How to Be True to Yourself

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jordan Peterson ** HOW TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF **
Video: Jordan Peterson ** HOW TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF **


"Standard goods" has become a common term. Everything from jeans and chips to historic tours is labeled "standard goods", meaning real goods. However, there are still things behind the concept of standard goods or real goods.In the busy, hustling world there is always a lot of deception, deception and lies; we try to live by certain patterns and ideas and lose "ourselves". However, you absolutely can live true to yourself and those around you, a little mess, a little honesty and honesty are what makes you who you are.


Method 1 of 3: Understand Yourself

  1. Learn the meaning of honesty. Psychologists define authenticity as the expression of real people in everyday life. It basically means that your true nature is reflected in the things you believe in, say and do every day. People who truly accept themselves and their strengths and weaknesses. They behave in accordance with their own values ​​and avoid doing the wrong thing. The nature of truth is to be true to yourself.
    • The first step to being truly alive is to decide to be yourself. This must be a conscious decision. You must make a commitment to acting in a way that suits you, even though it can be difficult and hurtful at times. Honesty requires you to do things that are not common to others. You are able to understand many negative aspects of yourself, and it is important to understand your worth in order to live a more open, honest, and realistic life.
    • Living is beneficial for your mental health. Research has shown that real-life people feel more self-satisfied and more resilient when faced with personal challenges, and are less likely to suffer from destructive evils such as drinking alcohol or onions. Other dangers. Real people tend to demonstrate purpose in each of their choices and set more directed and committed goals to accomplish them.

  2. Nurture a clearer self-awareness commitment. The key to honesty is understanding and self-awareness. It is important that you take time to get to know yourself clearly. True living means living your own life, not living for others. Throughout life, especially in childhood, we take messages based on what people say and do, and then form a belief system. We conclude those thoughts are personal. The goal of being more self-aware helps to approach these beliefs and values, observing what is yours and what is not appropriate because you see them reflected in others.
    • The benefit of self-awareness is that once you know your worth, you can decide to take action to make sure things are organized. This is how you become real. For example, if you decide to believe in God, going to church every Sunday is a affirmation of your beliefs and is important to you. however, if you decide that you are unsure or unsure, you can stop attending church for a while until things clear up.
    • Self-awareness is something you have to pursue endlessly, you can't completely master it and then stop thinking about it.

  3. Write about yourself. To discover who you really are, recognize and make a list of the things that matter and resonate with you. The process of choosing and writing helps you clarify your true worth.
    • Consider journaling. Journaling helps you to realize better, and also helps you look back and evaluate the past. It also helps you track your habits in life.
    • If you have trouble journaling and just "write around" big issues, you can write reminders, such as "Things I like" or "Who am I now". Set the clock for 10 minutes and write about the topics in that time. This exercise helps you focus on the things you are trying to discover about yourself.
    • You could try filling in the blanks, then share it with your friends or keep it to yourself: "If you really understand me you'll know this: ___________". Exercises require introspection and help people understand the most important values ​​and elements.

  4. Keep asking questions. Embark on a journey of curiosity and ask self-centered questions and remove the views and thoughts that others impose on your life. Questions and / or hypothetical situations can help you think about problems as you develop answers and provide the motivation needed to run your life. You might ask: if you didn't have money, what would you do in life? If there is a house fire, what 3 things will you bring? What do you think you need to give up? What separates you from everyone?
    • You can ask questions more directly. Try not to think too much, just follow instinct. For example, are you a patient person or not? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are you responsible for your own mistakes? Are you the one saying 'yes' or ''? Do you like morning or night?
    • Try to test the iron beliefs' from childhood. Putting yourself in another culture, philosophical or religious thought can help you be special, shaping the decision you really are about who you are.
  5. Review your narrative. Self-awareness means listening to yourself. Think not only about the things you say and do in life, but also about yourself. How do you converse with yourself? What do you think in your mind? Is a negative criticism where you complain about your actions and criticize yourself for not being smarter, prettier, kinder, etc.? Or be generous with yourself and try to focus on the positives and overcome mistakes? Evaluating how to talk to yourself helps you understand your true feelings about yourself and life because your inner world is who you really are.
    • Take a few minutes each day to sit still and listen to your soul. Try taking deep breaths and touching your mind and thoughts. Or you can stand in front of a mirror and "confront" yourself by speaking out loud. Say your thoughts out loud.
  6. Conduct a personality test. Although each person is unique, personality psychologists believe that there are specific personality types that share common traits. Knowing your personality type can help you learn more about your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    • Of all the personality tests on the internet or on social media, the most famous is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which identifies four psychological categories: extroverted, introverted, and sensory. - intuitive, rational - emotional, principled-flexible. The test shows the characteristics of that person in each category.
    • Understand that personality testing, while enjoyable and helpful to a certain extent, still can't say exactly who you are. Always keep in mind that some tests have low reliability and statistics. Furthermore, yourself are not only created out of the 4 elements of the personality test. However, these tests can nurture thought and thinking results.
  7. Be more aware of your feelings. Feelings and emotions are spontaneous responses to life experiences and provide us with useful information and feedback about ourselves and places around the world. Not everyone pays attention to their thoughts and feelings, but this is a useful exercise because it helps you know what you like, what you hate, what makes you happy, sad, uncomfortable, anxious, etc You can think about the physical manifestations of your emotions to become more aware of your feelings. For example:
    • Feeling nervous can be a sign of anxiety or stress
    • The burning sensation in the face can be caused by shame or anger
    • Crushing your teeth or jaw can be a sign of frustration, frustration, or anger
  8. Do something for yourself. Take a day off and go mountain climbing. Going to eat goods alone. Or travel alone. Many people find time alone is the best way for them to get to know themselves. They know what they can and can't do, want or don't want and emerge from a temporary solitary experiment feeling stronger and in tune with themselves. For example, you may find that you like to "get lost" among people in the city and prefer to wander about by yourself instead of touring.
    • In the modern world, wanting to be alone is sometimes seen as strange and disturbing. But being alone also has several benefits, it helps you build confidence, realize that you don't need to rely on others, understand the value of personal opinion (when it contradicts people) as well as providing an opportunity to reflect on some recent changes and "rearrange your mind" to adjust to changes in your life. Time alone helps you shape what you truly want out of life and gives you a sense of the goals and direction many of us desire.

