How to Mix a dark blue color

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Make Dark Blue Paint At Home Easy! From Blue and Red
Video: How To Make Dark Blue Paint At Home Easy! From Blue and Red


  • Turn a small amount of black to blue using a brush to pull from the edge of the black drop. Remember not to get too much black the first time. Black is very strong, so it only takes a small amount to create a different effect.
  • Mix black into blue little by little. Mix the two colors together using a color mixer or use a brush to mix diagonally back and forth. You don't need to mix too well; Sometimes the color can be dull if mixed too well. You just need to mix enough to get the desired color tone.

  • Continue blending with black to achieve the desired dark green color, if necessary. This may take many times, but you should keep mixing little by little so that the blue isn't too dark for you.
    • If you accidentally mix too much black, add a little more blue to balance the proportions.
  • Method 2 of 3: Combine complementary colors

    1. Squeeze a sufficient amount of blue onto the palette. It is better to mix too much than too little, because if you do not mix it, you will be very difficult to add the same color again.
      • Save some of the blue, in case you miss too much orange and need to adjust the tint by adding blue to the mix.

    2. Squeeze a small amount of orange placed next to blue on the palette. It's best to place orange next to blue to gradually blend in little by little. You will need to get enough orange to mix, but not as much as the blue.
    3. Using a paintbrush or color trimming pull some orange from the edges into blue. Remember not to get too much orange the first time. As you add orange little by little, you will have a chance to see how the shades of blue change.

    4. Mix orange into blue. Mix orange into blue using a tool such as trimming or mixing diagonally with a brush. Complementary colors mixed with blues can form a vibrant dark blue, so it's best to avoid over-mixing. Mix just enough to judge the shades of the color and not dull the color.
    5. Mix more orange little by little until the desired blue shade is achieved. Avoid mixing large amounts of orange at the same time. If orange is a shade of blue, the color you create will be more orange than dark blue. Continue adding small amounts of orange and assessing the results until you get the perfect shade of blue.
      • If you mix too much orange into the blue, you can add blue to balance the proportions.

    Method 3 of 3: Mix similar colors to create color combinations

    1. Pour some blue and purple on the palette. Purple is a color similar to blue, adjacent to blue on the color wheel. Remember to use enough color. The background color of blue will need more than purple to mix.
    2. Mix a small amount of purple into the original blue color. You can use a brush or trowel to mix. Add purple color little by little to blue to control the color combination and create blue-purple colors.
    3. Color test. Many paint colors, including acrylics, will darken once dry. The acrylics dry pretty quickly, so you can easily test them by brushing a small amount on your canvas and waiting to dry. Dry color wait time can be longer than 15 minutes. Then you will see the correct color before using for your work.
      • If you are not satisfied with the dried color, go back to the palette and adjust again by adding blue or purple.


    • Keep the palette clean after mixing and applying colors.
    • Work in the light to ensure the correct colors are produced, no matter which method you use.


    • Always work in a well-ventilated area when mixing and applying colors.
    • It can be difficult to get the right color again if you are unfamiliar, so make sure you mix the colors the first time. As you get more experienced, you will find it easier to recycle the correct colors you just created with more practice and discerning eyes.

    What you need

    • Palette (drawing palette, ice cream box lid, old plate, etc.)
    • Color mixing trays, handmade wooden sticks, etc.
    • Color