How to Live in the Present

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Albert Camus - How To Live In The Present (Philosophy of Absurdism)
Video: Albert Camus - How To Live In The Present (Philosophy of Absurdism)


Living in the present is not always easy. Sometimes our thoughts are filled with regret about past events or worry about the future, which makes it even more difficult for us to enjoy the present. If you are struggling to live in the moment, there are a few methods that may help. There are little things you can do throughout the day, like taking a minute of mindfulness, learning to meditate, and doing well all of a sudden. Keep reading to learn more about how to live in the moment.


Method 1 of 2: Develop self-awareness

  1. Start smart. While you may be tempted to completely revise your lifestyle, you don't have to make big changes to start living in the present. You should start by incorporating new habits one by one. When you feel you have mastered one habit, continue to practice other habits.
    • For example, instead of trying to meditate for 20 minutes a day right away, start by trying to meditate for three minutes a day, then increase the time as you feel more comfortable meditating.
    • Walk to work with your phone in your pocket. Don't text or talk on the phone unless it's an emergency.

  2. Pay attention to sensory details in routine activities. Learning to live in the moment is also part of a daily routine. You can incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine by actively paying attention to the sensory details of the things you are doing. Focus on the look, sound, smell and feel of everyday activities.
    • For example, the next time you brush your teeth, notice the taste of the toothpaste, the sound the brush has against your teeth, and the feeling it gives you.

  3. Reorienting when the mind is dull. It's normal to have a dull mind, but to live in the moment you need to keep your mind focused on the present. When you notice your mind wandering, gently redirect to refocus on the present. Acknowledge your mind is wandering aimlessly without judging yourself for acting like this.
    • Don't be sad about yourself if your mind is dull. It is normal for the mind to be indifferent. Just accept that you've had a journey in mind and return to focusing on the present.

  4. Choose a mindfulness reminder. It can be difficult to remember that you need to practice mindfulness while you are busy. Mindfulness reminders, like a string tied around your wrist, a marker on your hand or a coin in your shoe, can help you remember the need to practice mindfulness. When you recognize these hint details, be sure to take a moment to pause and pay attention to what's around you.
    • You can also use an outside cue like making a cup of tea, looking in the mirror or removing your shoes after work as a reminder.
    • After a while, you may begin to ignore these prompts as you get used to it. If this does arise, change the cue to something else.
  5. Change the habit. You may not be able to live in the moment because you are too attached to your habits. One way for you to become more aware is to change your habits. You can do something as simple as changing the way you drive to work, changing the way you introduce yourself, or editing a favorite story. Making a small change in your daily routine can help you become more aware of what's around you.
    • Try switching your evening walking route to a new route or adding something to your bedtime routine.
  6. Learn how meditate. Meditation is a great way to train your brain to live in the moment. When you meditate, practice recognizing your thoughts and simply watching them pass through your mind. Learning to meditate takes time, practice, and guidance, so it's best to choose a meditation class in your area. If there aren't any classes where you live, you can also buy meditation CDs.
    • To start meditating, find a quiet and comfortable place. You can sit on a chair or a mat on the floor and cross your legs. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. When you focus on your breathing, try not to be distracted by your thoughts. Let them show up and pass.
    • Without opening your eyes, observe the world around you. Pay attention to how you feel. What do you hear? What smell do you smell? How do you feel physically and emotionally?
    • Set a small timer on your phone so you know when to stop. You can start meditating for 5 minutes and gradually increase it.
    • Make sure your housemates know that you are meditating and ask them not to disturb.

Method 2 of 2: Combine with mindfulness activities

  1. Cherish rest time. Having to wait for something is uncomfortable, but if you want to live in the present, you will need to learn to think that waiting is a good thing. Instead of getting impatient when waiting for something, practice being grateful that you have more time to notice your surroundings. Treat extra time as an opportunity to rest and appreciate it.
    • For example, if you have to wait a long time to buy your morning coffee, spend that time observing your surroundings. As you do that, think about what you love in that moment.
  2. Focus on one part of your body. You can learn to be in the moment by taking time to feel a part of your body, such as the soles of your feet. By repeating the practice of converting your perception to one part of your body, you will learn to be more aware of the present moment.
    • If you find yourself having trouble concentrating in the present, close your eyes and focus all of your attention on the soles of your feet. As you do that, think about how the soles of your feet will feel when touching shoes or the ground. Pay attention to the curvature of the soles of the feet, heels, and toes.
  3. Smile and laugh out loud more often. Living in the present can be difficult if you are in a bad mood or feel a little down, but smiling and laughing out loud can help you feel better, even if you have to force yourself to do so. If you find yourself unable to focus on the present because of the unpleasant feeling, make yourself smile and laugh a little. Even if you pretend to laugh stupidly, you will begin to feel better right away.
  4. Practice gratitude. Gratitude brings you to the moment of reality because you are thinking about what makes you grateful and how it affected you then and now. Gratitude also helps you remember the good things in life or in gifts. Practice being grateful for yourself, being grateful for how you feel now, and being grateful for the things you love like friends, family, or pets.
    • Take a moment during the day to remember the things you are grateful for. You can say or even write down your gratitude to reinforce them. For example, the sentence, “I am thankful that today's sun is shining; great!" or “I am grateful for having a loving and caring family; the whole family makes me feel special ”.
  5. Works well for others. Doing good random acts can help you live in the moment by refocusing your full attention on what's happening in front of you. Find small things you can do to show kindness to others. The good actions you do will help slow down your life and pay attention to your surroundings.
    • For example, you might compliment a stranger like, “I love your dress! It was beautiful". You should find ways to show kindness in any situation. Even simple things like smiling and nodding to everyone you meet for the day can brighten their day and help you focus on the present.


  • Try to keep your phone and other devices down for an hour a day to force yourself to focus more on the world around you.
  • Try to write a brief description of how long you've been meditating, then reward yourself for meditating successfully.