Method 2 of 3: Stay True

  1. Redefine your values. Remember that being true to yourself is an ever-evolving process. Life changes, values ​​change. You when you are 30 will be different from when you were 15. Over the years, you will encounter cognitive conflict, a psychological term for experiencing stress and discomfort when your thoughts and actions are at odds. You need to constantly learn about yourself, sort out your heart, and ignore things that are no longer a problem in your life. True living is a process of continuously defining yourself and what you are truly aiming for.
    • Maybe when you are 13, you want to get married and have children at 26 to become a young mother. However, if you are 30 and still not married or a parent, you need to re-evaluate your goals and beliefs. Maybe you decide that education and career are your top priority or you just can't find someone you like. Or your beliefs have changed and you don't want to get married. Reflecting on your life and your inner self (inner thoughts and feelings) can help you redefine what you truly believe in and who you are at every stage of your life.
    • Note that living with yourself in truth all ages It is extremely difficult if you do not know your basic wants, needs, and values! You have to be willing to see things change and, most importantly, YOU change over time.
  2. Cultivate an open mind. Open and express yourself with new ideas and multi-dimensional perspectives on things. Binary thinking (good and bad thinking, for example) can get you stuck in the cycle of intense judgment and limit your ability to be yourself. Accept life as a continuous circle of learning; Your thoughts, ideas and values ​​change, so your mind and your true self also change.
    • Openness brings many different meanings. Read a book or take a class that teaches a subject you don't understand much or a subject you already know well. This will help you answer questions about the world around you and develop your own beliefs.
    • For example, many college students experience personal transformation during study and exposure to new things, when they first live away from home. Learning is a way to broaden your horizons and discover yourself. You have a question about your religion so you decide to take a class about another religion. Or if you want to know about the position of women in the world, join a class introducing women's research.
    • Remember that maintaining curiosity about the world is one way to keep yourself excited and energetic in your life.
  3. Forget about people in the past. You can comfort yourself by opening up your mind Although many human factors (such as creativity or extroversion) change accordingly over time, there are many changes and worthwhile. fear and worry.
    • For example, as a child you were taught to support same-sex marriage but now you feel conflicted because you have changed your outlook as an adult. This is completely normal. Change is good. Change can be transformation. Forget about yourself in the past and accept your new self. Accept who you are and feel right now. It's scary, but it's how you live true to yourself.
  4. Cultivate courage. Sometimes you hurt your feelings because of criticism from others because you are doing your own way and not the way others are. Furthermore, being an introvert also causes a lot of turmoil in your life that you need to anticipate. For example, during self-reflection, you realize that you are unhappy with your current relationship and spend a lot of time posing as the perfect girlfriend, fulfilling all your wishes and aspirations. others.
    • Remember that you always deserve to be loved and accepted. You are yourself and if people do not love who you are, they have no right to appear in your life.
    • Avoid embarrassing yourself. Being more self-aware means seeing yourself as imperfect and also having flaws. Nobody perfect. Maybe you're controlling or bossy. Instead of humbling yourself, accept the imperfection and find ways to cope and reduce it. You should also see flaws positively in some situations; you're naturally controlled, for example you're never late for a meeting. Furthermore, if you make a mistake, it's easy to empathize when everyone makes mistakes. All the different parts of yourself - mistakes and everything - make up who you are.

