Ways to improve endurance

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


"Endurance" is the strength and energy required for you to exert yourself for a long time. The meaning of this word mainly refers to the ability to exert physical activity such as exercise and sport. However, "stamina" can also refer to the mental strength needed to carry out a task or overcome difficult circumstances. Raising either of these types of endurance (or both!) Is a wise choice if you want to live a healthier life.


Method 1 of 5: Building endurance through diet

  1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Food is a source of energy for the body. A well-balanced, healthy diet maintains a healthy, energetic and enduring body. Try to eat a balanced low-fat diet high in fruits, vegetables and lean meats. For enduring energy, doctors recommend a diet that is one-third of carbs and carbohydrates (preferably whole wheat products).
    • To keep your body energized throughout the day, eat several small meals instead of one or two large ones.
    • Snacks with fruit, fresh vegetables, nuts and lean protein between meals. Have energy-rich fruits and nuts ready for a period of exercise such as hiking, cycling or studying for exams.

  2. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water has a lot of benefits: weight loss, prevention of kidney stones and many other benefits. Country also can increase endurance by fighting muscle fatigue. Dehydrated muscle tissue will not be able to work at full capacity, so you can increase endurance by drinking water a few hours before strenuous activity and during exercise. If you are going to run or exercise for long periods of time, have plenty of fluids available so you can drink them when you are thirsty.
    • If a flavorful drink stimulates you to drink more, you should consider using a sports drink like Gatorade, Powerade, etc. to dilute it with water in a 7: 1 ratio. Add a sports drink to add flavor to your drinking water. They also have another benefit of refueling the body with electrolytes, which are essential nutrients for muscle function and are lost when you sweat. However, if you are trying to lose weight, be aware that these drinks contain a lot of calories.
    • Limit caffeine intake of energy drinks. These waters may be suitable for temporary health enhancement but are harmful to endurance.

Method 2 of 5: Develop physical endurance

  1. Exercise a lot. Exercise is exhausting at first, but it will increase your overall energy and endurance levels after a long period of exercise. For good health and endurance, you should take time to exercise regularly. For adults, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week (or 75 minutes if intense exercise), combined with intensive workouts. strength at least twice per week.
    • Cardiovascular exercises like aerobic, jogging, cycling and dancing will move the heart and lungs, increasing the efficiency of the body to transport oxygen to the muscles. As a result, your stamina and endurance will slowly increase (the fatigue level decreases) as you do cardio.
    • Strength-strengthening exercises such as weight lifting and weight training (push ups, crunches, etc.) will slowly increase the strength (not to mention size, shape, and strength) of your muscles. corn. Over time, you'll notice a stark difference - able to lift heavier masses for longer.

  2. Choose activities that you enjoy. You will be more interested in practicing doing something you really enjoy instead of the things you are afraid to do. You should all adjust the exercise regime to include activities you like, which are exercises you are already good at but also activities that you have never tried. If you're not sure what kind of exercise you like, then you should experiment with different exercises during your workout for a month or two. For example, maybe you find out that you prefer low-impact exercises like swimming and cycling over running, or maybe you find the opposite!
  3. Live in an active way. If you are very, very busy, you probably don't have enough time to exercise each week. Fortunately, you can minimize the negative effects of not exercising regularly by staying active throughout the day. Avoid sitting still for long periods of time - almost any movement is good for your heart health, being active as much as possible. Instead of driving to work, you should cycle or walk. If your job requires sitting in front of a computer all day, use a standing desk or a walking table instead of sitting still. Put on a pedometer and try to reach a goal of 10,000 steps per day. The more you walk, the better overall health and endurance.
  4. Call on your friends to practice. If you feel like you can't reach the level of endurance you want on your own, invite your friends to join you in your favorite activity. The truth is that friends can help you get through your workout much easier. They give you encouragement when you are tired, and they may even give you words of encouragement to give you more "motivation". With your friends around, you realize you don't want give up, and want to impress them by reaching their limits.
    • Practitioners don't have to be friends or peers. Bring your baby, puppy or neighbor with you at the start of your daily workout.You can also sign up for a gym that will make friends with other students, or sign up for a class that you know can make new friends with the same health goals as you.

