How to Bake with Beef Flakes

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
CRISPY ADOBO FLAKES | Flaked Fried Pork Adobo Recipe
Video: CRISPY ADOBO FLAKES | Flaked Fried Pork Adobo Recipe


Flank steak is the delicious meat cut from the ribs (lower abdomen) of the cow. Under the hands of a well-thought-out chef, the steak will be delicious and affordable, and can be substituted for more expensive items such as premium beef ribs and other cuts of meat (T-lobe, lean shoulder tenderloin , etc…). However, the steak is still a bit chewy, so you should pay attention to keep the tenderness and flavor of the meat when roasting. When properly marinated wet or dry, then grilled and sliced ​​across the chewy, beefy steaks can make a great treat for any party. Now, see step 1 below to get started!


To grill with beef

  • Tasty beef steak - about 450 g for 3 people to eat
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Meat thermometer (optional)

Marinated water

  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Other marinade recipes

  • 1 lemon juice squeezed
  • 3 tablespoons (45 g) of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) of wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) honey
  • Chili sauce (optional)

Dried spices marinated with meat

  • 1 tablespoon cumin powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons coriander powder
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper


Part 1 of 3: Preliminary cooking meat for baking

  1. Contains meat. Whatever seasoning you choose and how to marinate your beef steak (or not), you should start with stewing, especially when preparing thick cuts of meat. Squeezing means cutting the surface of the meat to let the heat and spices penetrate deeper into the meat. Place the steak on the cutting board, then use the sharp tip of the knife to slash the surface of the meat into diamonds on both sides of the meat. Try to make each cut about 0.6 cm deep.
    • If possible, cut the fiber. We all know that the rule of thumb is to always cut the grain to reduce the toughness of the meat.

  2. Choose wet or dry seasonings to marinate the meat. If grilled properly, the steak will be delicious even without marinating. However, the marinade will give your dish an irresistible taste. Generally speaking, when marinating beef flakes, you have two options: wet and dry. Wet marinating means you soak the meat soaked in the water spice mix, while the dry seasoning means exactly what the name suggests - the mixture of dry ingredients is rubbed onto the surface of the meat. Both of these options can make a great flank meat dish. However, these two methods of marinade are not usually used in combination, so it's best to choose a marinade before you start grilling.
    • Note: wet and dry form recipes are listed above in the "Ingredients" section.
    • If you choose to wet the marinade, you will have to do it early to give the steak enough time to soak it up before baking. Generally, you need to soak the meat for at least 2-3 hours, but your meat will have a richer flavor if it is marinated overnight.

  3. Mix seasoning. Whether it is wet or dry, the process is the same. Just combine the ingredients and mix well. Once the mix is ​​done, you're ready to marinate the meat.
    • If you don't like the wet and dry marinade recipes listed above, you can easily prepare your own seasonings. For the wet marinade you will start with a base oil (like olive oil or vegetable oil), then add the desired seasoning, remember to add some acidic fluids (like orange juice lemon or vinegar) to dissolve the oil.To make a dry marinade, simply combine the dry or powdered ingredients that you like. A harmonious blend of salty, sweet, aromatic and spicy flavors is guaranteed to have a delicious meat dish.
  4. If you want a wet marinade, soak the meat. If you have chosen a wet marinade, pour the marinade into a large zippered plastic bag, and then place the steak. Drain the air out of the bag, then zip it tightly. Knead the meat bag to make sure the marinade covers the entire meat. Leave the marinade in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours; Many people also like to marinate meat overnight. Note, however, that the longer you marinate the meat, the richer it will be.
    • If zippered plastic bags are not available, you can soak meat in a large bowl and cover it with plastic wrap, use an upperware food container or other plastic containers with lids.
  5. Another way to marinate meat is to dry it. If you like the crispy exterior of the meat, you can skip the wet marinade to marinate it with dry seasoning. Place the dry seasoning in a large bowl and drop the fluffy steak. Use your hands to turn over until the seasoning covers the entire piece of meat. Use a little more seasoning; You need to make all sides of the meat seasoned.
    • Once you're done, wait for the meat to reach room temperature, or if you don't cook it right away, place it on a tray in the refrigerator.

