How to live in peace

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Your Peace in Your Control | Sadhguru
Video: Your Peace in Your Control | Sadhguru


Living in peace is living in harmony with yourself, with everyone and all perceptual things around you. You will notice your own peace of mind and the outward manifestations of a peaceful life according to your beliefs and lifestyle, but there are a few basic things that make a peaceful life that you cannot. ignore, that is living without violence, cultivating tolerance, keeping a peaceful perspective and appreciating the wonders of life. This article offers a few pointers to help you explore your journey towards a peaceful life, a journey, and a way of life that tells the same person who is solely responsible for you.


  1. Understanding that living in peace is a process that takes place both internally and externally. Determining what is peaceful is not a simple thing. But a simple way to define a peaceful lifestyle is one that is non-violent (physical, mental, spiritual, or any other form), with respect and tolerance. This manifests both outside and inside of each human's soul:
    • Outside: Living in peace is a lifestyle of mutual respect and love, regardless of cultural, religious, and political differences.
    • Inside: Each of us needs to cultivate peace of mind. This means that we need to understand and overcome the fear, anger, stubbornness and lack of the social skills that cause violence. Because if people always deny the anger inside, the storm outside will never dissolve.

  2. Seeking love instead of controlling others. The main first step in living in peace is to stop seeking power over people and focus only on the results. Trying to control another person means trying to impose your will and actual circumstances on that person. When you do so - even with the best of intentions - your will on that person deprives them of their strength, causing serious imbalances, leading to feelings of anger and hurt. and resentment. Controlling behavior in relationships will make you always in conflict with people. A better way is to seek mutual understanding before trying to change, embrace your differences, and use persuasion and leadership to inspire people. This does not mean that you turn yourself into a "doormat," into someone easily bullied or dare not stand up for yourself; it's that you build relationships instead of trying to overwhelm others.
    • Peace is stronger than power. Gandhi has shown that the power based on love is always more effective and enduring than the power acquired through intimidation and punishment.
      • Controlling others by intimidating behavior, attitudes, and actions is met with reluctance rather than respect and love. Often this leads to resentment and anger. A person may be able to achieve his "way", but with that is not the happiness of those around him. This is not a peaceful way of life.
      • Another example: A teacher might rely on detention and threat of punishment to keep a student on the line. There is, however, another way: to reward performers who perform well and make them feel valued and inspired. Both ways can help order and discipline the classroom… but where is the class where students are want learn? And what will help students learn more effectively?
    • Learn skills in negotiation, conflict resolution, and assertive communication. These are important and helpful skills to help you avoid or overcome conflicts with others. You can't always avoid conflict, and not all conflicts are bad, as long as you know how to handle them skillfully. If you feel that you do not have enough communication skills, read a lot to learn how to improve it. Clear communication is always an important factor in ensuring a peaceful atmosphere, because many conflicts arise because of misunderstandings.
    • When communicating with others, try to avoid ordering, admonishing, demanding, intimidating, intimidating, or overly annoying them with informational questions. These types of communication will collide with others when they feel you are trying to control them instead of talking to them equally.
    • Believe that everyone around you can live a good life with everything going fair. In this respect, even giving advice tends to be controlling when you use it as a way to interfere with other people's lives instead of just giving your own opinion without waiting for them to act. as you think. Swedish diplomat Dag Hammerskjold once said: "Without knowing a question, people will easily answer." When we advise others, it is easy to assume that we have all the problems they are facing, even though the truth is often not; we are sifting their problems from our own experience. It would be much better if you respect the understanding of other people and simply be with them instead of trying to force your experience as an "answer" on their behalf. This way, you can cultivate a peaceful atmosphere instead of hate, respect, rather than belittling people's views and trusting their understanding instead of offending them.

