How to mix Michelada

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Michelada with Ty Mitchell
Video: How to Make a Michelada with Ty Mitchell


  • Use half of a lemon to massage the top of the glass. The cup must be pre-cooled for the salt to stick.
  • Place the mouth of the cup on the salt tray. Press the mouth of the glass gently against the salt and rotate it around so that it gets around the rim. Try to make the salt stick evenly to make it look good.
    • Use a small plate if there is no salt tray. This way, you won't have to use much and waste salt.

  • Fill a glass with ice cubes. Although the glass is already cold and you can drink beer without ice, ice will make the drink taste better, have a lighter and more refreshing taste.
  • Place the remaining half of the lemon in a juicer dispenser and squeeze the lemon juice over the ice cube. If you don't have a hand-held juicer, you can squeeze it by hand directly and sprinkle lemon juice on the ice. Be careful not to let the lemon seeds fall into the glass.
  • Add in sauce and Clamato. Do not give too much because these spices are quite strong. If the taste is sensitive, you should only add a few drops of Tabasco sauce for flavor.

  • Pour beer into a glass. Pour beer over ice cubes, lemon juice and sauce. If you like, you can try other Mexican beers. However, the traditional Michelada tomato is often brewed with a light beer like Corona.
  • Stir well with a long spoon. Without stirring, the ingredients will not blend well and the taste will not taste good. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 2: Michelada Black

    1. Cut the lemon into four parts. Use 1/4 of the lemon around the rim of the glass so the salt can stick to the rim in the next step. Hold the rest of the lemon juice to squeeze out the water and decorate it.

    2. Rub salt around the rim of the glass. Prepare a small salt tray or plate and place a glass upside down. Turn slowly and carefully so that the salt gets evenly over the top of the glass.
      • If you find that there is no salt in the mouth of the glass, rub in more lemon juice. Use a napkin to clean the mouth of the cup and start over (if you want it to look good and The drink tastes delicious, right.)
    3. Prepare the bowl. Mix Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, lime juice and black pepper together.
      • Fill the bowl with beer. Pour the beer slowly so that the mixture evenly blends and the beer will foam more. Then, stir well to mix all ingredients.
    4. Pour mixture into a glass. Be careful not to spill it out and let the salt go away. Garnish a slice of lemon and enjoy.
    5. Finish. advertisement


    • You can mix Chilean chili powder with salt before rubbing it around the rim for a spicy taste.
    • Tequila can be added to a Michelada cocktail.
    • You can use two green lemons (small ones) instead of one yellow lemon (medium size).
    • Juice and sour can be mixed with beer to create one brewed beer. However, it's not a Michelada cocktail since there's no Worcestershire sauce, Maggi seasoning or soy sauce.
    • You can add salt to a glass before adding beer, but be careful because the salt will make the beer more foamy.
    • Dry chili powder can be used instead (or with) chili sauce.
    • In Puerto Vallarta, a Michelada has no traditional chili sauce. Here, Michelada only has ice cubes, caffeinated juice and Mexican beer.
    • Sometimes Michelada cocktails with chili sauce are called "Michelada Cubana" (but the link between this drink and Cuba has not been determined).


    • Drink responsibly beer
    • The Worcestershire sauce is usually not suitable for vegetarians as it contains anchovies. You can buy the Worcestershire vegetarian sauce at natural food stores or replace it with soy sauce.
    • Clamato water is also not suitable for vegetarians as it contains clam stock.

    What you need

    Michelada Tomatoes

    • Chopping board
    • Knife
    • Tools to filter lemon juice
    • Long spoon
    • Large water cup (for storing lots of ice)
    • Bottle cap opener
    • Salt tray or plate

    Michelada Black

    • Chopping board
    • Knife
    • Tools to filter lemon juice
    • Whisk instruments
    • Bowl
    • Glass cup
    • Bottle cap opener
    • Salt tray or plate