How to recognize the signs of puberty (for men)

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
These Are The Signs That You Are Going Through Puberty
Video: These Are The Signs That You Are Going Through Puberty


Puberty is one of the most confusing and exciting times in a guy's life. During puberty, men will notice that their bodies grow and change in order to become more like a man's. During puberty, men will grow tall, body hair grows more and the body starts to smell, in addition, the genitals begin to develop and feelings of sexual desire appear more. Puberty brings a lot of physical and mental changes to every guy. Although male puberty usually starts between 9-14 years old (and usually ends between 16-18), the rate of growth for each guy is not the same during this period. If you want to find out if you've entered puberty, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 2: Body Mark Examination

  1. Check for body odor. Your hormones will affect your sweat glands and may cause your body to smell a bit heavier or your body odor will be altered. If you notice a change in your body odor, this may be the right time to start using deodorants if you have never used them before. You also need to shower more often to keep your body clean and fragrant.

  2. Notice changes in testicular size. If your testicles increase in size, you may have entered puberty. This is one of the first signs of puberty and is not always easy to spot. Your testicles will constantly develop from childhood through puberty and into adulthood.
    • This change in size will cause your testicles to drop a little more in the scrotum.

  3. Notice changes in the size of the penis and scrotum. Within 1 year after your testicles start to grow in size, your penis and scrotum will begin to grow. Your penis size will increase, and there will be less growth in width. Your testicles will constantly grow from childhood to adulthood.
  4. Check if you can pull the foreskin down. If you are not circumcised, your foreskin will slowly loosen during puberty, and it will eventually drop off the tip of the penis.
    • Once you have pulled the foreskin out, do so in the shower to clean the tip of the penis and then pull it back again.
    • If you want to pee standing up and are able to pull down your foreskin, you can do so before urinating and pull back after you are done.
  5. Check for the growth of body hair. Once your testicles begin to grow, you will likely notice that your body hair begins to grow in areas where hair was previously relatively thin, or slightly hairless, or completely hairless. . These areas include the underarms, the upper arms, legs, chest, hands, and feet. Not only do hairs grow in areas where they have never been seen before, but will also become denser and thicker. Usually, within 2 years of the appearance of pubic hair, facial and underarm hair will begin to grow.
    • Every guy's body is different. Some people get denser hair as they reach puberty, while others may not notice much change in the amount of hair growth on their body. More boys will have more hairs than others.
    • The hair on your genitals and under your arms can be darker than other areas of the body, and they will also be harder and curly.
  6. Check for breast enlargement. Many guys notice that their breasts begin to swell in 1-2 years. This is a natural and complete process are not That means your breasts are growing to become like female breasts. It just means that your body is adjusting to new changes. This process usually begins between the ages of 13-14 and will not affect others.
  7. Recognize the appearance of mild to moderate acne. Acne can be uncomfortable, but it's a natural part of puberty. The high levels of hormones in the body can cause acne breakouts in areas where you haven't seen acne before. Another reason is because the oil glands in your body become more active during puberty, making you sweat more and thus making your skin more prone to blemishes. Most men begin to develop pimples at the same time as underarm hair appears.
    • As the amount of oil on your skin is so high, you will need to shower more often to keep your body clean.
    • Some guys get severe acne when they reach puberty. If acne is a problem that worries you, you and your parents will need to see a doctor to consider using medication.
  8. Check to see if the erection occurs regularly. A guy or a man experiences an erection when their penis gets harder and longer.This condition occurs when men have thoughts about sex or love, or when their penis is aroused. An erection can occur without sexual stimuli or thoughts, and it can be embarrassing to you if it happens while you are in public.
    • Although you may experience erections prior to entering puberty, you will find that it occurs more often during puberty when sexual desire and hormonal intake you start to increase.
    • Many penis will not erect vertically - they tend to curl upwards or to one side.
    • If you are not circumcised, your foreskin will automatically drop as your penis erect.
    • Understand that an erection is normal and you should have no problem. This will go away and your penis will soften again.
  9. Check to see if you have ejaculation. On ejaculation, a white slime will gush out of the urethra (the place where urine comes out) when the penis is erect, then the penis softens again, which contains sperm. This is how your body tells you that you are physically ready to reproduce, similar to menstruation in girls.
    • You may first ejaculate between the ages of 12 and 14, or about 1 to 2 years after puberty starts.
    • You will likely experience your first ejaculation while you are masturbating or sleeping.
  10. Recognize the signs of dreaming. Dreamy state occurs when a man is excited and ejaculates when he sleeps. Semen is a sticky liquid that contains sperm. Sometimes, when you have a dream, you will remember that you had a pretty hot dream, but most of the time you'll just find that your pajamas, underwear, or bedding are wet when you wake up.
    • If you have determined that you have recently experienced dreaming, rinse your genitals and wash any contaminated clothing or bedding.
    • Don't worry if dreaming hasn't happened yet, but you've already noticed other signs of puberty - not everyone will.
  11. Check out how fast your body is growing. Each guy's body grows at different rates, and you may find that you suddenly become "one head" taller than your peers, or that your height hasn't increased much during when your friends suddenly become taller than you. Don't worry - either your friends will catch up, or you will catch them up. Some people take longer to develop than others. Here are a few things to consider when testing your body mass jump:
    • Normally, men develop more slowly than women. You may find that your female classmates are taller than you are just after the summer break. This is completely normal.
    • Check for the increase in the size of the fingers and feet. For example, if you go shopping for footwear and notice that your foot size increases by 3 digits after only 3 months then this means you are growing quite fast.
    • Most male growth spikes typically peak about half a year after the appearance of hairs in the genital area. You will find that you are getting taller - sometimes, suddenly, taller.
    • Your shoulders will also become wider and more muscular so that you can balance your new body shape.
    • If you feel that you've reached the leap stage but your height isn't growing much, don't worry. Most guys reach adult height during the second half of their teenage years and the first half of their 20s, so your body will have time to be able to grow.
  12. Recognize face changes. Before puberty, your face will be rounder and your cheeks will be puffy, similar to the face of a boy from a cartoon Charlie Brown. During puberty, your face will have an oval shape and the lines will become clearer and will look more like an adult. It can be difficult to notice the change in your face because you are used to seeing it every day. Review your photos a year, or a few months ago, and check to see if you can notice the difference.
  13. Recognize the "broken voice". You may have noticed that recently your voice has started to change quite a bit and is high and low and sometimes interrupted while you are speaking. This can make you feel embarrassed in public, but don't panic - almost every guy goes through a cracking, this is just a sign that you are on the road. become a real man. The rupture phase will end after a few months and your voice will become deeper.
    • The change of voice is due to an increase in testosterone in the body, testosterone is the male sex hormone. This process thickens your vocal cords and produces a louder sound, resulting in a deeper voice.
    • This change will also make your larynx grow larger. You can spot the change through the protruding cartilage of your neck, commonly known as the "Adam's apple".
    • You may also have difficulty controlling your voice because your voice will be high and low instead of becoming more regular and cool.
    • Usually, the rupture phase happens at about the same time as the penis grows.

