Ways to Prevent Colon Cancer

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 ways to prevent colon cancer
Video: 8 ways to prevent colon cancer


Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, is malignant cell growth in the lower colon, colon, and rectum. Cancer can spread to other organs so it is very dangerous. Fortunately, colon cancer can be detected early with regular screening. In addition, you can reduce your risk of colon cancer by making lifestyle and diet changes.


Part 1 of 4: Identify your risk factors

  1. Consider your risk factors carefully. Regular screening can help prevent and treat colon cancer. Knowing your risk factors helps you determine when to receive screening. Being aware of pathological and lifestyle risk factors can help you detect colon cancer early and increase your chances of life. Most colon cancer cases appear after the age of 50, with African Americans at higher risk than other races.

  2. Find out family history. If a loved one has colon cancer, your risk is higher. In that case, you should consult your doctor for recommended screening if necessary.
  3. Know if there are other medical risk factors. Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can increase the risk of colon cancer. If you are diagnosed with one of these conditions, you have a higher risk of colon cancer and should see your doctor regularly. Certain inherited diseases such as familial polyp syndrome (FAP) and hereditary non-polyp colon cancer (Lynch syndrome) or diabetes may increase the risk of colon cancer.

  4. Lifestyle assessment. Certain lifestyles can increase your risk of colon cancer. Eg:
    • Being overweight or obese.
    • Passive lifestyle.
    • Smoke.
    • Drinking too much alcohol (more than 2 servings per day).
    • A diet with too much red meat and processed foods, low-fiber diets, and vegetables.

  5. Know the symptoms of colon cancer. You should see your doctor if you have the following symptoms:
    • There is blood in the stool.
    • Persistent abdominal pain.
    • Rapid unintentional weight loss.

Part 2 of 4: Screening for colon cancer prevention

  1. Receive screening. Fortunately, colon cancer often starts as benign colorectal polyps. Removing tumors can prevent tumors from developing into cancer. Therefore, experts agree that regular screening is the most effective way to prevent colon cancer.
    • Normal adults with no risk factors should begin screening at age 50.
    • Adults with risk factors should initiate screening earlier. Screening is recommended if you carry one or more of the risk factors for colon cancer.
  2. Learn about the different screening methods. While your doctor will recommend the most suitable test, it also helps to get into the details of the test.
    • Colonoscopy. This test is the process of inserting a camera into the colon for a full view of the inside. This is considered the most accurate test. Another advantage is that if polyps or abnormalities are detected, the doctor can remove them locally.
    • CT scan of the colon. Also known as a virtual colonoscopy, this test is a process that uses a CT scanner to create digital images of the inside of the colon. This method will be the right choice if you are unable to receive the full colonoscopy.
    • Flexible sigmoidoscopy. This test is similar to a colonoscopy, but your doctor will use a smaller tube to check the third section below the colon.
    • Stool test. This test helps detect blood in the stool - early symptoms or signs of colon cancer.
  3. Regular screening is in place. Screening times can be every 5 or 10 years, depending on the type of test and the results of the previous test. Getting regular screening significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer. On the other hand, your doctor may recommend more frequent stool tests. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Prevent colon cancer through diet