Method 3 of 3: Live honestly with others

  1. Don't go along with the crowd. In many situations, we embrace the majority, imitate everyone's actions to fit in. This often happens in high-pressure situations like at a party and you don't know anyone or in a meeting where you need to impress. Usually our desire to be accepted by society is higher than our desire to live true to ourselves. However, this defeats real life habits. In the true sense, being true is living with yourself, saying and doing what you think.
    • Pretending to be someone or something just to get along with others increases the fake feeling you're trying to resist. Also, be aware that most people have close friends when they are themselves and only succeed when they are loyal to what they want to do. You find satisfaction in the social and career cycle of doing what is right for you, not by those around you.
    • Pressure is a real and dangerous phenomenon. Remember that many people harm themselves and others in many ways (from smoking, bullying to genocide) just because they care about the opinions of others and feel their reputation is compromised if they don't. do. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Remember, at the end of the day, you are alone. Listen and follow your soul call.
  2. Avoid being around negative individuals. Harmful individuals are people who impersonate as "friends" but pressure you to do something you don't want (such as drinking, making fun of others, quitting work) or making you feel guilty or embarrassed about yourself. Dear.
    • For example, if your friend makes fun of you for wearing black all day or not girly, this is not good for you. Your friend should make you feel positive about yourself and help improve yourself instead of teasing you.
  3. Willing to say 'no' - and sometimes '' - to others. When you don't want to be forced by others because it challenges your values, you must be ready to speak up for your beliefs. We all have an instinct to please others, so let's be courageous' to refuse them. Although at first you feel uncomfortable or anxious to say 'no', but you will be fine to be yourself.
    • At the same time, you should say 'yes' when people invite you to experience new and unexpected things. You need to be courageous because all of us are afraid of disappointing others. For example, your friend invites you to eat an Ethiopian dish or a kayak on the weekend - wait no more! Being true to yourself means trying new things and learning about yourself in many ways, even if you experience total failures. As a human, you must meet failure.
  4. Understand that you don't need to prove anything to anyone. Everyone wants to be recognized by others. We want people to be proud and connected with us.But you don't have to prove anything, you don't have to show people or the world that you're a good person or do good deeds. Likewise, you don't need to hide your mistakes. You know what, if you were late, other people would have been late too. Being true to yourself is not only about accepting your strengths and weaknesses, but also letting others see them. Believe that you can forgive and accept yourself and so can others.
    • Pretending to be someone else is exhausting you. Live true to those around you and they will accept you because they can see something in common - ordinary people make mistakes sometimes, but sometimes do great things and have lots of suggestions. For example, you tend to be late but always finish your work before leaving the office.
  5. Flexible communication. Pay attention to how you communicate with others and what you say. Be honest with your thoughts and opinions, but keep in mind that it's okay to live the real thing without affecting others' thoughts and opinions, especially in disagreeing situations. Remember that what we say is valid and constructive only if we express them thoughtfully. It is best to use the pronoun "I" to focus on your values ​​and actions rather than on others using "you", often referred to as accusations.
    • For example, if you are a vegetarian, you can speak about your beliefs without calling the cannibal "cruel killer". Let them know why YOU are vegetarian instead of condemning them because they eat meat. Living truly means being honest with yourself, but it doesn't mean disrespecting others.
    • Always think before you speak. This is an important rule in everyday life, especially helpful in sensitive and difficult situations.
  6. Share with someone a commitment to real life. Designate someone close to you, someone you love and trust, someone who values ​​who you are. Be it a lover, family member or close friend. Whenever you are in a traumatic situation, such as having a meeting with a difficult boss, 'seek help' for social support from loved ones to build confidence and avoid falling into the trap of being unreal. .
    • When you feel anxious, call the nominated person and express your feelings. For example, you can admit that you have prepared what your boss wants to hear even though they are not what you want or should say. Sharing with others that you are on the wrong path can help you become aware of your behavior and make adjustments as needed to continue living honestly and honestly with yourself. In most cases, advocates will tell you "be yourself" in difficult situations. They are not wrong. Follow that advice.
  7. Develop a habit of strength. There are many social situations in which our nerves harm us, making us feel completely confused. In a situation where you feel uncertain in front of others, such as at a party or wedding where you don't know anyone or your first day at school or work, cheer yourself up and show confidence. Write down a few keywords you use to define yourself and repeat over and over again - or even shout! Or read aloud a poem you love for inspiration. Make a list of some of your favorite songs to inspire yourself.
    • Whatever you do, be sure to be yourself. Just focus on remembering who you are and what is important to you.
  8. Accept the true self of others. Remember to treat others the way you would like them to treat you. Each of us has a different nature. It is important not to attribute values ​​or judge anyone. Everyone is a different person and this is completely normal, in fact this is what makes work so exciting and dynamic!
    • The difference between people - whether it's gender, beliefs, expertise, physicality, etc. - Well, nothing to worry about. If we accept to honor differences and sincerity, others will do the same.


  • Don't pretend to be anyone else. Be yourself. Each of us is special in some way, paying attention to the characteristics that make you who you are, and appreciating them. Don