How to deal with boredom at home

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Handle Boredom | Lockdown | Stay Home 🙏 With Sadhguru in Challenging Times - 31 Mar
Video: How To Handle Boredom | Lockdown | Stay Home 🙏 With Sadhguru in Challenging Times - 31 Mar


Boredom is a common problem that plagues many people, but it can be easily overcome. To beat boredom, you have two options: you can take time with productive activities, or you can relax. But the most important thing is to find those things that you like and can distract you from the thought that you have nothing to do. And one more important point: value your free time. You won't always have it.


Method 1 of 4: Get creative

  1. 1 Do something with your own hands. Maybe you are not in the mood to run a marafet in your home, but you want to do something funny. Take a look around you and think, maybe you want to somehow decorate the walls of your room. Maybe you go online and look for DIY project ideas. Choose the project for which you need materials that are already in your home so that you do not have to run to the store and spend money.
    • Learn to knit.
    • Sew a blanket, dress, or make a couple of new pillows for your sofa.
    • Make hot coasters with photos, puzzles, or maps for your home.
    • Come up with and make a decoration with your own hands.
    • Make a couple of handmade candles to freshen up your interior.
    • Design and make cute fridge magnets.
    • Make a wreath for your front door.
    • Start preparing your halloween fancy dress.
    • Make Christmas ornaments or decorations for the current season.
  2. 2 Prepare a dish using a new recipe. Experiment in the kitchen: cook a new dish or bake something. Find a recipe online or in your favorite cookbook and spend some of your day in the kitchen. If you are at home alone and the recipe contains items for a larger portion, prepare part of the recipe or share the leftovers with your neighbors.
    • Make homemade chocolates, cream, or peanut butter.
    • Bake and decorate the cake beautifully.
    • Prepare frozen meals for the whole week.
    • Make candy: caramels, toffee, or lollipops.
  3. 3 Create a blog, magazine, or write a story. If you have a lot of free time, then this is a great opportunity to carry out the writing project that you have long dreamed of. Maybe you will start blogging about your favorite topic or a magazine in which to express your thoughts and feelings. You can also use this time to write a story or start writing a novel.
  4. 4 Take up painting. Find a drawing online that you would like to reproduce on canvas, or write a still life. If you are not a very experienced artist, then it is better to start with something simpler, and then improve your skills and move forward. You can also watch painting courses on the Internet, which will instruct you on how to paint certain scenes.
    • You can try yourself in different styles such as watercolors, acrylics, oils, pastels, and so on. Taking your favorite picture and copying it yourself can be quite fun.
  5. 5 Start scrapbooking your album. Pick a few of your favorite paintings and print them on a printer, and then collect them into an album. You can also make a digital album on the net. Or you can make a scrapbook out of paper or cardboard, stitch together in a binder, or shape the scrapbook into a book.And then cut out your pictures and paste them on paper, add text or ornament to them on the picture pages.
  6. 6 Try gardening. Gardening can be fun because you can grow your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, or spices. If you already have a garden, devote this time to gardening: remove dry branches, water the plants, plant new plants that you would like to have in your garden. If you want to start a new garden, first decide what kind of plants you want to grow in it and choose the place on your plot that will work best for them.
  7. 7 When choosing plants, it is helpful to first look at which plants grow best in your area. Some plants thrive better in dry climates or bright sunshine, while others thrive better in humid, shady places.
    • Find out what type of soil in your area and what tools you need to get the job done, then get them from your local gardening partnership or tool store. Then start planting your garden by preparing the ground first, add soil and plant new plants!

Method 2 of 4: How to Relax Better

  1. 1 Dedicate a day to spa treatments. Sometimes you really need to relax and relieve stress. A day when you have nothing to do is perfect for a spa. Start by preparing the room: turn off the lights and light some candles. You can also play meditation music or classical music to help you relax.
    • A spa day can be spent in many different ways. You can take a bath with aromatic foam and lie in it until your skin wrinkles, you can make a face mask and relax at this time, you can do a pedicure or manicure (or both!), Or use a homemade facial scrub or body.
    • You can add essential oils to your bath, massage cream, or body scrub for even more relaxation.
  2. 2 Get exercise. You may think that this is a little like relaxation. But with exercise, your body releases endorphins that boost your mood. Go to the gym and do some cardio and strength training. You can also find video instructions online. If you are going to relax, then cardio and strength training can be replaced by yoga. Or you can go for a long walk, it will both be physical activity and invigorate you.
    • Develop your exercise routine.
    • Learn to burn fat and build muscle.
    • Do Pilates. This is a great combination of yoga and strength training.
    • Pay attention to some part of the body, for example, the stomach, legs, arms, and so on.
  3. 3 Read a book. If you have a lot of time, then this is a great opportunity to take a book and read it. Read a book you've wanted to read for a long time, or find a new one online or in the library.
    • On the Goodreads website you can find recommendations for some books, and you often have the option to select a book online from your local library and read it through your Kindle or Nook, so you don't even have to leave your home.
    • Set up a cozy corner at home where you can enjoy reading books.
    • Prepare a cup of tea or some hot drink and sit with it in the evening.
  4. 4 You can watch TV or movies all day. Start watching a new TV show and watch an entire season in one go. Or watch a movie that you wanted to see for a long time or that just appeared on dvd. Sit in front of the TV. Take popcorn or candy. That way you can spend a few hours or more.
    • Search for free movies online.
    • Come up with delicious movie snacks.
    • If you are watching a horror movie, you can invite a friend to your place.
  5. 5 Put the puzzle together. You can find cheap jigsaw puzzles in different stores. And if you live with your grandparents, they may have an old puzzle lying around.Start with a large, complex puzzle, or take a couple of hours to put together a simpler puzzle. After the work is completed, apply some special glue to the puzzle and place it in the frame. Jigsaw puzzles can have cool pictures or just pretty pictures to decorate your interior.
    • Instead of a picture puzzle, try a logic puzzle or word puzzle.
    • If you want something even more creative, create your own puzzle.
  6. 6 Listen to podcasts or music. There are countless podcasts on the Internet on a wide variety of topics, you can download them to your phone or computer. Search and choose an interesting podcast for yourself. You can do something around the house and listen to it at the same time. Or you can relax to the music.
    • Find new music on Spotify music service or download free music.
    • Subscribe to new podcasts and download them to your phone to listen to later.
  7. 7 Spend time with your pet. You can relax wonderfully by petting and playing with your pets. Plus, your pet will be happy to receive your extra attention. Dogs are often used in therapy. They help people get out of depression. This means that they can also improve your mood. How can you not smile if your dog or cat climbs onto your lap or sits at your feet, trying to attract your attention?
    • Take your dog for a walk.
    • Teach your pet new tricks.
    • Pet your pet.
    • Take care of your pet's coat.
    • Play with your pet.