  3. Keep a neutral stance. Thinking in absolute and insistent ways without ever considering the feelings and opinions of others will inevitably lead to a life. are not peaceful. Extreme thinking often causes reactions and haste and leads to thoughtless and understanding behaviors. While this seems convenient as it allows you to act on your absolute beliefs, it suppresses other realities in this world, and easily leads to collisions when others. disagree with your opinion. It's harder to keep an open mind and be willing to reexamine your understanding, but it will be more rewarding, because you will grow up and live more in harmony with the people around you.
    • Keep a neutral perspective by being willing to ask questions and meditate. Accept that your beliefs, loyalty, passions, and outlook are just one of the countless other beliefs, loyalty, passions, and perspectives in this world. Follow the principle of peaceful handling - respect for human dignity and values; Follow an absolute rule of thumb: treat everyone as you would like to be treated yourself (Golden Rule).
    • Find different activities in your life if you find yourself falling into extremes about other people. You will be less extreme if you are busy with a variety of activities and meet people from different walks of life.
    • Cultivate a sense of humor. Humor is a peace-lover's remedy that helps to release anger; Few fanatics have a sense of humor because they take themselves and their purpose too seriously. Humor helps you release stress and extreme thoughts.

  4. Let's tolerant. Tolerance in all of your thoughts and actions will make a difference in your life and those of those around you. To tolerate people is to accept the diversity, the trend of modern society, is to be willing to plunge into life and accept the way of life of others. When we are unable to accept the beliefs, behaviors and opinions of others, the result will be discrimination, oppression, cruelty, and ultimately violence. Tolerance is at the heart of a peaceful lifestyle.
    • Instead of rushing to draw negative conclusions about others, change your outlook and embrace the good of everyone.Once you change your perception of other people, you can begin to change their own self-perception. For example, instead of judging someone as ignorant and incompetent, say that they are smart, wise, and influential. This will nurture and encourage them to uphold the good qualities you feel in them. Identifying qualities such as interesting, unique, or thoughtful, hidden behind the challenging, angry, and suffering attitudes of others has the potential to bring about enormous change.
    • Read wikiHow articles like “How to accept others opinions”, How to be tolerant of others, and “How to accept other people's views” for further hints on how to cultivate tolerance. used in life.

