How to Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create a Healthy Plate
Video: How to Create a Healthy Plate


A well-balanced and nutritious diet is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Eating properly helps to provide all the essential nutrients the body needs to function at an optimal level. Additionally, a well-balanced diet can boost your immune system, support healthy development, support a healthy weight, and prevent many chronic diseases like obesity or diabetes. Adopting a balanced, nutritious diet is easier if you plan and prepare in advance, giving you the basics for maintaining a healthy, happy life.


Part 1 of 2: Understanding a balanced diet

  1. Eat enough foods from the 5 food groups. This is the most essential element of a balanced diet. Each food group will provide the body with vitamins, minerals and many other essential nutrients.
    • Eat foods from the following 5 groups: protein, animal milk, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
    • Also, include a source of healthy fats throughout the day. Although fats are not considered a food group, research has shown that moderate consumption of healthy fats (such as omega-3s) can support heart health.
    • Not consuming enough 5 food groups increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies. Not all nutrients are in a separate food group, so you will need to get from all 5 groups.

  2. Eat a variety of foods from within each food group. In addition to needing to include all 5 food groups, you also need to eat a variety of foods within each food group.
    • Each food will provide different vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A poor diet will limit your nutrient intake.
    • This is especially true for fruits and vegetables. These two food groups are rich in vitamins and minerals and are full of healthy antioxidants. Different colored fruits and vegetables contain a different type of antioxidant that supports health in different ways.
    • Consume locally grown fruits and vegetables as they are seasonal and provide more vitamins and minerals.

  3. Add the right amount of calories. In addition to having a varied diet and getting all the recommended nutrients, you should also balance your daily calorie intake.
    • Getting the right amount of calories depending on age, activity level, and gender will help maintain a healthy weight. Too many or too few calories can lead to unintentional weight gain or loss.
    • In general, women need about 1500 calories per day; Men need about 2000 calories per day. The amount of calories needed will vary depending on age, gender, activity level, and overall health.
    • When you want to gain weight or lose weight, you should also add appropriate calories. Both too high and too low a calorie level can cause health problems.

  4. Avoid harsh diets. Do not follow diets that instruct you to avoid consuming or consuming too much of certain foods. Such a diet will cause you to overeat or lack one nutrient, leading to an unbalanced diet.
    • Low-carb diets focus on avoiding or limiting your intake of carbohydrate rich foods such as: fruits, starchy vegetables, beans, whole grains and dairy products. The restriction on these food groups increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies.
    • Low-fat diets are focused on avoiding high-fat foods like: fatty meats, eggs, fatty fish, whole milk, butter or oils. While limiting fat intake has many benefits, fat is also essential for the absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A or D.
    • High-protein diets focus on consuming protein-rich foods like: poultry, eggs, pork, beef, seafood, or beans. Should supplement protein in moderate amounts. Too high a protein level can lead to kidney failure.
  5. Snacks in moderation. A balanced diet can include a number of high-calorie dishes or snacks. These foods should not be eaten every day, but should not be completely avoided.
    • Can occasionally snack. The snack can be a dessert or a glass of wine.
    • Do not snack too much or too often. This will lead to unbalanced diet, increase weight or contribute to chronic illnesses like high blood pressure or diabetes.
    • Snacks include alcoholic beverages. Women should drink no more than one cup of alcohol per day; Men should drink no more than two cups.
  6. Make a meal plan. In order to develop a balanced diet, having a menu can help.This will help you figure out if you've met the basics of a nutritious diet - for example, eating a serving of foods from each food group and diversifying your food sources for the week.
    • When planning a meal plan, you need to prepare enough breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, a snack menu should also be included.
    • After planning for a few days or a week, check back to make sure you include enough and plenty of foods in each food group. From there, you can correct it if there is a shortage.
    • A way to upload meal tracking apps on smartphones may be sought to make menuing easier.

