How to prevent pickpockets

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Smart Tricks to Avoid Pickpockets
Video: 10 Smart Tricks to Avoid Pickpockets


Pickpockets are thieves who specialize in swirling tourists when they aren't looking.Preventing pickpocketing is quite challenging because crooks often mix into the surrounding crowds and are not easily recognized. To avoid falling victim to them, you should keep your wallet in your front pocket and always keep your belongings close to you. Stay away from strangers who talk suspiciously and stay alert when in public. If you get stolen while traveling abroad, report it to the police and go to the embassy to get your passport or ID card back.


Method 1 of 4: Store and keep your wallet secure

  1. Store wallet in front pocket for more safety. If you have a habit of keeping your wallet in your back pocket, prevent it from getting hooked when the wallet is out of sight by switching your wallet to the front pocket. A pickpocket will find it much harder to get your wallet, money or passport if they are not easily accessible from behind.
    • Items in the back pocket may pop up while you are traveling and can be easily stolen.

  2. Wrap the rubber band around the wallet so it doesn't slip out easily. Find a regular elastic around the purse. Tuck your wallet deep into your pocket. If a thief wants to get the wallet smoothly, they'll struggle to pull it out. That should be enough to let you know that someone is picking up a pocket.
    • If you have the choice, you should use a wallet with Velcro tape or a canvas wallet instead of a smooth leather wallet. Such wallets will not be easy to take out without your knowledge.

  3. Hide your wallet in a secret pocket if you have one. If the clothes you are wearing have hidden pockets, hide your wallet there. Pickpockets often target obvious places to steal money and valuables. Furthermore, they don't know where to find your wallet if you keep it in the inner pocket of your jacket, behind the seam hidden or hidden near your bra pocket.
    • If you have to keep things in your jacket pocket, put them in a bag with Velcro tape. The tape will rustle when someone tries to reach into the pocket.

    Advice: There are outfits with secret bags designed to prevent pickpockets. ExOffico, Voyager and SCOTTeVEST are popular brands for clothing with hidden pockets.

  4. Avoid searching your wallet to count money. If possible, use a separate cash register or keep it in a secure bag. This way you will not have to take out your wallet to scramble to pay for the item you buy. If you keep money in your wallet, you should only withdraw your wallet when you actually have to pay. Make sure to hold your wallet with both hands to prevent the thief from snatching the wallet when you are distracted.
    • If you usually keep your money in your pocket, keep it in your front pocket or jacket pocket. Don't put anything in your bag to make thieves think your bag is empty.
  5. Put a fake wallet in the back pocket to deceive the thieves. Buy a wallet, transfer money and cards to a new wallet. Tuck scraps of paper, gift cards, and unimportant receipts into your worn-out wallet. When going out, bring a wallet "bait". If you are robbed or someone tries to steal, pull out your bait wallet, drop it on the ground and run away.
    • Don't let the bait wallet stick out of the bag and get noticed. You don't want to encourage thieves to steal your stuff!

Method 2 of 4: Keep your bag or purse secure

  1. Choose bags with complex latches to discourage pickpockets. If you often use a handbag without a key, buy a bag with a screwdriver or a zipper. These bags are more difficult to open, and pickpockets will not normally try to reach into the bag. If possible, use a bag with a lock to make sure nothing is lost while you travel.
    • The smaller the bag, the better. Large bags will have plenty of room for thieves to act.
  2. Shorten the carry handle to keep the bag close to your body. To avoid snatching your bag, keep it as close as possible to your body. Shorten the strap of a handbag or backpack to wear closely. This will make it harder for a crook to reach your pocket.
    • If you want a pickpocket not to have a chance to steal your bag, put the bag on your chest instead of the back.
  3. Keep the bag or backpack in your hand instead of the side when sitting down. When sitting on a seat in a restaurant or on a bus, put your bag over your shoulder and rest on your lap. If you put your bag on the floor or hang it behind a chair, your bag becomes a good prey for thieves. Furthermore, if you put the bag on the floor, you can leave it behind when you leave your seat.

    Allyson Edwards

    World Travel and International Consulting Allyson Edwards graduated from Stanford University with a BA in International Relations. Thereafter, she continued to facilitate international cooperation with agencies in more than twenty countries, and she also advised companies in the education, financial technology and retail industries.

    Allyson Edwards
    International consulting and world tourism

    Our expert recounts: "After that, I always remember to hide my bag. When I was a student, I used to study abroad in Madrid. One weekend, I took out € 200 cash to my wallet, and then my wallet was there. was taken by a pickpocket on the subway I made the simple mistake of not keeping my valuables in my hands and not leaving my bags in front of the crowded train car. Test it! "

  4. Use a stomach bag instead of a bag. The strap can be cut off, and the bag will be easy to leave in a matter of seconds. However, a stomach bag worn close to the waist is much more difficult to cut. Transfer the money and card to your stomach pocket, fasten the bag to your waist, and turn the bag so it's right below your navel. This will make it easier for you to keep an eye on your precious items.
    • Do not use conventional plastic lockable stomach bags. Buy an anti-theft stomach bag online. These bags have a more secure lock and prevent thieves from reaching into the bag.

