Ways to Have a Girl

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


There are many reasons why couples want to have a daughter. Maybe you already have a son (maybe two or three boys!), You worry that a son may carry his genetic disease, maybe you just simply like having a baby girl. The only way to ensure the desired sex of the baby is to apply the post-insemination selection method, which is carried out in a medical facility or in a laboratory under the supervision of a medical professional. However, there are still a number of folk therapies and methods of pre-conception that some believe can affect the baby's sex. You will probably find these methods controversial, but worth a try. Anyway, the 50/50 chance isn't that bad, isn't it?


Method 1 of 3: Modify diet to influence your baby's sex

  1. Talk to your doctor about changing your diet. Adopting a diet to influence the sex of your baby is a controversial approach. Many doctors and scientists are skeptical of the effect of diet on a baby's sex, and suggest that the infant's sex is based solely on randomness. However, if your doctor thinks this method is safe, it won't do you any harm if you try a "girl birth" diet.

  2. Modify your diet to change the chemical environment in your body. Dietary changes are thought to affect the ability to conceive a daughter by altering the mineral and acid levels in the uterine environment. According to this hypothesis, a diet for several weeks before conception can make a woman's body more "friendly" to sperm carrying the X chromosome (which leads to female conception) and less " friendlier to Y-chromosome (leading to male conception) sperm.

  3. Eat a diet high in calcium and magnesium. Diets recommended for those wishing to have a daughter include low-sodium dairy products, eggs, rice, low-salt bread and crackers. Fruits and vegetables can also help increase your chances of having a baby girl.
  4. Avoid foods rich in potassium and sodium. A recent study found that women who eat a high-potassium cereal are more likely to have a son. Some foods rich in potassium include bananas, salmon, mushrooms, beans, tuna, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Time conception to influence the sex of the baby

  1. Keep track of your ovulation cycle. You can time your ovulation in several ways. The most accurate method is to use an ovulation test kit (OPK). If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you can also calculate how long you will ovulate by counting back 12-16 days from the first day of your last period, although this prediction may not be entirely correct. body.
    • Keeping track of your ovulation cycle can also help you increase your chances of conceiving (regardless of the baby's gender), as women are usually most likely to conceive a few days before ovulation.
    • Other signs of ovulation include abdominal pain, changes in vaginal discharge, and body temperature. You should carefully track your cycle on a calendar to see how your body responds to ovulation.
  2. Have sex 2 to 4 days before ovulation to conceive a girl. Sperm with the X chromosome contains more genetic material, so it is heavier and slower than sperm carrying the Y chromosome. Intercourse time at least 2 days before ovulation will help sperm carry chromosomes. The slower X-body has time to travel to the uterine cavity before the egg appears. This technique is called the "Shettles method."
    • There is another technique called the "Whelan method" that says that intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation will conceive a girl, and before 4-6 days will conceive a boy.

Method 3 of 3: Using medical methods to conceive a girl

  1. Determine how much you can spend on sex selection of the fetus. Although the most reliable medical methods for giving birth to a girl are the most expensive. This method can cost tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dong, not to mention that not all countries have this service, so travel costs must also be taken into account. You should plan your expenses to prepare for the expenses that you are expected to pay.
  2. Talk carefully with your doctor about this option. While side effects are usually mild, the techniques are relatively new and also include certain risks. You will need to talk to a trusted doctor to determine the risks that are acceptable for you.
  3. Follow up with sperm screening in the hospital. Classification of X and Y sperm can be done using a technique called cytometric sorting, after which the egg is fertilized with selected sperm using fertilization. in vitro fertilization or creation. The X chromosome is smaller than the Y chromosome, so female fetuses are able to absorb more fluorescent dyes than male sperm. The sperm is then separated, and the desired sex of the fetus can be chosen. Sperm screening has a very high success rate, although not up to 100%. However, this method is quite expensive and may not be suitable for all couples.
  4. Understanding the method of "screening with sperm movement" in artificial insemination, is a technique recommended by many obstetric hospitals. Sperm carrying female genetic material is usually heavier (and therefore also slower), so this classification is capable of selecting certain sexes, although it is not certain.
  5. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is applied. This procedure can be performed on in vitro fertilized embryos. This method allows the doctor to identify embryos of a certain sex, from which a selection can be made before transplanting. In addition to identifying (and possibly selecting) embryos of certain sex, chromosomal disorders and pathologies can also be identified by PGD.
    • Although highly effective, this is also an expensive and invasive method, and further raises ethical issues about the sex selection of embryos. In fact, sex screening is banned in some places. Some countries like the UK only allow this method because of health needs, such as to avoid genetic diseases related to gender.
    • Some other doctors support the selection of sex after fertilization because of health needs but opposed to this method because of personal preference.
    • This method determines the sex of the embryo in the laboratory before it is implanted in the uterus and is 100% accurate.


  • Unless you're following a post-fertilization approach, your chances of having a baby girl are always 50/50. You should try to accept the sex of your baby calmly and not obsess over the birth of a boy or a girl. Remember that the most important thing is the health and well-being of the child.
  • If you feel sad because you ended up not having a girl, this mood is called "gender disappointment". This is a common condition, and you do not have to feel guilty about experiencing it. Instead, accept your feelings and talk to your best friend or doctor about it. Usually, the sad feelings pass when you feel the bond with your baby, regardless of the baby's gender. If sadness persists, see your pediatrician.
  • If you consider having a girl really important, consider other options for having a girl other than having a baby, such as adoption. Not only do you have the experience of raising girls, but you can also help babies in need.


  • Although many obstetricians practice sex selection for whatever reason, some argue that it is unethical to choose a sex based solely on preference.
  • Talk to your doctor before making any major dietary changes (including vitamins / mineral supplements) to make sure the changes are safe and do not interact with any medications. any medicine you are taking or with any existing medical condition.
  • Many health experts do not believe that it is possible to influence a child's sex only by means of changing diet, sexual position or timing ovulation. However, some institutions claim that they have found the key to sex selection. Be wary of prenatal services that guarantee the sex of the baby: their services can be expensive and ineffective.
  • There are a number of sex-selection drugs on the black market that are not only ineffective, but also pose a risk of harm to the fetus. You should not take any medications or supplements without consulting a licensed doctor.
  • Biological sex is not similar to the perception of sex or gender format. Even if you conceive a girl biologically, there is a chance that your baby will deny the female sex and her gender identity as male. Similarly, a baby born with the male sex can grow up to be a girl or a woman. You need to support your child regardless of gender or gender identity.
  • Some of the surest methods of choosing the sex of a baby are also the most controversial and can arouse ethical concerns and issues. Make sure to think carefully about the consequences of your child's sex selection.