How to get a flat stomach

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get a Flat Stomach & Abs - 10 min | Weight Loss Challenge
Video: Get a Flat Stomach & Abs - 10 min | Weight Loss Challenge


Whether it's spring in Hue, summer in Hanoi, or there's only one season all year like Saigon, the moment the beaches start beckoning you, you'll want to wear your swimsuits. If you feel like your belly is a bit unattractive, or you want it to look firmer, the following tips will be your guide.


Part 1 of 3: Follow a Healthy Diet

  1. Don't eat any foods two or three hours before bed. Your body slows down while you sleep and will completely stop the digestion of food in your stomach.
    • In the evening and at night, you will also be less active, meaning your body will store the calories you consume late at dinner such as fat, instead of burning them for energy. for body.
    • Try not to eat any food for two to three hours before bed, or follow a "daytime diet", which means you are only allowed to eat and drink during the day.

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan Certified Personal Trainer is a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness trainer since 2002.

    Michele Dolan
    Certified Personal Trainer

    Michele Dolan, licensed personal trainer said: "If you want to lose weight without exercise, consume fewer calories than you burn. For women, the safe level is 1,200 calories a day, and for men it's 1,600 calories a day. "

  2. Eat healthier. There is really no secret when it comes to dieting for a flat stomach - just eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. prepare junk food like candy, chips, and fast food. Just by making this simple change, will you notice a difference in your waistline. However, this doesn't mean you should stop consuming these foods all of a sudden and all - go on a healthy diet in a slow but steadfast way to replace them. unhealthy food than healthy foods. Here are a few simple changes you can make:
    • Eat more lean protein. Beans, nuts, and lean meats are all great for you as long as you don't eat fat!
    • Eat whole grains. Look for foods that are labeled "100% whole grains" or "100% whole wheat" and not just "flour." Whole grains will keep you full for longer, and as such can aid your weight loss so you can have a flat stomach.
    • Eat low-fat dairy products. Change your intake of high-fat dairy foods to low-fat varieties, as these are fairly high in protein and vitamin B6.
    • Eat healthy fats. Not all fats are unhealthy! The monounsaturated fats found in avocados, beans and fish oils are really good for your health and they can help you lose weight. Just be sure to avoid trans fats found in many processed foods and pastries.
    • Reduce your sodium intake. Sodium holds water in the body, making you appear fat - especially around the belly area. Whenever possible, replace high-sodium foods with healthier ones. Replace regular table salt with kosher salt or sea salt, which are lower in sodium, and you should not use soy sauce (soy sauce) as it contains a lot of sodium.