  5. Live in moderation. Gandhi once said, "There are many reasons for me to be willing to die, but no reason for me to be willing to kill." Moderates do not use force against humans or animals (sentient beings). Although there is a lot of violence in this world, choose not to let death and killing exist as part of your philosophy of life.
    • Whenever someone tries to convince you that violence is normal, stick to your beliefs and graciously disagree. Understand that some people will try to provoke you by claiming that you are secretly destroying people in conflict situations. You need to know that this is not true, and it is just a misguided view that values ​​conflict as the cause of death, orphans and homeless people. Mary Robinson, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said: "I have seen a desire for even one day peace among people in conflict. There is a day of stopping the violence, for me it is. Timely and timely thinking. ”The reality shows that violence is not what those affected want, and complete peace for humanity is a worthy desire to nurture.
    • Modesty is the ability to treat violent people with compassion. Even criminals deserve to know how compassion works; but when society captures, tortures and incites violence in prisons and in the very heart of every person, we are like those criminals. Seek to practice the principles of a fair and just society (not just words) like these examples:
    • Avoid watching violent movies, news stories about violent actions, and songs with hateful or vile lyrics.
    • Live among images, calming music and peaceful people.
    • Seriously consider the vegetarian diet as a way to support yourself in the future. For many peace lovers, violence against animals is not a peaceful way of life. Read many articles about how animals are treated in ranches, hunts and in the medicinal industry, read about the lifestyles of vegetarians to establish their own beliefs about other sentient creatures. Apply the knowledge you have learned from your search to a peaceful lifestyle.
  6. Think. It is important to contemplate - having hasty responses that lead to tragedy because there is no time to think carefully about every aspect of the matter. Of course, there are times when reacting quickly is essential to safety, but that cannot justify other times that careful consideration and careful action in the reaction can produce better results. much.
    • If someone hurts you physically or mentally, don't react with anger or violence. Stop and think. You can choose to react in moderation.
    • Ask the person to stop and think, telling them that anger and violence won't solve the problem at hand. Just say "Please don't do that". If they don't stop, leave.
    • Prevent yourself. When you feel like you want to respond to an attitude that shows anger, frustration, or frustration, tell yourself, "Stop." Move away from situations that distract you and become unable to think. When you give yourself some space, you will have time to overcome your initial anger and instead come up with more mature solutions, including not reacting.
    • Practice responsive listening. Speech is sometimes ambiguous, and stressed people often say words that cover up what they really want to say. John Powell once said, "When we are really listening, we touch the things behind words and see through them to find a person expressing himself. Listening is the search to discover. True human treasures are being revealed in verbal or non-verbal language. " The key to responding listening to a peaceful life is to stop seeing people from your point of view; Start trying to delve into what the other person is really saying and is trying to reveal. This can make the "give and take" really effective instead of reacting to what you think you have heard with conjecture and inference.
  7. Find a way forgive instead of revenge. Where does tit-for-tat lead? Usually this will only cause additional damage. We already know about the lessons of conservative and nonsense history. No matter where we live, what religion we follow and what culture we are educated in, the essence of everything is that we are human beings, with ambitions and aspirations to nurture. nurture your family and live the happiest life possible. The cultural, religious, and political differences should not be the cause of the conflict that only brings sorrow and ruin this world. When you feel you have to harm someone because they offend your reputation, or because you feel that their actions deserve the same response, it also means you are nurturing your reputation. anger, violence and suffering. Replace with forgiveness in order to lead a peaceful life.
    • Live in the present instead of the past. When you sink in the past, you will revive past hurts, and negative things from the past will lead to constant internal conflict. Forgiveness allows you to live in the present, look to the future, and let the past fall asleep. Forgiveness is the biggest victory, as it allows you to enjoy life by making peace with the past.
    • Forgiveness lifts you and sets you free from resentment. Forgiveness is a learning process - learning to deal with the negative emotions that arise from actions that make you angry or upset, and you learn by recognizing those emotions instead of overfilling them. And with forgiveness you will empathize with the other person, understanding what made them do so; However, you don't have to agree with what they do, you just need to understand.
    • Understand that if you cover up your anger under the guise of “protecting the honor of others” it may be an insult. When you speak up and act to protect a person, you can also lose the person's will (inadvertently making them weak), which is an extreme excuse for wrongdoing. When you feel that someone is having your honor damaged, let the person you consider the victim speak their mind (they may not look like you) and find solutions with forgiveness and understanding.
    • Even if you feel unforgivable, it cannot be an excuse for force. Stay away and be noble.
  8. Find peace of mind. Without peace of mind, you will feel like you're always in conflict. When you are engrossed in the pursuit of money and fame in life without ever stopping to evaluate your inner values, you will often feel unhappy. When you crave something and don't achieve it, you fall into a state of contradiction. People easily forget to be grateful for what they have if they constantly compete for more wealth, a better career, a bigger house and a more comfortable life.Besides, owning too many things will create conflicts and prevent you from living peacefully, as you always have to "service" the things you own, from cleaning and maintenance to insurance and safety guarantee.
    • Cut back to only the essentials, identify the things that improve or beautify your life, and discard the rest.
    • Whenever you're angry, find a quiet and comfortable place to stop, take a deep breath, and relax. Turn off the TV, orchestra or computer. Go outside if possible, or take a walk. Turn on soft music or turn off the lights. Once you have calmed down, get up and go back to your daily life.
    • Spend at least ten minutes each day sitting in a peaceful place, such as under the shade of a tree or in a park, anywhere where you can sit quietly and without distractions.
    • Living in peace isn't just about staying away from violence. Try to cultivate peace in all aspects of your life by minimizing stress. Avoid stressful situations like traffic jams, crowds, etc. if possible.
  9. Live with joy. Choosing to enjoy the wonders of the world is a magic remedy against violence. It is difficult to have any motive to use force in beautiful, wonderful, wonderful and joyful things. In fact, the greatest disappointment of war comes from the destruction of what is pure, beautiful, and joyful. Joy brings peace to your life, because you always see good things in others and in this world, you are always grateful for the miracles in your life.
    • Don't take away your right to a happy life. Feeling unworthy of enjoying happiness, wondering about other people's thoughts when they see you happy, and worrying about the terrible thing happening when happiness is gone - all of these types of negative thoughts. Eradicate the path of joy in your life.
    • Do what you love. Life is not just about work. Work is essential to life, but work needs to be in line with your outlook on life. Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has the following advice: “Do not live by work that harms people and nature. Don't invest in companies that take away other people's opportunities to live. Choose a career that can help you fulfill your ideal of compassion ”. Reflect on how much you understand this advice and find a job that can provide you with a peaceful life.

