How to Cook Long Grain Rice

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make The Perfect Long Grain Rice
Video: How To Make The Perfect Long Grain Rice


Rice is a simple food that can be cooked at home and made into many different dishes. You only need to learn a few simple steps to cook long grain rice into a delicious and delicious dish. This recipe is applicable to American long grain rice, basmati, or jasmine rice.

See also How to Microwave Rice and How to Cook Rice with a Stove.


Method 1 of 5: Use the Stove

  1. Measure the right amount of rice. The long grain rice will expand to three times its original size, so you should be careful when measuring the correct amount of rice.

  2. Wash the rice (optional). Flushing the rice with water and taking away the starch will wash away the starch without losing the nutrients in the grain. This step helps to make the rice grain more spongy, although the starch has been removed significantly during the milling process.
    • If you don't have a strainer, you can tilt the pot to let the water drain. If necessary, use a wooden patch to keep the rice from falling out.

  3. Soak rice (optional). Many people like to soak the rice to reduce the cooking time and improve the quality of the rice, but you can skip this step and still have a delicious rice dish.
    • Pour twice as much water as rice and soak for 20 minutes. Then drain the water.

  4. Boil water, then add the rice. The amount of water should be twice the amount of rice or a little more.
    • You can add salt and oil to add flavor to your rice dish.
  5. Cover the pot and lower the heat. Let the rice boil for 1 to 2 minutes, then cover and lower heat to as low as possible.
    • The pot lid should be kept tightly closed to keep the heat and the steam from escaping.
  6. Simmer for 15-20 minutes (6-10 minutes for soaked rice). Long-grain rice usually takes 20 minutes to fully cook without pre-soaking, but you can check earlier if you're afraid to cook too long. When cooked, the rice will be soft but firm. If the grain of rice is soft, it means you are overcooking.
    • You should just open the lid of the pot to check and then cover it as quickly as possible so that the heat doesn't escape.
  7. Use a sieve to filter clean. You can enjoy rice dishes right away or combine other cooking dishes.
    • Add butter or flavored herbs such as thyme or oregano to make the rice more appealing. Add seasonings during cooking for a rich flavor or after the rice is cooked and stirred well.

Method 2 of 5: Use an Oven

  1. Turn on the pre-oven at 175ºC. This step helps the rice grain cook evenly, so the bottom and sides will burn less.
  2. Boil water. Use the stove to cook twice as much water as rice. One cup of rice (240 ml) is enough for 3-5 people.
    • Use vegetable or chicken broth instead of water for added flavor.
  3. Put rice and water in a pot designed for the oven. In the case that the pot and lid can be used in the oven, you can use that instead. If not, you should choose a Dutch pot or a clay pot.
  4. Cover tightly and bake until water is gone. Long grain rice usually cooks after about 35 minutes, but setting the oven to a low temperature will take more time.
    • If the pot doesn't come with a lid, you can cover it with a large tin plate or oven dish.
  5. Use a fork to stir the rice before enjoying. This step helps to release the heat so the rice can continue to cook. advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Use a Rice Cooker

  1. Read the instructions for the use of the rice cooker. Doing the following usually doesn't cause a problem, but if there is a specific pot-specific instructions printed on the pot or the instruction manual included, you should do so to avoid any errors.
  2. Wash the rice (optional). Long grain rice usually does not need to be washed with water because it will lose its nutrients, but if you want to ensure hygiene, you can rinse it under the tap water, then drain the rice.
  3. Add rice and water to the rice cooker. You should measure from 1.5 to 2 parts water for one part of rice, depending on how dry rice you like.
    • Check inside the pressure cooker that says "fill to here" labeled "long grain" and the specific amount of rice.
  4. Add seasoning. Butter and salt are two simple ingredients that add flavor to rice. Laurel leaves and cardamom are two popular Indian rice flavors.
  5. Close the lid and turn on the switch. Do not open the lid to check until the rice is cooked.
  6. Wait until the rice cooker turns off. Most rice cookers usually have a small light that goes off after the rice is cooked. Some models have an automatic lid opening function.
    • The electric cooker usually switches to the reheating mode so that the rice is fully cooked.
  7. Let the rice cook for 10 minutes (optional). You can enjoy it right away, but the rice will cook even more if you wait a while before opening the lid. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Troubleshooting

  1. The rice is cooked, but the water still remains. Place the rice in a strainer or cook uncovered on low heat for a few minutes to allow the water to evaporate completely.
  2. After cooking the rice is still chewy and hard. Add a little water (just to add steam) then cover and cook for a few more minutes.
  3. Handling burnt rice! Take out the rice cooker and rinse it under cold running water (the smoke of steam may rise) to stop the cooking process. Scoop the non-burned rice in the middle of the pot into a bowl.
  4. Treat rice seeds that are too sticky or too sticky. Add less water (1.5: 1 or 1.75: 1 water: rice ratio) and / or reduce the cooking time.
  5. Handling rice that is prone to burn. Cook rice without the lid for the first half of the time, then lift off the stove and cover tightly. The steam continues to cook for 10-15 minutes but does not burn the rice. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Using Long Grain Rice in Cooking

  1. Making Mixed Rice. Long grain rice is easy to separate even when soft, so it is a perfect choice for making fried rice.
  2. Making Bell Peppers Stuffed Rice. This Spanish recipe uses long grain rice. When cooking Indian food, you should use basmati rice. and jasmine rice for Thai cuisine, or replace other long grain rice in the above recipe.
  3. Use Rice in Jambalaya. Long grain rice has less starch than short grain rice, so it's easy to absorb a lot of flavor from stews and soups without falling apart. You should not cook rice completely before preparing another dish; the rice will be fully cooked when added to the soup.
  4. Take advantage of overcooked rice. Rice flakes and pieces can still be used to prepare the right dish and bring a delicious taste.
    • Cook by stir-frying to overcome the rice grain paste
    • Make sweet and sweet desserts
    • Add to soups, baby food, or homemade meatballs


  • Short or medium grain rice can be cooked using the steps above, but when cooked, the seeds will stick as they contain more starch.
  • Long-grain brown rice usually requires more water to cook or takes longer to cook.
  • Long grain rice usually contains very little starch, so there is no need to stir it during cooking to avoid clumping.


  • Use a pot lift or towel to open the lid with hot steam that can burn your hands.
  • Gently wash the rice seeds to avoid cracking.
  • Wash thoroughly before cooking in case dirt or polluting lice get on the grain.

What you need

  • The pot comes with a lid
  • Stove, fire, or other heat source
  • Long grain Basmati rice
  • Clean water
  • Salt, butter, and spices (optional)