  1. Increase fiber. Fiber helps waste to move more easily in the digestive system. Accumulated waste is considered the cause of polyps and polyps will develop into cancer. Not only does it help prevent cancer, increasing fiber is also good for overall health. There are many fiber-rich foods for you to incorporate into your diet.
    • Fresh fruit, especially seed berries. Eating whole fruit helps to add the most fiber.
    • Vegetables. Crispy and leafy vegetables are often the richest in fiber. When you eat potatoes, eat the peels for more fiber.
    • Whole grains. White cereals have gone through the bleaching process and aren't as nutritious as whole grains. Therefore, you should eat whole grains, pasta, whole grains, and oats to increase your fiber intake.
    • Bean. You can easily use beans in soups and salads to increase the fiber content.
    • Brown rice. Similar to white bread, white rice does not have much nutritional value. Therefore, you should switch to brown rice to increase fiber in your diet.
    • Alternatively, you can take a fiber supplement like Metamucil or Konsyl if you can't get enough fiber from your regular diet.
  2. Avoid greasy foods. Greasy foods produce acids in the colon that can stimulate tumor and polyps growth.
    • Animal fat has been linked to cancer cases and should be consumed in moderation. Do not eat too much red meats like beef and pork.
    • Processed foods and frozen foods are also high in harmful fats and other chemicals that can increase the risk of colon cancer.
  3. Get folic acid from foods. There is evidence that folic acid helps prevent and fight cancer. Citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach (spinach) are foods rich in folic acid.
    • Make sure that the source of folic acid comes from food. Research has yet to determine whether folic acid supplements help prevent cancer.
  4. Get enough calcium. Evidence shows that calcium helps prevent the formation of precancerous polyps. Some good sources of calcium are: Some good sources of calcium are:
    • Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese. It is thought that dairy products are the richest dietary source of calcium. Soft cheeses like Ricotta and Mozzarella contain more calcium.
    • Green vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, kale and broccoli sprouts contain high amounts of calcium.
    • Sardines and salmon. All types of fish are healthy, but these two types of fish are particularly rich in calcium. Canned sardines contain the highest amount of calcium among any food.
    • Soy bean. Eating soy or incorporating soy products into your diet is a great way to add calcium to your body.
  5. Increase antioxidants in your diet. Antioxidants help regenerate cells and strengthen the body's ability to fight cancerous polyps. You do not need to take supplements to supplement with antioxidants, but you can incorporate the following antioxidant-rich foods into your diet:
    • Berry. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are especially rich in antioxidants and help fight inflammation, which can cause precancerous polyps.
    • Nuts. Different nuts contain different antioxidants. Almonds, for example, are rich in omega-3s, while Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Eating a variety of nuts helps to provide a variety of antioxidants to the diet.
    • Leafy green vegetables. Besides fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium, green leafy vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants.Spinach, kale, lettuce and broccoli will help provide nutrients that help fight cancer.
    • Green tea. All teas are rich in nutritional value, but green tea contains the most powerful antioxidants. You can opt for decaffeinated green tea if your body is sensitive to caffeine.
  6. Try taking supplements. The above nutrients can be supplemented through functional foods. If your diet does not provide enough nutrition, you can use the following supplements to reduce your risk of colon cancer. If you are unsure, you can ask your doctor for advice about taking supplements.
    • Calcium.
    • Magnesium.
    • Vitamins of group B.
    • Omega-3 monounsaturated fatty acids.
    • Vitamin D.

Part 4 of 4: Lifestyle changes to prevent colon cancer

  1. Quit smoking. Quit smoking if you smoke and do not practice smoking if you have not. Tobacco smoking is linked not only to many types of cancer, but also to many other health problems. Hence, it's best to quit this bad habit.
  2. Drink alcohol in moderation. Drinking small amounts of alcohol can be both beneficial and healthy. However, drinking too much is dangerous for your health. Drinking more than 2 servings of alcohol per day increases the risk of colon cancer. If you are a heavy drinker, it is best to limit it to reduce the risk of adverse effects on your health.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese both increases the risk of many health problems, including colon cancer. You should maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if necessary to reduce the risk of cancer. Talk with your doctor to determine your ideal weight and stay at this level at all times.
  4. Always on. A passive lifestyle increases your risk of colon cancer. Regular physical activity helps prevent cancer and is good for both physical and mental health. You don't have to be in strenuous activities, just doing something you enjoy can significantly improve your health.
    • Walk for 30-60 minutes several times per week.
    • Cycling.
    • Take a swimming class.
    • Gardening or participating in other physical activities.
  5. Consider installing a squatting toilet. Although controversial, some evidence suggests that toilet seats increase the incidence of colon cancer in developed countries. It is thought that squatting toilets help waste pass through the colon more efficiently and naturally, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colon cancer. So, if possible, you should consider installing a squat toilet at home. advertisement


  • You can call the 1080 call center for information on local free or cost-effective screening programs.
  • Always consult a doctor if you suspect a health problem.