How to use a wireless headset

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to PC
Video: How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to PC


Wireless headphones have many advantages over traditional headphones. Since the wireless headphones are connected using Bluetooth technology, they don't have long, entangled wires that often get messed up in your pocket. The wireless headset can also connect to a variety of Bluetooth enabled devices, including smartphones and tablets. Try out a few different wireless headphones to find the one that fits your ear best.


Method 1 of 2: Choose headphones that fit

  1. Try different types and brands of headphones to find the right one. Our ear canal comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, so there won't be any headphones that will fit everyone. Try out different types of headphones from many brands, you can borrow them from a friend or family member, to see which one fits your ear best, or you can ask the store clerk to set them up. let me try new headphones electronically to see which couple is most comfortable.
    • In general, men have larger ear canal than women, and therefore will need to use larger size headphones.

  2. Put the headphones in your ears. To transmit sound effectively, the headphones need to be inserted firmly into the ear at a position relatively close to the eardrum. Turn the heads of the headphones 2-3 times to keep them in place.
    • Tuck the end of the wireless headset firmly into the ear canal will also help prevent ambient noises from entering the ear.
  3. Gently pull your earlobes to secure the headset in place. After placing the headset in your ear, extend your opposite hand and gently pull the earlobe to open the ear canal a little wider. When inserting the headset into your ear, gently press the tip of the headset with the index finger of the other hand.
    • For example, to secure the headset to your right ear, you will gently pull the earlobe with your left hand. At the same time, use the index finger of your right hand to push the headset into the ear canal.

  4. Clean the ears if the headset does not fit. The buildup of earwax can cause the shape and size of the ear canal to change. As a result, the headset may not fit or easily fall out of the ear during use. If the headphones don't fit your ears like before, you can improve them by using a cotton swab to clean your ears.
    • You should also clean your ears if you remove gold from your ears when taking them out. However, be careful not to push the wax inside, just gently insert a cotton swab into the swirl to clean the ear wall.

  5. If possible, limit jaw movement while using headphones. Depending on the shape and distance from the jaw to the earpiece, jaw movement can cause the earphones to become loose. While you definitely won't be able to move your jaw while talking on the phone, try not to move too much when using your headset for other purposes.
    • For example, if you chew gum or eat junk food while listening to music with headphones, the jaw movement can cause the earphones to loosen and fall out of the ear.

Method 2 of 2: Use wireless headphones

  1. Connect the headset with phone or other devices. Click the Bluetooth button on your phone or other device (e.g. tablet or laptop) and turn on the headset. Then, press the "seek" button on one side of the headset. When the headset appears in the phone's Bluetooth menu, touch it to connect it to the device. Note that if you connect the wireless headphones to a new device, it may take a few minutes.
    • See your phone's user's guide for detailed instructions on how to connect your phone to a wireless device.
  2. Control the headphones with the included remote. Many wireless headsets come with a small remote with about 5x7.5 cm in size. Use the interface of this remote to switch tracks, adjust volume or mute incoming calls.
    • Don't forget to bring the remote with you when you go outside (wearing headphones while walking, for example), otherwise it will be difficult to adjust the music to your liking.
    • If you forget to bring the remote, you can also control the tracks with your phone (or other devices).
  3. Press the button on the side of the headset if the earbuds do not have the included controls. A lot of wireless headphones don't have a remote, but have small buttons on the side. Use these buttons to pause, play, or move the songs you are currently listening to, or to answer, mute or reject calls. Observe these buttons carefully before wearing the headset so that you do not miss pressing the wrong hand.
    • If the buttons are too small for your hand to press correctly, you can also use the interface on the phone to adjust music or reject calls.
  4. Clean your headphones if they get sticky. If earwax sticks to the tip of the earphones that are inserted into the ear, clean them using a cotton ball and a little rubbing alcohol to gently wipe the dirty surface until all the wax is gone.
    • Do not use soap to clean the wireless headphones and do not rinse them under running water.
  5. Charge wireless headphones when not in use. Although each headset has a different charging mechanism, most have a small port for charging. Plug this port into the power outlet in the bedroom or living room and plug your headphones into the charging port when not in use.
    • If you forget to charge the headphones, you should not use them when needed. For example, if you use wireless headphones for an important meeting, when they run out of battery you can run into big trouble.


  • With battery technology and wireless technology advancing, wireless headphones can last longer without recharging. Some can last for more than 30-35 hours.