How to forget someone you like

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


Are you finding it difficult to go an hour - or even a minute - without thinking about the person you like? If you already know that your feelings for that person are going nowhere, then thinking about them constantly will only make you more sad and miserable. The good news is that if you try, you will be able to spend more time doing the things you enjoy, being with the people you care about, and loving your life again. This will take time, but with enough determination, you will soon forget the person you like.


Part 1 of 3: Adjust your thoughts

  1. Release your feelings. If you want to forget someone you like, the first thing you need to do is admit yourself that you have feelings for that person. If you deny how much that person means to you, you will just keep those intense emotions in your heart instead of letting them go. Take the time to cry, to talk to a close friend about it, to acknowledge how hurt you have been, and to accept your feelings.
    • Write down what you are feeling, if that helps. If you don't want to confess to a friend, going through a diary can also make you feel better.
    • If you're going to be upset for a while because your feelings for that person have gone nowhere, that's okay. Let your friends know that you will be lying at home for a while, and don't force yourself to get along if you're simply not in the mood.
    • It is said that after a few weeks or so you should stop indulging in sadness and start making some social interactions. If you spend too much time alone with your emotions, you will probably only feel worse.

  2. Forget anger and suffering. Perhaps you have many reasons to feel angry or upset. Perhaps the person you like really hurts you. You're probably pretty sure things will work out, but they won't. Perhaps the person you like ended up on a date with one of your friends and you got angry with both of them. These feelings will of course be present in your current situation, but that doesn't mean they are beneficial or that they can help you let go and move on.
    • Write down all of the reasons why you feel angry and in pain. Acknowledging your pain is essential to forgetting about it. Once you understand where all of your negative emotions come from, you will be able to begin to deal with them, one by one.
    • If you come into contact with someone you like, don't let them see how angry and sad you are feeling. The best thing you can do is act completely indifferent, as if you don't care what the person wants to do. If you continue to pretend indifference, you will be amazed how quickly you actually start feeling that way.

  3. Focus on the person's most negative aspects. Stop thinking about how good looking, interesting or sweet the person you like is every time it comes to mind. Instead, focus on all the bad things about the person, from their quirky fashion sense or ability to being completely malicious with complete strangers. Make a list of all of these if it is helpful. When the person comes to mind, evoke all of these negative thoughts instead of the positive ones. This will help you remember that the person you like isn't exactly that great after all.
    • If you think the person you like is perfect and that you really can't think of anything bad about them, then guess what? You don't really know the person well. No one in the world is perfect and everyone has flaws.
    • The more you think about the bad side of the person, the sooner you'll find that the two of you are not compatible after all.

  4. Understand that you deserve better. You might think that you and that person would be the best couple in the world, but that's not the case. If the two of you really belonged to each other, then it would have happened, right? Whatever the reason, you and the person went nowhere, and the reason seems to be just because you were too good for them. The person you like is not your partner, and once you realize that, you should be able to find someone you deserve.
    • Of course, you've probably heard all your friends tell you over and over again that you deserve more than that, but you won't be able to understand it until you realize it for yourself.
  5. Remember how awesome you are. If you are upset because your feelings for that person are not working, then you may need to motivate yourself. You must be humiliating yourself, and feel as though you are unworthy because you are not being with the person you like, but that's not true. Remember your good qualities, focus on the great friends and opportunities in your life, and don't forget about your favorite personality traits. Always tell yourself that you are a great person who only deserves the best - and "the best of all" is simply not the person you like!
    • Keeping a positive outlook is extremely important in this case. If you focus on all the good things in life and your personality instead of the ones you don't have, then you'll be able to let go and move on faster than when you only saw the the worst in all circumstances.

Part 2 of 3: Get rid of the person you like from your life

  1. Stop talking to someone you like. It may sound obvious to stop talking to the person if you want to forget about them, but you will most likely still talk to the person even if you know this is not good for you. You don't have to be downright rude, but take the initiative to avoid the person you like and limit your conversation as much as possible. Stop texting, calling, or simply stop and say hi to the person. The sooner you stop meeting and hearing the person's voice, the sooner you can push them out of your life.
    • If it is imperative to be in the same place as the person you like, such as a classroom, then be kind and polite without even trying. Malicious behavior is completely meaningless and it won't make you feel any better either.
  2. You should also stop talking about your crush. While talking to a close friend about forgetting your crush can help you let go and move on, if you talk to all the people you meet or your mutual friends, you won't feels pretty quick better. You don't have to deny your feelings, but if you keep reminding yourself of the person you like, you will only provoke old wounds and remind yourself of the things that hurt you.
    • If you have mutual friends, avoid asking about what your crush is doing right now. How can that make you feel better?
  3. Avoid that person on social media, if you just go to Facebook, Instagram or any other social networking site to follow the person you like and to see who they are dating or hang out with a cute girl in classes, then you should stop using them. If you really love Facebook, then avoid clicking on their profile and using it to stay in touch with people who really make you feel good. Viewing pictures of your crush is sure to make you feel worse, so stop torturing yourself.
    • Give yourself a limited amount of time - for example, you will spend only 15 minutes a day surfing Facebook. If you want to spend that time following the people you like, then you won't be able to see what the people who really care about you are up to.
  4. Avoid places the person might go. While there is no need to completely change your schedule, if you really want to forget your crush, then you should try to avoid all the places where you know you'll meet them. Don't go to the person's favorite restaurant or the cinema if you're pretty sure they'll be there on Friday night. If you know they're going to a party and you're still feeling really hurt, then find something else to do.
    • This does not mean that the person you like "won" and that you can't do anything interesting anymore; it just means you have to avoid them for a while until you feel better.
  5. Reorganize your daily schedule. If you want to push the person you like out of your life, then it's time to change things. Change breakfast. Going to lunch with a new friend instead of old friends. Start a new hobby. Go to school or work in a different way. While these changes may not be directly related to the person you like, just trying to get rid of the thoughts that once haunted you by that person can help you begin to see the world in a way. completely different and suppress thoughts from revolving around the person.
    • Think about it: is there a certain time of the day that you think about the person you like the most? If so, could you do something else instead during such times so that you can forget them? For example, if you always look out the window on the bus home and think troubling things about your crush, find a new uplifting album and listen to them all the way home. it becomes a positive experience instead of spending time thinking about your crush.

