Smile more often

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Smile Better And Smile More Often Because A Smile Goes A Long Way
Video: How To Smile Better And Smile More Often Because A Smile Goes A Long Way


Smiling has many benefits - it makes you appear friendly and accessible, you look more attractive, and you feel happier and less stressed. Some people smile easily but others have a naturally more serious expression on their face or are uncomfortable smiling. If you're one of those people and would like to learn how to smile more, you've come to the right place. This article will give you some handy tips and tricks that will make you smile big in no time!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Training yourself to smile more

  1. Practice in front of the mirror. If you want to get really good at something, you have to practice, right? That is no different when it comes to smiling. If you're not the kind of person who smiles a lot by nature, then you need to get used to how smiling feels and learn how to repeat that feeling in a more natural way. Practice smiling when you are alone; in the bathroom, in bed or in your car. That way you feel less shy.
    • Try to look in the mirror and smile at yourself every morning. Concentrate on making your smile look natural and let your eyes participate too. You won't convince anyone if the corners of your mouth curl up just a little.
    • Find a smile that you like and try to remember how your face feels when you smile that way. That way you can smile exactly that way in everyday situations.
  2. Think of a happy event or someone you love. It's no secret that when you're happy you start to smile so why not take advantage of that? If you find yourself in a situation where you know you need to smile and you want it to look natural, take a moment to recall a happy memory or the face of a person you love .
    • These positive mental images will automatically lift your mood and help you smile more naturally. So the bottom line is that you have to have positive thoughts!
  3. Observe people who smile a lot. Everyone knows at least one person for whom smiling is the easiest and most natural thing in the world. Someone who smiles quickly at everything and everyone. Chances are, this person is popular and known for being approachable and reliable. That's the power of a good smile. Take the time to talk to this person one on one in a social setting and watch how and when the other person smiles.
    • Remember how often the other person smiles and what things he or she smiles at. Does the person smile when you say something funny? Or even when you don't? Is the other person smiling to be polite or just because he seems to be really happy?
    • Now that you have seen how someone who smiles easily behaves during normal conversations, you will feel more confident to adopt similar behaviors and smile more in your daily conversations.
  4. Ask someone to help you. In situations like these, it can help you to have someone who is willing to support you in reaching your goal of smiling more often. This could be a loved one, your best friend, or a work buddy - it doesn't matter who; as long as it's someone you can rely on and who has a good sense of humor. All he or she has to do is give you a gentle nudge in situations where you forget to smile. That nudge is your indication that you need to smile radiantly.
    • You could even come up with a simple signal such as a hint or a subtle hand gesture so that you can still communicate even though you are both on the opposite side of a crowded space.
    • Many people who don't smile much get annoyed when someone says something like "smile!" or "cheer up!" However, if you're asking a friend to help you remember when to smile, it's important that you don't get angry with them when they do. Don't forget - you asked for it yourself!
  5. Choose an item or something else that will make you smile. When you see or hear this, it will remind you to smile, much like the friend from the previous step. It could be a particular word or commonly used or an expression such as "please" or "thank you." It could also be a post-it that you pasted on your computer screen, the sound of a telephone ringing or someone smiling.
    • Once you have chosen something, you have to make a conscious effort to laugh every time you come across or hear it. Maybe this seems silly; however, it will help you to be able to smile joke command and make it a habit. This helps in social and business situations.
    • Another great idea is to draw a small, smiling face where you will often see it, such as on the back of your hand. Do this every day and don't forget to smile when you look at it, wherever you are and whoever is with you.
  6. Smile at a stranger. You've probably heard it said that smiling is contagious and that when you smile at someone he or she can do nothing but smile back. Put that theory to the test and make the effort to smile at a totally unknown person at least once a day - be it someone on the street, at work, or at school, or someone standing next to you at the traffic light. Imagine that kind gesture triggers a chain reaction that will send your smile around the world. Quite a good feeling, isn't it?
    • In reality, some people will think you are weird and not smile back ....but don't let that stop you! Try to think of your smile as a good deed or a kind gesture that can brighten someone's day.
    • However, when the other person smiles back (most people will) you will share a special moment with them, a fleeting connection with another human that will make you happily continue your way.
  7. Keep a smile diary. For two or three weeks, set aside a few minutes at the end of each day to briefly describe each time you smiled and why. Over time, you may notice a pattern and begin to recognize the interactions and situations that really put a genuine smile on your face.
    • Maybe you've seen a sweet squirrel jump over a tree branch or taken the time to call an old friend. Once you recognize the things that make you smile, you can make a conscious effort to seek out these things in your daily life.
    • Another great reason to keep a smile diary is that you can flip back through it when you are feeling down and remind yourself of the different situations in which you felt genuinely happy. This should cheer you up and help you keep smiling.
  8. Move your facial muscles. Loosen your facial muscles by doing exercises that tighten and relax your muscles. This can help you smile more naturally and make it less strange to you. An exercise in which you use the same muscles as when smiling goes like this:
    • Grab a pencil and put it between your lips. Open your mouth and let the pencil roll backwards between your teeth as far as it will go. Bite the pencil to hold it in place and leave the pencil like that for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise once a day.
  9. Pretend until you can actually smile. Smiling more often will no doubt feel strange at first - it will likely feel unnatural and unreal. Don't give up though. Other people won't even notice the difference. The more you do it, the more natural it will look and feel.
    • Smiling is a habit. So if you repeat it often enough, you will start to smile without even thinking about it - which is exactly what you want to achieve in the end.
    • Make the smile look real by smiling not only with your mouth, but also with your eyes. A genuine smile is characterized by the contraction of the muscles around your eyes. That's what you should focus on.