  3. Reduce your portion size. Instead of eating the wrong food, many people eat it too much suitable food. You should only eat until you feel full, then stop eating. If you regularly use healthy foods as a snack throughout the day, you won't feel hungry.
    • A good tip you can use is to eat with a small plate. This way, your plate will look like it's full of food, but you actually eat less than usual. Also, try to fill half the plate with vegetables.
    • Chew slowly and thoroughly while eating. Chewing food well can help promote digestion in the stomach, making you feel less bloated and gas. You should chew the foods until they are thick like apple sauce.
    • Take a break after each spoonful of food. This will give your stomach a chance to realize it's full, thus helping you avoid overeating.
  4. Eat foods with a low glycemic index. These foods take longer to digest, so you will feel full for longer. Your body will slowly absorb the nutrients that will help you avoid spikes or hypoglycemia until your next meal. Some foods with a low glycemic index are good for the body including:
    • Cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, zucchini, dark green lettuce, onions, pears, tomatoes, watercress, broccoli, bananas, apples, and berries are very good food to eat.
  5. Cut as much sugar out of your diet as possible. In addition to reducing excess calories, reducing sugar will also help lower insulin levels in your body.
    • Lower insulin levels mean helping the body increase its production of a hormone known as glucagon.
    • Glucagon is a substance that helps burn glucose for energy, contributing to a flat stomach!
    • Be careful when eating industrial confectionery. Even though they may help reduce caloric intake, they have also been shown to trigger hunger, causing weight gain.
  6. Use protein-rich foods for a snack between 3 and 4 pm. According to experts, using protein rich foods for snacks around the "golden hour" from 3 to 4 pm will help boost metabolism and balance blood sugar.
    • A protein bar or nutritious powder mixed with water to drink (shake), a handful of almonds, or pumpkin seeds, or a few pieces of low-fat cheese are good options for you. .
    • Having a balanced blood sugar level reduces the amount of insulin in your body, which is good for your body because insulin can store fat in your abdomen.
  7. Eat less and eat more meals. Replace the routine of eating three regular meals a day with eating less and eating more meals. Many people make the mistake of eating nothing between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, especially when they're trying to lose weight.
    • However, such diet will affect your blood sugar and will cause you to eat more due to hunger, making it harder for you to lose weight.
    • Eating a few healthy foods for a snack every 3 to 4 hours and keeping your body from starving is a healthier and more effective way.
  8. Drink a lot of water. You should completely replace regular drinks with water, especially carbonated or soft drinks because they contain a lot of excess calories and will make you feel bloated.
    • Drinking plenty of water will help flush out toxins from the body and aid digestion, both of which are important for having a flat stomach.
    • If you find it boring to just drink plain water, you might consider making a nutritional drink instead. Simple nutritional drink is made from ordinary water and added ingredients to help you feel alert and energized, helping to speed up metabolism and reduce excess fat in the abdomen. The recipe for this is quite varied, but many include a combination of ingredients like a few slices of orange, lemon, grated ginger, cucumber, fresh mint leaves, and fresh basil. Soak ingredients in water overnight - the water will be "full of nutrients" the next morning!
    • Pay attention to your body's cues. Your urine should be light yellow or clear; A strong yellow color and an odor can be a sign that your body is dehydrated.
  9. Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages. If completely eliminating alcohol from your diet can be difficult, you should consider doing it cuts them. Alcoholic beverages, especially alcohol, are high in calories (frightening fact: a bottle of wine contains about 600 calories).
    • Alcohol consumption also unexpectedly releases estrogen in the body, and excess estrogen accumulates weight in the body.
    • In addition, alcohol stimulates appetite and discourages you, making it easier for you to get drunk on foods you're trying not to consume, such as burgers. ), french fries, pizza, chocolates, and packaged chips.

Part 2 of 3: Exercising to Get a Flat Abdominal

  1. Do aerobic exercise every day. Of course, you can do 100 crunches a day, but what if you have a thick layer of belly fat covering your abs? You need to burn this belly fat in order to see the change. Cardio will heat up your body temperature and increase circulation, contributing to the formation of a flat stomach. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, including 1-2 days of rest per week.
    • Other activities such as dancing, jogging, tae-bo, swimming, cycling, and walking at the right pace will be a great aerobic exercise method for you. In fact, any activity that can raise your heart rate will help! Boxing is a good exercise to increase the heart rate, while the muscles used when you punch will help bring you flat stomach.
    • Do interval cardio training exercises, such as alternating sprints with brisk walking. When you feel that you have regained your breath, sprint again. Use this remedy for a total of 20 minutes at a time.
  2. Practice plyometrics exercises. Plyometrics are exercises that require you to have "endurance". This exercise combines cardio with strength training. Some good plyometric exercises that you can do at home include:
    • Jumping jacks. Start standing, then bounce up while extending your arms and legs to create an "X", then land in a standing position. Repeat this many times depending on your ability.
    • Squat-thrust and push-ups. Start in the push-up position, do one push-ups, then push your feet and pull your knees up toward your chest so your feet are between your hands (still touching the ground in push-up position. ), then jump as high as possible, hands raised overhead. Return to squatting with your hands touching the ground, then jump back to push-ups. Perform as many times as you can.
  3. Incorporate use of strength-building exercises to build muscle. More muscle exercise will help boost your metabolism, so you'll burn more calories.
    • Abdominal exercises will affect the upper abdomen, raised legs will affect the lower abdomen, and sideways flexion affects the intercostal area (also known as excess fat in the lumbar region. ). Every day, you only need to do about 15-25 stomach crunches. If you can train more than this, try adding weights. Keep in mind that crunching will only help build the muscle underneath the belly fat, but will not directly burn excess fat.
    • Use an exercise ball to train abs. Ball swapping is a good exercise for you. Lie on your back, arms outstretched overhead and grab the ball. Raise the ball in front of your chest, while at the same time raise your legs (keep them straight) off the ground. Place the ball between your ankles, then lower your arms and legs to touch the ground. Repeat the same way but this time move the ball from ankle to hand. Do this 10-12 reps.
    • Do a combination exercise such as a deadlift with heavier weights.
  4. Do three simple abdominal exercises. You will quickly have a flat stomach!
    • Lie on the floor with your hands on your side and knees bent.
    • Touch your feet on the ground and sit up.
    • Do this 10 times and increase the frequency each day.

