How to tell if your girlfriend likes someone else

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
14 Signs She Is In Love With Someone Else
Video: 14 Signs She Is In Love With Someone Else


Even love-filled and trusting relationships are at times stirred by moments of doubt. If you suspect your girlfriend is holding a different figure then that's okay very It is important to verify your suspicions before taking action. Observing subtle cues in what she does, what she says and how she acts, you will find clues to uncover her true feelings. However, you need to remember that nothing can replace cold obvious evidence, no matter how sure your heart is.


Method 1 of 4: When do you need an investigation?

  1. Learn to trust her before delving into her past or personal life. Any love is based on trust. That doesn't mean you should never be jealous or suspicious, but that you should put those feelings aside and trust your girlfriend. If you can't trust your partner, then you probably shouldn't be with her. Doubt and jealousy will keep others away, especially when you start rummaging through her things for evidence.
    • If she pushes you away, seems distant, or usually isn't with you, feel free to ask her a few questions.
    • Your girlfriend will have friends of the opposite sex - but that doesn't mean she'll leave you. Try to overcome your insecurity in front of the other boys.

  2. Accept that you will never know what other people are thinking. If she ever tells someone she likes them or starts to change, that's one thing. But trying to find out all the passing "heatstroke" or infatuation is a fool's dumb act. Think about it - how many times have your mind brushed the silhouettes of girls? But how many times have you actually progressed?
    • Transient "heatstroke" emotions are completely natural, even in the most stable relationship. If you keep trying to uncover all of those feelings, you won't be able to stick with her for long.
    • If you look back on your life, you will see on the surface you seem to like other girls, even though you actually only have sympathy. Jealousy often draws bogus stories.

  3. Let her process your feelings, and you process your emotions. If she likes others, it's her job. It is her duty to say goodbye to you and reach out to the other person or realize that her momentary emotions are just cloudy rain. After all, her actions are what matters, not her thoughts. Paradoxically, when you are confident that she belongs to you, you become more attractive. A guy so possessive to the point of despair will push himself into loneliness.
    • She was with you. She is your girlfriend! Unless she cheats on you, it's not so important sometimes that she likes others, as long as she still loves you.

  4. Investigate further if you have reason to suspect but still want to stay in the relationship. Both are necessary. If there is no reason to suspect (secret messages, aloof behavior, detection of a lie, etc.), your investigation is rough and insensitive. If you don't want to remain in a relationship or your suspicions are so insurmountable, end the relationship. Doesn't it matter when she comes to this country? You have a deeper problem in your relationship than that.
    • Seriously ask yourself why would you be worried that she likes others. If you are afraid of losing her, talk to her. If you are intensifying blind anger at the thought, take a step back.
    • If you can't find a way to trust her because of what happened in the past or because you can't get out of your mind the image of her indulging in others, break up.

Method 2 of 4: Judgment of her actions

  1. Notice if she's avoiding intimate gestures. One of the most obvious and fundamental signs that something is wrong with a relationship is that one side has suddenly become uncomfortable with physical intimacy. Whether it's holding hands, cuddling, caressing, or having sex, physical intimacy requires the trust of both of you. If one side knows that trust has been betrayed, the intimacy will suddenly become awkward and unnatural, even though the gestures were completely relaxed in the past. If your girlfriend suddenly seems withdrawn to the thought of touching you, something must have happened, though not necessarily treachery.
    • However, you need to understand that what you are looking for is sudden and confusing change. If two people used to have sex but now almost no longer, that is a worrying sign. If you just kiss your girlfriend on the cheek before, the fact that she is not ready for "that" does not mean she is interested in others. Going through each stage of physical intimacy takes time. In fact, what women complain the most is that their boyfriends often want to "burn off" too quickly.

  2. Notice if she doesn't want you to have access to her phone. In this day and age, telephones and personal electronic devices become important means of communication. If your girlfriend is caught up in someone's love, chances are her cellphone still has information about her. he. Notice the way your girlfriend holds her phone - does she keep close to her while texting? Has she recently set a password? Does she not let you use her phone? Does she seem unwilling to leave her phone out of sight? If that's the case, maybe she has something hidden.
    • This advice applies not only to cell phones but also to electronic devices that can be used to communicate with others. For example, if your girlfriend keeps turning off her laptop or exiting her social media sites every time you enter the room, this is a suspicious sign if included with some other warning signs mentioned in the post. write this.

