How to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies
Video: How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies


  • Cover the concealer with transparent powder. Transparent powder coating is the finishing touch to stabilize concealer, foundation and other makeup. Use a triangular make-up foam to spread the powder over the skin under the eyes and spread evenly.
  • Use a dark eyeliner. Dark colored eyeliner will fade dark circles as it makes your eyes sparkle and vivid. Use a brown eyeliner to line the upper and lower eyelids. Draw a third on the outside of the upper eyelid with the dark blue eyeliner.

  • Apply waterproof mascara. Use waterproof mascara to make sure it doesn't get under your eyes (which makes dark circles even darker). Use a dark colored mascara brushed twice over the upper lashes.
  • Use a makeup pen to create blocks. The volume-forming pen brings radiance to your skin and makes you feel more fresh. You can use a volume pen to fade dark circles under the eyes. Use a volume pen to gently sweep the skin. Use your fingertips to blend evenly, blend into makeup. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 5: Use natural remedies

    1. Apply a cold compress. The cold will constrict the blood vessels underneath the eyes, which can contribute to swelling and dark circles. You can either use a washcloth soaked in ice water or use a spoon in the freezer. Lie down, close your eyes, and place a cold object over your eye for about 15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a day to reduce dark circles.

    2. Try a cucumber. Cucumbers have a number of healing properties, including a healing and healing effect on the skin. Place a cucumber in the refrigerator until it's cold, then cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Lie back with your head back and cover each eye a slice of cucumber. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
      • Or you can use cucumber juice. Use a cotton ball to soak cucumber juice and apply it to your eyes.
    3. Apply mint leaves. Crush the mint leaves into a paste. Add in the juice of half a lemon. Apply this mixture to the skin under the eyes. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat twice a day.
    4. Use green tea bags. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can make up for the lack of antioxidants in the body that contribute to dark circles. Soak two tea bags in hot water for 5 minutes. Take out the tea bag and put it in the freezer. Take out when the tea bag is really cold. Lie down and place tea bags over your eyes. Let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and blot dry.
    5. Use a nasal wash. A nasal lavage is a small teapot-like device used to wash your sinuses with salt water. Fill the jar with distilled water and table salt or sea salt (do not use iodized salt). Use ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt for every 480 ml of water. Tilt your head to the side and pour water into one nostril. Let the water run through the other nostril.
      • Follow the instructions on the package.
    6. Use natural remedies. There are a number of therapies and recipes that use natural ingredients. Go online to find treatments for dark circles. Some of the ingredients include:
      • Chamomile chamomile
      • Almond oil
      • Arnica tree
      • Rose water
      • Avocado

    Method 3 of 5: Lifestyle changes

    1. Get enough sleep. One of the possible causes of dark circles is lack of sleep. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to fade dark circles and improve your overall health.
      • Try sleeping in different positions. If you lie on your side or on your stomach while you sleep, the impact of gravity can put fluid under your eyes and contribute to dark circles. Try sleeping on your back. If you often roll over when you sleep, you can try a pillow block to stabilize your posture.
      • Use extra pillows while sleeping to prevent fluids from accumulating under the eyes.
    2. Monitor for allergies. Allergies to seasonal irritants (like pollen), dust, pet flakes and other factors can cause your eyes to become puffy and darken under the eyes. Take an anti-allergy medication to control allergy symptoms. Or you can limit your exposure to allergens that could cause problems.
      • Dark circles under the eyes are a common symptom of food allergies or hypersensitivity. Common allergenic foods include wheat, soybeans, egg whites, peanuts, sugar, and more. Eliminate foods you suspect may be sensitive to from your diet.
    3. Eat nutritious and vitamin rich foods. One of the causes of dark circles is a deficiency of vitamins, such as lack of calcium, iron, vitamins A, E, B12 and antioxidants. You should eat more green leafy vegetables and foods rich in these vitamins. Reduce your salt intake.
    4. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol makes skin dry and thin, so cutting down on alcohol can help improve eye swelling and dark circles.
    5. Avoid smoking. Smoking causes collagen structure to weaken, premature wrinkles and thinning of the skin, leading to more prominent under-eye circles. You should avoid smoking and smoking areas.
    6. Apply sunscreen. Sunscreen can help prevent new appearance of dark circles and help prevent existing ones from darkening. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outdoors, and reapply every two hours when you are outdoors.
      • You should also wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun to avoid squinting and help protect your eyes.

    Method 4 of 5: Use lotion

    1. Apply retinol to the skin. Retinol promotes collagen production, tightens the skin under the eyes, thereby blurring dark circles. Retinol creams can be found in pharmacies for around 200,000, although more premium ones can cost more than 1 million. Apply the cream daily in the morning and at night. Dab the cream above and below the eyes, then apply to absorb the skin.
      • Retinol is not an emergency treatment. Experts say it can take 12 weeks to see tangible results.
    2. Ask your dermatologist about prescription creams. Prescription creams containing vitamin A and retinoic acid can temporarily decrease blood circulation and thicken the skin under the eyes to fade dark circles.
    3. Use a skin lightening cream. Use a cream with lightening ingredients like soybeans or citrus fruits. When used regularly, these lotions can lighten dark circles and even treat dark spots on the skin.
      • Stay away from lotions that contain the chemical lightening hydroquinone, as it's too strong for the sensitive skin around the eyes.
      • Skin lightening creams also take time to be effective, usually taking up to 6 weeks.

    Method 5 of 5: Try skin treatment tips

    1. Try laser therapy. Laser therapy targets fat deposits under the eyes, destroying fat and smoothing the skin. Darkness on the skin will also be reduced. Usually this is done by a dermatologist.
    2. Try mild chemical peels. Exfoliation is usually done by a dermatologist, in which chemicals are applied to the skin to treat the skin. Chemical peels peel off the outermost layer of skin, exposing the healthier underlying skin. A mild chemical peeling agent glycolic or AHA is often recommended, as the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive.
    3. Ask your doctor about Intense Pulse Treatment. This therapy uses high-energy light waves to treat the skin under the eyes, break the fat accumulation under the eyes and smooth the skin.
      • Although effective, it is also very expensive and time consuming. You may need to schedule several sessions to get the results you want.
    4. Ask about surgical methods. Surgery is the last resort, and certainly not a quick treatment. Performed by a surgeon, this therapy removes fat that has accumulated under the eyes. As a result, the skin will be smoother than the darker color on the skin and also fade.
      • Swelling and bruising may occur after surgery, lasting up to a week.


    • Age and genetics are the two main culprits behind dark circles under the eyes. If you have tried many different methods that have not worked, you may not be able to get rid of dark circles. However, you can try to minimize swelling and darkening around the eyes.


    • The skin just below the eyes is very sensitive. Be sure to test the skin on the back of your hand before using any eye cosmetics.