Part 2 of 2: Maintain a balanced diet

  1. Add lean protein. Protein is an essential nutrient that the body needs in relatively large amounts. Adding protein-rich foods to every meal and snack can help meet your daily protein needs.
    • Protein is found in many foods, including: poultry, beef, pork, beans, eggs, animal milk, tofu or soybeans.
    • One serving of protein is about 90-120 g. Imagine the size of a deck of cards or a notebook. Most women need about 46 g of protein; Men need about 56 g of protein per day.
    • Choose lean or low-fat sources of protein if you're in need of weight control. This food source is low in calories and may aid in weight loss. Lean proteins include: boneless, skinless chicken breast; turkey fillet; 90% lean or more ground beef; Nuts are not seasoned with salt.
  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, fruits and vegetables are also a rich source of antioxidants that you cannot get from other foods.
    • A serving of fruit is a small piece or 1/2 cup of chopped fruit. In general, consume 2-3 servings of fruit per day.
    • One serving of vegetables is 1-2 cups of vegetables. Get 4-5 servings of vegetables per day.
    • To get plenty of antioxidants, choose a variety of colored vegetables. This helps to diversify the sources of nutrients because different colored fruits contain different vitamins.
  3. Choose 100% whole grains. The cereal group includes both whole grains and refined grains. Where possible, the cereal source should contain 50% or 100% whole grains.
    • Whole grains are less processed and contain all the parts of the grain - germ, endosperm and bran. All of these three parts provide the body with fiber, protein and many beneficial nutrients. Some whole grain foods like corn, quinoa, oats, brown rice and pasta, and 100% whole grain bread.
    • Refined grains go through more processing and do not contain any bran or seed germs (reducing nutritional value). Refined grain foods include: white bread or pasta, white rice, and many other foods made with white flour.
    • One serving of whole grains is 30 grams or 1/2 cup. Eat 2-3 servings of whole grains per day. Make sure that your daily source of cereal contains half that of 100% whole grains.
  4. Include a source of healthy fats. Fat is not considered a food group but is essential for a balanced diet. Be careful not to eat too much fat or add too much harmful fat.
    • Focus on consuming heart-healthy fats like omega-3s or monounsaturated fats. Research shows that these fats promote heart health. Good sources of fats include: olive or olive oil, fatty fish, avocado, nuts or seed oils.
    • One serving is 1 teaspoon of fat or oil. Aim to add 1-2 servings (no more than 2 servings) per day.
    • Avoid or limit your intake of unhealthy fats like trans fats and saturated fats. These fats increase the risk of heart disease and are often found in foods like: fast or fried foods, processed foods or high-fat animal protein.
  5. Take supplements. Sometimes, you may not be able to consume all 5 food groups or diverse food sources. This may be due to food allergies, food sensitivities or chronic illnesses. In that case, you need to get enough essential nutrients through other sources such as vitamin and mineral supplements. Get as much nutrition from your diet as possible and only use supplements if necessary.
    • Taking a supplement can help meet your daily nutritional needs. Vitamin D supplements, calcium (especially those allergic to milk or lactose intolerant), fish oil (if seafood allergy or fish are not eaten) may be considered. products, which can be absorbed from sunlight).
    • Vegetarians and vegans may need to take vitamin B12 or iron supplements if there is a lack of these two nutrients in their diet.
    • Always consult your doctor before taking a vitamin, mineral, or herbal supplement. Although relatively harmless, some supplements can have serious reactions to prescription medications and chronic illnesses. Your doctor will advise you on the safe and appropriate use of dietary supplements.
    • Absolutely do not rely entirely on functional foods to provide nutrients for the body. It's best to find ways to get all or most of the nutrients from food.
  6. See a registered dietitian. Maintaining a balanced diet can be a little difficult. A qualified nutritionist will help provide you with more information, guidance and support with your diet changes.
    • Licensed dieticians are qualified nutritionists, who specialize in the areas of nutrition, healthy diet and weight loss.
    • You can actively find a nutritionist or seek referrals from a doctor.


  • You can eat a variety of nuts, divided into many small parts. Do not eat too much.
  • Eat slowly to avoid overeating. Eating slowly helps your brain send signals to your body that you are full. If you eat too quickly, your brain won't be able to send these signals until you've eaten too much.
  • Calorie-restricted diets that include adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fat also help with weight loss. By following a well-balanced diet, you don't need to completely stop consuming nutrient-rich food groups and avoid critical nutrient deficiencies. An essential first step is to choose a diet that includes a variety of foods.