How to recognize the signs of a worm infection

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tapeworm Infection Signs & Symptoms, Nutrient Deficiencies, & Complications
Video: Tapeworm Infection Signs & Symptoms, Nutrient Deficiencies, & Complications


Worms are parasites that live off another organism, including humans. The most common cause of worm infection is drinking water or eating contaminated food. Parasitic worms include many types. In this article, you will find information describing the common signs caused by the most common worms and the typical symptoms of tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, and roundworms. Start with step 1 below for more details.


Method 1 of 6: Recognize common signs of a helminth infection

  1. Watch for unexplained weight loss. When you are infected with a worm, the nutrients you get will be less than before because it has been taken away by the worms. While eating as usual, you may start to lose weight as the amount of nutrients and calories absorbed in your body decrease due to the loss of the worms.
    • If you start to lose weight unintentionally, keep an eye on the weight loss. If you continue to lose weight, talk to your doctor.

  2. Note constipation of unknown cause. If you have constipation and don't know the cause, you may have a worm infection. Worms can cause irritation in the intestines, thereby causing digestive disorders. This can reduce the amount of water absorbed into the body and cause constipation.
    • For example, even if you still eat foods high in fiber, drink lots of fluids, perform activities to support your bowel movements but still can't walk, you may have a worm infection.

  3. Watch for gas discomfort after you travel to another area. If you came back from an area known to have a worm problem and suddenly felt very uncomfortable gas, you may have a worm infection. Flatulence can be accompanied by abdominal pain.
    • If you have just returned from a foreign country and have diarrhea and have taken medication for diarrhea, watch for gas. Constant bloating after taking diarrhea medicine is sometimes an indication that you have a worm infection.

  4. Note that helminths can make you feel like you're never full or you never feel hungry. Worms can cause extreme hunger as soon as you have finished eating, or too full when you have not eaten.
    • This is because the worms have taken over the food you eat, making you hungry, but they can also cause bloating, making you feel full.
  5. Watch for exhaustion or chronic fatigue. Worms take all nutrients from the food you eat, causing hunger. At the same time, malnutrition leads to a drop in energy levels, leaving you easily exhausted. This can cause you to:
    • There is a constant feeling of fatigue.
    • Fatigue after using even a little strength.
    • Just want to sleep without wanting to do anything.
  6. Note that some people have no symptoms. The effects of helminths can vary from person to person. You should see your doctor when you return from an area with a worms problem. Careless rule, especially for parasitic worms in the body. advertisement

Method 2 of 6: Recognize the signs of a tapeworm infection

  1. Check the stool for tapeworms. If you have a tapeworm infection, you may be able to see it in the toilet after having a bowel movement or in your underwear. If you find tapeworm burns in such areas, contact your doctor immediately. The tapeworm is shaped like:
    • a small piece of jackfruit fiber
    • Ivory white
  2. Observe if your eyes and skin are pale. If you are worried that you have a tapeworm infection, look in the mirror to see your eyes and skin. Tapeworms can cause iron deficiency because they suck blood, causing you to lose blood. As the amount of blood decreases, you will notice a pale skin and eye color.
    • Tapeworms cause blood loss, so you can also get anemia. Signs of anemia include: abnormally fast heartbeat, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.
  3. Watch for abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting. Tapeworms can clog the outlets and tubes in the intestine and intestinal wall. When your intestines are blocked, you may experience abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
    • Abdominal pain usually occurs around the navel.
  4. Watch for diarrhea. Tapeworms can penetrate and inflame the intestinal mucosa, thereby stimulating the intestinal lining to secrete fluid. When the secretions are too much, the body will find it difficult to absorb the excess fluid, leading to diarrhea.
  5. Note the phenomenon of dizziness. This symptom is very rare, and generally only occurs in people infected with a fish tapeworm. Fish tapeworms take away a large amount of vitamin B12 from the body and can cause a condition called giant red blood cell anemia. A low red blood cell density in the color can cause:
    • Dizziness.
    • Lost memory.
    • Dementia.