Part 3 of 3: Let go and move on

  1. Lean on friends and family. A great way to let go of your crush is to spend a lot of time with the people who matter most to you. Friends and family have been and will always be with you through every ups and downs and they will help you feel better about your relationship just by being with you. While your social activities don't have to be so dense that you don't have a moment for yourself, try to spend more time with the people you love so you can feel like you be grateful for all the positive relationships in your life - instead of being haunted by a failed relationship.
    • Don't be alone on a Friday or Saturday night or you might want to be with someone you like again. Instead, hang out with your friends, and you'll be so happy that you'll forget everything about that person.
  2. Do things you enjoy. Taking the time to do something meaningful to you is a very effective way to keep all thoughts of the person out of your mind. Spend more time pursuing your hobbies, whether it's running or drawing, sports, reading, or just anything that makes you happy. You may think that you are too busy to make time for the things you care about. If so, create time by cutting out other things from your life; If you wholeheartedly pursue your passions, then all thoughts about the person you like will fade away.
    • Maybe you feel too upset about the person because you don't have much to really care about. It may be time to find out what your true passion is by taking a class outside of your comfort zone, taking a course in photography, dance, acting, singing, or Simply try something completely new that makes you feel like it will make you happy.
  3. Enjoy alone time. While spending time with family and friends and doing the things you love can help you forget your crush, if you really want to feel at ease on your own, then you need to be comfortable with spend time with an endearing friend - yourself. If you're sad and depressed every time you stop being busy, then you haven't really forgotten your crush. Schedule “yourself dates” each week and take the time to do something you want - either just chill out and watch your favorite TV show or take a hot bath. It doesn't matter what you do - what matters is that you really enjoy it by yourself.
    • Don't let last-minute plans with friends get in the way of your “alone time”. You should value your "alone time" as if it were a hot date with your favorite celebrity.
  4. Away from home. Don't hide in your own gloomy nest, thinking about all the reasons why your feelings for your crush are going nowhere; Instead go outside and get some fresh air. Just going out into the sun and breathing fresh air instead of hanging indoors will help you feel more energized, alert, energized and happier. If you have to do some things, then don't hide in your room; Go to a café or park. Just being around other people, even if you haven't talked to them, will make you feel happier and less likely to fall in love with the person you like.
    • Make sure you get out of the house at least once a day, even if it's just a half hour walk. Staying indoors all day is sure to make anyone feel sad, whether they're trying to forget someone or not.
  5. Love single life. If you really want to forget the person you like, then you can't suffer alone and wait for someone to come to you. You have to be really satisfied with being alone, doing your own thing, hanging out with your friends and having a few relationships that just stop at flirting. You should appreciate the freedom that single life can give you and understand that, while dating someone can be enjoyable and satisfying, it doesn't determine whether you are dating. happy or sad.
    • Give yourself time. It can take weeks, or even months, to enjoy being single, but once you do, you'll find that you never really need someone you like - after all - What you need is an imaginary image of that person that you think will make you happy, but in the end it is not the answer you are looking for.
  6. Ready for a new love. Once you've done all the right things - correct your thoughts, dismiss thoughts about the person and move forward to do the things that make you happy - then you can congratulate yourself for forgetting who you like. You have seen how wonderful your life was without that friend, how great a person you are and how fortunate you are to have your life right now. If you really forget your crush, you can gradually begin to open your heart and love someone else.
    • If you really did make it through, then celebrate your victory and hope for the love that may come to you.


  • If you find yourself thinking about it, remind yourself: there's no reason to waste time with someone who doesn't realize how special you are. You deserve better.
  • There are so many people in this world that you can be happy with. Maybe the person you like is one of them, maybe not. Either way, there are a lot of people, including people you haven't met, that are special or will be special to you. It's time to turn your attention to them.
  • Don't try to speed up the process. You are human and it is okay to feel hurt sometimes.
  • Believe that no matter what you do, the person you like will fade away over time.
  • Avoid looking at the profile pages or social media pages of people you like. Don't ask your mutual friends about his or her life. It makes no sense to keep an eye on what the person is up to. You have your own life.
  • A distraction is extremely important. Keep yourself busy, but don't constantly force the person out of your mind. If you do, then in the long run they will continue to appear in your mind. Forgetting someone is a process that has so many steps, and forcing it to ruin it. More often than not, you'll be able to forget your crush when you least expect it.
  • Understand your own shortcomings. If you are still young, focus on your studies.
  • Behave normally when you are with the person you like, don't let that person feel sad or upset, be as happy as possible.
  • Delete all the chats you have with someone you like on social media like Facebook. Don't let these conversations remind you of the time you spent with the person you liked.
  • Avoid looking at your crush when he is around.


  • Don't let yourself think and fantasize about the person - there are many other things you can do with your time.
  • Don't talk badly behind the person you like. Gossiping about other people will usually only make you worse, not them.