Method 3 of 5: Full rest

  1. Rest much. Although it takes exercise to stay active, if you want to aim for more endurance, get enough rest. Reasonable rest at night will help you feel more fresh, energetic and focused, ensuring comprehensive self-care. On the contrary, inappropriately resting will make you wobbly and unable to work at full capacity. Bad sleep habits are also linked to several health issues that negatively impact endurance: weight gain, high blood pressure, illness and so on.
    • While everyone's sleep needs are not the same, the American Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults. Sleeping less than 6 hours per night is generally considered unhealthy and has been linked to the health problems mentioned above.
  2. Slowly build your endurance goals. Any attempt to improve endurance with exercise should be slow - try not to do too much at the beginning, as you will burn out or give up the effort. Instead, you should set simple goals to step up to a higher goal, such as running only 1 km at first, within 2 weeks, increasing to 2km, 5km and finally 10km. Reward yourself every time you hit a milestone. Build slowly and never give up!
    • For cardio, start slowly to slightly increase your heart rate, and keep it for no longer than 30 minutes for the first time. Increase intensity and duration with small, realistic steps until you reach your goal. In a few months you will make significant progress with barely even realizing the change!
    • For strength training, start with a weight or resistance level that you can easily do. Only attach a few small weights to the lift bar or the machine. If you're working out with the same body weight, you can adjust it to make it easier - for example, lower your legs for lighter push ups or crunch crunches (don't lift your body up) instead. for a sit-up type (sit up straight). Slowly increase the weight, resistance, or intensity of the exercise to increase strength over time.

Method 4 of 5: Develop sexual health

  1. Invest time to improve sexual health. Many people want to improve their physical endurance with a very specific purpose in mind - for longer and more satisfying sex. Improving sexual health is partly related to improving physical health, so the tips in this section will be beneficial if your love is often going fast because you feel tired or out of breath. . Short sex can also have many causes, such as a hormonal or a rare medical issue. If you have good physical health but poor sexual health, you should seek medical attention. However, sex is not just a matter of physical activity. A good love life is just as important as physical health. The inability to have a satisfying sex is often the result of emotional or relationship problems between two sex partners. Here are some of the reasons why you may not be satisfied with sex, along with a note on how to deal with it:
    • Erectile dysfunction. Men who have trouble maintaining an erection can reach orgasm quickly, if they do really erection. Fortunately, there are many drugs that can treat erectile dysfunction. Make an appointment with your doctor because most erection medications are prescription drugs.
    • Biological causes. Hormonal disturbances, brain chemicals imbalances, thyroid problems, and nerve damage (rare) can make it difficult to satisfy sex during sex. In this case, since the root causes are diverse and unclear, it is best to ask your doctor for evaluation before starting treatment.
    • Medical causes. Some drugs can decrease sexual desire, prevent the patient from prolonging sex and difficult to satisfy. In this case, you should talk to your doctor about alternative treatment.
    • Psychological problems. Especially when you are inexperienced, sexual issues often cause you anxiety. Stress makes it hard to "get in the mood" or make you early. If this is the case, you should do everything you can to stay calm and release the pressure before having sex - know that while sex is important, it's not necessarily too nervous. If you are unable to reassure your concerns, you should see a counselor.
    • Relationship problems. Sometimes sexual dissatisfaction is caused by emotional problems or tension between two partners. In this case, you should talk frankly and openly with the other person, if you feel you need to contact a love counselor.

