How to serve "Outswinger" in cricket

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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This is the art of playing cricket. Even the best players sometimes fail to hit the attacking ball in cricket. When you serve the ball, you must take into account the position of the seam on the ball (it must be correct), also keep your wrist at a certain angle


  1. 1 Serve the ball with the smooth side (not rough) to make it more aerodynamic in the air.
  2. 2 Make sure that the seam between the smooth and roughened sides is at a 20-degree angle to your wrist when you feed the bat.
  3. 3 Do your regular run.
  4. 4 When you throw the ball, feed it to the left of the pitch and thus provoke the batsmen to hit the ball.
  5. 5 The movement of your serving hand should be firm, your movement should end with your lower body.
  6. 6 The ball must be served with an open chest.


  • When you have the ball, serve it to the batsmen, not where you want to throw it.
  • Remember, pace isn't everything; accuracy is key. The pace only intimidates the cricketers and allows different things to happen to the ball.
  • More experienced players can hit the ball with a swing; swinging the ball is a very difficult but effective serve that requires tempo and skill.
  • These are two tips for the game in general.


  • The undershoot of the ball is prohibited. You have the opportunity to make a full serve with the bat without missing the ball.