be overwhelming, so it's a good idea to slowly cut one off permanently rather than go through the entire process quickly and eventually get rid of one.
  5. Not too tormented with each step backward. Sometimes you fall out of the car and immerse yourself in that bad habit, but don't give up all hope. Immediately rose up and continued on his way. Backward steps will happen and it is not true to deceive yourself that it never happens. On the contrary, you must learn from failure in order for the fall to not happen anymore. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Eliminate bad habits

  1. Start by keeping track of when the habit occurs. For example, write in a small journal any time you break your knuckles, clear your throat, or light a cigarette. You need to write down the date, time and the situation in which the action occurred.
    • Watch out for motivating causes. For example, you may find that you often smoke while standing with a friend and after drinking a lot of alcohol. So you have discovered the driving force.
    • If you really want to control these factors then tell your friend straightforwardly, "Hey, I'm trying to quit smoking. Next time I ask you to light a cigarette, remind me of my talk. today ". Who knows - that person might never smoke in front of you again!
  2. Avoid situations where there are multiple motivations. Some people have a habit of eating when they feel sad. They like food and don't like to be sad, so they use the food as a relief. It is easy to see that the driving force behind this habit is boredom. The solution is to keep your mind and hands busy, and then only eat when you're really hungry.
  3. Replace bad habits with healthy habits. For example, many veteran smokers quit by replacing tobacco with small carrots every time they crave. For one very good reason: people who eat a lot of produce smoke less during the day, and thus have a softer time to quit.
    • If you often bite your nails, try chewing gum instead.
    • If you tend to break your knuckles, try to find another job with your hands, like grabbing a soft ball or practicing doodles.
    • Use your creativity to find alternatives! You never know if anything will work until you try it.
  4. Adjust yourself so that you no longer enjoy the habit. The following technique is somewhat similar to Pavlov's experiment on conditioned reflex, in which he makes a connection between a habit and a negative emotion or external stimulus. Try wearing an elastic band around your wrist, every time you find out that you have a bad habit you pull the elastic so it pops into your hand and feels a bit of pain. Theoretically you will slowly build the connection between the bad habit and the pain, you finally have a very clear reason to stop the bad act.
  5. Find alternatives that provide the same benefit. Bad habits benefit us. We may not understand it well, but there are benefits. Try to figure out what benefit you are getting and find better ways to do the same.
    • For example, smokers find that e-cigarettes or nicotine-containing gum have the same effect as real cigarettes. Although both of these alternatives are not without danger, they are also better than real cigarettes (there are mixed views).
  6. Commit to others. Tell your group that you plan to quit drinking, that's the commitment! Give your best friend a million dong and ask them to keep it until you successfully give up the bad habit. This is also a commitment! Humans are creatures of social habit, and therefore we are always interested in what others think. If we made a promise to others, we would want to keep it. Commitment is the pressure and motivation to achieve success.
  7. Divide your time into more controllable segments. You can set timelines 30, 90, and 365 days to reassess yourself and celebrate your success.For example, if you don't touch your drink by the 30th, the toughest period may be over. The 90-day milestone marks the time when you successfully complete a task. The 365 day milestone is when the burden is almost over, but you must be careful and proud of your achievements. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Combat certain specific vices

  1. Learn how to quit smoking. Worldwide, an estimated 5 million people die from tobacco each year. This is one of the worst habits many people experience. There are several options for you to quit smoking:
    • Quitting smoking following the Cold Turkey method (abrupt detox)
    • Quit with electronic cigarettes
    • Join a quit smoking program
    • Quit smoking with the help of caffeine
  2. Learn how to limit alcohol intake. Sometimes drinking a drink or two is normal, and some studies have even shown that moderate drinking has health benefits. But many of us often lose control when we drink, and we know that. Similar to cigarettes, you also have a few options:
    • Alcohol withdrawal with the help of alcohol detoxification organizations
    • Drink responsibly
    • Avoid getting drunk
    • Realize you drink too much
  3. Stop breaking your knuckles. Cracking a knuckle isn't necessarily a health risk, it's just a nuisance that shouldn't be done. There are a number of ways for you to end this unconscious habit.
  4. Give up hesitation. Indecision can become a habit for many people, especially for those who have been successful thanks to past hesitation. If you are tired of your job, try dividing your work to handle the most difficult part first, then you will be more motivated to get through the entire working day, and gradually no longer hesitate When going to work.
  5. Stop biting your nails. There are tons of ways for people to keep their nails away from their mouths, from nail polish to bandages, and you can choose one for yourself.
  6. Doesn't make loud chewing sounds. Has anyone ever told you that chewing with your mouth open will lose your appetite? This habit is actually formed when we are young, but there are a few ways you can get rid of chewing and practice a more elegant eating style.
  7. Stop watching TV a lot. It is said that television dulls the mind, but it seems that it is just the words of old grandparents. It is easy to see that television cannot create lasting joy for viewers. How many people, in your opinion, are dying to regret not watching TV more? On the other hand, how many people do you think regret not traveling more, saying "I love you" more or spending more time with your kids?
  8. Overcome reluctance to lie. Now lying is so easy that it becomes a sport: you lie when it's unnecessary and for no apparent reason, even lying after telling yourself you won't lie. Reluctant lies can damage relationships. You must fix it now before you let the bad habit take control. advertisement


  • Use something like an elastic band. Whenever you find out you are doing that bad habit, pull the elastic so it pops into your wrist.
  • Think positively and proudly of yourself every time you accomplish your goals.
  • Depending on the severity of your bad habit (like drinking alcohol, smoking, etc.), you can decide whether to seek professional help.
  • Have a positive attitude when making self-assessment.
  • Treat yourself well. Abusing yourself when you accidentally commit a bad habit is not going to help.
  • Be patient. You can't quit a habit after just a few days! It happens naturally and sometimes you don't realize you are in that habit.
  • Pretend the person you like is watching you. Would you bite your nails or break your knuckles while standing next to the person?
  • Find another help support. Tell them what you need to make it easier for you to reach your goal.
  • Find and read information about that habit. The harsh reality and the consequences of your habit can scare you off. For example, Wikipedia articles often have a "Warning" section on a variety of substances and behaviors. It helps you to have a clearer picture of your habits, because you need to have comprehensive information including the good and the bad.