Ways to recognize a friend who envies you

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 4 Major SIGNS Someone ENVIES You
Video: The 4 Major SIGNS Someone ENVIES You


Sometimes friends let jealousy control them. There are many ways you can spot a jealous friend. You can observe your interactions and see if they are demeaning you or acting difficult. Pay attention to their actions. A pessimist will easily become jealous. If a friend is jealous of you, have a frank conversation and work together to find a solution. A beautiful friendship can overcome feelings of envy.


Part 1 of 3: Watch for your interactions

  1. Watch for sarcastic compliments. A jealous friend will try to show concern by complimenting you. However, you can spot their jealousy because compliments are not well-intentioned. If you pay attention to a few specific compliments, you will be able to spot signs of passive aggression. These compliments convey envy.
    • For example, a friend may pretend that they are praising you, but be sarcastic. If you find a new job, a sarcastic compliment might say, "That's great. Usually they don't accept someone with too little experience, but that's good for you."

  2. Notice if your friend despises your accomplishments. An envious friend often feels that they are not good. Therefore, they always want to lower the achievements of people around them. If you have some good news, your friend will always say the negative or make you feel unworthy.
    • For example, you get an "A" on a test. Then, the jealous friend might say, "Don't be too confident. We still have half a semester to pass, so I'm not too confident".
    • In addition to downplaying your achievements, some of your envious friends go even further and give commentary that outperforms any achievement you have. They may say insistence that they have achieved something far greater than you have achieved. For example, “I remember the differential math class. That class was much more difficult than this class and I got an "A" for all assignments and tests. To have the highest GPA in the class ”.

  3. Pay attention if they don't give encouragement. Sincere friends always congratulate each other on their achievements. While other friends will say encouraging words when you succeed, a jealous friend reacts differently. They might say bluntly like this, "Ok. Great." That is not a sincere or enthusiastic congratulation.

  4. Watch if the friend is avoiding you. A person who is jealous of you may start hiding your face. If they feel jealous, they will see your success as a representation of what they don't have. You may find that an envious friend will gradually avoid you.
    • A friend you used to meet but now seems "very busy" and constantly excuses to avoid you.
    • Perhaps you realize that your friend always has time with others you know, but rarely spends time with you.
  5. Notice if your friend is listening. An envious friend will show no interest in hearing about your success. You may find that they are not interested when you talk about work, school, or a new relationship. Perhaps they look away, play on the phone, or don't give comments or questions about your life. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Notice your friend's actions

  1. Observing action shows pessimism. Envious people often have negative views. They feel that people succeed easily when they have a hard time getting everything. If a friend feels jealous, you will be able to watch out for pessimism in their daily interactions.
    • A pessimistic friend will often downplay your efforts. If you want to learn a new skill, the envious person will list your reasons for being discouraged.
    • The envious friend is also always pessimistic about himself. If you try to suggest a solution to their problem, they will immediately find a reason to underestimate the solution.
  2. See if they are imitating you. Jealousy is often manifested by imitation. If a friend is jealous of you, they may want to imitate something you are doing in order to live a life like yours. You may notice that they dress like you, mimic your taste and style, chat and joke on topics similar to you.
    • You may also find that they try to outperform you while still imitating you. For example, you might start running for 20 minutes a day while your jealous friend will run for 30 minutes a day.
  3. Listen to comments about injustice. The envious person can comment on events or situations in which they feel unfair.For example, they say, “It's not fair that things are easy for you. You always have high-paying jobs and I'm stuck in this boring job ”. You need to be on the lookout for statements that imply injustice often, because in many cases, they are blaming circumstances for their inability to get what you have.
  4. Think about whether she wants the attention. Envy people are usually people who want attention. You can observe how they behave in front of people. Your jealous friend will always want to be the center of attention.
    • A jealous friend can brag on social media. Maybe they post about their own things that make them happy or fulfilling their lives. You may also find that they are getting along with your friends because they want attention from those close to you.
    • The envious friend can seek attention in the group. They will try to say the boldest jokes or tell the funniest stories. A jealous person often cuts in and tries to overwhelm the other's voice with something more appealing.
  5. Track their social behavior. A jealous person may start avoiding you. You will admit that they hang out with other people, not you. Suddenly they don't ask you out. They are avoiding you. They will make excuses for doing their homework, but then you find out that they went out with someone else that night. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Face off with envious friends

  1. Put yourself in their shoes. Think about the reasons that make her jealous and where the problem is. If they are in a difficult situation then they may be more likely to envy you. Without realizing this, you talk too much about yourself and your own achievements, and unintentionally increase your jealousy. In this case, you can try to make small changes to the way you chat with your friends. However, it is important that you identify their problem so that you can discuss it effectively.
    • Maybe she's going through a tough time. Have they had any problems lately? Difficulty at work or having a relationship can make someone more jealous.
    • Reflect on whether you have contributed to their jealousy. Even if the person is happy that things are going well for you, because they are in a difficult situation, it can be difficult for them to openly encourage you. Perhaps you are too attentive to yourself and your own accomplishments.
  2. Recognize your friend's feelings of insecurity. Do your best to show your affection and understanding. The friend may be experiencing unsettling feelings about himself, but expressed in an act of jealousy. It may be because they lack courage, lack confidence, and endure sadness. Perhaps they never have the same opportunities in life as you and everyone else.
    • Usually, people who are comfortable with themselves will be confident and not jealous. However, for those who are hiding their insecurity, they will often show signs of jealousy.
  3. Frankly speaking. After you put yourself in their shoes, talk frankly with each other. Wait until you are both free and let them know you need to talk. You might say, "I have a feeling you are always jealous of me lately. I want to settle this because I treasure your friendship."
    • Discuss the situation with an open mind. Even though they feel that your friend is unreasonably jealous, they may be blaming their point of view. Perhaps, without realizing this, you were not sensitive to their situation.
    • After you've shared your feelings, give your friend time to truly express it.
  4. Work together to find a solution. If you want to stay in a relationship, you need a two-way solution. Suggest a change, and be ready to make it if necessary.
    • For example, you can ask if they agree before you share your success. In certain times, your friend will not want to hear about your accomplishments.
    • Your friend may show feelings of jealousy, so don't talk too much about your own success.
  5. Stay away from them if necessary. If your friend continues to be jealous, end the relationship with them. You can slowly cut off contact or confront them directly. Say something like this, "Since you're jealous, I think we need our own space right now. I hope you understand." It's painful to lose a friend, but jealousy is a bad trait. When necessary, keep your distance from an envious friend. advertisement