How to Live After Your Pet dies

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why losing a dog feels like losing a family member
Video: Why losing a dog feels like losing a family member


For humans, the loss of a pet is not simply the loss of a pet, but the loss of a companion. It's not easy to get over the grief after a pet's death. You will go through a period of grief and will need to rely on the support of family and friends to get on with your life. You also want to pay homage to your pet's memories in order to overcome your emotions and show respect for a recently passed pet.


Method 1 of 3: Go through the grief period

  1. Note that each person has a different way of expressing sadness. Grieving is a stressful process and often takes place slowly. No one has a common way of overcoming loss and there is no “normal” timeframe for grieving, so you can improve your mood in weeks, months, or even a year. . Be patient and allow yourself to grieve your pet, as this is an important way to overcome your pet's loss.
    • You may try to ignore the pain, but this will only make the situation worse. Instead of suppressing your emotions, you can express them during a period of grief and self-healing.You will go through many stages of grief or just a few of them, but whatever you do, let your sadness happen naturally and not hide your emotions or stop feeling sad and her. application.

  2. Stop feeling guilty about your pet's death. One of the first stages of grief is feeling guilty and responsible for the loss of a pet. Don't ask "what if" questions and think about the phrase "what if". Otherwise you will just feel worse and have a hard time getting over your grief.
    • Take time to remind yourself that you are not responsible for the death of your pet and that the event is out of your control. If you believe in the supreme God, you can pray for the death of your pet and speak to a spirit to overcome your guilt.

  3. Eliminate feelings of denial. Another early stage of grief is denying a pet's death and assuming they are still alive. You will find it difficult to go home without seeing a friend waiting at the door or not feeding them every night as usual. Instead of assuming the pet is still alive, accept this traumatic truth. Denying a pet's death will make it difficult to overcome the loss and move on.

  4. Relieve anger in a healthy way. The main emotion when going through a period of grief is anger about the driver who killed the pet, an illness that keeps them from dying, or the veterinarian "can't" save the pet's life. Although this anger can be explained, holding on to your heart will only turn you into resentment and rage, making the situation worse in the future. Anger also prevents you from dealing with your pain and cannot release your feelings of grief in order to get back to normal.
    • Releasing anger in a healthy way means seeking support from family and friends, or taking care of yourself with energizing activities like taking a walk, taking part in creative projects, or meeting remove friends. Think of the things that help release your emotions in a beneficial and healthy way, instead of the negative and painful ones.
  5. Allow yourself to feel sad but not depressed. The natural symptom of grief is a feeling of depression that makes you feel powerless to control your emotions. While it's healthy and important to show sadness towards a pet's death, depression can make you feel tired, lonely, and isolated.
    • Fight depression by relying on friends and family, taking time to do activities you enjoy, and paying homage to your pets. Focus on dealing with your feelings of sadness so that you don't become depressed.

Method 2 of 3: Ask for help from others

  1. Express your feelings to family and friends. Instead of hiding your grief, don't be afraid to share your feelings with close family and friends. If your friends want to visit, you shouldn't decline even though you don't want to talk to anyone. Just sit next to a sympathetic friend and talk about normal things to make you feel less lonely and isolated. Getting in touch with your family and seeing them regularly for loved ones can help you think positively and remember your pets affectionately and overcome grief.
    • Note that some people may not understand what it feels like to lose a pet. They may ask, “Why is it so serious? It's just a pet! ” Family or friends may not understand animal loss comparable to that of humans, and they may not have the empathy you would expect. Don't take it personally, as these people may not have pets in the house, they may not understand the bond between you and a dead pet.
  2. Reach out to friends who have also lost pets. Talk to family and friends who sympathize with your grief and understand what it is like to lose a pet. Spend time talking about your pets and sharing memories that belong to them. You need to have common empathy and bond with other pet owners who have also experienced loss and grief.
    • You can also reach out to people who understand the loss of a pet through the online support group for pet owners and online message forums. Support from other peers is key in helping you overcome your grief.
  3. Take care of yourself by socializing and keep busy. Self-care is very important when you feel bad and can help you to improve your body and mind. Satisfy your emotional needs through social interaction and do common activities that you enjoy so that you stay busy and don't have time to think about grief. Activities may include developing a new hobby such as drawing, painting, or joining a classroom or group. You can also engage in physical activity to exercise regularly and improve your mood and overcome feelings of depression.
    • You can also take care of yourself by doing a favorite activity alone, nourishing your body with a massage or bath, and taking time to read or do something that has a calming effect, and relax. Don't spend too much time alone when experiencing the loss of your pet, as this can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Maintain a balance of time with those around you and for yourself to meet your physical and emotional needs during this difficult time.
  4. Talk to a therapist if needed. Sometimes the feeling of grief can be overwhelming and you can still experience depression and sadness even when talking to family and friends. If grief makes you feel helpless and unable to live on, you should ask your doctor to refer a specialist. In addition, you can also ask family and friends about the therapist they have been in contact with and have good results. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Show reverence to your pet

  1. Have a funeral or memorial service for your pet. A funeral or memorial ceremony can help you express your pain and emotions in a healthy way. This can be a small-scale ritual with the aim of honoring the life of the pet or the more elaborate matter. While some may find it inappropriate to hold a pet funeral, you should still do what you feel is right as the owner of the pet and take steps to relieve the pleasure. mourn.
  2. Tribute pets with objects. You can plant a tree, create a photo album for your pet, or set up a tombstone for them. Building a pet's legacy can help you commemorate your pet's death and overcome your grief.
  3. Make an animal charitable donation to honor your pet. You can pay homage to your lost companion by donating money or time to an animal charity in their name. This brings you back into the community and assists others in taking care of their pets. Your actions also help to show respect for your pet through caring for and supporting others, a noble act that you can be proud of.
  4. Take care of other pets in the house. While it can be difficult to satisfy the needs of another pet after a baby dies, it is still a good idea to spend time with other family friends. They will also feel sad about losing friends, especially when living together since childhood. Focusing on meeting the needs of another pet will help you to get over and live with the loss. This is also a way to honor a deceased pet by giving love and care to other pets.
  5. Consider having a new pet. One way to live and honor a pet is to have a new pet. Instead of seeing them as a substitute, think that your new pet will help you step into a new chapter in the host-pet relationship.Your new pet gives you the opportunity to show love and concern for your animal and to overcome the pain of losing it.
    • Some people believe that they cannot adopt a new pet because it is disloyal to a deceased pet. You will need a lot of time to consider adopting a pet after your friend dies, but this is a great way to release your grief and improve your mood when you come home to see your friend welcome. once again.