  10. Make the change you want in this world. This is not only Gandhi's statement, but a call to action. Here are some proactive ways you can make a difference:
    • Change myself. Violence is fraught with the acceptance that it can be a solution and often unavoidable. So it is in your mind and you need to stop in order to find peace. In order not to harm the sentient animals and live peacefully, first change yourself, and then change the world.
    • Contribute to solving the problem. Be someone who loves everyone for who they are. Make the people around you comfortable, allowing them to be themselves when you're with you. You will have more friends and gain the respect of your existing friends.
    • Join the Peace One Day event (A day for peace). Go online in response to world peace day, ceasefire and non-violence day annually held on September 21.
    • Talk to other people about their views on peace. Share ideas for a more peaceful world and ways to accept differences without falling into conflict. You can create videos to post online, compose stories, poems or articles to share with others about the importance of peace.
    • Make sacrifices to help others. The ultimate goal is to express the desire to bring peace to the world at his own sacrifice, not the sacrifice of opposing views. Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his lucrative lawyer job in Durban, South Africa, to live a simple life, sharing the pain of the poor and powerful. He has captured the hearts of millions without having to impose his power on anyone but the power of altruism. You can also bring peace to the world by willingly sacrificing your own selfish desires. Convince people by showing a willingness to serve goals that are higher than your own. At the very least, you should consider volunteering.
    • Bring harmony to this world by fighting for love and peace. While this may seem like a lot to discourage you, think about how Gandhi can prove that a small, fragile, easy-to-tell human can achieve a miracle? trust, all due to unwavering beliefs about the ability to achieve peace through nonviolent struggle. Your personal condition is not that important.

  11. Expand your understanding of peace. You have the freedom to choose your own path. Everything in this article is just suggestions. You do not have to follow it as doctrine, it is not intended to be imposed on you, and it may be as flawed as any suggestions you are interested in reading. At the end of the day, the peace in life will depend on your perceptions, on your daily actions based on your efforts and understanding that have been gathered from every corner of this world, from all. people you have met and known, from your own sense and knowledge. Continue looking for peace.
    • Continue learning. This article only touches the surface of the very deep existing needs of man and the world. Read a lot about the peace field, especially peace activists, who you can learn a lot from. Share what you have learned with others and spread your knowledge of peace wherever you go.


  • Accept that some people are uncomfortable with you because they are not comfortable with themselves. You should see these people with understanding, without fear, without aversion, but you don't have to dance to their rhythm or socialize with them. Be courteous, firm, and kind to such people.
  • Constantly seeking people's recognition for your worth is not a way of life; that is just how you are obedient to the wishes of others and live a life that is constantly changing. Instead, accept yourself as you are and live a free life with love for yourself and for everyone.
  • If you or your child is asked to speak critically in front of class, look for other ways to replace the harm. There are other better alternatives.


  • Keeping the peace at all costs can turn you into slavery or be excluded from the hands of the enemy. There are extremists of the totalitarian or military system. They can coexist peacefully, but cannot help but be alert.
  • Nutrition research If you choose a vegetarian diet, you need a way to get all the nutrients you need with only plant foods.

What you need

  • Book of activists for peace