How to convert milliliters to grams

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Convert Grams to Milliliters - g to mL
Video: How To Convert Grams to Milliliters - g to mL


Converting milliliter (mL) to gram (g) is not as simple as it is a conversion from volume (mL) to mass unit (g), not just a numerical conversion. That is, depending on each substance, the conversion formula will be different, but at the math level, you just need to know that multiplication is enough. You can apply this article to convert units of volume to units of mass, or vice versa, when following recipes or solving chemical problems.


Method 1 of 3: In cooking

  1. For water, you can convert directly from milliliters to grams or vice versa. This is because under normal circumstances, 1 milliliter of water is equivalent to 1 gram of water. So you don't have to multiply anything.
    • This equivalence is not accidental or coincidental, but rather the definition of these two units. Many other units of measurement are determined by water because it is a common and useful substance.
    • In the case of hot or colder water than usual you need to use a different ratio, instead of 1 milliliter of water equal to 1 gram of water.

  2. For milk, multiply by 1.03. To convert mL to grams of reconstituted milk, you need to multiply the value in mL by 1.03. For skim milk the ratio is 1,035, however the difference between the two is insignificant if you don't need absolute precision, for example in cooking or baking.

  3. For butter, multiply by the ratio 0.911. You can also multiply by 0.9 if it is not convenient to calculate the ratio of 0.911 because the error of the result using these two numbers is also negligible when you apply it to the amount of ingredients used in cooking.

  4. Multiply 0.57 for flour. There are many types of flour, but the majority of all-purpose flour, whole wheat, or bread flour products on the market have approximately the same proportions. So, even if you multiply the ratio 0.57, when using flour, you should add in small amounts and mix and increase further until you feel the satisfaction.
    • This ratio is calculated based on cubic ratio of 8.5 grams per tablespoon, and 1 tablespoon = 14.7869 mL.
  5. Use online redemption tools for other ingredients. There are websites that can help you convert milliliters and grams for popular ingredients, like this one. One mL is equivalent to one cubic centimeter (cubic centimeter, cm symbol), so you can select "cubic centimeter" then enter the volume in mL and the name of the ingredient (in English). . advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Basic concepts

  1. Understand milliliters and volumes. Milliliter is a unit of measure volume, in other words, the amount of space that the object occupies. One milliliter of water, one milliliter of gold, or one milliliter of air will occupy the same amount of space. If you crush or press an object to make it smaller and more dense, then the volume is will change. 1/5 teaspoon or 20 drops of water would have a volume of about 1 milliliter.
    • Milliliter is abbreviated as mL.
  2. Understand gram and weight. Gram is the unit of measure mass, that is the quantity of a substance. The total mass of an object are not Change if you crush or cut the object into smaller pieces or squeeze the object into a denser mass. One gram is the approximate mass of a paper pin, a sugar ball or a grape.
    • Gram is a common unit of weight and can be weighed with a balance. Weight is gravity exerted on a mass object. If you fly into space, your body mass (amount of matter) will remain the same but you will lose weight, because out of space your body is not under the influence of gravity.
    • Gam stands for g.
  3. Understand why you need to know the substance when converting. Since these units are used to measure different quantities, there is no common formula for all forms of matter. You need to find a recipe based on the type of material or ingredient you need to convert. For example, 1 mL of distillate would have a different mass than 1 mL of water.
  4. Understand billions of cubes. Mass density is the density of matter arranged in an object. We can know that objects commonly encountered in life have a large or small density without measuring it. For example, if you hold an iron ball, you will be surprised by the mass of the marble compared to its size, because the iron ball has a large density, meaning there is a lot of matter contained in a space small. Conversely, if you crumple the paper into a lump the size of an iron ball, you can easily throw it away because the lump of paper has a smaller density than an iron ball. Mass density is measured as mass per unit volume. That means how many mass in grams can be arranged to fit 1 mL volume. This is also the reason why we can use cubic billion to convert from mL to grams and vice versa. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Convert any substance

  1. Find the density of substance. As mentioned above, the density ratio is mass per unit volume. In math or chemistry exercises, you may be given the density of the substance. You can also find the densities of substances on the internet or from existing billboards.
    • Use this table to find the cubic density of any pure substance. (Note: 1 cm = 1 milliliter.)
    • If you can read English, you can consult this document to find the billions of foods and drinks. For those with "density" only, the values ​​given in the document are equivalent to those in g / mL at 4 degrees C and quite close to the density of the substance at room temperature.
    • For other substances, you can type the substance name into the word "billion cubic" into the search engine to get results.
  2. Convert cubic billion to g / mL if necessary. Sometimes your density values ​​are shown in units other than g / mL. You do not need to convert if the unit is g / cm because one cm = 1mL. For other companies, you can use websites that have integrated online facilities to change units or calculate by yourself in the following way:
    • Multiplying the density value by 0.001 will get the value in g / mL if the units available are kg / m (kilogram per cubic meter).
    • Multiplying by 0.120 if the known cubic density is in lb / gallon (pounds per gallon) gets the cubic density in g / mL.
  3. Multiply the measured volume in milliliters by the cubic billion. Multiplying the volume to be converted in mL multiplied by the volume ratio in g / mL we have the result (g x mL) / mL, to destroy the mL we will get g (gram), that is the desired mass.
    • For example, convert 10 mL of ethanol to grams, knowing the density of ethanol is 0.789 g / mL. Multiplying 10 mL by 0.789 g / mL yields 7.89 grams. So, 10 mL of ethanol has a mass of 7.89 grams.


  • To convert from grams to milliliters, divide the value in grams by the cubic ratio.
  • The density of water is 1 g / mL. If a substance has a density greater than 1 g / mL, it is more dense (or more dense) than distilled water and will sink in the water. Conversely, if a substance has a density of less than 1 g / mL, it will be more spongy (lower density) than water and will float above the surface.


  • An object can expand or contract when it changes temperature, especially when it changes state like melting, freezing or similar changes. However, if you know the state of a liquid (liquid, solid, gas, etc.) and are looking at the substance under normal conditions, you can use the "characteristic" density of that substance.