How to Find Out when a Guy is Teasing Your Feelings

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If a guy plays with your feelings, that means you have feelings for him but he doesn't. In this case, what he wants to get out of the relationship is not the same as you, but he is dishonest about his intentions and deceives you. A guy like that could be an opportunist, enlist your feelings or be a flop, two-handed. When you are in this situation, there are many signs that he doesn't like you, but when you do have feelings for someone, it can be difficult to see clearly and thoroughly. Furthermore, these types of people are very good at convincing you that they like you when they crave you. So, watch for these signs to see if the guy you're dating is playing with your feelings. Also, you can learn more about how to fix this.


Part 1 of 3: Pay attention to confusion

  1. Pay attention to how he is intimate with you. Usually, if a guy is playing with you, he will become very intimate or enjoy physical touch when the opportunity comes to bed with you. At that moment, maybe he will be extremely warm. Before that, however, he might not be doing much. He may not even want to hold your hand. He doesn't put his arm around you because he wants to. And he doesn't even look you in the eye while you're out, unless that's when he gets the chance to go to bed with you. In addition, he doesn't show affection for you in front of his friends or relatives.
    • There are some exceptions in this case: this is the first date of two people, or two people are in a new, interesting place or in the suburbs. These guys can be very warm at first, or can sometimes get very warm while having fun.
    • Some guys are always going to fumble because of their personality. They are usually passionate and outgoing people.

  2. Notice how much attention he has towards you. If he tends to seem interested in something else like your phone, video game, or friend while you're out, he probably doesn't really like you. Or if he seems a bit bored or disinterested in what you have to say, he may not be interested in the relationship at all. However, the opposite can also happen. He may pay a lot of attention to you when he is with you, but this only happens when he meets you. In addition, you may also feel his attention towards you is something weird or unnatural.
    • Does he remember what you said? If he has feelings for you, he may remember what you said easily. If he doesn't like you, he won't remember anything.

  3. Compare this to a guy who genuinely liked you in the past. It can be helpful to think of guys from that year who were genuinely fond of you, and compare his behavior to someone who seems to be making fun of you now. If a guy really likes you, he will either be very excited about being with you, or he will seem shy about talking to you. He will make more eye contact with you than usual, and he will hang around you more than necessary. If he likes you, he will prefer to talk to you over with others. He will ask what you are doing and will find a way to see you again. He will seem confused and forget his surroundings when he's with you. For example, if the two of you are talking about music and he forgets about the name of the band he already likes, he definitely has a crush on you.
    • If the guy you're dating doesn't seem to like you very much right now, he's probably just using you.
  4. Think about whether he is emotionally dependent on you. If he's just joking around, he might be excited to text you the day before, but the next few days will be very distant. His feelings for you seem to go up and down very erratically no matter what happens. If a person really likes you, their feelings will definitely depend on you. He will take care of everything you do and will be upset if you are unhappy. He'll want you to love him, and when you show your feelings, he will be very happy. If not, he will be very sad.
  5. Talk to others about this. Others will grasp the situation very quickly as they can give you a more objective perspective. Tell your friends your story and ask if he has feelings for you. You can analyze many aspects of a relationship, but the most important question you need to ask is: "Does he really have feelings for me?". This is the heart of the matter. If they think he doesn't like you, then he probably doesn't give you as much love as he gets from you.
    • Tell your friends about interesting points from what happened recently and give good examples of what he said or did. For example, you could say: “We dated for 5 weeks and he only hangs out with me every 10 days. We don't go out on weekends and I haven't met his friends yet. He always goes with you and never tells me what they do together, nor does he invite me to join me. When we went out, he didn't hold my hand or made any intimate gestures until late at night.
  6. Think if he is honest with you. Maybe there are guys who don't like you the way you like them, that's okay - everyone does. It's hard to endure unrequited love, but it's not the same as joking with your feelings, no matter what kind of feelings you get hurt. The difference between a person who dislikes you and someone who makes a joke with you is emotional honesty and purpose. If you feel that he is being honest about himself, motivated, and openly to the people he is dating right now, you should be kind to him. However, stay away if you have more feelings for him than he does for you.
    • In addition, someone joking with you will often hide things, intentionally obscure and always try to get your attention with tricks. These people don't want you to be a real part of their lives, however, they tend to be open about making you an important part of it to entice you. Despite saying so, he never did so and will not introduce you to his family and friends.
    • If he seems to be meeting other people and never tells you, but bluntly (or bluntly) that you're the only person he's dating, he's probably just kidding you. .
    • You may find that he goes on dating websites or is always unclear about what he is doing and who he meets.