Part 2 of 2: Making yourself happy

  1. Think of all the good things life has to offer. With every negative thought you have, try to remind yourself of the good things in life. Friends, family, chocolate, skydiving, wine, your dog, Netflix - whatever it is that makes you feel good!
  2. Listen to uplifting music. Music has the power to take people to different places, make them think about something other than their problems, improve their mood and give them inner peace. It doesn't matter what music you choose - it could be Beethoven or Britney Spears - as long as it cheer you up and encourages you.
  3. Avoid negative people. Just as smiles and laughter are contagious, so are bad humor and aggression. This is why you should make an effort to avoid people who gossip, cause problems for others, or constantly walk around with a frown on their face and a dark cloud over their heads. Instead, surround yourself with happy, positive people and you will unconsciously start smiling.
  4. Start with a relaxing hobby. The more relaxed you feel, the better the world looks and the easier it is for you to smile. A relaxing hobby gives you the opportunity to take some time for yourself and be at peace with the world without feeling the pressure of having to communicate with others. Consider a hobby like yoga or sailing. Or just take an hour or two to take a relaxing bath.
  5. Do spontaneous things. Life is about adventure and making the most of the opportunities you get. Spice up your life by occasionally doing something spontaneous, like walking in the rain, sketching an object or person that catches your eye, or just calling your friends to go out on the town. You will create wonderful memories, all of which contribute to a happy life.
  6. Do a good deed every day. Taking time every day to do a good deed will help you feel better while helping to make the world a better place. They don't have to be big things - you could donate a small amount to charity, keep the elevator door open for someone else, or pay for the coffee from the person standing behind you in line - anything the day of. makes another a little easier or more beautiful. The smile you get as a sign of appreciation will stay with you all day long.
  7. Take time to smile. It is said that laughter is the best medicine, so get your daily dose by watching a funny video online, reading the comic in the newspaper or spending time with a witty friend. Laughter releases endorphins, which automatically makes you feel happier and therefore laugh faster.
  8. Surround yourself with family and friends. Spending time with the people you love is a great way to improve your overall health and make yourself happier. Sure, they drive you crazy every now and then, but you wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Make time for the people you love, enjoy their company, and appreciate the qualities that make them so special. If you can do that, it will never be a problem for you to find a reason to smile.


  • Maintain good oral hygiene. That way you don't feel insecure and make your smile look great!


  • Smiling can be infectious!