How to Use Bath Bombs

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Use A Bath Bomb
Video: How To Use A Bath Bomb


Using a bath bomb is one way to increase the pleasure of a shower. Bath bombs come in different colors, fragrances, shapes and sizes, often with added oils and moisturizing butter to help nourish the skin. So what is the use of these bath bombs? This article not only gives detailed instructions on how to use a bath bomb, but also suggests how to choose and create ideas for making shower bombs more bubbly, bigger and more effective!


Part 1 of 2: Using bath bombs

  1. Choose a bath bomb. Bath bombs come in many different colors, fragrances, shapes and sizes.Some also have petals and glitter on the inside. Besides, many bath bombs have extra oils and butter that are good for the skin like almond oil and cocoa butter. Choose a bath bomb of your favorite color and fragrance; If your skin is dry, choose one that contains oils and butter to add moisture. Here are a few things to consider when shopping for a bath bomb:
    • Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and rose. These essential oils not only add fragrance to bath bombs, but also help you relax or be more alert.
    • Nourishing, emollient oils and avocados like almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter are all great for dry skin!
    • The glitter and petals added to the bath bomb would float on the water's surface. They are added to make the bath water look better and help improve mood.
    • Salt, clay powder and herbs are also often added to bath bombs. They help soften, moisturize and nourish the skin.

  2. Try wrapping bomb baths in fabric. Some bath bombs with petals will stick to the tub after draining. You can prevent this from happening by placing the bath bomb in a small cloth bag or leather sock. Soap, fragrance and oil still penetrate the thin fabric and dissolve into the bath water, but the petals remain in a cloth bag or sock. When you're done showering, just empty your bag or recycle it.

  3. Try cutting the bath bomb in half. Bath bombs are expensive, but you can last longer by cutting the bath bombs with a serrated knife. You will use half to shower and keep the rest for next bath.
    • If you are using only one portion of your bath bomb, be sure to store the rest by wrapping it in a plastic wrap and storing it in a dry place. You can also store bath bombs in a jar with a tight lid. Make sure the bath bombs are dry, as the humidity will cause the bath bombs to bubble.

  4. Close the drain hole and fill the tub with water. You are preparing your own bath water, so do your best to feel your best. Use more or less water, and the temperature is hot or cold depending on your preference. Turn off the tap when you have the bath water you want.
  5. Put the bath bomb in the water. As soon as you put the bath bomb in the water, it will begin to bubble. After a while, the bath bomb breaks and dissolves, releasing oil, salt and butter into the water.
  6. Take off your clothes and step into the tub. You can go into the tub while the bath bomb is still sparkling or wait until it stops.
  7. Relax in the bath. Choose the position that makes you most comfortable. You can close your eyes and try stretching, meditating or reading. The bath bomb dissolves and gives the water the aroma of essential oils; secrete butter and oils that nourish and soften the skin; along with things like petals, glitter, and colors.
  8. Step out of the tub when the water is cold and drained. After a while, the water begins to cool. At this point, you can step out of the tub and rinse. Don't stay in the bath for too long as your skin will get wrinkled and purple!
  9. Take a shower again. You don't need to take a shower after you have used a bath bomb, but if you are using a color or glitter, do so. Just rinse the tub, then shower to wash off the oil and butter from your skin. You can use loofah and shower gel if you want.
  10. Wash the tub. Some bath bombs use dyes that leave the color on the bath. The dye will be easy to remove while still damp. Use a bath sponge or brush to scrub away any dye from the tub. If you have petals or glitter in the tub, you can remove or turn on clean water to let them drift down the drain.

Part 2 of 2: Some other ways to use bath bombs

  1. Plan to use bath bombs right away. Bath bombs will retain their shape when stored in a dry place; however, the newer the bath bomb, the more effervescent it is when placed in the tub. If left for too long before use, the bath bomb will not cause a strong effect.
  2. Use a bath bomb to clear your nose. If you buy a bath bomb that contains eucalyptus oil, you can use it to clear your nose when you have a cold. Just fill the tub with warm water, pop in the bath bomb, and take a relaxing soak in the water.
  3. Use bath bombs as aromatherapy. Many bath bombs contain essential oils that can improve your mood, relax you, reduce stress or feel more alert. When choosing a bath bomb, check the ingredients to find out what essential oils it contains. Essential oils will create the fragrance, so choose the one you like. Here are some common essential oils that are used in bath bombs and how effective they are:
    • Lavender essential oil has a classic fragrance with a refreshing floral scent. It helps to reduce anxiety, depression and stress.
    • Rose essential oil is a classic fragrance that differs from a sweet floral scent. Similar to lavender, this essential oil helps in reducing stress
    • Lemon essential oil has a refreshing fragrance. It improves mood, makes you feel refreshed and energetic.
    • Peppermint essential oil and other mint have a cool aroma. This essential oil is effective in relieving headaches and nausea. In addition, you will feel refreshed and full of energy.
  4. Create a spa-like space. You can do this by turning off the bathroom lights and lighting them with a few candles. Alternatively, you can improve your mood with a few soothing songs. Since you'll be soaking in the tub for a while, bring something with you. Here are a few ideas:
    • Relax with a book.
    • Prepare drinks like champagne or hot tea.
    • Add foods such as fruit or chocolate.
    • Fold a soft towel and place it behind your head, neck, and shoulders before resting your back in the tub. That way, you will feel more comfortable.
    • Use a mask when soaking in the tub. When you are done soaking in the tub, the mask will also take full advantage of its effectiveness.
  5. Use bath bombs to create fragrance. Sometimes, you wouldn't have the heart to use bath bombs because they are so beautiful. If you don't want to put a nice shower bomb in the bath, put it on a nice plate in the bathroom. The bath bomb will emit a gentle fragrance and will not cause discomfort.
  6. You can use a shower bomb instead of a bathtub. If you want to take care of yourself but don't want to soak in the tub, shower bombs with a bath bomb. Shower bath bombs are similar to those used in bathtubs, except that there will be less oil to prevent the floor from becoming slippery. Simply put the shower bomb on the floor in the bathroom where it might get wet, turn on the water and step inside. The water will cause the bath bomb to break and melt, causing the fragrance to spread.


  • If you like showers, buy a shower bomb and put it in the shower.
  • Cut the bath bomb in half and use it in half for each bath.
  • If in the US and you want to buy bath bombs, go to Lush. They have many different types of shower bombs and all are eco-friendly products.
  • If the bath bomb produces a nice effect in the water then it's best not to cut it in half. This is like a bath bomb in a bath bomb, if cut in half it will not look good.


  • You may also be allergic to the ingredients in bath bombs. Check the ingredients before buying a bath bomb.
  • Bath bombs will stain the bathtub and towels.
  • Note to use if you have sensitive skin. Bath bombs often contain essential oils and other ingredients that can cause allergies. If you are allergic to bath oils or shower foams, you may be allergic to bath bombs as well.

What you need

  • Bath bombs
  • Bathtub
  • Country