Method 3 of 4: Keep valuables out of the thief's reach

  1. Bring only essential items and leave everything else in the hotel safe. Most hotels have safes for guests to store important items while the room is cleaning or when they are out. Before going down the street, keep your passport, house keys, remaining money and precious jewelry in the safe and then lock it. If you happen to have a pickpocket, you will only lose a little money and belongings to you.
    • Always leave some cash in the hotel safe. If you get caught in a pickpocket, you'll still have money to eat or travel before the problem is resolved.
  2. Store your phone in a sealed bag and avoid taking it out. Keep your phone in the inner pocket, where pickpockets are hard to reach. Try to avoid pulling out your phone often, especially if you are concentrating on finding your direction. If it is necessary to use the phone, you should hold tightly with both hands, and do not stare at the screen for more than 5-10 seconds at a time.
    • Every time you take out your phone to take a photo, always remember to put it in your pocket when you're done shooting. If a stranger offers to help you take pictures, don't accept it.
    • Print the maps you need while at your hotel so you don't have to use your phone to find out where you are.
    • Even if you don't want to use a phone, you should still take it with you. You will not know when there is an urgent need to call.
  3. Tuck the necklace inside your shirt and leave your watch at the hotel. If you wear jewelry, slip the necklace into your shirt so it won't be snatched away. Do not bring a watch with you if the watch is worth more than a few dollars. Avoid wearing jewelry with lots of gems attached, whether it's fake or real.
    • Wearing a ring is probably safe, unless the ring is too loose. Hardly anyone can get a ring without your knowledge. However, you should be careful when wearing a gem ring. If you wear a lot of jewelry, pickpockets will assume you have a lot of money on you.
    • If possible, do not wear any jewelry while traveling. If you don't go to a luxurious evening party or grand show, you don't need to wear any jewelry.

Method 4 of 4: Avoid common tricks

  1. Stay away from ATMs that are not part of private companies. ATMs are an attractive target for pickpockets.Some scammers get along with each other to distract you and over there will lose your money when you are not looking. There are also other crooks sneaking a look at your PIN and then trying to steal your wallet. If you do have to withdraw money at an ATM, look for an ATM in a trusted company and not in an empty place where you can withdraw money safely.
    • Thieves are often much more difficult to make fun of if you withdraw money at ATMs inside private niches of restaurants and hotels.
  2. Touch your pocket to make sure your wallet and phone are still there after hitting someone. Some thieves will pretend to bump into you while walking on the street or on a bus. During the collision, they will reach into your pocket to rummage through and take away valuable things. If someone bumpes into you, touch your bag to check if your belongings are still there.
    • Avoid crashing people in crowds or in tight spaces. Thieves often take advantage of crowds to stay undetected. Keep your belongings well and always be alert when getting on buses, trains or traveling in crowded urban areas.
    • Be wary of interviewers, fundraisers or strangers who chatter. The crooks often work in groups to distract you while the other pulls your pockets from behind.

    Advice: Don't pull out your wallet or phone to make sure it's still there. Some pickpockets use collision tricks to trick you into checking your belongings. Be discreet when touching the bag. Don't let the whole world know where you store your precious things.

  3. Keep a safe distance from strangers when they offer you directions. When you listen to strangers giving directions, stand at least 60-90 cm away from them. Don't look over their shoulder for a map and don't lean closer to them to listen. Foolish pickpockets often present a table or instruction sheet for you to see while reaching into your pocket.
    • Be wary of people offering to help even if you don't ask. Most people mean well, but pickpockets are quick to help out to trick you into letting your guard down.
  4. Dress normally to blend in with the crowd and look like a local. When traveling, try to blend in with the environment by dressing normally. Don't wear bright clothes that make you stand out, and signature tourist clothing that will make you a stranger to you. Thieves rarely target people living in the area.
    • This approach may not work if you are British with red hair traveling in India. If you go to a land that is too far from home, you probably won't mix with the locals.
  5. Do not wear bags on the street to avoid robbers from riding a motorbike. In many countries, robbers press motorbikes against you, snatch your bag on your shoulder, and run away. To keep robbers from getting a chance, you should wear your bag on the side of the road, not on the roadway.
    • This situation is more common in countries with a lot of motorcycle traffic. In America, for example, there is usually not this kind of robbery.
    • You should go in the opposite direction with traffic on the roadway so that you can see which vehicles are coming close to you.
  6. Keep an eye on your surroundings while watching street performances. Pickpockets often hunt for prey in the tourist crowd, and street performers often attract a lot of people to watch. Furthermore, wallets are often withdrawn to reward performers. There's nothing wrong with giving a few pennies to street performers, but by doing so you accidentally reveal where your wallet is. Take care of precious things and be alert when watching public entertainment.
    • If you want to give money, keep some change in your pocket without your wallet. This way the crook will not know where you put the money.
  7. Do not accept the help of strangers when they offer to help you carry your luggage. If you are bringing luggage on a train or unloading a vehicle, never agree to when strangers intend to help you with your carry. Even if your bags are heavy, you won't know when someone carrying your things will run away. There are many well-intentioned people who want to help, but you shouldn't risk your possessions.
    • It's a bit of a hassle, but it's better to spend another 5-10 minutes to carry your luggage yourself.


  • If you accidentally fall victim to pickpockets and lose your passport or wallet while traveling abroad, visit your country's embassy. They will confirm your identity and help you return home.
  • Pay attention when you get on and off the taxi. You can easily forget your phone or wallet if you put it in the seat next to it.
  • Pickpockets are everywhere. Do not think that pickpocketing happens only in tourist areas. You can lose your guard where you live.


  • If you are robbed, don't fight them, unless you have an overwhelming advantage, the bandit is unarmed, and you are in public with many people around. It is safer to go to report and let the police do their job.