  3. Notice if she suddenly has an unexpectedly busy schedule. Couples with busy and active lives also find it difficult to spend time together sometimes. This is completely natural and is a problem most couples face. However, if your girlfriend is suddenly too busy to be with you for long and her distractions seem unreasonable, she may be spending her free time with someone else. If she's been having trouble finding time to hang out lately and her explanations are inadequate, you have reason to be concerned.
    • To distinguish between normal and "problematic" busyness, try this tip. When your girlfriend says she can't hang out with you, try suggesting another time. If she still says she can't arrange it, wait for her to offer another suggestion. Usually, when people want to spend time together but get stuck in schedules, they'll be willing to have a different personality. If your girlfriend seems to want to let this go, this could be a sign that she doesn't want to hang out with you.
  4. See if she avoids your gaze. The ability to make eye contact with others is often seen as a sign of sincerity and frankness. When you hide something close to you, people will find it very difficult or almost miserable to look into the other person's eyes. If your girlfriend suddenly couldn't look you in the eye, something bad might have happened.
    • Of course if your girlfriend may Looking into your eyes doesn't mean she's telling the truth. Skilled (or especially insensitive) liars can make eye contact with their loved one without difficulty.
    • However, some people who are shy or shy about communicating also have difficulty making eye contact with others. Additionally, certain social disorders may be the cause of this behavior.
  5. Find a change in her habits. When dating someone for a while, you will be quite familiar with that person's daily routines and habits through the times you were together. A sudden change in her habits will instinctively leave you feeling strange and anxious. You have absolutely reason to be wary if accompanied by other warning signs mentioned in this article. This is especially true if her new schedule includes activities that she normally avoids joining you. At the start of a new relationship, people will be more willing to participate in social activities they normally don't like to please their new partner.
    • For example, your girlfriend used to hate going to the beach to play with her boyfriend, but she had been hanging out with her "friends" at the beach house of one of them for the last two weekends. . As her boyfriend, you should have reason to doubt this, especially if she acts like she still likes the beach.
  6. See if there is any difference in her dress. For both men and women, a sudden and complete change in their dress can be a sign that a certain aspect of their life has changed. This may reveal that the person recently broke up with a partner, is suffering from the loss of a loved one, or found a new job. However, within the limits of a serious relationship, if your girlfriend completely changes her "appearance" without warning and is unable to explain or just give an unconvincing excuse, then maybe it is a sign that she is trying to impress the "third person".
    • It is especially ominous if her new looks seem to draw attention or be "erotic." For example, a person who is famous for his discreet way of dressing cannot suddenly dress "empty top open below" than an ordinary person.
  7. Know if she ignores you. The thought of facing a cold demeanor makes any lover who is worried about shiver.If you doubt your girlfriend's true thoughts, notice how she treats you when you're together - does she seem indifferent or don't care what you need to tell her? Does she look down on or ignore your opinion? Does her behavior make it seem like your presence doesn't make sense? Is she always absent on social media and unable to communicate over the phone? If you start to feel like an "invisible person" when you're with your girlfriend, then your relationship is definitely at issue.
    • If you think you are being ignored, be sure to stay calm. If you text hundreds of texts just to get a reply, the situation won't get better, regardless of whether she's with another guy or not. Don't forget that struggling hard to get someone's attention will make you look like a desperate beggar.
  8. Don't overlook the obvious manifestations of infidelity. All of the warning signs in this post assume that it's hard to tell if your girlfriend likes someone just by watching. However, if your girlfriend is too brazen to show her face that she likes others, then you don't need to wait for other signs. This situation requires you to take your relationship seriously. Here are some obvious symptoms that you should definitely not tolerate:
    • Show affection toward others beyond being friendly or harmless joking (e.g. kissing, dancing with intimate gestures, etc.)
    • Shake friends to hang out with others at social events.
    • Showing contempt or making jokes goes beyond the joke, especially only when in front of certain people.
    • Engaging or provoking others with seductive insinuations or gestures that are not meant to be sarcastic or sarcastic.

Method 3 of 4: Listen to what she says

  1. Notice how often the two of you talk. Even the closest couples sometimes forget the importance of effective communication. However, a long absence of communication can be a sign that your relationship is wobbly. If you have a bad feeling about your partner, try to see how much time the two of you spend together (including in-person conversations like talking on the phone, texting, and the like). . There is reason to worry if you notice that the amount of communication between you and your girlfriend seems to have decreased dramatically.
    • This advice is especially true in long-term relationships. When you are in “long-distance love”, you do not have physical contact, so having regular conversation is key to maintaining a good relationship. Many experts recommend that long-distance lovers should try to communicate with each other every day for even a few sentences.

  2. Note her trivial lies and "misspellings" of her. According to Mark Twain, "If you tell the truth, you won't need to memorize anything." Even the most discerning liars get confused when it comes to telling their stories. So if you start to suspect your girlfriend, try to find loopholes in her logic or inconsistencies in what she says. People who talk about where they live, what they do and the people they hang out with will most likely end up making mistakes when they make up their stories. You just need to listen carefully to what they say to detect those errors.

  3. See if she has a vague attitude towards her personal life. Instead of lying, some people with a concealment often avoid mentioning what they spend all day doing. If your girlfriend was willing to talk about her life, friends, and favorite activities in the past, but now suddenly doesn't want to share any more information about herself, that might be her way. avoid feeling guilty for lying to you. Be mindful of her vague expressions or words when you ask her about her actions. If she's revealing nothing but the following, she's probably trying to cover something up:
    • "Nothing."
    • "What do you know for?"
    • "I'm really busy."
    • "I don't want to talk about that."