Method 5 of 5: Improve mental endurance

  1. Visualize your goals. Your mindset can be easily distracted if you focus on the small details of the task you are trying to accomplish instead of the goal you hope to achieve. Don't miss the whole jungle for a few trees - never take your eyes off your target. Keep in mind the final product when you are tackling a task, this helps you stay focused and avoids wasting time on odd tasks.
    • You don't even have to focus on your realistic goals, but think of a certain winning image. Close your eyes and let your mind roam, draw a picture in your mind of whether you are finishing the race at the fastest speed or getting a 10 on the final exam. But don't fall asleep!
    • Avoid focusing on the challenges and obstacles that may be faced before you reach your goals, but be aware of them and the hard work you need to overcome to achieve your goals.
    • During your studies, stay motivated and build your academic stamina before the end of your exam week by holding group sessions with friends throughout the year.
  2. Break the difficulty into small pieces. If you think the difficulty is too great or the task is too heavy, it can easily be demoralized. Instead, maintain high mental endurance by breaking the work down into easier parts. First, focus on doing the most important things or completing the work in continuous small steps. The sense of success from completing each small step will keep you focused and ready for the rest of the job.
  3. Build concentration. The brain is not a muscle, but you can make it stronger. Enhance your ability to focus on difficult work in a slow, slow manner, like training to build muscle. Slowly increase the duration and intensity of the tasks for the brain. Over time, the workload that your brain had previously had difficulty getting through, now seems simple and even. easily.
    • For example, if you are trying to learn the guitar but find that you cannot concentrate on practicing the basic chord and scale lessons over and over, try to practice each day and gradually increase the amount of time you practice to add five minutes each. week. For example, the first week you practice 30 minutes a day, week after 35 minutes and so on. In less than two months you will be practicing for an hour a day and will soon learn some serious playing skills.
  4. Eliminate the source of distraction. Often when faced with a difficult task, people allow themselves to hesitate by pursuing meaningless distracting goals. To maintain mental strength and stay focused at work, eliminate distractions from your life. For example, if you get into the habit of playing online games instead of getting to work on waiting tasks, download a free productivity booster app to block these gaming websites. If you waste your time in tabloids instead of writing the novel you intend to write, unsubscribe. Do whatever you can to isolate yourself from work - you won't have an excuse to put off work!
    • Clean up the schedule.Check your calendar for upcoming events that could disrupt your ability to focus on work - if there is a serious time lag, quit or reschedule for a "fun" event for good reason. work first.
  5. Do not abuse stimulants. Coffee and energy drinks may Useful if you want a short-term energy boost, as the caffeine makes your energy levels go up for more focus. However, they are not as helpful for improving long-term mental endurance, as they often cause you to "crash" after a spike in energy, becoming more sleepy than before. These drinks can make you addicted to caffeine, not even providing any benefits in the short term.
    • Never use stimulants (such as Adderall etc.) to aid learning or work, they have strong side effects and should not be used unless directed by a doctor.
  6. Chat with other people. If you want to use your emotional stamina to get through a difficult emotional time, like after a breakup or loss, you should know that everything is easier to overcome if you share. Talk to a friend, relative, lover, or someone you can trust when you have a relationship problem. It is usually more comfortable to open up about your emotions - these people won't necessarily help you with the problem.
    • If you are afraid of not being able to speak out because of a very personal matter, very simply, please confess the difficulty to self. Think about your deep inner feelings and write it down in a journal or journal. After a while, reopen those pages and read your feelings - you will be amazed at what you write, and now you can focus better on overcoming the problem.
  7. Rested. As well as physical endurance, mental endurance also requires plenty of rest. If you have focused a lot on one task or overcame a difficult situation over time, take a break when the opportunity arises. If you are in the office, walk out into the hall to find some peace or go to the bathroom to splash some water on your face. If you are having trouble smiling at a social event, apologize and take a moment to rest spiritually. You will be surprised because just a moment away from the stressful situation also makes you feel refreshed, recharged and ready to move on.


  • When running, don't stomp your feet too hard each time you land, touch your feet gently on the ground, so you will run farther and less tired.
  • Increase exercise time to a few minutes a day.
  • Exercising alone can help increase your endurance, since you don't have to be under pressure from those around you. If you practice a little at your own pace, you will easily pursue the exercise program and achieve your goals.
  • Get motivated to exercise every day even if you don't feel very enthusiastic.
  • Make a playlist of songs to give the workout mood.
  • Provide plenty of opportunities to rest physically or mentally; alternating between these two breaks to avoid fatigue.
  • Take a walk at night after dinner.


  • Keep a steady pace and don't break your routine. Taking a day out of exercise can be a good way to rest, but if you skip a few days in a row, you'll be lazy to go back to training.
  • Do not drink caffeinated beverages like coffee or energy drinks before doing aerobic exercise. They increase your heart rate and when you exercise, the heart rate can go too high and put you in danger.
  • Unhealthy energy drinks to consume every day: Avoid abuse if you want to have a healthy body with good endurance.