Method 3 of 6: Recognize the signs of pinworm infection

  1. Watch for itching and irritation. Pinworms can cause skin irritation because they secrete toxins into the blood of an infected person. The toxins that build up in the skin cause itchiness, which may resemble eczema.
    • The itch can be worse at night because the worms often lay eggs at night.
    • The itch may occur more often in the anus, as this is where the pinworms usually lay eggs.
  2. Consider sleeping problems or mood swings. You may find it harder to fall asleep or wake up at night more than usual. This can be an indication that you have a pinworm infection, as pinworm eggs can secrete toxins into the bloodstream. When this happens, toxins can enter the brain and disrupt normal brain function.
    • This can also lead to mood swings, such as suddenly feeling stressed out when you are having a good time earlier.
  3. Pay attention to soreness in the muscles and joints. As well as itching and difficulty sleeping, the toxins released from pinworm eggs can travel to muscles and joints. This condition can cause:
    • Muscle and joint inflammation.
    • Dull pain or pain.
  4. Note if you start to grind your teeth while you sleep. If you suddenly clench your teeth in your sleep, which has never happened before, you may have a pinworm infection. The toxins released by pinworms can stimulate stress causing you to grind your teeth at night. Signs that you are grinding your teeth while sleeping include:
    • Flatter or worn teeth.
    • Teeth are more sensitive.
    • Jaw pain.
    • There is a feeling of fatigue in the jaw.
    • Ear pain or headache.
    • Tooth markings on the tongue and inside the cheeks.
  5. Seek medical attention if you have ever had seizures or are concerned about having seizures. In severe cases, pinworm toxins can actually lead to seizures. This poison can cause brain disorders and convulsions. Symptoms include:
    • Jerky movements in arms, legs, or other parts of the body.
    • Feeling dull or lightheaded.
    • Have a bowel movement out of control.
    • Confusion of unknown cause or memory loss.

Method 4 of 6: Recognize signs of hookworm infection

  1. Notice if your skin suddenly itches and develops a rash. If you have a pinworm infection, the first symptom you will notice is a more itchy sensation on the skin. The itch begins when the hookworm larvae enter the skin. You may also notice red and swollen skin in the most itchy areas. This is because the pinworm larvae are entering the skin.
    • Hookworms often cause itching in the hands and feet.
  2. Watch for nausea and diarrhea. When hookworms enter the intestines, they can irritate the intestines, leading to nausea and diarrhea. Hookworms can also secrete toxins and disrupt the digestive system. Nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting.
    • Watch for blood in the stool. Blood can be red or black.
  3. Note the cramps. Hookworms can cause colitis. They can also irritate the intestinal lining, including the colon, caecum and rectum. When this happens, you may experience abdominal cramps.
  4. Pay attention if you have a sudden iron deficiency. This symptom only occurs in severe hookworm infections. Hookworms absorb blood directly from the host, leading to iron deficiency in the host. Signs of iron deficiency include:
    • Extremely tired and weak.
    • Pale skin and eyes.
    • Chest pain and headache.
    • Rapidly breath.

Method 5 of 6: Recognize the signs of a whipworm infection

  1. Note if you have a constant need to have a bowel movement. This evidence is called burning mot. The body's immune system is fighting off organisms like worms and can cause intestinal inflammation. Inflammation of the bowel-stomach condition makes it harder for you to have a bowel movement than usual, leading to a burning sensation, the feeling of wanting to have a bowel, even though the intestines are empty. This can lead to:
    • Squeeze when having a bowel movement
    • Pain in the rectum.
    • Cramp.
  2. Watch for signs of a whipworm clogging the gut. Whipworms can block or damage the intestinal wall and lumen. When the bowel is blocked, symptoms can include:
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Nausea.
    • Vomit.
  3. Watch for severe diarrhea and dehydration. Whipworms often plug their head into the intestinal wall, leading to increased fluid secretion and / or decreased absorption of fluid in the colon. When the colon begins to increase secretion, it becomes difficult for the body to re-absorb the fluids, which can lead to:
    • Diarrhea.
    • Dehydrated or always feeling thirsty.
    • Electrolyte and nutrient imbalance.
  4. Seek medical attention if you experience rectal prolapse. When infected with whipworms, the rectum loses its internal support because the worms plug their head into the intestinal lining. This can weaken the muscles surrounding the intestine, leading to rectal prolapse. This happens when:
    • The last part of the colon, located just inside the anal canal is flipped left and may protrude from the body.

Method 6 of 6: Recognize signs of ringworm infection

  1. Watch for severe abdominal pain. Roundworms can clog the intestines because they are usually large in size, and in some cases can grow to the size of a pencil. When the intestines are blocked, you can experience severe abdominal pain. You can feel:
    • Pain in the stomach is like a cramp and does not seem to go away.
  2. Notice if you begin to feel itchy around the anus. Roundworms can lay eggs, and their eggs can release toxins into your body and cause itching in the anus.
    • The itch can increase at night because the worms often lay eggs at night while you are sleeping.
  3. Seek medical attention if you see worms when you blow your nose or have a bowel movement. When roundworms reproduce, they can begin to leave one host in search of another. Roundworms can escape through many different ways and often through:
    • Mouth.
    • Nose.
    • Anus.


  • People with mild whipworms usually have no symptoms.


  • If you think you have worms, see your doctor right away for treatment.