Method 3 of 4: Improve Some Areas of Your Life

  1. 1 Find ways to make money at home. If you don't have a full-time job or want some extra income, there are many ways to make money on the Internet. You can sell DIY items on Etsy, make money from online surveys, become a freelancer, and write or edit copy for money.
  2. 2 Learn a new language. You may find it difficult to do this on your own, but there are many resources to help you get started learning a foreign language. You can buy a program like Rosetta Stone, visit a site like Memrise, or download yourself a free app like Duolingo.
  3. 3 Reconnect with an old friend. If you have a lot of time, why not call an old friend you have long wanted to chat with? If they cannot speak during business hours, you can write them an email or a regular old-fashioned letter.
    • Since letters are rarely written now, sometimes it is just insanely pleasant to receive a handwritten letter. It shows what they thought of us, since it takes a lot of effort to write it.
    • You can also send a postcard.
  4. 4 Make a budget. If you are already cleaning up your house, why not clean up your finances as well? Budgeting may seem like a limitation to some, but knowing where your money is going will give you a sense of freedom and reduce stress? Start with some general categories like rent, grocery, gas, miscellaneous, and so on. Determine how much money you typically spend on each of these categories.
    • If you are not sure how much money you spend on each category, take a statement from your account for the last two months and see how much and on what you spent. There are also many resources on the Internet to help you budget, see what other categories of expenses are and how best to allocate your funds.
  5. 5 See where you can volunteer. If you always have a lot of free time, then you can perfectly spend it helping others. On the Internet, you can always find many opportunities for volunteering. Maybe you enjoy working with animals or older people, or you might be more interested in promoting art.In any case, there are opportunities to usefully spend time helping others in almost any field of activity.
    • Volunteer at your local animal shelter.
    • Serve in the baby's home.
    • Remove trash from the roads.
    • Work hard in a charity kitchen or homeless shelter.

Method 4 of 4: Be Productive

  1. 1 Make a to-do list. Take time to think about everything you would like to do in your home, be it cleaning, organizing the space, or other household tasks. Then work through the list and cross out what has already been done. What a delight to look at the list that you have dealt with in a few days or weeks.
  2. 2 Do a general cleaning of the house. When we are busy, we often neglect cleaning. Therefore, it is quite possible that a good, thorough cleaning would not interfere with your home. First, tidy up the house, put everything in its place, then start the hard work of cleaning. Scrub your bathroom and kitchen well, vacuum your living room and bedroom, sweep and mop the floors.
    • Depending on the amount of dirt in your home, cleaning may even take an entire day. If your home is really dirty, don't overwhelm yourself and don't try to do everything at once. Spend a couple of hours cleaning up and then treat yourself to something nice.
  3. 3 Organize your wardrobe. Another time-consuming opportunity is to tidy up your wardrobe and group all things. Group your items by season and color, and group your shoes by style and color. It is also a good opportunity to scoop out all the unnecessary junk that has accumulated there, but which does not belong there.
    • As you clean up your wardrobe, it's a good idea to get rid of clothes that you no longer wear or that no longer suit you. To find out what you are wearing and what is not, you can turn the clothes over on the hangers with the back side. After you put something on, hang it upside down. So in a couple of months you will be able to determine what you were wearing and what was not.
  4. 4 Organize your books. If you have a lot of books and it can be difficult to find the book you are looking for, take the time to clean up your bookcase. You can sort books by author, title, or genre. It is also a good opportunity to get rid of old books that you will no longer read, or those books that you have in several copies, as well as dust off the bookshelves when you move books.
  5. 5 Get rid of old things. When cleaning and organizing things, put a basket next to it, into which you will throw off those things that you no longer use, give them to a friend or arrange a garage sale. Collect all your belongings, books, furniture, inventory throughout the house and give or sell them to those who may still need them.
  6. 6 Do your laundry. Laundry often accumulates in the home like dirt. Therefore, a day when you have nothing to do is a great opportunity to thin out these rubble a little. Separate the laundry by color, and then iron it when you have time, if necessary.
  7. 7 Tidy up the different rooms. When you're cleaning your rooms, why not reorganize the space? Wash the refrigerator, throw out all the leftover food, arrange pots and pans in the kitchen beautifully, arrange the items correctly on the sink in the bathroom, and so on. There are probably many places in your home where reorganization and restructuring would be worthwhile. It will also help you relieve any stress you may be experiencing!


  • Be open to new things. We often get bored because we take everything for granted. Appreciate your free time, because you won't always have it.
  • Remember that you don't have to be busy all the time. Having free time, if there is not too much of it, is very good.