  4. Notice if she doesn't want to talk about her new friends. Making new friends is usually a good thing. However, if your girlfriend doesn't seem like she wants to talk about friends she just met, something's wrong (especially if she's always willing to tell stories about her friends in the past). . Even if she doesn't necessarily like others, it is a sign that she is embarrassed about her friends or the things she has done with them and is afraid of your reaction when you know it. Straightforwardness and trust are important in any relationship. If your girlfriend isn't willing to talk about the people she hangs out with, that's a sign of a problem. somehow; even if it was not really a betrayal.
  5. Notice if she doesn't want to admit to your relationship. If a girl learns that she is betraying her boyfriend's trust, she will feel miserable when it comes to talking about her relationship in casual conversation. Talking about the relationship can bring feelings of guilt when she thinks of her betrayal and is upset because it reminds her that she hasn't ended a relationship yet. Try asking your girlfriend a few questions to see if she feels comfortable talking about your relationship. If she seems to be withdrawn, upset, shy, or reluctant to respond, it's a sign that there's a problem:
    • "What do you think when we show it to everyone as a couple?"
    • "Do you want to do something interesting in the next few months?"
    • "What do you think we can do to improve the relationship between you and me?"
    • "Which of our memories do you like?"
    • "How do you think we will be next year?"

Method 4 of 4: Read her feelings

  1. Feel the emotional separation. Usually when something goes wrong in a relationship, one or both parties may “feel” that they're emotionally separated. That was when two people used to be attached and connected, but now they almost don't understand each other, when they used to easily share feelings, cuddle and talk about everything in the world, but now becomes reluctant and cold. This kind of emotional detachment can reveal the seeds of relationship problems, including a lack of loyalty. If your girlfriend seems cold and aloof, raise the issue with her - it is always better to talk straightforwardly to get to the root of the problem than to torment and upset.
    • Be aware, however, that long-term emotional separation can be a sign of other problems in the relationship. out treachery. The National Center for Marriage Support has pointed out that family and cultural differences, conflict situations and stress are just a few of the other causes of this condition.
  2. Observe too much defense. Sometimes people become extremely sensitive to criticism and accusations when they know they are doing things that are not right. Their wrongdoings are still imprinted on their minds, so any carefree jokes or small reprimands against them turn into personal attacks. If she has surprised you lately by her overly harsh reactions to seemingly harmless questions then you probably can't be underestimated. Here are some examples of common questions that can cause problems when faced with an angry or frustrated attitude:
    • "Hey, who are you talking to?"
    • "So what did you do last weekend?"
    • "Do you have any plans next Friday?"
    • "How are your friends?"
    • "Who did you meet lately?"
  3. Notice if she suddenly started causing trouble. One of the worst scenarios in any relationship is that one party can indulge the other person to the point of deliberately ruining the current relationship.This can include aggression, being rude, angry, insulting, etc. It is very likely that your girlfriend is trying to provoke you to break up so she can freely pursue the term. new love without worrying.
    • The sad thing is, if your relationship has gone this way then it's probably best to do what she wants. The pain of a definitive breakup is nonetheless lighter than the pain of a long, painful love with someone who purposely wants to destroy it.
  4. See if she feels uncomfortable before you treat her well. Normally, caring gestures can ignite a flame of love in a relationship. However, if one party is in love with another person, such gestures will only make your girlfriend feel guilty. Hardly anyone wants to accept kindness from someone they are at fault with. So if your girlfriend doesn't seem happy to accept your gifts or gestures of kindness, look for other signs. Here are some examples of things that would normally be good but embarrassing if your girlfriend is having serious feelings for someone else:
    • Gifts on any occasion (especially "I just want to give you" gifts)
    • Evening outings in lavish places
    • Hearty meals
    • Create surprises at work
    • Put all other jobs to "just for her"

  5. Notice the sudden gesture of affection. The paradox is that while having a crush on another guy can cause your girlfriend to be unusually defensive and aggressive, it can sometimes make her extremely "cute" or affectionate. If your girlfriend is worried about being secretly discovered, she can temporarily lull you to sleep with gestures like cuddling, kissing, complimenting, petting, etc. driving you around with special attention for no apparent reason, she might be having a bad intent; especially gestures of love seem to increase when you ask about her activities or places she goes.
    • Of course, cuddling behavior is often a sign good in love, so do not doubt normal and reasonable gestures of affection. The big kisses and big dinners you get after graduating or getting promoted are great, but the same things you get when you ask your girlfriend where she was last week. worrisome.


  • There may also be other signs that your girlfriend likes someone else. In general, trust your intuition when you feel suspicious, and watch for her unusual behavior in the presence of other guys (or girls).)
  • The above expressions may show that your girlfriend is cheating on you, but it is NOT necessarily true.


  • If you are about to accuse your girlfriend of liking others, you first need to observe her many times in the presence of the other guy to make sure her actions are not coincidence.