Method 2 of 2: Emotional Signs Test

  1. Check to see if you are starting to feel attracted to others. If you didn't care much about other girls or guys in the past, but now suddenly notice them, or are fascinated by them, then you are probably going through a big change. feelings of puberty. If you feel attracted or even aroused when meeting other girls or guys who you didn't care about before, this is a sign that your body is growing.
    • Every guy's body is different. You may have a crush on a girl for years before puberty, or maybe you are in puberty but don't feel much interest in the opposite sex. This feeling will come to you soon.
    • Of course, if you are gay, you will find yourself attracted and excited by other guys or men.
  2. Recognize the signs of mood swings. Have you been a rather calm person in the past, or do people describe you as a "pretty cool" person? All of these qualities will disappear as soon as you enter puberty. Intense hormonal changes make it difficult for you to control your emotions, and you can transition from being completely happy, uninterested, or extremely angry to one. completely different within just a few minutes.
    • If you find that your mood has suddenly improved, you may be going through a process of positive emotional change.
    • If you are feeling pretty good and all of a sudden you get mad at someone or even feel “bloody”, you are going through a negative emotional change process.
  3. Check to see if you are in a situation where it matters. If you thought everything was "good", "okay", or at least "pretty cool" now any great experience you have, whether it's hanging out. Friends or eat a delicious piece of pizza, you will feel that they are the best thing you will ever have. On the contrary, any unpleasant emotion, no matter how small it may be, you will feel extremely sad, or even "utterly hopeless".
    • This strong emotion is a sign that your body is adjusting to new hormone levels.
  4. Check to see if you experience anxiety frequently. Anxiety is a feeling of restlessness that occurs in your chest, abdomen, hands, and almost every part of your body when you panic or worry about something. You may find that you become more anxious about things that you weren't interested in before, whether it was how you did the Algebra test, or how you performed in Yesterday's baseball game, or what the girls in class would think about your new hairstyle.
    • Anxiety can be annoying, but these are signs that you really care about something. When you enter puberty, everything that happens in your life will have a deeper impact on you.
  5. Check to see if you are becoming more self-contained towards your parents. While you used to prefer staying at home over the weekend or going out to eat with your parents, you may now be more self-contained in front of your family. During puberty, you will feel that you have more control over your life and actions because you feel like you have less control over the things going on in your body. If you feel that you don't want to spend too much time with your parents, this is a completely natural, almost impulse in your life. Here are a few signs that you are becoming more closed to your parents:
    • If in the past you used to open the door of a room and allow your parents to come in whenever they want, but now you want to close the door and even lock the door.
    • If you didn't care about your parents around you in the past but now you feel like you need more privacy.
    • If you start spending a lot of time meeting with friends or simply leave the house.
    • If you spend more time chatting online with your friends than talking to your parents.
    • If you feel like you have nothing to say to your parents, don't feel excited about telling them about your day, and don't want to spend a lot of time chatting after dinner.
  6. Recognize the emergence of strange emotions. This perception can be vague, but it is an important step in determining whether you are experiencing erratic emotional change due to puberty. Each person's unique feelings are different. Maybe you feel more anxious than usual, or more fluffy than usual, or you find that you have more confusing feelings when thinking about friends, parents, and the opposite sex.
  7. Check to see if you are starting to pay more attention to your looks. If you didn't care much about your appearance in the past, but now you pay more attention to your hair, clothes, and the shape of your hair and body, then you are getting better. should be more self-aware and consider the feelings of the opposite sex towards you. This is completely natural and is a sign that your psychology is developing.


  • You will suddenly notice your body more, which is perfectly normal!
  • You will likely experience erections often, but this doesn't mean your body is unstable.
  • Beard will grow on your face and you can start shaving.
  • You may find privacy and you will begin to care more about your looks.
  • Your penis will begin to develop uncontrolled erections.
  • You will feel uncomfortable - this is also completely normal.


  • Some boys start puberty earlier than age 9 and others start puberty later than 14 years old. If your body doesn't show signs of puberty yet, don't worry as this will happen soon. If you have questions regarding puberty, consult your parent or doctor.