Part 2 of 3: Identify behavior patterns

  1. Make a chart to see where your relationship is going. Take out your calendar and see how long you've been dating. If it's been more than a month and you haven't seen his friends, and he seems neglected or distant in a relationship, you might not have come together for the same purpose. For example, he doesn't ask to see you more, talk about your mutual future, or talk about his feelings for you. Or he may say he likes you, but that comes with signs that he is playing with you.
  2. Notice when he is free and not available to meet you. These are typical signs of how much he cares about this relationship. If he is only coming to you for sex or his ego, he will probably just want to see you late at night or when it's convenient for himself. He may cancel out on a regular basis, hang out on a date, or be unsure of when he will be free to hang out. Jot down his appointments or pretend he's busy. You may have noticed this kind of behavior, but the truth will become more obvious when you write it all down.
  3. Evaluate your feelings and behaviors over time. If you're always worried about what's going on, thinking sadly about whether he likes you and feeling torn between liking and distrusting him, maybe your relationship is in trouble. is fine. If, after a date, you still feel insecure, insecure, or confused about his feelings, you are probably having feelings for someone who doesn't share your heartbeat.
    • People in an infatuation stage may also have erratic feelings, but if you find yourself suffering those feelings on your own, you may not have placed them in the right person.
    • If you have experienced a breakdown in your feelings due to a problem of trust, or you are emotionally suspicious, or have problems with constant insecurity, talk to your friends and ask them what they think. what. Friends are the ones who know you best and will help you figure out your problems or his problems.
  4. Trust your intuition. Your intuition about these things will usually be correct if you've been through the same situations and feelings a few times with this person. Sometimes your mind tries to rationalize his behavior because you want to believe that everything is fine. If you ask yourself, "What is your intuition telling me?", And the answer is something "not good", you may need to end this relationship before you go deeper.
  5. Think about who is more proactive. Consider who is more proactive in meeting the other. If it's you and you're the one actively texting or calling first, the other person probably doesn't like you as much as you would like. Take a look at old messages and see who messaged more, who texted longer, and who initiated / ended chat. Thereby, you will see who is more interested in talking.
    • If you are a more proactive person in this relationship but in many ways he seems to like you very much, maybe he just isn't good at communicating over the phone. However, that possibility is quite low, as nowadays everyone is very well connected and knows how to stay in touch over the phone.
    • He may say that he doesn't like using the phone, but you will find the opposite when you are with him.

Part 3 of 3: Deal with him

  1. Don't act like you believe him. If you've found that he's cheating on you about dating other girls, being blunt about your feelings, or constantly excusing yourself for being busy, don't continue to act as though you believe it. he. You should stop this game and talk to him. Make a plan to talk about and think about what you want to say before it happens. For example, if you think he might cancel his appointment at the last minute, you need to plan your response in advance. Then, when he calls and excuses "I have a surprise", answer "Okay, we need to talk soon."
    • Sometimes, the guys are attracted to girls who don't accept their games. Be prepared for that, and if he seems to like you better than before, don't fall into his manipulation trap. You shouldn't be around someone who likes you just because you exposed their deception.
    • Your response should not be an accusation or an offense. Don't try to make him feel guilty. You cannot change him by blaming him or quarreling with him. Remember that the only person you have control over is yourself.
    • If you are pretty sure that you will lose an argument with him, think about how to stay away from him indirectly and silently. The most important thing here is to get rid of this as soon as possible.
  2. Tell him you don't want to meet anymore. When your emotions are being teased, you are more likely to go to the other person. But if you're dealing with a guy who cheated on you about his intentions, you shouldn't ask him about it anymore, as he will lie again when accused. Instead, tell him about your position in the relationship and why you want to leave.
    • For example, you could say, "I see in this relationship, I like you more than I like you, and I want us to break up because I realize I need more than that." Depending on how close you are, you can say goodbye by phone, text, email or in person.
    • If you meet him in person, talk to him during the day and when you are both alert and thoughtful. Ask if he has time to talk and find a public space to meet. Don't talk to him about the relationship after an argument or late at night.
    • An email can also be a good choice if you want to clearly explain how you feel, or if you think the relationship is not serious enough that you need to break up face to face.
  3. Be honest and straightforward. If he asks why you don't want to see him again, tell him that you feel he is not being honest with you, and that you have different feelings for him about the relationship. Speak out how you feel, and be specific about what he did that made you feel that way. Use sentences that begin with the subject "I / I".
    • Avoid saying things like "You make me feel insecure," as it's incriminating. Instead, be more specific and start with "Em". You can say, "When I don't text you a few days after we're together, I feel very insecure because it seems like I want to see you just to get in bed with you."
    • Don't try to read his mind. Don't accuse him of going back and forth with other girls if you are unsure about it, and don't accuse him of doing bad things on you, because you can't read his mind. In addition, such accusations will often cause controversy, and it will be difficult to break up smoothly.
    • Try to use a confident tone of voice and speak mature language.
  4. Prepare a way to end the conversation. Don't let the conversation turn into an argument or reminisce about good times as they may bring you back to him. When you have finished your part and he has responded, you should leave the conversation. If you think about it in some ways, he's still a good guy, or you like him always coming to you at all times, just speak up and end the conversation in a positive way. You could say, "I enjoyed our time together, but I have to go". Or if you are hurt by him, say, "I feel hurt by the bad things in this relationship, and I need to leave".
    • Don't go back on dating him after you broke up, don't give up or let that stop you from trying again. It takes effort and courage to end a relationship with a guy you have a crush on. Get up and try again.


  • It may take a while to accept the fact that you are being joked by him because you genuinely like him. If within a few weeks you still feel like he was teasing, come back and read this article and see if what is written here is still true.