Part 2 of 3: Grill the meat

  1. Heat up the stove. Whether you're using a gas grill or a charcoal stove, you'll need to wait until it's hot before you start grilling. Check out the instructions below to prepare your oven for the perfect flank steak temperature:
    • Gas grill: Turn on a stove and set the heat to "high". Let it sit for a few minutes (remember to close the lid) before baking. Do not turn on the stove on the other side so that the meat will turn slowly to slow cooking after the outside of the meat has roasted.
    • Charcoal stove: Pour charcoal into the oven until the charcoal covers the bottom of the oven. If possible, turn all the charcoal aside so that half of the grill has no charcoal underneath. This empty part of the stove will be used for slow baking after over high heat. Burn the coals and let the coals burn until the fire is out and the charcoal is almost gray. The countertop will be quite hot, and you won't be able to keep your hands near the grill for more than a second.
  2. Pat the meat dry with a paper towel. When the meat is roasted on the stove, it will not "scorch" to brown and black with delicious crunch if the water on the surface of the meat has not evaporated. It takes a lot of energy to evaporate the water, so grilling wet meat is not only an inefficient use of heat, but it's also a bad idea if you want a crispy brown finish. To remove the moisture from the surface of the meat, blot it with a dry paper towel until it is slightly damp but no longer dripping.
    • If you choose to dry, you may not need to do this, as the powdered ingredients will absorb most of the moisture in the meat, and if you blot on a tissue, this could cause the spice to leave. meat.
  3. Place the meat on the grill. Once the grill is hot, use a brush to apply a layer of olive oil or vegetable oil onto the grill on the gas or charcoal stove, then place the meat directly on the grill where the oil was applied. You should hear a sizzling sound as soon as the meat hits the grill surface. Leave the meat on the grill for a while.
    • If you don't have an oil brush available, you can try folding a paper towel and dipping it in oil, then applying it to the grill. Use caution when using this method, as you will need to keep your hands close to the hot grill surface.
  4. Leave it on for a few minutes so that the meat is just outside. When you place the meat on the grill, let it cook for 3 or 4 minutes, then turn it over with tongs. If the grill isn't hot enough, the meat won't be crispy and scorched with dark brown or black parts. If the surface of the meat is not seared enough, turn it over immediately and continue baking, or grill the other side for 3-4 minutes before turning it over again. Roast the meat over high heat from the top so that the meat is "cut", creating a crispy crust outside and has a very attractive texture.
    • Contrary to popular belief, searing the meat actually doesn't "keep the moisture inside". The broth inside can still flow out easily after it's seared. The primary purpose of searing is solely to enhance the flavor and texture of the meat; Most people like the crispy brown on the outside of the meat.
  5. Use low heat for the remainder of the cooking process. After grilling both sides until the outside turns brown and some crispy black, use a tongs to change the meat to a less hot part on the grill. If you are using a gas grill, you will switch the steak to the side of the stove that remains "off"; With the charcoal stove, you switch to the charcoal-free grill underneath. The high heat is great for searing the outside of the meat, but it's difficult to cook it without burning it. Therefore, use low heat and evenly so that the meat is cooked on the inside without burning. Bake in this way for about 3 more minutes on each side.
    • Close the lid when cooking over low heat to prevent heat from escaping.
  6. Remove the meat when it has reached about 130F (54.5 C). After being grilled on both sides and left over low heat, the meat is done. To be sure, check with a meat thermometer. Stick the tip of the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat. Be sure not to touch the grill surface with the tip of the thermometer and read the results. In general, a measured temperature of 130 F (54.5 C) means that the meat is cooked to a perfect consistency. Different temperature readings represent different degrees of ripeness, but be careful not to remove the meat when the temperature is below 120 ° F (49 ° C), as it may not be safe to eat undercooked meat. The following temperatures correspond to meat ripeness:
    • 120 F (49 C): Rare (Rare)
    • 130 F (54.5 C): Medium rare
    • 140 F (60 C): Medium
    • 150 F (65.5 C): Medium well
    • 160 F (71.1 C): Nine (Well done)
  7. Another way to test meat is to cut a slice of meat. Don't worry if you don't have a meat thermometer; you can still test the ripeness of the meat the traditional way. As a general rule, the pinker the steak is inside, the more pale the meat is. Cut a slice of thick meat to see inside. If the inside of the meat has a tougher texture than the outside, has a deep pink color, and / or has a non-transparent juices, you will need to continue roasting. If the edges are greyish-brown, the inside is still pale pink and the juices are flowing transparent, you are welcome!
    • If you want to eat fully cooked meat, cook it until the inside is slightly pink or gray-brown. Note that the steak is naturally chewy, and the meat will be chewier if you cook it well. Usually the steak is not fully cooked.

Part 3 of 3: Serving

  1. Serve clean plates and silver tableware. After you remove the meat from the grill, do not let it touch the cutting board or dishes that were used to prepare raw meat. Use new tableware or wash used items thoroughly with water and dish soap before reusing. This is a way to prevent cross-contamination, ie bacteria from raw meat spreads to cooked meat through kitchen utensils. These bacteria can cause you to become seriously ill, even fatal, although very rarely. Under no circumstances should you avoid cross-contamination of food by using clean plates and tableware, so be sure to use only clean kitchen utensils to touch cooked meat.
  2. Let the meat "rest" under aluminum foil. When you remove the meat from the grill and place it on a plate, cutting board or any other surface, do not cut the meat immediately but leave it on for 10-15 minutes. If you cut into the meat immediately, the water will flow into the plate, causing the meat to reduce its flavor and moisture. Conversely, if you let the meat "rest" for a while, the moisture in the meat will have time to re-seep into the fibers, thus making it softer and more moist. The steak is a bit chewy by nature, so it is essential to "rest" for the meat to soften when you bite it.
    • To keep the meat warm during the "rest" time, fold a piece of aluminum foil and cover it on the meat like a tent.The heat inside the meat is retained, and then the meat will remain hot while you enjoy it.
  3. Cut the meat across the grain. After you rest the meat, place the meat on the cutting board. Examine the flesh to determine the direction of the fibers. You should see thin fibers running down one direction on the surface of the meat. Use a sharp knife to cut thin slices of meat diagonally equal grain meat. In other words, cut the meat perpendicular to the lines on the surface of the meat.
    • This will make the meat softer. The main reason is that the steak has inherent tough muscle fibers. Crossing the fiber also means cutting off the muscle fibers attached to the meat and making the texture softer.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve. Congratulation! Now you can enjoy the beef flank steak. If you like, now you can sprinkle a little salt or pepper or decorate with other ingredients, even if left alone, your meat is already attractive enough. Be enjoy!
    • Each 450 g of beef steak can serve about 3 people, but if you are hungry then you need to serve 700g of meat for three people.


  • Adjust the broth to your taste. Some other ingredients that are also well-suited include unsweetened wines, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, Dijon mustard, and fresh orange or lemon juice. Feel free to experiment to find the combination you like best.