Part 3 of 3: Living Well

  1. Consult an expert. Doctors, certified dieticians (not nutrition researchers), and personal trainer can help you learn about what you need to do to lose weight. Always remember to see a doctor or dietitian first as most personal trainers will often find ways to charge!
    • A personal trainer or doctor can be of great help as they can provide you with the right nutrition and exercise plan for you so that you can achieve your desired weight. Practicing as a guide is easier than practicing alone.
  2. Don't go on a fad diet. Healthy eating and exercise are the best way to lose weight. The weight-loss regimen may have temporary results, but it will hurt you after a while, or even cause serious harm to your body. In the long run, an accelerated diet will only cause you to eat more or in unhealthy and unsustainable ways and will cause weight gain.
    • Try replacing one bad food each day into a healthy one until you no longer use junk food as your main food.
  3. Never fast. The results you will receive will be temporary and you will be disappointed soon, and that will make it easier for you to give up.
    • You may think that fasting will be the most effective way, in fact it will harm your body and make it difficult for you to lose weight.
  4. Please be patient! If you lose weight in a healthy way, you won't be able to get immediate results. Any method that "quickens" excess fat is likely to have a negative effect on your health. The best way to preserve your health and lose weight in the long term is to follow the steps mentioned above.
    • Also, keep in mind: some people find it harder to have a flat stomach than others. The natural shape of the body and the individual level of exercise are quite important. Methods to get others to lose weight quickly may not have the same results for you.
  5. Learn how to deal with stress. Many people overeat due to work, family, or other reasons that put them under excessive stress. Finding out how coping with stress can help you get a flat stomach.
    • Try doing things like jogging to relieve stress, or adding a new hobby like boxing that will give you a positive outlet for negative emotions.
  6. Get enough sleep so that you don't feel tired. Adequate rest will help reduce stress. You will have less cravings. Build a healthy sleep and rest routine.
    • Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain, so be sure to get enough sleep!
  7. Focus on developing your personal image and confidence. Many people overeat because they want to feel better, because others make them sad, they feel lonely, or they don't like the way they look. You shouldn't! You are so beautiful and wonderful! Once you accept that you yourself are wonderful, you will feel that a little less firmness in the navel area will not be a problem for you.
    • Don't compare your body to someone else's. Everyone's body is different and no one is the same. You probably won't need a flat stomach as long as you feel good because that's what matters.


  • Drinking water before and after each meal will bring a feeling of fullness, preventing you from overeating.
  • Listen to music while exercising! Watching TV or other activities will help you focus and motivate you. Imagine how great you would look with a flat belly. This will help keep yourself motivated.
  • Be firm - believe you can. Think about what you will get in the future, you will get a lot of compliments, you will look great in any kind of outfit, and you will live a long and healthy life.
  • Always drink filtered water! Although Pepsi or Coca Cola sounds tempting, replace them with water. You will be grateful for your decision!
  • Eating breakfast every day is believed to help you lose weight, while skipping breakfast will make you gain weight.
  • Exercise and eat lots of healthy foods and don't eat junk food.
  • Jot down all the food you eat and drink in your nutrition diary or use the phone app. And remember to include information about your sports training. This way, at the end of the week you will be able to accurately track your progress and identify areas where you should improve. Plus, if you take notes on everything, you won't be cheating!
  • Exercise regularly. If you only exercise every two weeks or so, it won't help you unless you exercise for a LONG time. Try to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Remember that some people need more exercise, depending on their body.
  • Eat natural foods, avoid processed foods.
  • Do not use high-starch foods.


  • Do not exercise excess abdominal muscles. Your body will let you know when you need a break. Or take a short break, take a deep breath, and then continue until you are done with the exercise.
  • Drinking juices may sound healthy, but they usually contain the same high sugar content as soda. If you like juice, make your own at home.
  • Do not use diet method at all costs! This can lead to malnutrition, irritability, fatigue, lethargy, and will lead to cravings. After you stop using this diet, a "yo-yo effect" may appear and cause you to eat more than usual to restore the weight you have lost and in addition add more weight. friend.
  • Do not try to do plyometic exercises while in a pushup position unless you have a good degree of control in the pelvic muscles to avoid damaging your back.